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Publications. Publications f|lßß QAHTESBUBY IM E 8 feidayTapeil 15, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. &DVS&TiS£tfxSTS 1« 2,8, •*. 6, 11, 19, 20. 36.37, 38. 39. 40 .Accipektb 29 Agricultural—•Ptorlcownerß* Mistakes—The Calif >rnuu Thistle" Experimental whcatKrowiug Report on Manila—Periods of Gestation in .Live fctock - Hard Lines— Not£a for Farmers 8.9,10 A’SUBftMxim —Oramatio .Not s—Our Melbourne Let er (by W.Jd.W.) F Gossip— A Vieit to a Popular Loudon Theitre—FugUtth Items .Aq"4l;c Events to Come —Notes »by Jason)... 17 Athlx’iio—> I’eath of a Celebrated Athlete— Auckland Athl-lio Ground Company—Six * Pays’ ' J -ce—Ketiremeni of Ford —An Important fiaoe ••• ••• ••• ••• Austualiaw News ... .. ... IS'.* !!; , :TARfI/AOKc, AffO DEATHS KtttC VlTiXn ... •• -• •• . ••• Chess Cnutorburv r]«e s Club — Butisli Ch“9i i Inb v. ’ t Petersburg Chess Club - Che b in in Berlin—Evans Sam hit Commercial COKRKSPOSDENCB •• • • Coors i>g ■ No es Canterbury Ccuremg Club ... . ••• Cricket—Lancaster Park Jnn'Ors An D-U Cnckcter-Ciioket in Du> odin ... ... C tci.: no— (lyclinc Not os* (by Scratch) Chr.RtchuTch Bicycle Club’s Sports Draughts ... Easter Encampment .. .. ••• . ••• " Poolbali. Football Notes —The ITmou Club in l.hritchuvoh—Football in the Wairau .. 16 General EJ Hib M ajesty’s Jubilee ... ... ... lu .Ladies' Page - A Ladies’ Gui'd Art Studies —Why M-n Love Women—Pans Pnsbb-u ‘and Gossip—Living Statuary—Muff— Shake poro and Slang—Answers to Correspondents 'Late News Laws Tensis Literary Literature—Various Tales Local News ... ... LONDON LEITEB Mining Miscellany Mobcbaux N.Z Kfnhfl Club Odk Own Co-respondents Poetry .Political .Puzzler ~ ... .. ■Science —Scientific Gossip.. Sjitpn .■ 8 .. 'Social Topics—Mrs Meander on the Green eyed Monster Sport is o —Advertisements—Racing Calendar — Answers to Correspondents—Holiday ■•port —The Week's Racing - Interprovincial Gossip—Sporting Notes—the Totalisator Case—The C.J.c. Autumn Nettling-Aus-tralian and 'oreign Racing—Nominations, Weights, and Acceptances ... 11,12,13, I*. 15 Teleokaks -13 17 to The Bulii D sastke ... The Counts *“ Tm El. iToa*B Arm-Chair ... ••• ... —• «» Th* Qauu*s Work for the Week—TTee of npines in Caomses —Ihe Plant Novelties of 18 6 « The Midland Railway X«r* Naturalist ••• 33 The Sketches—'The Chieftamnesa’ —"fine per Coll"—The First Rhiuoiceros—lced Etiquette—Some Costly Shipwrecks Reading (or Everybody ... ... _ ... 32, 33 The Traveller —Inxheßiverina during Shear.ingTime ... ... ® TmrWvis ... ~ 21 Wellington 33 WESiLAND 39 PRICE SIXPENCE nrmt mercantile and banuruptcj I GAZETTE OF NSW ZEALAND,—Established 1876. ONE GUINEA PER TEAR. The above is mailed to subscribers every Bator, day morning, and contains the latest Information obtainable of Bills of Sale, Mortgages of Stock, WqQJ Liens, Agricultural Liens, Bailments, Affl. davffa of Satisfaction, *O., and publishes all matters relating to Bankruptcy, Letters Patent, Ac., op to tlme'ofiseue. SAMPLE COPY SEN I’PEES OK APPLICATION. THE MERCANTILE AND BANKRUPTCY GAZETTE boa now entered its TENTH YEAR of oxici&nce - and, encouraged by its past success, the proprietor begs to assure his numerous subscribers tbrcgighout the Colony that neither labour nor expense will bo spared in sustaining its present deserved reputation ao the most reliable of its kind is Hew Zealand. The half-yearly Index will in future be issued separately, at an extra charge of Five Shillings per ■ onniup. Notts. Subscription with Index, *1 8s per 1 annum s without Index, SI Is, Payable in Advance, Persona desirous of subscribing to the Gazette please send tueir names and addresses to R. T. SLEB, No. 8, Stafford street, Dunedin ; or to GE®A. MAKEIG, No. 2 Chambers, Grain Agency f, Christchurch, agent for Canterbury, Tiro largest oiroulatun qt Home and abroad LONDON JOURNAL " is the Queen of English Story Journals, Its articles, tOCffiSbefl, love stories and novelettes ore unequalled. -The answers to correspondents form quite romances of real life,"—‘‘Tea bast family Journal in existence." —" Times.” T ONDON JOURNAL, Christmas Number. A 1 t series of Stories £Ol Christmas Firesides with a host of Seasonable Articles, Short Tales, Ao. Price 2d. "A complete Christmas Companion."—“Standard." -w- ONDON JOURNAL, Monthly Part, includes, j j in addition to the above varied and entertaining matter, a Sixteen Page Ladies' Supplement of Fashions and Needlework, Coloured Plate of the Latest Paris Modes. “ Of excellent quality, various, ■vigorous, and wholesome in tendency."—“ Daily Telegraph." ONDON JOURNAL. Half-Yearly Volume, bound in cloth. “Forms a beautiful Gift for all Seasons."—” Daily News." £ ONDON JOURNAL, Monthly Supplement tains a complete Novel by an Eminent Beautifully illustrated. Price Id. “ Its tales have more power than the majority of three ▼olnmo novels."—“ Review." ■ TT ON DO I A oont Author- T TBMJNDOK JOURNAL, For intensely interesting B inovels. by the most popular authors, illustrated oythe best artists—Domestic Short Tales—Articles on the leading Events of the Day—Essays on Social, Persona), and General Topics—Household Receipts—Faoetim, Correspondence, Ac.—“ Its illustrations equal those of beat magazines,' “Review." Y ONDON JOURNAL to do had of GORDON 8 J A GOTCH and all Colonial Agents. WKBSTEK'o UNABRIDGED. y» Sheep, Russia, and Turkey Bindings. ' HSTER’S Unabridged Dictionary, new M ~ dition, with supplement. ” • “A Library in Itself." fiat w—it has 118,000 words, 8000 engraV’ Biographical Dictionary, fee Sfcinihrd !n Government Printing Office, 82,000 ” 130 Bohoolß ' 6ale * a 0 ■“•StSdfe make A W ily J^ ffant * Best i are found in any other America./ 1 extant Ibis the best practical English °tionary extant -—“Quarterly Review," London. , It has nil along kept a leading place, m. •j „ d -Edition brings it fairly np to date.— *•. 0U<l0I! "Timas," Jane, 1882. No school in the Dominion, nc teacher, and - , reader of the language, can afford to be without >6his monumental work. —“Canada Educational : Journal." It has come to be recognised as the most ueeia existing ** word book "of the English language, ol war the world* -“N, T. Tribune/* 1881. G.&C.IIEBKIAM & CO., Publishers, Bnrjntrfield. Mass*. TJ.S.A A DAMS AND OO Patentees, Oun, Ride, and Revolver Manufacturers 9, Finsbury Place south, London, E.C(Opposite Moorgate street station), 'Warehouse on first and second floors. Loaded cartridges, 1878. 'hllej’a jjßses, iiin or central fire, loaded by our delves with best powder, grease-proof, thick fel and cloth wads. ~,, ~ .. 12 gauge, with 3 or 8i drs and 1, If, or Ifoz shot. 16 gauge, with 2} drß and Xoz shot. Prices for 12 or 16 gauge: Green, 11s 6d; blue, lOt 9d; “E. 8." brown, 9s 9d, Sohultze’s wood powder, in best oases only, any charges up to 3f dracbms, Black powder, 2,18, 18 gauge, 12s per 100. Stout packing oases, for transit by rail or sea, free of charge. Hammerless, _ A, and Co. invite special attention to an entire Ij new patent hammerless central-fire gun, which, fof ■aimplicity and strength, far surpasses anything yet Pi Prico for best Iquality, including choke boring patent snap fore-end fastener, and idoublo boltee piston, £2l, Second quality ... *ls Centre-fire double guns. Best quality and finish, price *l6 as usual Special notice. A and Co. beg to inform those who are desirone of obtaining a gun combining the latest improvements with really good sound material and work, munshiD. that we have just perfected what is un. doubtedly by far the cheapest gnu ,in the trade. Ere double-barrel gun, double grip notion (12 bore only), rebound half-cooking looks, patent snap fore-end, choke-bore Damnacui parrels 9 J. Oases and fittings complete ... ... 06 0 Every grm gaaronteda. Express double and single barrel rifle, v *577 and '6OO bores, i Our Improved Martini-Zeller rifles (380 bora) I rabbit and small deer shooting. Regulated 100yds. Price *3. Terms cash with order. Illustrated price lists free by post STEADY PROGRESS, JUDIOIOUb IMPROVEMENTS AND RAPID INCREASE OF CIRCULATION Ara the Distinguishing characteristics OK i jChb Canterbury Grimes.' Which is acknowledged to be unquestionably the MOST ENTERTAINING AND INSTRUCTIVE JOURNAL a HEW ZEALAND, While at the same time it has a tiir LARGER COLONIAL CIRCULATION Than any other Weekly Paper published in the Colony. One of the most striking features in modern ournaiisxn is the attention devoted to FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE n which the Proprietors of the " Canterbury Times " have displayed marked enterprise. High class correspondents have been appointed in England and Ausybaiia, ana their ethers being written with special reward to the requirements of New Zealand oefiaaea a value much superior to the wretocea extract matter which constitutes Iffia foreign news in the otheriw.akly papers of this Colony, Ataictntu, Racing, Thx Dbana, Tub Lapins’ Column, and GBBNNAh Nirwa, haa oa*m its special foreign correspondent. Articles may therefore be relied upon for Sound Pb von cal Adviob, While the quality of the selected matter is also vasnred. These are invaluable considerations To Faannbs and Hobtioultublbts, whether they be old Colonists or now arrivals SPORTING made a leading feature in the *• Canterbury Times," every branch of English pastime being represented in its columns. In no other Now Iceland journal do BAOIHCI BKOOTINO A <)U ATI 08 AXHLBIIOB BILL LANDS OBIOKIT rOOTBALI OOUBSIBS THN ZBNNBL iLooeive so rauoh attention as in the " Cantot barj Times," which has fairly earned for Itsoif too dtlo of Tsb Hsw Zbaland Bell’s Lira, jompetent writers are kept for each brunch or Colonial Sport, and the collated items of ucm sover the whole range of Hnslibh, Am an to an. and Austbalian Spobtinq As reported in the leading Journals of the day, THEATRICAL AFFAIRS Are treated In a similarly comprehensive manner. The movements of prominent members of the theatrical profession in all parts of the civuLied (rorid are faithfully recorded, the other features if this deportment being early notices of now y’.vys and entertaining anecdotes of the stage, FAMILY MAGAZINE Che Canterbury Times ” oommvnds special at,ten. non, A mote varied and useful publication in this rospaot oonnot be desired. Both the origins! dud o-Dated matter is of the highest ctandard o( excallenoa. Tub Ladibs* Dnpantnbnt gay be railed upon for the latest nave respectirg 'unions, sound information npon all points c| rtiquette, “Useful Hints" npon all houuchoid iftairs, and medical advice, which will frequent) y ?end tha sarviooa of a doctor unnecessary. Th ift Department also oontalne’ cmecial articles oy “ Mrs Meander,” a local writer of great ability so all fa mi nine affairs. ruder the head Ten Tbavbllnb Are published highly Interesting accounts of iravels in vasuous countries, and mstruotii e lesorii dons of the peculiar oust-ms of ,te ilrUiaed and unoirilised nations of the world. Thb Skbtobnb m one of the most Entertaining Departments of the Paper. Character Sketches of prominent Public il-in. ouocdotal and humorous articles are its 'wading fuatores, Thb NATckAtifiT Jjlumn It the medium for conveying Scientific Ih» iurmation regarding the animal and getahlo xlngdom, togettier with stories of animals, which lave a peculiar attraction for the young. Thb Editoe’s Abhohah the beading under which Humorous Extracts rom tbe wittmst American and English Journals i published, LITIAATUBg,- Ant, and Soihnon fisch have a separate depjitment, in which are published the latest particulars respecting new pooka and pictures, and the more important pnantido discoveries of the day. Pobtst and Talba Are published on a most liberal scale, and in such variety is lo suit all tastes. The “Canterbury rimes ” has long possessed a high reputation for the serial and other tales published in its columns. GENERAL NEWSPAPER, The “Gipterbnry Times" cannot be excelled. Its oeoial London Correspondence extensive and Aiy written. The telegraphic and other saws is most oujMfuUy compiled, and meets all the require* aaufca o! the reader. Bognrdedlln the light of an ADVERTISING MEDIUM, The “ Canterbury Times" deserves the support of t careful business men. During the past five years its CIRCULATION HAS ENORMOUSLY INCREASED, And is cow far beyond that of any other Weekly Taper, whether regarded from a LOCAL OR COLONIAL point of view. In proof of thin, an inspection o aoor-ij is offered andlinvited. Tha man Who hesitates to advertisers lost. Beai Ib in mind and send your orders to THE “ CANTERBURYi^TIMES,* Pouhbhbd Evbet Friday, PRICE—SIXPENCE. NOW PUBLISHED. The Southern Provinces A L MAN AC, DIRECTORY, YEAR BOOK. ASD DIA E Y for 188 7 , BEING THB THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. naiHE SOUTHERN PROVINCES ALMANAC X Foil 1887 Contains a Corefully-execnled MAP Of the Southern Portion of the South Island, Showing the Railway System between CHRISTCHURCH AND THB BLUFF. TUB SOUTHERN PROVINCES ALMANAC is A YEARLY ENCYCLOPAEDIA For Merchants, Traders, and the General Public. In every Department it has been most carefully Revise!, and (where possible) Improved. This issne contains A COMPLETE GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY A Largo Number of New Features have been introduced, and all the Statistical Information has been brought down to the day of publication. The Directory Matter has been constructed npon a Now Plan, so as to ensure easy reference. The Garden Calendar has been carefully revised, and is admitted to bo tho Best.Gardeuing Guide published in the Colony. CONTENTS: AOIUCCLTnEAL STATISTICS ALFBABBTICAL lIS OKI TO ADVXBXISBMBNTB Bbnbvolknt Societies— Foresters Oddfellows Druids Rechabites (Salford Unity) Hibernians. It- sonic Orange Boboush Councils Cab Fares Calendar Cartage Bates Census Bbtdbnb Christchurch City Council County CouncjLß Coubt Fees District Coart Magistrates' Coart Crown Grants Customs Death 801 l fob the Year Diart and Memoranda or Reference District Court Fees Directory —Trades, Societies, Ac. Eclipses Educational Bfbembbis Festivals, Fixed and Movable Fire alarm Signals Garden Calendar Government Directory General Local Government Domain Housewife’s Table Immigration (Nominated) Industrial Association Juries Act, 1880 Justices of the Peace Land Transfer Act, 1685 Lyttelton Description Watermen's Begnlationa Tariff of Charges Licensed Porters Time Ball Imports, Exports and other Statistics Directory Harbour Board Societies Magistrates’ Courts Fees Eooovory of Debt Mercantile Charges Municipalities— Christchurch Museum (Canterbury) Parliamentary Pension i ist of N.Z. Phenomena for the Yeak Postal Probate and Administration Progress of tee Colony Publicans' Licenses Railway— Fares, Passenger Luggage Parcels Horses, Ac. Statistics Coal Traffic Recovery of Debt is B.M. Court Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths Registration of Deeds Religious Road Uoabds Salaries to Peers and Peers’ Sons Slaughter-House Licenses Stamp Duties Summary of Events Supreme Court Telegrams— Bates List of Stations Telephone Exchange Temperance Societies Good Templars Gpns of Temperance Tihabu— Description Imports and Exports Directory Town Boards Tramway Company Vaccination Village Special Settlements Wrecked Steamers and Missing Vessels Copies can be obtained from ALL BOOKSELLERS AND COUNTRY AGENTS N OF thb “ LYTTELTON TIMES" AND ’CANTERBURY TIMES.") SECOND EDITION OF BADGER’S EW ZEALAND STATUTES In Two Volumes (from 1842 to 1884 inclusive). NOW REDUCED IN PRICE TO £1 ss,5 s , Or, Bound in Half-calf Gold-lottored, with Name of Purchaser Stamped on Each Volume, £2 2 s As only a very limited number of tho Second Edition of this valuable work remains unsold, Intending purchasers are advised to send in their orders as early as possible. Statutes in Blue Paper Covers ... i£l 5a „ Cloth *1 10s Half-calf, Lettered, &o, *2 2s 'hen ordering please state .which binding to required, jreons wishing to secure this valnab work, • published at a price which is within the roach veryone, should send in their orders early to IMP SO N A W 1 L L IA M S ES AND PH BOOKSELLERS PUBLISHERS NOW PUBLISHED, OCA.L GOVERNMENT GUIDE I AND RATEPAYERS' MANUAL, BY WILFRED BADGER, Solicitor, or use of City Corporations, County Councils, With Comprehensive and Exhaustive Alphabetical and General Indices. Index to Forms, Time Tables, &c. in Blue Book Covers 10/Plain Cloth Covers 12/-Half-Calf and Lettered ... 14/9 Subscribers are requested to state how they’ wish to have their Copies forwarded, and to remit to THB MANAGER, "Lyttelton Times” Office, Christchurch,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8146, 18 April 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8146, 18 April 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8146, 18 April 1887, Page 3


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