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Tho ufuat monthly meeting of the Aih« burton County Council wat held ia the Chamber* yeit*rday } preient—Meiwr* W. 0. Walker (Chairman), Julian Jaelcioa, Thomas Taylor, (Shomaa Bullock, John Lambie, Andrew Jiaofarkae, and H. T. Winter. OHAIRMAV'S 9TATEMSWT. The. Chairman hii u*nal introductory •tatement, roforring to what had been dono m th« matter of wceiriue the Governor on tho oocaiion of Hi* Bxcellcnoy'e weentviiit. Bo furthtr stated that. Goveramont informed the OonnoU that the Government Engineer recommended plutse No. 2 for Dobbin'* Ford bridge, estimated to co»t £20,540, and tho application had beoa approved of to tho eitont otthreo-eigbtbs of tho samct, or £11,410, whioh would bo available when tho require* menu of the Act had been met. The Chair* man laid ho had procured the plant from Government, The Amuri County Council had a»ked the Aihburton County to allow the Engineer (Mr Saxter) to pay tho Atuuri a firing visit, and give thorn hU opinion aa to the featibility cf lapping the Biter Waiau for irrigation parpoiee. Over 15300 of the County's rates had already been paid to the Council's credit.

XKOXSBB&'S BBPOET, Kse Xngineer's report was read a« follows j—*'l bare taken advantage of the temporary cessation of eontraat work during harvest to make a personal Inspection of u\c«t of tho races now in operation. "Ashbarton Baajtitata Water Supply.— Generally speaking, the races in this system aro ia » fairly efficient state, and if owners give proper attention now to the maintenance through their respective holdings, and maintaio the capacity and even flow in the channel* by cleaning oat ecdimenfc as its collects, ■ the supply for this district should bo i kept up at small exponas. It iiapparent that i the minimum supply from Limestone Creek in not more than sufiicieai to serve the race ' which has been made ia connection with it, and in order to give a constant supply to Mr Twentyman, Mr Doyle, and other*, on upper section* of T race, it will be necessary to that off the teeond line, 11, passing through Mr Morrow's property, except at such time* as the tupply in Hinds Gorge it sufficient for both the main line and this. r l"h e lower portion of T line must be supplied from B race, which is fed from South Asuburton river. It would lead off from near the lover end of rural section 29762, and Mr Whitelaw is prepared to pay the cost of this so far as it pastes through bis property. When ths main race from South Aahburtoa river was beiog nmde, the Hon W. 8. Feter | contemplated appljitsg for psrraission to toko water from the main by a small loop about a mile an?i a half in length to pass through i rural section 24227 towards bis homestead at

rural section 26029 and connect again with main Instead of this ho now proposes taking this email supply direct from the Hicda x'mer at his own cost, bat he do»:res mo further to bring before tbe Council's notice the question of an additional supply for a block of conßsderable sizs in the fork* of the Hinds, represented by rural section 18299. ke. For this purpose the North Hiuds would require to re flumed i and, with tho Council'* authority, I shall examine into these question* in detail on tho ground, and ascertain exactly the extent of his proposals, and the probable coat of tho work. I Intend thii week staking out the WiUowby extension race, as the settlors th«e tire now anxious to have the amount of their respective contribution* determined and the work put in hand as early a» posuble. I shall call tenders for next meeting of Council as requested. JN'eit week I hope to stake out the remainder of P 8 race aad also tho authorised braaoh in Ealing district. 11 Mount Homers and Bueoleueh Water Sapply,—The races in this district are working efficiently, but considerable attention has been necessary during the recent freshets in keeping tho head works clear of shingle. Tenders will also be called for next meeting for the race along ba*e of Aiford Forest for Messrs Olsen, Jollie, Smith, By mo, &o. With reference lo Mr Herring's letter, you will observe that he is prepared to undertake the liability due by the Aiford station property for tho proposed water supply in that locality, and I will conclude arrangements as early as possible with the view of boring that work started in a few weeks.

"Auxiliary Chaaarl, Lagmohr,—l have prepared an approximate estimate of cott, to include tho distribution scheme in the Wheatstone district, and will now endeavour to arrange with the various settlers along the route as to details, the defraying of cott, &o. " Ashburton-Bakitia Plains Water Supply. —Tho numerous freshet* during the month at Fuddiog Hill hare necessitated more frequent flushing out of the dam than usual, but so far no damage has resulted from the travelling ahingle. The auxiliary channel from North Asbbu'ton rirer to Methven continues to act satisfactorily. Taking tbe distribution races in their order from Athburton river northwards, the F line, from ite upper end at auxiliary channel to the railway line in the vicinity of the racecourse, is well supplied I throughout, but from this point downwards j there are several defective places ia Mr Fhelan's nnfinitbod contract, especially in rural section 28472 tnd'rtirai section 22208, in which latter the euppiy terminates at present, I tbe eont*s*tor to return fram liar vest work fa a few days, when these defects will b» remedied, and the water led along tbe entire length to the terminal point of the race at lower tM of rural section 23803, The A race, on Fairfield Una, is running throughout. The B 8 lint baa had for tbo most part a continuous stream, subject to some interruption on tbe Lauriston rood for a day or two, on account of the contractor not having got in the ford before harvest. This also remains to be put in by Mr Fhelan, Tbe water in Bl line has barely reached its present terminus during the month, but a* soon as tbe road erosoiag between rural i section 1 27350 and 27322, and some other small improremont* are executed, there will be a anpply sufficient to provide for the extension now being oommenead through Mr Xlenshiro'e and adjoining properties. I bave arranged with owner* at tbe lower end of this extension as to the details «f that portion of tbe route which was left in abeyance before The B race (passing Dromore) with its forks continues to give a satisfactory supply throughout. The C race, or teat channel, curies down an ample supply of water for all tbe requirement* as far aa tht junction of roads near Dundas, which wat for a considerable period the terminal point of the race. Here the owner* themselves made temporary provision for extending tht not right and left through their respective

pfoparties, tad put lit a culvert which, betides being swifter small, Is not on tbe beat site for efficiency. The arrangtfißtnt* t:tlsting th«n at thit point were to fif taken advening* «i when tht Council took up tbe qnttUon of ] further extensions, but tome improveUMtntf ! art iMccssary there for tht better regulation ! of tht supply, and X bag to a*k tht OetinoU't! authority for getting these done. With refer- j enceto tht branch Cl, running along the tower tide of the road through Mr Bule's property, tome obstructions have been ttanttd 1 through silting up and trampling by stock, and tome temporary stoppage alto through imperfect field crossing, bat Mr But* hat agreed to put these matters wholly to fights ] now, aad also to take out any tmall grips in the race which may tend to permanent improvement. Mr Brick hat alto a small piece to put right on reserve 81@S. 08 race, from j Lyndhurst to Dundae, it running from the upper end to Mr Griffin's, rural Motion 246 W, | where it ie advancing very slowly, and hat hitherto been very intermittent for torn* dit-, tanee at the lower end. It it now improving slightly, however, and should toon reaoh its i termination, 1)1)1,1)3 and D 8 ate each giv ; ing& good tmicu throughout. The tame may \ now be said of KK4 and 16. The results of li are not yet to satisfactory, and this, X find, arises from a variety of causes-vit,, the blocking up of tht raoa In Mr CojiUsr't reserve 1118 by drift from the adjoining sandhills daring nor'-wester*, the tilting up and overgrowth of gram, weedt, kc, in the portion of race lower down, and latlierly tht destruction of a portion of tht race by tht trampling of Mr Hartneif a hornet, and tbo blocking up of the raoe for temporary crotting to field in rural flection 16842. Tbe most neglected portion of tbe rase I any* where found wat on m on Mr Storry't land, being part of rural section 16850, and on the northwest tide of 16865. The dibrit there teemed to have been acoumulating for weekt, canting the deposition of tilt, and consequent overflow in every direction, with the result that about two-thirds of tho supply wat running to watte over that abort section of tht»raoe. No provision it made on these sections for aoooit in the shape of small gateways, and the remark applies to several other properties besidei. It it sot surprising to And that these retj pianos are generally the least efficiently maintained portions of the race. The cutting of tmall holes in turf fence* for tbe psttage of the rare water it also another objectionable feature on several properties, as the collection of a few straws will tontotimes suffice to divert part of the supply at tuch contracted water-ways. Close cultivation it another source of mischief, so it alto tbo planting of trees too near the water* raoe. I found a good many only 2ft from the water's edge. There it also a little watte taking place on K 8 line in Mr M'Millan's rural teetioa 26595 which will be checked at enee. I have gone over the ground and care* fully examined into the question of best route for proposed branoh near Hatfield, between rural section 16143 and 16223, whioh I huve shown on map, The oott in ail, including flumes ever flood-water channel, would be £BO, and aa the owners interested art prepared to : defray the entire cost, and this junction will I also be serviceable in providing a supply for i IS, which it atill without water, I beg now to i atk whether the Council sanctions ite forma* tion< In regard to S 3 line, there art toino sandhills on a portion of the route which may prove troublesome, but the proprietor! mutt be responsible for this. " With reference to tho tyatem of rasret between tho Ashburton and Bakaia, I tnav state that several of them are now much overgrown with grass and weedt. There it also a oontiderable tendency to gradual deposition of silt on the bottom and aidea of lssany of them Thit, with the vegetable growths formed on it, causes oontiderable contraction of tbe channels and corresponding lessening of the waterways, all going to show tho necessity for owners or occuptert periodically tcouricg out and overhauling the races on their respective properties, say in April or November in eaoh year. I bare already spoken to several of them with this view. Mr Allen, of Acton, is to commence next week, and others will follow after harvesting operationt'-'fvre completed. Now that the percolation in ihe raeet hat in a great measure abated, a few minor improvements oan be effected in places by further cutting down the grips in the vicinity of tome of tho hollows. Most of the owners have contented to do this when they soour out the racet. It would not have been pradent to do this to the full extent while the races were being made, as tho absorption at the beginning took place over tho entire length of race, and the cutting of any portion into the shingle at that time would ooly have aggravated tm evil.

" Upper Rangitata Bridge.-—The tranafei of the contract from Mr M'Combe to Messrs Jtv'CaliuTO and Co. has caused some interruption in the work, but operationa are now m full progress. The concrete wall at the north end is tnado up, all tbe trusses are in position, the decking ia laid over eight sp»ns, and tho erection of hand-railt ia proceeding. There it now every prospect of the work being completed before tbe next meeting of Council, and I shall then certify for payment in accordance with tho contract."

The paragraph! in the report wore considered and disposed of, as under:—Tho Engineer was instructed to see Mr Morrow on the subject of the first paragraph, and report at next meeting. The Bngineer'a attention was drawn to the state of tho crossings in Bucoleuoh tramway. The Bngineer'a suggestion re test channel, wan approved of, and he was instructed to proceed with ID 2 line. The quettion of periodical cleaning of water-races was remitted to tho Water Supply Committee, and the Knjineoiwas instructed, with referenoe to insufficient access to certain properties aad other irregularitiee, to notify owners to hare tho same remedied immediately. BAUtriUll>B COMMITTBS. On behalf of the Saleyarda Committee, Mr Winter applied for a water supply, and the application was referred to tho Water Supply Committee. PBOPOSHD TBAPFIO BIJIDGB OVBB THE ABHBOKTON KIVBB. In the absence of Mr Wright, the motion given notice of by that gentleman re a trafilo bridge over tbe Athburton river, lupted. ASUaUBTOM GOBOP 30AO, The Mount Somers Bead Board wrote, asking the Counoil to apply, under the Bonds and Bridges ConstrucMtn Aot, for a turn of money, sufficient to construct the portions of the Athbarton Gorge road, for whioh estimates were famished to the! Counoil by the Board on July 4, last. The matter wat referred back to the Board for plans and the boundaries of a rating district. BOADB. The doting of a road in the Upper Aahbur* too district, wet held over for consideration at next meeting, and the decision of tho Loagbeaoh ratepayers to oioao a road in that district, was confirmed. Xioumx'a vquv Hainan. The question of the Dobbin'* Ford Bridge was left in the bands of the Chairman, who undertook to communicate with, the Selwyn County Council. s A MUM OOW»rsr COV9OIX>, Ibe Amuri Connty Counoil wrote, asking that liberty to visit tht Amur!, and inspect the Waiau river, with a view to irrigation purposes, be granted to the JUngtneer. The matter was referred to the Chairman to arrange. ashbubtow mbbab? aim The Council approved of th* proposed change of site of the Athburton Library from tht Fire Brigade reserve to tht reserve on Baring sqasre west. HOLIDAYS. It was decided to clout the County offiees from Good Friday to the Wednesday following, both days Jnolusive, rOBSCBB BOA»a. The Engineer was instructed to prepare plans and estimates of cost of construction of the formed portion* of the road from Bakaia Gorge Bridge to Pudding Hill Bridge, with a view to procuring assistance under tht Beads and Bridge* Construction Act. ASm»t/ST<Hf »BI»OS. * Steps were ordered to b* taken, with a view to having some alight Improvement* effeottd in the approach to tht Ashbnrtoa bridge. BA*Jt*STB. Account* to about £260 were pasted for payment, and tht Counoil adjourned.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 6

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ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 6

ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 6


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