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AmVAh KXatBITIOH. JI. Mr J, QibK #«>sr, w »«i rr-prmcntwi at lit* prewat exhibition of picture* «• f*T •* Burners go. Ho !#•» th»n toe law oil paiotiafrt at!©*; hb iodwtrjr anrii rtM t *lit!e » .wrtn of tbre* I#w imps***"* *«niee!« ftbow that he it a?«e qui* *L b *?* ** ,h t luuiiilttt* of *»t*sr «s>bM«. Hardly ott* of hi* {ii,m*««« exhibit* wais ttp is hi» h»sh*rt »Utttd*wl of l**l ,T«*r, *» ««-id*»c*fl m th* pie. tufttff ltti£»rd Bouad *ai tbat of Ihtcoatf. «i# boat h«tiß|tc-I*«rof »r*cif f»int, and «b* tilted " WsH tha weatisar il f" On lh» prvtaat ewatkm h*> ssswtly *ah<*ra§ fe hi* ataaj tin* of paiaHng;—a***ps«*» »sd Tc*»ri«, Uioufh fa» *lw «feowV§aw»l iwsdjw»j>». Of Ihtm \%»l jsf rfeapi tha betl il lh*t of Kinlwht »t Umj iWi of Mw WaJtutipu (,Va. 0), »hwb t« #ha*aci*ri*t<l by e»r*fmJ *tw -fy of mitt *.tv4 mcueuia. Tb« Gpmsjr of Lt*J*H<?n Graving I>«k (K*. IS) few a «rt«n ftislerirai i«ipQTtase*, »si t-hov.jth an w<"» of lb* p»jt mi biitag r»*h«t tiatlUr sh*« il rs*Uy }*, u *&lfi«bl# for ii* ««*«• tUttul ift Keyi<*tir£ lh« *watr*-«»<r*. Th? ywbUnt jsteitsrw hart ftsi'tb* \i\* wtutH, r*d «?* * Imply trua <??«»w. tejr* of *aiiiis£ craft, »Bt<»r*»l i «*r rather from I he pc-izi of Ti*>w of tb*» mwner tb»« from th*t of th» *rtiit, ¥h* bent of at! Mr Gibb**

WituM in «1* tint y**r »w, wilhaut doubt, Mm. 1« *ed 2S. The Irst v« *» e?«nin| «®bo. At Fitis#na*a*» B«*f, JWlwaWj th» «irtf*fc ba* ptlfifcai it in om of Jhi happiest msigeest, *&<i feat throw* into kit work quite » «!or* of c«i#t pow*r. ll fo th* jN>«ttcal hour at »y*k thi riutra @f asoonlfftifc t»* ■gfeolftf 'to «»c**si Uw «iill exiting •wreti? BSOM* tb*n *tt£R*»tin£ «#*Jf, f*Hi

gmiW on the enbroketi line* of hue,* wixm that Vipplt* BoiwSwtijr up the beach. The «swy peeks e! the giant mountains are bathed i» »ft tTecicg tint*, end the tame facet at* need with gr**t «ff«t i« the tuMtfc re&eetiofis in tt-e "b«y distance of the Eastern aorieoe. f fli« foreground contains a few %«r*#,' and the mf ti & c*r«ful pseee cf rock paintinf. Altogether t'be piktara it ose thai doe* honour to the artist. So doe* the other, the number of mhick we b*ve gfree with it, though ta qaite » different way. Is all respect*, " After the Stora an Itenero Bc«b w brai a,aite ft contrait to that first described, depicting as it do** the sad ending of the Beonsce. In the inf. all»repose, «um end gentleness 5 In the ceoond xaotieo, ttorm and wrath of the elements. At an artistic representation of a heavy it* on a dark, gloomy daj, th* great, gr«ii reUen tumbling in on the doomed ball •re powerful enoofh. The ships tossing about in th* oSog, and the distance, are ajw good, hut the t*7 seem* s trifle heavy eten for such weather i and the cliff and figure* in tie right of the pisture to b*T» nmtm an orer-iiberall ch«w of browns in which to appear os th* eanrs*. Figures, crea email ones, do not add to the value of Mr (Jibb'j war's, and the»e who ©ovet the painting, as many will do, will cwret it for tba sake of the tea. The other pictures are taken from wellknown tiewt oi Ctareraer's Bey, and exhibit the good points of the artist's style, and alio his tendency to b» hard and stiff in bii foregrounds. Mr W. M. Gibb ia another large contributor, the mott important of hia pietin** feting a writs of pertrsitt ia oils, lb* meet fefcewlly known is probably (No. 20) that cf tie old Waterloo veterae—the late Captain Dtapid Meefarlan*. As a likeness, it i* fuScitsUf s&iiiaf, but gives a rather sjcra yoathfui sppearane* to the old warrior tfcsß exist* is oa? memory* The ethers are alt a faces which will b# gtctr&Hy woogniwd lj Caristchurcfa dtisfss, and faroorablj dl-oI»7 Mr GibV* talent ia portrait pa-.ictiaf, the b**t of them, perbapi, being thai of the !&>3j (Ho. apon which a orgs ai&oast of str'fal wore has erid*nUy been Jifiahed. So. 30, bj the sarae artist, is a vtry aeesrate paiotisjr, is oils of flowers from uktore*showisg MiW.M. Gibb's prefideocj is a dii!*reat brwech o! hi* art, Mr it. B<etham is not up to hi* rawk of last year, tcid 1-as extLttged KewZtakad for Fiji to no greatad*aoi«feia J»o 40 -saurasga Barbour. To tbof* who are accustomed to look upon ilr T. S. Oovtoatt-nlr as a waUr-coloamt.his £r* cn-paiotiajje Ha'3l, "Od the Look Oat," which has foiicnately beeo secured for the Mtui-aa Gslisry through Mr 0. Goald's libtrj.iir, will come a* esmethi&g little i'h:"rt of a rerelatiou. Mr Oooiios* merit* %i as artist h«T« long bs>e-3 recogaUed bj petrots of art in Cbristehnrcb, but

f«sr of hi* mm% ictiasat® «qc&i&t&BCtt k&ew hiss to be possessed of to ranch pawcr. H* hM caught tbe spirit of the thisjt Bsost excellently, mod whether the picture ie rtftrdea from ihat poitt of riair, or loslwd tiuu uoexoeeSed dtipkT of techKifsi rumors, tb» ptbtiog is worthy of bb rrpuLe. Ibe subject is Tigarooaly Mtd skilfully handled throughout, Hj» figtzre (which, by "the way, looks •usoicisusly like * parimr) in ttoteciog oiUtiu, sou'-wetter, aod rwd c3»fort«r, the tum!iSiisij tea, &t»d th lowtrksg stilly sky, being equally wel 6' Mr Gilford* apparently sees thing *it-o other eyes to the generality of mankisd and paints all thtoßch in a of «reea Uc« !:.«. mott psoj,i? will »»fe down as untart irsi. This i* mjlueky, for ihoogh in svia p4rt» of his three picture*--If o*. ti, 31jl, mi 84 there is sometimes mtdlai « c#rl«ia hardness and want of tttlufr then is co l*«k of excellent- drawing, tgti eimsivs& of techuie»liUes. Io some out* the serial di#t»ae«» are good, and his «c?wy K.otut*in top* iikeiwe, while in the picture of tfc* waterfall some beautif &Uy soft brush work is to be oatiosd, Softness is a«6 tltc kidtog oharacterittie of Mits F. WiEsperi*' work, though ber mountain pieturt-* ere, we fancy, truer to Nature than th**e "*lr»rtore who stoeuse her of hardness of t'jle would h»rs people imagine. Bbe can eert*i&!y be aceused of tfialksg exceedingly pretty j.ic'iSftt.&Bd produfiisjc ewr*et drawing of Sew Zrsited teectry. Kos. SI and 70, b?'.a i» the neighbourhood of Lake Wakatipu, taty be tAk*n as good examples of ber power*. In the first, sh* has chosen a »s<jtt extended for«jrroutid, and tb« d«Uii at the fboie i* perf«?t~-perhsp« a little too perfect to escape tbe charge of orer-ucish - thoagh slightly wantirg io depth and sugges' ion of aa atmosphere, Tbe large amount of light- on tbe poiut of land in the

tottspoari h .'eohwd tt> explain. To tha J*jij• ■■fl(n»*r s»i!r4i»f, homager, uo «rx«ptJon out b« t»i*>.: fit try one of bur paueli b*ar tkff trace ■;! **• •'.fiUt'* hfttsJ, the beifc of all

baiog the v • "i-'ne japonic* (No. 118). Hsr •ketoh t-t !-'!<.", too, is s. most pleasing pbceof '*?"Sf Ji* t** m ibs fly wen go i the quwat pirc« of blu» ntsd whit* »ppe»» to be < •till uiifisithftd. Mr Ferfdaj lt»« now | p«aut9d a&jtbinjr to good m bi» "Two i Sitter*," »o excellent *t«dv at Nstire traer, I roinwi&ble for »«ft txd Sciebed bundling. '■ Hi* via* of Akaroa Hub-.or U cot ao good, , l>ul, bettor thm iii# l&xxtoftpot la»t jewr. It U »v*:y thst Captain Tempi* does not promise • eotaethisg worth Admiring Hi» Jf«bel is

not on© of tho#9 iniUucM of his talsntt, but , tli«re i* moch worthy of ewefa! notice in i his water colour sketch of a flood ia the O'dra. There ia wild and windy weather ia : «7«rjr iiiis, »e<S rhoagh the witter look* rather ( •olid to tb<** who ha?» net made ths ncquMotai.cA wiiH » Canterbury rit»r ia fresh, th« artut' i» f»iriy justified by nature. Mm Whit* tenia two dainty lit'l© bif» o! waterco'.our drawing—No*. &7 and 104—both little landseapei in the b«*t tradition* of the art, For emirate drawing »»nd oletn handling tbera is littlo in the exhibition to surpftw taem. Mr Ateherlaj ha« certainly gained ia •Mil *icee la*fc year- He U roots at home in tbaet bro«sy Uttte *i-tobe»of »eaandtbtps of which So. 103, the 1 xiag-look-ont, it *& good an sxosiple. A iitwal Jmfc delieate two

of tfe« kaifo »pi*«w to hm Bided the" «rtl»t fa hirwwHjfaetara » f "wbits torn*" which ftddo to ibe Ufa of the picture. A irasHlarfol* nature! «ehw»y »* WkMaaww JiKiffard#d tfe* «*»• •»*»•* » opportunity o( m»ki«f * tost ##«*!«► wraMoawn of sa»fol rock pmfttting and aoonlif at #ff#efc % th* Iw&oty «* t&» w5»»5» " 0B!li »»° hat* b*ao k«*B«d by jooieiotuly !•»«« sa» eotnreaticesl Maori In ambeali wmewMry—•at of. tkbt «i aU awata. Mr OaMbiifctt »t?*x»l Bfea wa'af-aoteu? drawings, tto barter ■* tok i»-»•, 71, »W«*t wwaeea* feM had tba gcyod mom to parch***, acd tt» srtirt wt» 8M

f#n«« (if he will «xoum oui> e*yb£ »o) o raiuuig aitteh too cheaply, it, it * cb«tmß| pjeee of work, etpeoiftUy k the dtetaneee e*ei through the r»io. 35» ear mind it i» on* © hit bwfc effort*, Ro &4 is ilfghtly di«pj»ltt iog &i a whole, the wounUitu being wetitlnj i» ho3d&«e*; but th« foreflrouud, with H etreteh of buih, make* emendi for much. 0 Mr KUioit'e Uknte es a psiuier of itlll lif< we bute *lr«»df §pok«n in high tome wb« nothing the oil p&Suttag*. m* Ho, && i another forcible pnmt of hie great tte»juir« instit». Aseureie drawing, freedom of i*jl* vigour and depth of «kuriog *r* *sl $»«*•*!»! to it to bo ordjßWf degree, m& there i» < Besibresdtesaue effest of ehuiow oter th« Wt bst>d porttan, »«d a pi«# of th -» ctir ' 6Ul eld torn* ts»t form* the prkdp*! ©bjeet, thaj i« teott p?e*«ng. The pidwre i* rosrlwi ** Batten*] g<M tt)*d»V* 3rd grade, W« should tery much like to •«« the Ind and l*<*. Amo&gil the panel »nd terracolt* painting* are eeveral epteedtd exarapte* ©i work by pupilc of the tfehool of Art—tow atuise t datm*«, &vi.»by MS** M. Btoddart, and ualeatb? Mi#»K.Biid<ten,ftHof tfcemendea* *ag*d reacted knowledge m& careful itody.Thii J**t-n*»«*l yowg Udy ha* a. pramieteg p»e*e of iliSlUfe in water-eolour, which was, undet i&iMppreheseion, noticed in oar laefc account of the picturei exhibited ia eeajttnatioß with thateent by Mk* Jf. B. Speoefcy (No. She study «f fruit, on the oppoiit* elde of the rooni, m ati ©a-painting. Mi** Spesejey, we learn, hee likewi** been » pupil at the Art School for tons* lime, *« thai» ehtwe or the eretiii att*chiag to her work muik beaaeigoed to Sleeere Bktfr and Elliott, the taaetere at that huiitution. Mr Turner it evidently a p»in*?aking and indnetrioui wrliit* Ho he* •a«e#d*d J»»t in hil *ltotch of th* Kakoifi whew* he h*i fint caught tho look of the *»ttlteg wsttf, «nd mad* a careful itudy #! th» rocky b«iki. The clouds *r* the »#»k poiofe in tha ptctßW. Mr Hodgkin» •ead» »oi»® excell*Bt; eioeet of eouthem tcwaerr, which demand the clone sttention of TuitorV to tb« gdlery, for they wpay mitmte intpeotion. A'* Gm Bay on I*ke W!»o&ift ,, (Ka. Ss> i» hung ruthtr low dowo, b«t thc-e are few watef-eolourt ia the room which better det«?re to he placed in tbe moat

tttirantajteou* petition poestb!®. It i« ft good | mode! of ettte sml eolouritig. No. 84 it & more aasbitjoai rscerd of the r«tmt from Mount Esnjilar m*d© bf tlio Bar W. Green tad tb* artist &ft«r their attack on its aammit tat jwe. The enemy, is the ih»ps of ft bowling itorro, «titi b»np thmtottißg over th* distaae*. The valley* and depths tiro *W!ull? executed piece* of worl, 10 are thd rsin clouds breaking on tfa« Black Peak in No. 86 The Society i* now well Mtftblithed, and ftdrsneißjt rapidly in its carter. With 6» <w?jr<sfic Secretary, »»& fto b*tsd of iodtutrioog exhibitan, both prof<w«onftl and »«%ftteur, &ad goad hope of ttlU farther *upport from lbs more advanced pupil* of ihs School of Art next year, there U every proepeet of losg life and proipwity for the Canterbury Society of Atti. W© heartily wish it both.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 6

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CANTERBURY SOCIETY OF ARTS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 6

CANTERBURY SOCIETY OF ARTS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 6


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