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Supbbmb Comor.—•His Honor Ur Justice Johnston sat in Ohambera and in Banco jnterday, when lie- disposed of a number of oases."' ■■■■ 1 Fishtko lucßirsisi—Up to the present 90 licenses have been taksnout for trout fishing. There were only 81 issued during the .whole of last season. __ Tnt aett Snow* —'Return tickets at single fares, issued from Christchurch and intermediate stationa to Timaru... daring the time of the Show, will be; available till Thursday next, and not till Saturday, as lUted yesterday. ■ ■ ...... gt ■ Hobth KcvurAl Libbabt — This Library, whioh is now in the Town Hall, Amberley, has just received a new addition of twenty ▼olumee of some of the latest works. There are upwards of 700 volumes in the Library now, but there is not that amount of support accorded it as the institution deseryes. To throw the affair more prominently before the inhabitants, a grand concert and dramatic entertainment u to take plaee ih the Town Hall bn Thursday evening next, the proceeds from which aw. to he expended in stiU adding to the library, and issuing. It is to be hoped that all those interested in the future success, of the'Library'trill assist the Committee in carrying out their; good intentioue. i - St. Ltrsx’a.—The last of the series of pleasant entertaujmaotf which have been held' moonnebtioo with St,> Lake’s Church, took place last evening, there . being a good attendance. Asoo former inoumbeat,.tbe Bey.. E. A. Ltngard. prtsided, and he had the satisfaction of presenting a capital programme; The Kev. R. A. Mortimer, who was to have. contributed some readings, was unexpectedly called fpray on urgent business, but' his place was taken by. Mr wass Brittan, who happened to be present. The other waders were Messrs Alexander Lean and X. A. Worthy. Miss AS. Taylor rendered good etdby her songs, on#‘of which, M The Needle Song,’* was specially pleasing. Mrs Townend’s songs were also, thoroughly acceptable items. .Messrs B. P. Ouarits, A Appleby, pad eoloisU, a §#ri«rof variety. The organist of the church, Mr Hevillo Q'. Barnott. took-part with Mr. Men-. tpaLia two piatia:duste, «md he aleaUbyeda ****** ■. ■*■’-■*** [ a

OTWI) * —A little bor, six years of *¥•"*** round wandering last night in MadiM etMMt Mwtk At *ie*er hewr * was ascertained that His parents raided in Cashel street oMt,aDdhewa( taken home by the pftHoi, ■* ■j Biroa* AseooiAtxojr,—A meetinrwaeheldat the Oddfellows’.Hall last “•"j a number of resolutions 'bearing °JV P«sont political aspect were carried alatoet unammoasly. A report of the proceed* ings appears elsewhere in our columns. Diawsinirtiow Of Xboct.—The Council of the Acclimatisation Society hare presented for distribution the following lots of young hrpul s—6oo to Mr Broadfoot, to be liberated at Amberley j 600 to Hr Ivey, to be placed In a stream near the model farm, Lincoln; and 600 to Hr J. Inwood, ,to be liberated in the TAtla Bakaia. ; OBcno* Hattiu at Eaupoi.—At a meeting of the Testry, held on Monday last, it was unanimously rescind to adopt the system of pew rents in the church, Mr E. Bevell, the churchwarden, will attend at the church on Monday, Boy.B, between 8 and*o’clock, for the purpose of letting sittings to thorn who require them. Oitt WOMB.— At a meeting of the Works Committee held yesterday, the members decided to visit Lincoln road, with a view of ascertaining what #orks were necessary to place in thorough repair that portion of the road running hetwaen the Hospital and Addington corner. The Surveyor wee instructed to have the open ditch on the south belt filled in. Mm Hii*’> Bbbmmt.— Mr F. Hooke writes to ns i “ With refersnoe to your paragraph in this Morning’s paper, I have to contradict your statement that' Legman ia ’ is an adaptation from Messrs Sarony and La Clair. The whole of the bnsineee ie entirely original, being arranged by myself during the third week in August, some time before the advent here of the above-named gentlemen.” Hoit Teihitv Chpbch, Lyttiltov.— On Sunday special services in connection with the church school were held, the Bev. J. Townsend, incumbent, officiating. On Monday evening a meeting of those interested in Sunday school work wee held in schoolroom, a large number of being pie- ! sent. Addresses tonohing on the importance of Sunday'school work were given by the Bev the Incnmbesfe and Mr H. B. Webb. Tihabp Show.— At the Timaru Show yes- . terday the JudgM wm busy-judging implements, and the different classes of sheep, and did not conclude their labours till dark. All the other exhibite will be on the ground at 10 o’clock this morning. The exhibitors excepted, there were very few. people on the Show Ground yesterday. The town le very busy, and all the amusements an being well patronised. Thiatbb Eotax,.— There was a moderate attendance at the Theatre last night, when Maritana was repeated, and was fully as successful as on Saturday night. The favourite airs were welcomed with the loudest applause, and most of them were enthusiastically encored, in addition to which signs of approval Miss Jenny Thom was honoured with a number of bouquets. The same opera is to be repeated to-night. Siadowk Estatb.—We observe by the advertisement in another column that the celebrated Sesdown estate will be sold at Timaru by Messrs H. Matson and Co., on Thursday next, Oct. 30. The position and excellent qualities of the land render this sale One of no ordinary character. It was one of the earliest selections of Mr B. Rhodes, and its close promixity to Timaru gives it an exceptional value. The proprietors have cut the 4000 acres up into convenient farms of about 30 acres each, bringing it within the reach of small capitalists. The terms are unusually liberal, and extend over a long time of payment, at a low rate of interest. Kowax Pass.—A public meeting was held at Davies’ Hotel, on Monday evening, in connection with the annual sports. There was a fair attendance, Mr Bed fern in the chair. The Hon. Secretary, Mr Shanks, read a statement of accounts for the previous year, showing that £4O Is had been received, and £4O 7s 9d expended, leaving a balance of £8 13s 3d. Mr Oblthurt said at the balancesheet had been duly audited, he would move that it be adopted. Carried. The following were elected as a Committee to arrange a programme and other matters in connection with the sports: —Messrs Bedfem, Smith, Hannigan, Davies, Bobinson, Chesterfield, Fraser, Marsden, and Cunningham. Mr B. J. Shanks was appointed Hon. Secretary, and to be allowed £2 2s for expenses. A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated themeeting.

Fboxzssob Jokas’ Ghost.—The entertainment opened at the Oddfellows’Hall, Lyttelton, on Monday evening to a fair attendance. Those present were evidently much pleased with the wonderful character of the performance, the allusions being repeatedly applauded. A number of krrikuu, who had congregated in the gallery, behaved themselves in a most disgraceful manner, much to the disgust of the audience generally. In spite of this unpleasantness, however, the entertainment passed off very successfully. Last night the company gave another performance to a good house, when the welldeserved applause was freely accorded. Tonight the same bill will be given for the last time, and thoee who have not seen it will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity. The Ghost company leave for Wellington to-morrow.

Thb Lofius Teodth nr Tbofblk.— lt will be uen from a telegram which we publish elsewhere that the Loftue Troupe have at last placed themselves within the reach of the law. The particular performance which has given the police a hold upon them was the kicking scene in the burlesque of the “ Indian Princess ” which was played here on their last nights, and oar remarks on which so excited the ire of the manager. We append to the telegrams a couple oi extracts from the Dunedin papers bearing out our remarks. By-the-bje, it is rather amusing to notice that our Southern friends have at last spoken out plainly on the subject of theee immoral performances. When the troupe were announced to appear in Dunedin they received encouragement rather than otherwise, and tha Press generally intimated with much pomposity their intention of treating them fairly, hinting quietly that it was about the only portion of the journalistic talent of the Colony which waa able to give ajjudioious criticism of the performances. Wo most my that it has. taken tbsm a considerable, time to make up their minds on the subject. Public Mbxtuu» at Lksstox.—A public meeting of the supporter* of the Hon John Hall was held at the Leeston Hotel on Monday last, atAo’olock. Mr Bluett, who occupied, the chair, read the advertisement convening the meeting, and then read letters of apology, from Mr H. J. Hall, Mr' 0. Boura, and Mr W.v Graham, expressing a hope that a vote of confidence and congratulation would be paased in favour °f lha Hon John Hall and hu Government. The Chairman stated that be bad been asked to call this meeting by a few of the'Hon John Hall's I friends who, he believed, wished to send him I a congratulatory message, and express their confidence in him. The meeting was now open for any one present to express their opuuohs.'' Mr Job Osborne said he thought it was a nditaketo have called a meeting of supporters only, as it was calculated to raise party feeKng. ’ The Chairman aaid, although bis name appeared in the advertisement, yet hehad no* seen it.before it was r tent to the papon*hat anyone proeent might exproes themselves ■» they thought fit. several of those pmeeat said they had not seen the advertisement oaHing the meeting, and knew nothing of it till that afternoon. „ Mr Bennie moved—- “ That this meeting adjourn.’' Mr Lochhead seconded the resolution. Mr W. D. Lawrence moved ing baa the lulleet confidence In the Hon John Hall and ; his Government, and wish to congratulate: him on his being elected Premier of New Zealand." Mr O. T. Dudley seconded, the motion. At this stage of the'proceedings, a man who was under the influence of driak became very troublesome, and as several of those present were leaving the, ropin in consequence, an adjonrhaeat was haM* .to another room, when it was agreed ‘ to send the following measage- by wiro : to the Hon John Hall “ Your supporters congratulate 700 on your

* .i*-. ■■ - *

LißaiON Libkaet, -The n,n,i % JT meetmgof the Debating Society Monday evenmg Ustin the reiilV held °Q tbeLeeston Library, Mr John^S^ 0 ?® * chair. DrChamnan read a verv^n. 1 1,148 pap« on“ The None,” and it *L f" 4 f eßtia g by Mes*r» Barker, Ford 8 dia ' others. ’ * ’’“hand

Woodiitd,—On Sunday the «„*■ tortices of the Woodend W] f J« Ten «r school were held in the WcSdSdi' Ooapel The services, which !"«• congregation both mom&i •reoing, were conducted by the Bar J if 8 ® 4 of Hangiora, who alio held a special , p , lun, °. the children in the afternoon ** nce f °r n XHI tTMMPIOTID AT Bahoioba TT Baogiora Borough Council having not to employ any more day labour of the hand* till recently working on theT *7 m.tjMrf.,, M, .(i t ulu n 8 8 “™2' •ituation, they proceeded to Mayor on the matter. The Mayor rented» the deputation that he waa unable to L “ 10 thi., .01 MO,of i Coi"'the face of the demon of that body and th? state of their finances. y a tlla Th« Spamow Npisabch.—Strong saree hare been adopted, or rather rtS poison baa been used, m the Fern«iH» trict lor the destruction of the spirroa, the reeult is to be seen on visiting the n‘e,Vh bourhood, the immense number of k killed being very noticeable. At CaptS Parson's farm, strings of dead bird, £ from the trees, and m spite of this othT 8 more curious are seen to alight on the stri'2 and examine them carefully. 55 BA^ OIO *1 SHOW ? meeting of too Committee appointed by the North*™ Agricultural and Pastoral Association to ont toe annual ball, was held at Mr Eih**? Club Hotel on Monday evening, at whirf, there was a good attendance. The basine*. done waa entirely formal, viz., the election of Stewards and minor details, Mr Buss vu unanimously elected M.C., and Mr Fallon was entrusted with the arrangement of the musical portion of the evening's amusement. PAMUMIKTAgr.— The Hon E. Eichard' son was yesterday inducted into the seat for Christchurch, and Mr Macandrew withdrew the BO’Oonfidence motion, so as to allow the business of the countiy to proceed. Eh € . where will be found a report of the proceed* ings in the House on Friday, when the d 7 faction of the four Auckland member, becam. known, and which could not be telegraphed in consequence of the break down of the cable.

Oxfoxd. — An accident occurred at Tie* Hill on Monday morning, to a min named John Garrick, employed by Messrs Fearr Brothers as trollyman. It appears he went up £or a load of logs in the morning, and when he got the load on it commenced to rain, and one of his fellow-workmen came out of the bush to go down to the mill with him. Ihu man had an axe in his hand, and to sars himself carrying it he stack it into aW on the trolly, not noticing that Garrick had be band on the log, and he chopped two fingers dean off Garrick’s left hand. The sufferer was at once conveyed to Oxford, where be was attended to by Dr Bees. The Nobthebn Migmtbict.—Great inconvenience is felt in the Northern District through the frequent absence of the Resident Magistrate, and the difficulty of obtaining the services of any of the Resident Magistrates in the Province. Yesterday several important cases which had been postponed in expectation of Mr Mellish’s attendance, were again adjourned, and the parties -to the various suits do not know when their cases will be heard. The amount of business entrusted to Mr Whitefoord in the Northern District is now very great, and his time is entire’,! taken up with it, yet when he is removed os any special commission, no provision is mad' to supply his place. The report of his appointment to the Resident Magistracy cf New Plymouth was, we learn, without foundation, he only having gone there ou a short visit on special business. Jtnrsmuß Fobesxbes.— For a considerable time past it has been in contemplation to establish a juvenile branch in connection with Court Star of Canterbury of the Ancient Order of Foresters; and at a special meeting held in the Foresters’ Hall, last evening, a goodly number of lads attended and enrobed their names. The primary object of the movement is to induce boys to take active interest in a provident institution, and so to create in themselves habits of prudence and .forethought. Any lad of the age of ten years may he admitted a member of the juvenile lodge on payment of a shilling entrance fee, the subsequent monthly payments ranging from 3d to Is Ad, according to age on joining. So soon as a member attains the age of 18 years, be can he transferred to tka membership of the parent Court, the accumulations of his small subscriptions sufficing to pay his initiatory expenses; but should he fail to pass the required medical examination, his savings would he handed over to him. It is probable that arrangements will be made whereby the members of the juvenile court will be entitled to free medical attendance. As matters at present stand, the medical officers of the Foresters have to attend to all children under the age of 14 yean, but as there can be no admissions to the parent lodge under l&yean of age, there are four years uncovered by the medical attendance benefit Steps are being taken whereby the meetings of the juvenile Foresters maybe made as interesting and instructive as possible, and it is probable that at the initiation, which is to take place shortly, upwards of 50 names will be placed on the rolL At last night’s preliminary meeting, 36 lads paid the entrance fee, and two honorary members (adults) were received. The folk)win* members hare been selected to pur {or Woolston against Lincoln on Friday, leavm? Christchurch pnr7J) a.m* train Messrs Moaok, Watson, Beaumont, Thomas, HowarU, Xt barton, F. Bamtoid. J. W. Daria, Clark, sad Dnnbar. _ „ _ X ball wiU be held in the Sefton Town Hall m Nov. 5, in connection with the Loyal lines* lodge* r ▲ performance will be eiren on Fndvi the Oddfellows 1 Hall by Menace Hall and M«rw»* Jnrauits Dramatic Company, The programme be found in another column. . The annul hM of Bt. John's church, Lyttelton, will be held at the Oddf«Uo« Hall on Thnredaj evening. X tea meebngjnb-*" place at 6.15 p.nt, alter which an entertains*- 1 ’ comprising vanonaHams, will be submitted. Inaaother eohmm wSlbe found an advenisaf? drawing attention to a public meeting » « *i' . Durham street church in connection wi.h tbe “IMiamian, when we have no doubt there pv large attendance, seeing this Mission so ma* diately affects the interests of the Colony.

What th» Auckland Mbmbbbsass i Sxosrra. —The following ii a correspondence road by Mr Vincent Pyk , the House in reference to the members:—“Mr Pyke—The effect of letter which I wrote to Mr Header yesterday while the House was S 1 wu, .as newly as I can remember, follows : That I had heard a rumour tn» he (Mr Header Wood), Mr Hurst. Swanson, and Captain Oolbeck had J 01 ?/-, Oorernmeut, and I desired to know if was any troth in the report, as I; wan telegraph lo Auckland a confirmation o tramction immediately ; and I would wait in the Press room on the = floor fora reply. Mr Wood came out ats^ minutes after the note was entriwtedtom senger for delirery. lam absolutely that I mentioned that I desired to and he gareme the information m of my note.— Chas. 0. Montbosb. meat t—“ I saw Mr Montrose s not Wood, and saw Mr Wood come out* M Mr Montrose out of the reportew e> reooUeotioD of the contents of M . net* entirely confirms Mr Montrose. kfA went. The information was wrtrn . „ for telegraphing. K. T. Oux' Whether, in Montrose—Will you kindly state the course of your intemews wit onn t Wood yesterday, he mentioned which he expected would accrue to A from the arrangement he »» Vl e vc b>t the Government- Yom truly, r. Pro.—Friday evening, Oct -i. r* ju! t •‘Dear Sir,-In reply to J°^ Ur gender reeeired, I beg to state *h»t, »s Wood made no secret of the w mr which ho had with me » not note to him, I seeao to state the conversation itself £f; oU ]d the amount which Mr aeorne to Auekkad. e*»m- —‘ That Mir JEWS hadagreed #mouD ts

sprovmtial districts,-a* l ** & wftß thought probable that the amount which Auckland vronld receive would-be about half» million. —Tours faithfully, Chas. 0. Montbobb, ,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LII, Issue 5827, 29 October 1879, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LII, Issue 5827, 29 October 1879, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LII, Issue 5827, 29 October 1879, Page 4


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