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: Ibwelii Educational District.— A rate ’of eigbtpence halfpenny in the £ is to be levied in this district for school purposes. : Domain and Haolby Park.-— The by-laws of the Canterbury Public Domain Board are published in a Provincial Government Gazette, dated May 20.

Obari Board of Conservators. —Mr H. J. Gladstone has been nominated by his Honor the Superintendent to fill the vacancy ■ on the above' Board.

Lecture. — Professor Bickerton gave the second of his lectures on Agricultural Chemistry at the Oddfellows’ Hall last night, when there ! was a moderately good attendance. Akaboa Electoral District.—A Court I for the revision of the electoral rolls of this district, will be held to-day at the ihotel, Pigeon Bay, commencing at II a.m.

J Theatre Royal. —The “Red Pocket-Book” was again acted last night. There was a pretty good house. To.night, lMr Bates takes his benefit, when “Frou-Frou ” and " Toodles” ' will be placed upon the boards, i Public Offices.— His Honor the Superintendent notifies that, the public office* will ’be closed on Monday in honour of Her ■Majesty’s birthday; also, that there will be no sitting of the Waite Lands Board on that day. ; Reserves.— A list of reserves made by his Honor the Superintendent, on the reoommen- : dation of the Provincial Council, is published in a Provincial Government Gazette, dated I May 14 j they include reserves for the Opawa 'Railway Extension. Provincial Council Election. —The nomination of candidates for the representation of the Bangiora district in the Provincial Council will take place at the Road Board Office, Bangiora, at noon to-day. Mr J. E. Brown is likely to be returned without oppo- . sition.

Southern Railway. —The South Canterbury Times has been informed by the best' authority that the railway south of Christchurch will be open next week as far as the Rangitata, arrangements being made for passengers by coach for Temuka and limaiu, without any stoppage.

Philadelphia Exhibition. Some important correspondence relative to the representation of the products of this province at the Philadelphia . Exhibition, was laid before the Chamber of Commerce at. its meetingysrterday, and the .snbject was referred to a committee to reported upon.

Rangitata Protective Works. — The South Canterbury Timet of May 20 states that, owing to the late heavy, fresh in the; Rangitata river, two out of the four crates, erected above the bridge as protective works to the approaches thereto have been washed away. This will fall very heavily upon Hr Wadsworth, the contractor for the same, who is bound to keep the Work good for a month after the completion of his contract.

OIFOSD.—A tea- meeting was held on Monday,~loth.- m. the United Free Methodist Chapel, in aid of the chapel funds, (frays wen Mndlf siren by Mwdamei Teri4 f jSn.oel,. tee, Marsh, and Griffithe/and thwswae a largo attendance, considering the of the weather. The Rev J. G. Pepdray occupied'the chair. AddreueiWßre iaelivem I>y the Bar J. HiU, Messrs Sharplin, Walker, and .Wright, and thespaephes were interspersed with singing. The nsual toto qfthanks were, given, and meeting closed with) the benediction. • : FeOTß^. match arranged bcttieeh the Christchurch and Timarn clubs .will be, played at thc,, AAburtpn bn the Queen’s birthday; 'lfceTunaru team wm' arriye : at the Bangitata about 10 a.m. by ool6h;ahd Mr B. G. Wright; has 1 kindly promised to bring them on by traiu to the Ashburton. The ChristcburChTeam will leavehere by the 6.45 a m. train on Monday, and the following are the membert\telected to play, subject to alteration as occasion ihay arise J., Anderson, J. Booth, 0. Bolton, T. Chapman,- B. Cotterill, E. Dobson, J. B. Brans, J. Fowler, Thos. Gordon, J[. €lrey, W. Hartland, J. Macquarrie (captain), G. Mathias, T. B. Moore, A. OlUvjer, L. OHirier, B. Smith, 0. Thomson, J. Wilkin, and J. Waehsmaiin. A match will played on Oranmer square to-day,’'the team ▼. the clnb, commencing at 4.15 p.m. The team will wear blue caps, and the club rad cape f Another match will be played to-morrow. •’ , Dbkwaxion.—A deputatim», } consisting,of Messrs i)ixu4it!®* Wilson,* members!of the Prorincial Council for districts of the Waimakariri, waited upon the CbVeriiment for the purpose of bringing two desirable extensions of railway under notice. , The members of the deputation weire received by his Honor theSupe*intendenti SirOraeroft Wilson, Messrs Maskell and'Peabook. Theydwelt at some length on the advantages that would accrue from 'an extension of the Byreton line to the Oxford line at Carleton, a length of about four miles, and the construction of a line from present tormipnSjat Oxford to connect with the ' Malvern line* ibntif this could not be done, it was -urged-that at - least -fire-miles of the line should be constructed so as to be convenient of access to the best part of the Bush. The deputation then asked if the Government would plaoy.asilfileieht sumon the Estimates to do what was required. The" Government pointed hut that* the ' present lines being iGbherid' O'brsrigrieht property, the cost of the, extensions oughKi to obme out of the Colonial; funds, but a promise was given to the deputatioh that thbwholb matter should be care-; fully considered,j K , conversazione in con-' nection with the. Synod,, which bought its busipess to a close yesterday, was held in S. Andrews schoolroom last night. An excellent teaj-provided by lady members of the wM pri>tided at 7 oMtok,andi was partaken of by over two hundred persons. After tea the chair was token by the Ber W. S. M'Gowan, Moderator of the Synod, who deliyered a briefttdclress, reriewing the business done the Synod. ' Following'this,' addresses were delivered by the Ber W. Douglas, of Akaroe, on “ Bitoalism V’ the Bar, W. Campbell, l ifVAmuri, on “ The Recent* Revivals inßtjgldpd”; the Rev W.. H. Homer, on “The New Hebrides Mis-; sion”; the Ber G. Barclay and the; Rev W. Gfltieer Tff=iihe“"tntorval» between addresses a were sung, and the following vocal'solos were also given “ With verdura blad" 1 and the “Land o’ the Jibal,’’ by Miss Wfntor j “Angels eVer bright t ;pnd fair,” Xheaobompapimepto were played by Winter. Yoteeof thanks to tfesaunes Deane and Anderson, with the other lilies who teejstod, jn prodding the tea; to' > tbe s ladies, who had «mtri--1 buUd music 5 ■ and < to < tha chairman, ward carried by peebpatipnand tjhe benediction r'.Miap'-, |tarieiWM& •. tlia' terminated. J - • • » •» ’■ ■■■•■ !

Supbbmb OoHM.—Hi* Honor, Mr Justice William*, will sit m tU» Court Chamber* at vll a.m. p4\ - - ■ Papabui PLonownrc* Match.—A meeting 'to make arrangement* for the annual match Tueldayinsit, - j ijxTTBHTOtr Oitjb.—A meeting l of peMonsf; interested in this matter was held in the Colonist*’ Hall oh Wednesday evening. Mr H.lAUwrightwas voted to the chair. Mr Ford stated the reason for calling the meeting, and Also what had been done since the subject had been first mooted. After some discussion it was resolved that a club be formed, to be called the Lyttelton Dramatic Club. The following gentlemen were proposed member*:— President, Dr J. T. Bouse; vicepresident, H. AUwright ; treasurer, Mr Ede; secretary, Mr Lance ; stage manager, Mr U.S. Bolt. After some discussion it was resolved that the subscription for acting members be Is per month, and that hon members be charged one guinea per annum. Some discussion ensued respecting the rules, resulting in the appointment of Messrs Bolt, Lance, and Griffin as a sub-committee. The meeting then ' adjourned until Monday next. Gathedbaxi GiriED.— A general meeting of the above society was held last night in the Oollege Library. The Very Bev the Dean of Christchurch, filled the chair. The business of the evening consisted of the election of two committeemen to fill up vacancies caused by the resignations of the Bevs H. J, Edwards and 0. Bowen. The Bev J. H. Wills and Mr J. Holloway were elected, Mr B. Parker read a paper on organs, giving a history of the progress of the instrument from the earliest period to the present time, together with an account of the mechanism of organs, and a description of some of the most celebrated of those now in existence. Several diagrams explanatory of the lecture were exhibited during the evening. The Very Bev the chairman read from an essay on cathedrals. Two pieces of music were graceful!y rendered by ladies of the choir, and the usual short liturgy read and sung. The meeting closed with a hearty vote of thanks to the lecturer.

Inquest,—An inquest was held yesterday afternoon at Lyttelton at the Mitre Hotel on the body of John Black, a seaman lately belonging to the ship Tintem Abbey. Mr Bichard Banker was chosen foreman of ther jury. Wm. Topmey, sworn, said; I was recently discharged from the Tintem Abbey. I knew the deoaeed. He was on board the ship with me, and was discharged last Fridayweek. I hare been in his company every day since I left the ship. T asked him yesterday to go and have a drink. He refused, and I went alone.. Returning ten minutes afterwards I found him , dead, lying on the footpath. I bathed his head with vinegar. Dr Maedonald came up, and I helped to carry deceased to the dead-house. Deceased was a sober man and had not tasted grog for two days before he died. Dr Macdonald, duly sworn, said that he had held a post ikorUm examination of the body, he found that the right auricle of the heart was ruptured, and that was the cause of death. The jury returned a verdict of “ Accidental death.” ,

New Boating Club.—An adjourned meet- ' ing of the above club was held at Warner’s Hotel last night, at 8 p.m. Present—Messrs A. Appleby, W. Tosswill, L. H. Nelson, J, F. iWachsmann, J. Gray, W. Wilkinson, T. Foster, A. Dawson, T. Oaverhill, A. Lean, J. Martin, E. Hawkes, J. Hawkes, and M. Bowron. Mr Appleby was voted to the chair. A report of what took place at the previous meeting was read by Mr Tosswill, also a letter from the City Council, agreeing to let the club a piece of land on the river bank, opposite the residence of Dr Coward, as a site for a boat-shed. The consideration of a letter from Mr Gain, offering the " Waterlilly,” an outrigger, fee the sum of £2O, was postponed, to allow the managing committee to see and report upon it. Thirty-three new members were proposed and elected, making a total of fifty-one. The total funds available by the club amount to £ll6. It was decided that the name of the club should be the Christchurch Boatihg dub,' and- the rules, with a few alterations; should be the same as those in use by the Canterbury Bowing dub. The following were elected officers for the ensuing season: —President, C. C. Corfe ; Vice-president, A. Garrick; Captain, J. Gray; Hon secretary, W. Tosswill j Hon treasurer, A. Appleby. After some diecawten, the fallowing gentlemen were elected members of the Hamming committee ••—D. Craig, J. G. Hawkes, 3. T. J Waohsinaun; J; S. Guthrie, B. Parkersoh, B. Britton, and J, A. Beade. A motion was passed requesting the committee to obtain the fullest information respecting the building of .shed, purchase of boats*- &c., and to call a general meeting of the [Club at their earliest convenience. A hearty rote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings. . Pbesbtibbian SrirpD.—The Synod reassembled at 11 a.m. yesterday,'and was constituted by prayer. After the minutes of the preceding meetinghad been road and connrmed.tne report on Temperance was called for. The Bev W. S. M'Go wan • said the committee had not met, but that he had preached on the subject, and he believed others had done the same. The Bev. C. Fraser moved—- “ That the committee be re-appointed,.with infractions to forward at: An early, date to 'the members of .the Synod, such suggestions as they think advisable.” The Bev W. Gillies seconded the motion, and. suggested that corresponding members, shoiuld be appointed. The motion was agresd~to. The report of the committee op; PrcibJte?? Visitation was colled for, but there was none forthcoming. Theßev W.M'Oregor moved- “ That the Synod,findingtheresolutions ofthe last meetingoftheSypodon Evangehsticdeputations, were notcommunioateditothe various Presbyteries, it is' hereby resolved that the Presbyteries be directed to carry out these instructions and report to the next meeting df the Synod. The Bev C. Fraser seconded'the motion. The Bev W. Gillies said the church was not yet! prepazedfor this, and,moved an amendment to the effect that the matter be allowed to drop. The amehdmehtwas seconded by the Bev W. Hornes, but was negativ|d, and the original motion was than agreedtu. The Bev - W. Gillies ThSt IeSVjJ be given to the Presbytery ,of,pinfru, totekj? Mr George Lindsay on tnal for license bn> tfis completion of his studieii.” > '' Tbe brntion tess agrfe^ r ;tO Vl The:Biv:‘t^.;Sf < read a short teport on Synodicel Libraries., , The Bev W. Douglas moved—“ That while theimportance of Synodical Libraries is recognised nospecial action be : token'in the; mstter/ until the Synod becomes -stronger.” The motion was seoonded and 'oarified. The GfUies introduced tjhe the General Assembly of the Preshy tough Church in New Zealand,' and Amoved Aits : adoption“ That whereas there .is A; Vtty ; great desire, throughout the 'PrefbytenSn Churches of .NewZealandj and of Otago and Southland, that there should 1 be a utoion of these churchei at,' 'early,. a date as possible, and whereas, by many, the 'difficulties' are 7 IhodgKE WTs s a sufficient bar for the preient to a union of : the Presbyterian ohmohes of both islands, and whereas no such difficulties in the way of union of the Synod of Canterbury and whereas such a anion would pavethe way fur: a union of the ehurob in both islands. it is I humbly overtured by the Synod of Canter-! bury to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in New Zealand to' take this matter into* its serious ation with a view, to the glory oL Godj and the good of the. Church, and, if it seems expedient, to give its sanction l to the union of the Synods of Canterbury and i Otago gt «s. early a date as possible, jf the, j huger: union 'of the whole church cannoiat: once be effected.” The Bev 0. Fraser sebopded ’ the siotioni and spoke strongly in its favour. SeVend bthdr members alsq warmly supported it. The motion, was unanimously agreed to. The Bev W. Gillies next moved— ■* That a! vote of thanks Moderator for! his very address,” which, was agreed M’Gregor and! the Clerk, with the Bevs A. F. Douglas and; 0. Fraser, were 'appointed as a committee to; arrange the business for next session. After, the Moderator had delivered: aconoludlng! address, and devotional' exercises had badnj indulged in, the, Synod closed to meet aigainj on the second Tuesday in April, 1876. 1

Serious Accident pbom a Simple Cause. —The South Canterbury Timet, of Mgj ,20 f •tatei that a lerioui accident Andrews, of Geraldine, on Tuesofi/ last. "It appears that _Mr _ Andrews - was;Mb at i the: Timaru Hospital, inspecting the atm concretebuilding now in,., coarse of erection, and bj ; some means or another a board- fell Ironic above, striking him bn the whereto he received a severe concussion of the brain. He was taken inside the Hospital and recHvsd' medical attendance. On Wednesday, there' were but faint hopes held out of his recover/. The Telegraph Cable.— The Auckland correspondent of the Otago Daily Times, telegraphing to that journal on May 15, says: —Referring to the Press telegram announcing the breakdown of tho arrangement entered into by Hew South Wales, New. Zealand, and Queensland for the construction of a cable to Hew Zealand, and a now main connection with the Eastern telegraph system, ' and a farther statement that Mr Audley Ooote had gone to London to make fresh arrangements, the Star, to-night, gives the following explanation ; —" The agreement made by Mr Ooote, on behalf of Siemen and Co., with the joint Governments, was set oh one side a fortnight before the City of Melbourne left Sydney, and Mr Yogel had then, or perhaps before, opened up negotiations with the Eastern Telegraph Extension Company—the ComIpany which owns the submarine cable now connecting Australia with Java. Some time ago the Chairman of this Company addressed a letter to Mr Yogel, protesting against the injustice that would be done his company by the creation of opposition under a Government subsidy. He stated than an average of only 22 messages per day were sent on the cable, and that an opposition would mean rain to both—so much so that if a break arose-in their cable, it would bp a question whether the shareholders would deem it worth while to spend money on a hopelessly losing concern. The advantage expected from two cables thus would not be realised. The letter was altogether a very able one, and .the Chairman succeeded, we think, in establishing his position, that it would be grossly unjust to deprive the company of those benefits which their enterprise merited, after they had. carried out so large an undertaking. The letter concluded that, if the cable to New-Zealand were desired, the Company would be willing to undertake the work bn reasonable terms. It is no doubt on the strength of this manifesto that Mr Yogel has changed the whole course of his negotiation for connecting New Zealand with Australia by cable, and the announcement that the agreement with Siemen and Co. had been set on one side a fortnight ago, only comes as a sequel and explanation to the information published lost week in a telegram from Mr Yogel to the Government, that he had nearly concluded arrangements with the Eastern Telegraph Company for a cable to New Zealand connecting with their, present main line.”

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4452, 21 May 1875, Page 1

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4452, 21 May 1875, Page 1

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4452, 21 May 1875, Page 1


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