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The ordinary monthly meeting of the Lake County Council was held in the Chambers. Queenstown, on Wednesday, the ISth inst., and attended by Crs Reid (Chairman), M‘Bride, M‘Dougall, Lambie, Fraser, Butson, Oockburn, and Graham.

The first business brought before the Council was the matter of the Arrow Falls Company and the Council. Mr Turton waited on the Council and explained the contents of the Coy.’s letter fully. He was of the opinion that a satisfactory arrangement could be made on some of the conditions being modified. The matter was discussed at length by the Council, and ultimately the following resolution was carried on the motion of Crs M'Kibbin and Cockburn—That the dispute between the Arrow Falls Company and the Council be left in the hands of the County solicitor and Chairman for settlement as soon as possible.

Templeton and Cornelius, Pembroke, wrote saying they were getting on well with Pembroke jetty. They had tendered for work at Head of Lake with Vincent County, and if successful would ask permission to use the County’s monkey, etc. ; they would also be glad to receive progress payment of £SO. On account of the severity of the weather they asked for an extension of time to complete contract.

On the suggestion of Cr M'Dougall it was decided that if the Engineer was satisfied with the work done, a progress payment of £SO be made. The applicants were granted the use of the monkey, and an extension of time for six weeks was granted. John Stephenson, maintenance contractor, Skippers, asked for extension of time to put the road in good order :


T. Butson, Garston, wrote asking who was responsible for putting a bridge across the Sew Hoy water-race. It was impossible to get horses or sheep across without jumping the creek : Left in the Engineer's hands. Mrs Downey, Malaghans, wrote saying that the road leading to her property was in a deplorable state and asked that it be repaired. Cr Cockburn suggested that the repairs be made to the road. The cost of repairs would not be more than £3 or £4.

It was decided to repair the road, cost not to exceed £4.

The Lake Wakatipu S. Coy. wrote asking for payment of a long standing account : Received, amount in accounts to be passed.

A. Paterson, Moke Creek, wrote asking the Council to forego rate 4s jßd owing by Arthur Hopper, an old miner and old age pensioner. Hopper was without means.

W. Turton, County solicitor, wrote recommending that Hopper’s rate be remitted under section 163 of -‘The Counties’ Act, 1886,” on the ground of the extreme poverty of Mr Hopper.

It was decided to accede to Mr Paterson’s request.

The Receiver of Gold Revenue wrote forwarding a list of rents due for the Queenstown and Arrowtown sub-divi-sions of the Otago Mining District : Received, the Council expressing their thanks to the R> ceiver for his thought fullness.

The County solicitor wrote enclosing copy of letter he had written to the secretary of the King Edward Mining Company. The letter was to the effect that the Council would hold the Company responsible for the cost of constructing a new track at Roaring Billy, on account of the damage to the present track by the Coy.’s water-race.

R. M. Paterson also wrote the Council, The track required repairing for about 8 chains.

The secretary of the King Edward Company wrote saying he had asked the mauager fcr particulars of damage done, and on receipt of his reply would advise the County solicitor. On the motion of Crs M‘Dougall and Cockbum it was carried—That our solicitor be requested to intimate to the King Edward Mining Coy. that recoups to the Council the incurred (£2O), and in future prevents similar damage to the road, an injunction to prevent the race water flowing in the race will be taken out. A. J. Sullivan, agent Ocean Accident Insurance Coy. wroto offering to insure the employees of the County : Received. The secretary Charitable Aid Board wrote saying Si Yuke was granted 3s per week on April 11th on the recommendation of Mr Preston. The Chairman said Sue Hock was the applicant for charitable aid, not Si Yuke. The Clerk should have informed the Board of the name when wi iting. It was decided to inform (he Board that Sue Hock was the applicant Inlaid, not Si Yuke. The chairman of the Carston School

Committee wrote asking pmmi-simi to , no ve the school fence six feet to allow some trees to giow. Tim application was granted. W. J. Ford and Jolm 11. King, Pembroke, wrote asking Urn Council to construct a culvert over the creek in Youglml street. I iiey would themselves deepen tin* channel to allow of drainage. Or M‘Dougall sail the work should be done. Really the street required forming. He understood the Engineer bud been over the ground, and would be able to express an opinion on the mat ter. The Engineer said ho visited the ground, and recommended that a culver: be placed over Iho creek. It would not cost more than X I. The request was acceded to. The Mayor of Invercargill Borough wrote, forwarding the following copy of a resolution pissed by his Council, and asked the Council’s co-operation in the direction indicated : That with a view of reducing the annual payments of interest by local 1) alios, the Government be requested to introduce legislation to allow of money being borrowed by the country at as low a rate as possible and loaned to local authorities at a rate not exceeding 3b per cent per annum. Such advances to local authorities to be made from time to time as present loans mature. Further that this resolution be forwarded to all the Southland members of Parliament and every borough council and county iu New Zealand, asking their co-operation in bringing about the desired result. It was decided to write the Invercargill Borough, favoring the proposal, and intimating the Council’s co-opera-tion in the direction indicated. The legal manager of the Shotover Mining Company wrote urging the necessity of forming a track down to the machine level, as the present state of the track was very dangerous. Or Lambie thought that something should be done in the way of forming a track, as it was impossible to get up and down when the frost was bad. The present company paid X I in rates yearly. He would recommend that the Council give X 8 to XlO. It was pointed out that there was a balance of XIG of a Government vote unexpended for this particular district and Or Lambie suggested that this amount together with XI from the Council be spent, provided the company spend in addition XlO on the track The Chairmen said he was agreeable provided the company spend XlO. Or Lambie’s proposal was approved of. R. M’Dougall wrote the Chairman regarding the rental of the Matatapu sluicing cliim which had been paid the Vincent County Council. He wished to know if the rental came back to the Lake County as it had been paid to the Vincent County. The Receiver of Gold Revenue, Cromwell, wrote saying the Lake County was credited with nil rents paid upon the claim in Queenstown ; Received.

The secretary of the Arrow Junction Dredging Company wrote asking half cost of repairs to the road leading to the Coy.’s claim. The repairs cost £36.

It was decided to offer the company the £lO originally voted. Southland Sawmilling Co. wrote asking for payment of account£l2B 4s 2d if convenient. —Dealt with in the accounts.

A. Kevin, proprietor Wakatipu Flour Mills, wrote complaining of the state of the road at Hogan’s Gully and near the mill. They were dangerous for traffic. He asked that something be done.

The Engineer said he thought the present road at Hogan’s Gully was not on the proper roadline. [t was resolved that a proper survey be made before next meeting. W. Donne waited on the Council regarding his slaughteryard, and said that he had had word from the authorities at Wellington that if the Council wished a report on the slaughteryard they should write for it. The Council decided to do this. T. Muirhead, Garston, wrote complaining that the thirds and fourths for his district had not been spent on the roads in his district as promised. The Engineer said he would be visiting the locality in a few days. T. Hardy wrote making application to transfer his slaughtering license to J. A. Johnson.

The Council was in doubt as to its powers in granting such applications and it was decided to recommend MiHardy to write to the Department of Agriculture.

The Chairman said that with regard to accepting Mr M'Mullen’s tender for work on Skippers road, he wired the Engineer to accept the tender provided there were no extras. When he wired the Engineer he understood Gr Oockburn was present at the opening of the tenders, but he had since found out that such was not the case.

The Engineer said he tried to find Cr Oockburn before ho opened the tenders, .and failing to do so he had got the Clerk of the Court and his assistant to witness the opening of tenders. He took this step us the work was urgent.

Cr Oockburn said he was never consulted. He considered the tender £23 5s too high. He thought Tls would do the job.

The Engineer said Cr Oockburn knew the tenders were to be opened on the sth Sept. The said the Engineer had no right to open the tenders, excepting in the presence of Cr Cockburn.

Cr Lanibie thought word should have been sent Cr Cockburn. lie thought tiie work would not have cost more than £ 1 5.

In reply to Cr MKibbin the Engineer said it was not the custom to inform councillors appointed to opt n tenders of the date, as they were always aware of it.

[on the Engineer's port I" t ake t;n course ]i<* dill. 11- sin ni l tot- have opened ilit* tenders until the councillors were piv* ait. (dr M’Kibbin ciinpl dued (hj i 1 (lie advf. calling for Hulns did not appear in tie, as there might have been, in ail pmbability, tenderers Irom Arrow. Tin: mad.or then dropped. Tim Engineer’s report, as follows, was read and adopted ; (ioiillemon, —l bog to report for the period ( ii ted to-day. Roads and Tracks —Owing to the very unset tied weather, tin; maintenance contractors have not be n aide to make much headway in putting their various 1 nglhs in order hut they will now, it i.s hoped, he Ado to get, to work profitably. Roar ng hilly—The A row T lat G y * race has been doing a lot oi damage to the Roaring Hilly track through breaks, and in eompuiy with the Chairm in I visited the locality on the 3rd inst and arrang il to liare a new track out for 1/20 1 in' ma.t.-i was urgent, as Mr Taterson wanted to pack mat- rial to repair fences and elie-p- aid-. Track Gallant Tip. —ln company with Mr Lambic 1 visited the track in question ami find that 1 lie balance of llf vote about DIG will not do the required work and would suggest that Lite Council further augment the amount In any case it is not practicable to make a decent sleigh track as the grade is too steep being 1 in .!■]> nearly all tile way down. Airow-Macet wu Road.—A slip occurred on the Arrow-Macetown road at the Arrow Kails Coy.’s claim which almost stopped the trafUic. 1 put men on and had the road widened by blasting away the rock at a cost of LlO Ids. Conti acts. No. Kill (Rees River Road ; Reported as finished, hut not yet inspected. —No. 170 (Shotovor Branches) ; Tinished and passed.— -No. Kid (Arrow-Mac town) : Reported as finished but net yet inspected. —No. 173 Hilly Extension) : Good progress being made. No. 172 (Retaining Mall, Skippers Road) : About half completed. Surveys. —The working survey of the Staircase track is n \v completed and plans will be forwarded this week i u - approval. Amended plans of 25-Mile have been forwarded and may he returned any mail now. —Specifications of gravelling QueenstownClyde road have been forwarded for approval.

Pembroke Wharf.—Tins structure is proceeding iu a satisfactory manner. J. Black, Kngin er. On the suggestion of Cr Eraser, it was decided to again write the Mines Department suggesting a 6ft road at Mt. Creighton. W. Turton wrote complaining that the clerk neglected to let the writer have particulars of rate money received It caused trouble and inconvenience.. The Engineer said lie had been away, but always gave the solicitor a list when at home.

The Chairman said that the rate was to be paid into the bank every week. Some had not been paid in for a month. The Clerk appeared to please himself and ignore instructions. Councillors generally thought the Clerk should cany out the wishes of the Council.

Or M ‘Dougall said the Engineer must follow out the instructions given him.

Cr Oockburn said it was another instance of the necessity of two offices. Cr Fraser was in favor of giving the Engineer X 350 a year and appointing a clerk at XISO. The matter here dropped.

The action of the Chairman in having the Billy track repaired was approved. Drop; sed by Cr Cockburn, seconded by Cr MTvibbin and carried —-'That in the event oi extras being found necessary on the various contracts, the particulars of the same he laid on the table for consideration of the Council before granting.

In reply to the Chairman the Engineer said he would have Fincher s bridge repaired at once.

Proposed by Cr M'Dougall, seconded by Cr MTvibbin—That the various contracts be taken orf the hands of the several contractors for the roads this day, and substitute at once men on day wages, Kingston Riding excepted. —Lost, only Cr Butson supporting the proposal.

Proposed by Cr Reid, seconded by Or Cockburn—That the individual contracts be taken over from the contractors as soon as the Engineer is satisfied that the roads are in fair order, the contractors to give notice to the Engineer.

An amendment by Crs MTvibbin and M'Dougall—That all maintenance contracts terminate from date and that the contractors give one week’s labor to put their several contracts in order, the rate of pay to be as pel contract.

The motion was carried and the amendment lost.

The Council decided to go into committee over the selection of surfacemen, Cr MTvibbin objecting.

The following were selected as surfacemen :—Messrs Woodliead, Neilson, Marshall, Cosgrove, Enright, Stepaenson, Austin, Powell, Gallan, Chalmers, Thomson, and Young. The following two motions were carried :

Proposed by Or M‘Dougall seconded by Or Fraser—That the labor for any work to bo done by this Council in any riding or district within the County be procured in the said riding where such labor is available and effective, and that there is nothing deterrniutal known to the Council against any applicant for such employment. Proposed bv Cr Lambic, seconded by Or Oockburn—That the maintenance contractors who have done their work satisfactorily have preference of all other applications for the position of roadmen in the different ridings. The meeting terminated with the usual courtesy to the chair.

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Bibliographic details

Lake County Press, Issue 981, 26 September 1901, Page 5

Word Count

LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake County Press, Issue 981, 26 September 1901, Page 5

LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake County Press, Issue 981, 26 September 1901, Page 5


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