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A£ London correspondent states :—: — There , is on view at Mr. Peroeval's information bureau just now a sample of New Zealand flax tow, ex-Westiand, some bales of which are being submitted to leading paper-makers, with a view to seeing whether they can use it and will give a price sufficiently high to make it worth while New Zealand exporting tbe staff in any quantity.

A Gippsland man named Snell hasi three children whose joint weight is 77st. The eldest daughter, Clarai aged 18, weighs 34st, Annie, 17 years, is '21st; and son Thomas, 14 years, 22st.

The annual meeting of the New Zealand Rifle Association opens at Trentham to-morrow. Tbere will be eighty tents and two large marquees for the accommodation of the men. The whole camp will be under the entire control of Major Messenger.

A special Vienna correspondent of Esuter enters into details respecting a new rifle lately invsnted by Her yon Mannhchev, which he describes as a weapon of terrible destructivenesß. As many as 120 rounds per minute have been fired from it, and it has no more recoil than a rook rifle.

A party of 127 trained girls from Dr. Barnardo's homes left Euston tbe other day for Liverpool en route to Canada. Thiß waß the third party for the year, and brings up tbe total number of children emigrated this season to 729, or a grand total since emigration work was begun of 6738.

Tbe Wellington correspondent of the Bruce Herald ia responsible for the following .' — " Tbe colony is to witness early in the year the opening of a political campaign from north to south, the leaders in the movement being Messrs Bolleston, Scobie Maokenzie, Mitchelson, Brace, and G. Hutchison."

Erqniries in Hawera for dwelling houses' of any description seem to be brisk just now. The other day a lady residing in one of the principal streets had occasion to take down front curtains and blinds, and in the course of an hour or so no less than three enquiries were made as to whether the building waß to let.

Some idea of the originality of tbe Great Fair may be derived from tbe brief account ot tbe "Forestry" building as given by the Times correspondent. " This building being typical no iron enters into its construction, wooden pins being used instead of bolts and rods. It is a unique edifice entirely surrounded by a row of rustic columns of natural tree trunks, to which each State in the Union has supplied three trees typical of its timber. There are 2,400,000 teet of timber in tbe building."

An. accident occurred in a San Franoisco theatre on November 5. A man named Wells and his wife were exhibiting trained apes, whioh they thought were quite docile. One brute watched hiß opportunity, and sprang on his trainer, while a second assailed bis wife. The animals lacerated both in a frightful manner before being bsaten into insensibility by some persons from the audience. The wounded persons must lose their hands by amputation if they do not perish from blood poisoning.

The Paeroa correspondent of the Waikato Times says : — As Mr. John Kennedy waß returning from Waihi, yesV terday, with his waggon and four horses', he met with an accident, whioh nearly cost him his life. After passing Owharoa the front wheel ot the waggon slipped over a cliff, about 30ft. high, and the vehicle

then went bodily over into the river, the four horses, very valuable animals, were drowned in the river, which was in flood, and Mr. Kennedy was very badly hurt, breaking his tbigh and sustaining other severe injuries. A sporting contributor writes to a contemporary as follows : — I have heard local sporting men say that they bave never heard of a horse being barred on the machine until St. Hippo was in the Auckland Derby. They cannot have been

familiar for many years with the New

Zealand turf, for it has been done repeatedly. I remember one case particularly '■AShore Waitiri was barred on the machine for a race at Poverty Bay, and when the whips were drawn out in tbe home turn I she oonld not win, Herculageum beating her.

We understand that representations ? were made by His Worship the Mayor to Hume, Chief Commissioner of Police, who visited Hawera yesterday, to the effect that the police force at Hawera is now insufficient to cope with tbe duties of the district, whioh has practically doubled in area and population within the

past five years, and that complaints were Being made that services of officers were not obtainable when required. Colonel Hume promised to supply more strength to the office as soon aa possible. Many rumors reach as of considerable lots of cattle having lately been stolen throughout the district, and without any conviction being obtained against the cattle-etealerß. We agree, therefore, that more police protection is urgently required. The Otago Daily Times reports:— A very large shark, which has infested the lower harbor for Borne time past, was taken after an exoiting contest, which lasted over five hours, on Saturday, by three fishermen. The monster was hooked at 6 a.m., and fought furiously, towing the boat about the harbor as though she were a reed. It was harpooned and twice lanced before it suo* cumbed, and in its dying fnry put its teeth completely through the boat's keel. It was afterwards towed up to Port Chalmers, and landed, proving to be one of the blue or bottle-nosed speoies, and is apparently a female. It weighs consider* ably over two tons, and measures 17ft 6io long, with a girth, taken from the dorsal fin, of 19tt. The monster was taken to Dunedin for exhibition. Quoting a paragraph from the Westport Times respecting payment of jurymen, tbe Inangahua Times Bays :—": — " We quite agree with the judge's sentiments in this matter. Why a juror who is boxed up all day, and very frequently all night too, sometimes for days at a stretch, should not be equally well treated as the individual wbo is perhaps lees than sixty seconds in conrt during the bearing of the entire case* is beyond oar comprehension, Oar present legislators oame into power oa, the labor ticket, and are constantly bringing in new Acts for the supposed benefit of the working man. If they would devote a few hours only next session to the passing of a short measure whioh would entitle tbe badly treated juryman to a fair wage and reasonable expenses, they would do a sensible and liberal aot, which would

cause them to be remembered with grati-

fcude by future generations of common jurors. There is no donbt that such an Act would be far more acceptable to the people at large than the increasing of

cbeir own honorariums."

Town Clerk gives notice re d >g tax. ' s Nolan, Tonks and Co. sell stock at their Manaia yards to-morrow. Extra stjjpn^,- Silver Case Eotherams at H. G. Pitcher^ .Price. £Q 6s, £Q 10s.— Ad. On the front page jMisl)unne\announces a cheap stock-taking' saJS^af dripery, etc., for one month.

Three Marfcini»Henry rifles of the latest style bave been ordered by the Manaia ahootists. They are expected to arrive about tbe first week in February.

We bave been asked by Mrs. Green to asknowledge the donations of £B 3b and £1 10b respectively from Mr. F. McGuire, M.H.8., and Mr. C. E. Major towards the Manaia Catholic bazaar.

An Austrian engineer, at a meeting of an engineers' society in Vienna on November 12th, announced the invention of an electric locomotor whioh would be capable of travelling at the rate of 200 kilometres —ever 123 miles per hour.

We regret_ to hear that the heavy rain storm at New Year proved fatal to several hundred newly shorn sheep on two farms at Mokoia. The shearers had to knock off shearing and to boiling down for Borne days, many of tbe sheep which perished being very fat.

A matoh will be played in Manaia on Saturday, First Eleven v. Seoond Fifteen. Tbe former team will comprise Messrs Budge, Kilgour, Matheson, Hillee, Hurley, MoKay, Purchas, Shove, Sutherland, Kelhng, A. Young. The match will be phyed on tbe domain. 3JA letter has been received by the Mayor ot Wellington informing the Mayor_ ot Hawera that it is proposed to take action ia Wellington to erect a memorial to tbe late Sir Harry Atkinson in Wellington ; and asking if it is convenient for the Mayor to attend a meeting on the 24th inst; It seems that the Hawera Committee and the action already taken by them has been quite ignored.

The thousand-mile telephone line between New York and Chicago is now open. At the inaugural ceremony fortytwo receivers were employed, but conversation could be heard perfectly. A cornet solo was also quite audible, but was no doubt toned dowu by distance till no longer fatal. Tbe line consists of two No. 8 8.W.G.. hard-drawn copper wires, od 30 feet to 35 feet poles, about 45 to the mile. No. 8 is, of course, a very large wire to ÜBe for telephone service.

A peculiar freak of nature is reported from Taradale, H. 8., where a cow gave birth to a call which was a strange object to gaze upon. Its front legs and head were all right, but its hind legs were turned the wrong way, being up in the air instead of on tbe ground. So that if it ever had the strength to walk it would have to turn complete somersaults — rather a peculiar method of locomotion, to say the least. The animal did not live long. — Napier Telegraph.

The Manawatu Standard warns the settlers in the Rangitikei and Manawatu to beware of rabbits. Both the silver grey and the grey rabbit are, says our contemporary, to be seen in enormously increasing numbers. It is stated that tbe Oroua Babbit Extermination Society recently paid for over 4GGp skins, representing tbe number of rabbits killed in the district for a period of a little under three months. From this it will be seen that the evil is of a very serious character.

Professor Virohow, in bis address to

the International Congress of Archaeology at Moscow, repeats his statement that no trace of a " missing link " between man

and tbe lower animate has been discovered either in the human skulls believed to be the most ancient, or in the physical organisation of modern savages. Much depends on what is meant by a " missing link," for the contention is that changes are so gradual that no wellmarked difference, such as could be described as a " link," is likely to be discovered, for tbe simple reason that it never esißte-J. A correspondent writes to tbe Christchurch Press as follows : — As trustee for seven orphan children, I have had to realise their parent's estate and invest the money on mortgage. The estate realised nearly £3000, and I have had to accept interest at 6£ per cent., giving me an income of J2192, of of whioh I have to maintain and educate these children, the eldest of whom is &/gfrl of 12 years of age. Under the obnoxiouß property tax I should not have had to pay anything for these unfortunate children, but under

the Liberal Land Tax Act, although they don't own a yard of land, they have ttf pay £12 5s because their father's and mothers's wills direct me to invest on mortgage. I have a hard enough job ttf, make ends meet in any case, but, were is

tho justice in robbing thesa children of upwards of 6 per cent, of their*. income eimply because they hold mor,tgagaf . If it were in business they wotH<j£3Jgay no taxes at all. Sergeant Bootes lately effected a gallant capture of an armed bushranger at Tnmut, N.S.W. The prisoner had previously been seen passing through the town carrying a swag. At Gilmore bridge he stack up a young man named Thomas Bailey, taking bis horse, saddle, and bridle. Bailey resisted, whereupon the prisoner chased him with a long butcher's knife. He then said he would shoot him, and went to his swag on the bridge and produced a six-chambered revolver. Bailey dodged behind a tree, and prisoner fired three shots* Afterwards the prisoner tried to bail up two men, firing at one of them. A horseman coming along the road galloped by a. side track to the town and informed the. police. Sergeant Bootes lost no time in the pursuit) and arrested tbe prisoner, wbo was riding Bailey's horse, a few miles out on tbe Gundagai load. He took from him the knife and revolver, wbiob was loaded in three cbambers, and brought him to the Tumut look-up. Tbe sergeant found bullet marks in the trees where the affair occurred. Dr. Bice, wbo has been visiting the public schools in various large cities of the United States, paying special attention to the capacity of teachers as revealed in the examination of pupils, sketches tbe following scece, whioh be himself wiU Deseed in a school in Cincinnati : — In one of the pieces read tbe word " merchant " appeared. "Whet is a merohant?" the teacher inquimi, after one of tbe children read tbe woul. "A merchant is a tailor," answered one. "A merchant is a man what keeps dry-goods stores," said another, " A merchant is a man what buys obeap and kin sell dear," remarked a tbird. At last a little boy, with a triumphant air, cried out : " A merohant is a man what sells goods." Tbe teacher corrected none of these mistakes in language; but when one of tbe childen bad read the sentence, " I broke tbe glass and I will pay lor it," tbe teacher said, " What mistake did lie

make ?" " Teaober," answered one, "hs said ' glass,' and he ought a' said ' glars,' '' " Eight," said the teaoher. Another scene was in a Buffalo Bcbool : When all

was quiet, one of the pupils oallod out, " I ain't got no ruler." In answer to this the teacher, without oorreoting tbe child's language, said, " You don't need a ruler. Do it the way you ' done ' ii yester." Tbe latter is a very common error in this colony.

A notice interesting to borough ratepayers appears in another column.

HIS EXCELLENCY LORD GLASGOW while nnrtaking <>f some refreshments during the interval at the Opera House remarked : " One thing yor have hero that is good Ooffee. " It is scarcely necessary to say his Excellency was drinking Crease's A. I. Coffee. Sold everywhere in 1 and 21b tins

PERSONS OF DELICATE CONSTITtJTION, who are obliged to abstain from ordinary coffee, should try Crease's Taraxacum or Dandelion Coffee, which is recommended by the highest Medical Authorities as a very valuable beverage for those suffering from weak digestion, flatulency, nervousness, etc. Not to know ii not to have.

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Bibliographic details

Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2323, 11 January 1893, Page 2

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Iflte §gt«ir* Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2323, 11 January 1893, Page 2

Iflte §gt«ir* Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2323, 11 January 1893, Page 2


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