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<® —, — - The Manawiitu Times has received a photograph from Mr B. I'errott. of Sandon, snowing a ewe with seven lambs, the property of Mr W. Phillips, of Sandon. This is undoubtedly a record for one ewe. At the present time six of the lambs are alive and healthy. At the nrortlily meeting of the Paten Harbour Board the chairman mentioned owing to the shinping strike the Board's revenue h-rid for the past few weeks been practically at a standstill, while- the secretary estimated that the loss already caused to the BoaTcl thronsrh the strike amounted to over £200.

Mr W. 13. Mathescm stated at ' •«■ meeting «f tIK Eketahun.i branch of the Farmers 1 Union that in his opinion the -taxation on farmers was increased so rapidly that in'the evenh of a drop in wool and produce, the majority of farmers in the province would not be able to pay current expenses.

Tlie ballot for the. Mackenzie Country runs will be held in December, at Timaru. There are five runs, as follows:---Paddy's Market (part of Sawiion). 2200 acres; Tekal>o, 17,000 .ncre.s: Glenmore. 1.5.100 acres ;Simon : s Pn?•.<;. 10.200 acres; and Glontanner, 20.000 acres. They are to bo leased on the small gra'/injc run tenure and residence will bs coiripulsDty.

Yesterday while usinp; n rcA-nlrer L. Martin, of Levin, niet with a rather serious accident. The revolver accidentally dischariicri, unci dislodged a bullet which .struck a hand and traversed an arm nearly to the elbow. ■ Tie suffered acute pain and w>r>s driven 'by his father to the Otaki Hospital. '

One of the. Australian Methodist papers-had the following announcement in a re-cent issue: "A : .s T pw Zealand church notiro rends as follows: Service in this church on Sunday mon inq; at 11 a.m. Tlio supposition that it is ion mnritos late is a mirfake. Yoimp: men not from the weelt-njfrht sen'ice. The seats in the front portion of the church .have been carefully e\amined. They are quite sound and nviy !h> trus+od nit to irive wax. Tt is quite leoritim■ate to join in the sinjifnjr. 'The object of the choir is to enconratro not to the concrPcration." " ' ""■

Sir John Lntvrui OnmuVll. mlio presented Cornwall Park to An-k----liiiKl and the peopV , of Nrv,- Zenland, h.ns c( If Ih-.tltm] lii s nidi ltiriliilay. He arrived in Now Zrnl.ind at the. end of IS.S9, a».-] lb,->n be has been ,i ( v (rn<:i)ifiioiTS fitrnr" as pioneer, nierrh.'int prince, fin+n'nof iiylu-stry, .-uat'-'"an. ard pi'ilnii+'iropist. As <.'inr<rin(-ondenh of Au--'k-l-md hi> init; ;i |:f.fl rnbintoerinir in NVw Zr>nln-nd ivarlv Iv.-o vrnr:~ bcfnre it w;>s til-..<i in h,-i>!,] ] )v |] I|V British ~Wnr Sf,.'.Tolm h<>~ loners to mi -Tici'" , nt ficnHir-li fain)];,

t, ComplinHs oF .\1...r,u.1ii!l nnri Kilbrvde_ anri i n i'te lin» <>f the heirs to the old cnrldom of Lon-rionn.

1 A plant that causes laughter I grows in Arabia and produced flowers of a bright yellow, with seeds that re&oniule sniall black bonus. |Tlve native* dry mid pulvurisu them, j and the powcler iakon in small ■doses, makes the soberest person ix , - jli'ave like x circus clown or a inadmau, for lie will dance, sing, and laugh most boisterously, and' cut fantastic capers, and be in an uproariously ridiculous condition lor about, an Jiour. When the excitement ceases the exhausted exhibitor of these antics falls fast asleep and when he awakes ho lias not die slightest reireuibrance of his fr:' r -ky doings.

j A remarkable instance of the cJej yotion of a dog to its mas!.er was j illustrated at "Kingston (England; i recently. .Six months ago "Old Joe," the ostler sit the Grillin Hotel sold his dog, a faithful terrier, to a young fariiicr living near Brockonhursit, in Hampshire, warning at the time that if lie di<l not watch the animal he would probably leave fliim. Nothing was heard of '"Bob.-" as the animal wa.s called, ;>ntil when shortly after the hotel was opened one morning the dog, scarcely able to walk .crawled in and 'aid down close to his old I .s room. The dog ha , ! travelled a distance of over ninety miles.

I A curious incident has taken place 'near Paris. A fire having hro\-cn j out in a. wood, a puhlic-spirHed ! citizen seizer a bugle and hl<-w it j loudly to attract the villagers and j bring them to the plane to help to extinguish the 'lames. The first to arrive (a Paris correspondent writes) was the "garde- ehampetre," who fell upon the bugle-blower, and requested him to stop, his music instantly. The Mayor had given orders tliart no private persons should blow bugles on the public .highways. kind as the Mayor and his assistants were both, as it happened, absent from the place at the moment, the garde felt it his duty to prevent tho rules from being broken at all costs. So the fire, was left to blaze uninterruptedly until a large patch of forest had been destroyed.

A "breeze" occurred nt the Cliristchurch Police Court (reports the Christclmrch News) between Chief Detective Bishop and Mr M. .Donnelly. The lntei had asked that a prisoner should not be remanded until next week on an indictable charao, because, owin.o to the Supreme Court commencing next week, that would mean that the mnn would not oome before the Supreme Court until next February, a , id would thus be in jaol ) for throe months. Chief Detective I Bishop rose and said accused was a I recent arrival frofn Sydney. \Uj M. Donnelly at interrupted and I protested sjrninst this remark. Chief Detective Bishop replied indignantly that he would say whnt he was <roinsr to sav. and would not have, the •police bullied T>v Mr Donnelly. Mr Donnelly snul said that the remark ahont the man was vitunorat'on. The Chief Detovtice retorted that it wns true. Mr Donnellv : 'Tf you are supported in this C-'irt in such remarks, I will .see whether yon will be supported somewhere else. Tlipto may be someone sitting: in Cnnrt who m.av be on the jury to try the man, i and hearing your remark ho will conclude tV n man is a spu'l-m , fi'orn SvdI ne.v, and the mnn will V cr.nvifi-.ofl before hand.' Matters writ warm for a few minntos. Tinnllr.ji the Magistrate (Mr said tlVat' Ti" woi'lfl trv iho mnn summnrilv oo ( Nor-ernber 17+h, fid thus avmM sendina: him to the Supreme CourtFolks who never do any more fc'niT> tTiey ffpt r.niri for. never eet f for anv more than thev do. Vote -• for Byron Brown.—Adv+. r T?nbber nnv <!p;inr. tn«*'= <it «horf rot^«» . n. r onl \ ' .ct», Levin. . j

t The sale of residential and suburban property at Levin, advertised for Wednesday next, on behalf of Mr James McLcavey, lias been postponed until after Christmas.

From onr list of Parliamentary candidates, printed on Friday, the name of Mr Hamilton, Oposition candidate for Awarua, was missed. Prophetic?

Mr H. Spear, of Wellington, specialist in eyesight correction, is payin»- his periodical visit to Lovin at present. Ho will he at thn Levin Hotel this evening and to-morrow. _

Requests lor copies of the Horowhenua Chroricle have boon eonv'-g to hand from Otaki and other centres io tho sontihward. > We have arranged to have copies for sale hy Mr J ." Watt, storekeeper, Otaki railway, on find after to-day. The papers will'he despatched by 'thetrain leaving Levin at p.m.'every day.

A cricket match is to be played on Wednesday o the recmitio , ". srr«M>d between tin- newly formed Levin team and the Levin District High School. There h every reason to believe tliat a capital town team is likely to lie formed. Wednesday's game should prove very interesting, a.s sortie of the school boys are renowned for their "'slogging" propensities. The Shell Picture Co. are again appearing ;ti Levin Town Hnll this and !)■> our advertisement C!'l:!ins:.s show they hnve a particular!'., fine programme. During the !i:;',:• the company has been showing :i!')iig this Coast they have met with en I !::■-rustic receptions-—a fact which sp-viks hig.iiiy for the first-class progr?> mines they have been submitting. Commercial travellers doing business in (>n:r<aru with tlieir nouses in Dunedin ■and other centres complain bitterly of what they term ftli!- Mail says) t-he extortionate charges for long-distance telephoning. A Dunedin representative had recently to telephone an order from Duntroon. The eonvorsation occupied 13 minutes, for which he \rns eJinrf/e-d -'Is Id. or at i'bo. rate of Id >>ot minule.

A new typo of "Atlantic" ensrino, hr'liored l-o he the most powerful of any runnina; in the Clnitcd Kinji;doin, ha.<! boon designed for use on the London and Dentil-Western llailway. It has eiiiliteon wheels, an , ! is capable, of pulling fl heayily--laden trnin of 13 pnrriiVQip.s rtt over 10 miles nn lionr. Y\yn ontnnes of this typo mvo; built, and thev will be n.sed first for traffin.

A.s slinv.iiiu' tlip mnai'kalilo mnni!:t ; r wliich Mu> i?ilrodiirtion of Llic R:!'i)ncy strn'n lia': etrentrt-lionod tho'irin of in TTawko's !!■>;,• flistrici-,. ;> v/li'o has Ikul n;yvr!?-rls <if i'O oxpovicnro with fror:'.i!i,ir works, states that ho-foi-f rho adrent of hai-dy doniZ'.'iiv of iho. ir.nrchos it was qnit-p tho :i i-i'i■;)!•," thii'ii; to h.'ivc a'boiit tliroo s'!io:'p in cvory |"?i condemned on .•M'f'i'iiil, of piilmovii'v complaints. .'■ f the presont time, ho .stated, it v,-'!~ rmv'lv a had to he condcnT'cd for tiiis reason, and the- im-iv.-ii-nTiivnt iii was ",1niiist entirely due (o the iiitrodnetion of the I\(iiniiey strain.

M'r wlvo lias , an ,iniintnto<l ofliiion of Sir Gc.n. Gioy'.s "Polvm , - sii'ii HvMioloffy ,, i : . liHiiri. tokl " tho

'■ 'i!:or <•■!' tho. Times Hint i':.-u\<r}\ they Pfiulil trnf.! hark the in Minings of the waiata i'ro'iu tho old peo;>lo. tho karakiVi were beyond livii!!>; knowledge* in many oases. Last week Mr Hamilton mentioned that rreont transitions of documents .«.!::".'.- iha* Lliore were visits to Now Zf'l'iiul 'MM) vc.'ii's 'bofoTn t-li»> ''Ifi'ko." or miiration from Hawai--1-:; in flio 1 IHi Ontnry. aiul lio mon-i.:.-:ii(<!l in llic Orpy 'MRS. in the C'po 'r,;v.-n lilirnp.- av<m\" initraiis- !:;:<-■'] sion'-vs v:i'-"< n hv 'rolmnpas io

• J ':- (■■<>. Gvoy il.'H: mi:>.y Ik> full oi i-;t-"rc.-:i-. ]t \y a great pity Hint Mi !'''i-.v!.Tv cfl'nr!-- to secure flip ox- ■'■!: if". ~rM;o M>!,q. ; n tint collection r-.'• f<>o S;mlii African MSS., et<\, in t'c Hrey collect:i-n-7i in the Auckland |.:,,..,,.y |, ;lv( , n ,-,|. wt succeeded.

Ai-pcnatn of load for the oodlin ninth l-.ost; fu;;<rieirlo for <c:\]f mid all fungous diseases of U''<\t troe.s and vceotahlos: also ITc-llohoro .and Gishurst roinp.iund arf rihtninahlo from C. S. Pvrpcl•.v«Ts Phnririacv. Oxford street. — Adv-t,

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Bibliographic details

Horowhenua Chronicle, 13 November 1911, Page 2

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 13 November 1911, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 13 November 1911, Page 2


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