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*-\^V^* • , " . t '<- *' _uTj7j- *—*""*— gg3i^—^^ ,"" - - - Hiptotttttttai gMpUwtat promt mm- . „„ .. ;, . _ . ; ALEK JONES AND SONS- "'■ > ' l7 '" : ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT AND MAUUEAOTOUI^; -^ WAIPUKDBAU , AOBIOULTUEAL IMPLbJaENIS SMITHY AND SHOEING DBPABIMl^lot; , - „„ .. r jrn^ne ALL KINDB OF SMITH WORK DONE IN TBB *tOBT IK: ?,<';K---OF ALL BONDS PROVKD METHODS , >..-■ • ■™. PLOOOHH (Single and Double Throe Fnrawf Bridge Work, fco. tu. Oontuadted roir DIBO HARROWB, SO,, fC?,, KO, WHBELWBIOHT AND OOAOHBUILDmO IRONMONQBRY DBPARTMBHT, „, DEPARTMENT. j^p, and varied Stook of Ueiier&l Goods w Hm^j; „,.., V7 AQGON3. DRA YB, SPRING-OARTa. BXPHBSSBB on w <*' iA » » AMMUNITION *« ■ *tfJ ■i J «„. icci te At Lowest Poaaibto !««•. : ---.>',.*... dOi& AOBNTB IN HAWKFB BAY POR THE OBLEBRATBD AC??WOIILTO«aL BNOWIBRS, ■-; P. AND D. DONOAN, OHRKTOHUROH D'LTHICT AGENTS FOR THE BUCKEYE HARVESTER* COMPANY AND AYEu^ 0 & PORTER'S TRAOHON Ult ENGINES. • • ■ -M1,.- mni

■ ■ '^nfc i Vff^ • — m tr\ '*' iHDiitniH ***s^.'». - KlnnviliAMA m #k\ «.fi.jD«nattwi««r«*»te*'!SS4T' ur \:" t '" 1 MDVIJIIU^VS #A\ m ■: 'it Nelson Hl«»*,'*»»i;lMsS^.a/n DCal IXaSjf /jX \ tr^f3Qffi.^ * iN THE m Jv^^^^-\'-yL '"R?*'*™ lle * irr 1 JI I t^'* •2£? ) ' c ' ! ' ~rfa B^ « \\ S /Sffl^lfV'' 1 %' wperta to inrttjng we »«C* ff\ LMhtX \JW iHT^^HIf 1 * M. ySlwn( B «hbColony.«'r*!*,<«. V ) *^ IxW^Jp /y^pM&J^Y jm* | . 'ha;;;:* 1 !'"" 1 ' copied gjP &sStw\\ fy-*-2/4$^ J °' !> AUCKLAND , WELL! N GTO^v CHRiStGHURCH 'DU WfiOH^ ' ■ " 133 ■■■- i ...» ' , ' ' ' . j W. M.< N E WM JLSi > TBNNYSON-STBBBT. 18 NOW OFFEBINQ FOR CASH r SUITES OP PURNITUjRivSPRING BTUFFKD (Qoiimr GnABAIfTDBj ; FOR £11 10 a O D JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID LOT OF \ NAIRN'S CELEBRATED LINOLEUM REH> AND QUA\ « 10,000 MADE.) (10,000 MADE. FAMOUS DOUBLE FOBBOW PLOUGHS, Also tholr equally tamed OHAMPIOM CHILUEO DIGGING PLOUGHS Bbud« « Doubl* Furrow), with reversible points, Uud edge, and froat-lltttng levor. ThlM> Diguing Plonghs can ba mada oonvortiblo into ordinary doublo-farrows If daalred. A UC*, number of theso now at work. • :■-- •••■ OUAFFOUTTRRi anu BADGBR9. All glzea. Of Bajgera alone S? were mads Mb - r' year. Nos, 1, 2, aj, S, ard 1 Chaffouttera. . ■'( . KiKELZIOZAOHABiiOVV.-i. B»me prioo an Iron, and will last roble the ttoe, ItWD AND GRAV'd HOR3B (IKARa (Over 1300 made). ' : "i £T DISO HARKOWa la flizoa from of itu nit, wldd. Kitted with patent adJortiDeß^g for equalising the woteht, co that the discs out unit jrmly deep all over at; any augla. TO;,/, only roally gjod Dlbo Harrow In the market The twarlnw will not out the axle, aadßMulf',, ever requlro renewing. NSW 3PADWOI DISO HARROW, 6ft, Bft. 10ft, ted 18» WiAV* 17 *' £- aoooant of our superior faolittea wo oin supply any demand that may arise for Bioh I >?'. . '• •'■..• v NKW fOSmVE FKHD BROADCAST SEKD SOWKR3, This « undoaftf)dl7Mji) -,,-. , only good Broadcast Seod Sower, -. t"~ ,'• iv COiIBINED GKAIN, MANI/RK, AND TURNIP DRtLU Greatiy lmprgved'Jtor'Blfir '^}* Beasoo. Made In all combinations and to sow grata or turnips at) will, with "tf'wiUiWfcS.','!- I manure aa desired. This la the drill Cor tho tunes. Made any slue from 4to 8 odaltjow, *M »,:i i ; from Uln to lfllo between the drills; and for grain for Sin, 7m, or 81a. Kitted wlthoflW, „,,r, Datontadiuatablo oonltors. ' " •-"•*'•• RKID AND GRAY'S IMPROVED PATENT ROTATORy HARROW, tor WOtWii O-Ol foul hind. An implement no farmnronn do without. We have a great many at work.', I .»r?:,ea<: IMPROVED WINDMILbS of the vory best ooostruotlon and mutorUl, and otanrsiMii' r. ) ■ and power AMKRIOAN .VOODSN HIU^IDS PLOUGHS. £3 10a eaoh. _/ . *:V ' Tripod Harrows, Grubbers, Drays, Cambridge Rollers, Turnip Slioere, Pnlpen, Wb* ' Htrainura Blndore. Oils. Horea Nails, &c., &o. '•-•■■ , KxoopUoriaUy Low / PLAIN AND BARBED FKNOINO WIKB 1 KxoepaonaUjrX**,-^-! Prlcea I IRON F NCING STANDARDS / PrXSsk , ij. " . L Solo Agents and Makers of Small's Patent] Safety Carralgp Attaohmenta. AgßaWfo» ,' Clayton and Shuttle worth's Threshing Mllla and Knglnes. AUo for Shlo— l SeooiuMuaa '-' - ' Rausoineß 1-B Thrashing Mill (nuwoaC style), 1 Sooorid-band Marehall'd (8 Threabing KIU -"-. ' both In good working Older, Solo Agonta for tho "Meroer" is on-(Janv<ui Binder, tST New Illustrated Catalogues FREE on Application. TEH BPHCIAL REDUCTION IN OAMBRIDOE ROLLKRB AND DISO HARROWB OFF CATALOG UK PRICES. US „ , THE COLONIAL TRUSS FOR ALL RUPTURES , . BY HKR MAJESTY'S ROYAL liETTBBS PATKNTJ NO SISEL SPUiaQS. WASHABLE, SELF ADJUSTING. RROOMMKNDBD BY OVKR ONE THOUSAND SaRGBONS. THE COLONIAL TRUSS (patented) possesats the fol owing raanlfert advantages ovor all others on the market : -It Is without Steel Bprtogs or latTen. ul oannot get oat ot order : It Is Washable, Kaelly Adjusted, and oannot allptrom podSonTlt has no cumbrous fastenings aadwlHlasCalMetlme;icls imnle. Oieari.UghLfltmitF.iM^Mp 'ttitfri and Kffeottve,' The above Items rendof n> Invaluable to 7armera, Miners, Hone-ndam, BM Uolonlsta generally ; whilst for Women, Children, aud Infanta It oannot be outdone. Mulii free per return strongly packed, on receipt of Money OrdT made payable %o JOMK Max UNSKB, London ' ' ' PBIOBB-TRUSS FOR RIGHT OR UDFT SIDB. 31a to KAOH. TRUSS FOR BOTH SIDES, 63a KAOH, MIASOUIMKNT - SEND SIZB ALL ROUND THE BODY TWO INOBKB , BBIiDW - TOP OF HIPS. 7; " JOHN MELLINaER, SURGICAL APPLIANCK MAKKR, 168, OEBAT UTOHFIBLDSTBEEt, LONDON W., ENGLANO, MANUFAOTORKU OV BKLTS, BINDKR3, BINUAQS3. BRAOS3 TROHra fIUfIPKNSOKIItS K^^^ A^^^^^^ " Oatalogneß ma led tree ■• asplto .Unii der o v wm'j<rAiXS& 2r^^ ' Manufactured only by Tliomaa Holloway, 78, New Oxford Sttte "^r • j :-•; '■ V lato 533, Oxiol-dßtroet, London,,.. .. . ; ..,_,.,,,^ vV^^ ' &* Farchatert should look to the label on the Boxel and Pol* , ■i*. ** thß address is not 633, Oxford Bt'eet, London, thoy are_ ipnrioßt, ' * ' "'

HAWKE'S BAY TROTTING CLua BPBINGMVIBBTIKa. To bo held on Hawkos llof Trotting Clnb'a Course, Hastings, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBKR Sin, 1898. FIRST RACK TO START AT 12 O'CLOCK 1 Prosldonti Goorgo Ellis, Esq. Vloe-Presl-dont: n. M'Loan, Kjq. Rewards: Messrii W. O. Maddlson, W. Y. Dnnnett, J. E. M'lvor, W. EdwardV R. Gjoeeman, T. Foreintn, H. U Jn'l U A. Longbnon, Geo. iand. Judge I A. Lw, Ksq. . Cleric of the Course: Mr T. I'erolval. ..Qlork ot tho^ Sca'^s: Mr J. T. Vautlor: Timekeeper I Mr W. Edwards. Ilandioappor imd BtArter : Mr A. T. Ilanvers. Treasurei: Ur W. K. Dennett, Sooretary : W. D. Ireland. PROGKAMMB. U O'clock -MAJDKN HANDICAP TROT (in saddle), of 20 soys; for horses that have not won aa advertised Trot, either in saddle or harnes'. Nomination, 10a; nocoptanco, lOv 1 miles. 12.J5 p.M.-H'^DICAPI'ONyTROKinhar. new), of 20 soys | bojond pony to rocolyo S bovb from tho gtake; holgnt, HI and nndor. Nomination, lus ; acooptanoo, 10s. 1,30 P.M.-HAWKE'S BAY TROTTING CLUB HANDICAP (In siddlo),of6oßov»i socond horso to rocolvo 7 soya from tho stake, third horgo to reeolvo S soya from tho stake. Nomination, 29a; accoptanoe, 1 30 b. 3 miles. 3 15 KM.-MAIDEPJ HANDICAP TROT (In harnoss', of 20 soys ; for hnrsoß that havo not won an ndvertlsod Trot, oithOf in soddlo or harmiM. Nomination, lOij acceptance, 10a. 3 mtles. 3 p.m.-H\NDIOaP PONY TUOT (In saddle) of ISsqvb; h«lghtU-1 and ander. Nomination, lfs; ncceptonoo. So. li mllo. 5.15 p.m.- SELLING TitOF (in saddle), of. 20 soys; lOwo all.iwod for overy t soya raduotion nff selling prloo. VVlnr.or to bo sold for SO soys; any snrplua to go to the funds otthoClub. Entrance. 2o3. 2mllns. i.90 P.M.-H\STINGB HA.NDIOAP TROT in harnoss), of 30 soys ; socond homo to reoelvo fi soys from tho stake. Nomination, 15e ; aooeotanco, 15% 2J miles. DATK3 OF NOMINATION, HANDICAPS, ACCEPrANCKS. &C. Nominations clo;o with tho Seorotar; on WEDNESDAY, Soptombor lltb, ut 8 o'olook p.m., addroßSodßox 11, Hastings, Handloapa to appear on w HDNE3DAY, September 81st Acceptances and Entries for Sailing Trot olose on WKDNE3DAY, Soptcmbor '.'Bth, at 8 o'olook p.m. All Nomloatlons and Aooiptunoea must bo accompanied by tho no"o°sarv foes. RULHB AND RKUULiTIONS. All Ponies to bo rooaßurcd before startinfr. Provlous porforrcanco of the Horses to be Slven at tune of Nomination, also oolors of in Riders. All protests to be Booompanled by a fee of 2 boys, to bo forfeited If the protest la not sustained. All dlsputoo and obiectlons arlalns oubof Ihe racing shall bo decided by a msjorltyof the Stawnrds present, whose decision shall be final, and shall not be questioned In an; Court of Law. Kntrlea only received on this condition. Nominators must Btsto tho bona fldo owner of horeos. To bu run nr.dor the Rules of the New Zealand Trotting Assooiationi Five por oent will bo deducted from Ernes amount of all Stakes. WM. D. IRKLANU, Beoroiary, 71S Hastings, Hawke's Bar, HOMUEK RACER find ROADHTKR SAFEMKS supplied at a fortnight's notice. Solo New Zealand Agont - J. 0. MERGER, Nelson Cycle Woi fca For Llstß and rotms apply to T. SI. Lvov Taradals 63] RAGLAN NO. 12., NSW LONG WIIKKL UABK -- OOFHION ITYRE3, HIOH GRADK, £16 10s. W. M. SERVICE, < AUCKLAND. SO IE IT IS EXCELLENT.'' VART, i4smk From Ruv. K. W. ISETT, W O b. WmmSA loyan mlnlstor:-"I havo derived 'wlC'Vrt' much benefit from 1U use when oss'?® BullerinK from oxocbblvg spoakinK. 'jA/MS'ai Ypu win, I suppose, know that the '/"M/tyi Hoy, 1 Aloxandtr Reod (now of Dun SMjpg odin) uaea and highly commends It ®Mf -From Rev. n. J. CONGDON WAWm oi LBKRT, Chrlstchuroh I- " I shall om. not fall to rocommoad It to all who nSfi f'W(: sulfar from alfeotlona of tho throat. ;From Rev. W. B. MARTIN, WeaKs'ißtal leyan minister :—" I Bhall cerulnly Wnan\ ? eODmmonu t° aJI Wu ° Buffer. ' WMmS, ''From Rev. CHAS. PKNNKY, jagKjsfr Ifapler:— "ln ono oase when overy i*9«»asjj remedy tiled pioved powerless to BEfSja give relief jtbo cough was so dlsfflmfVlß trotalDg), Iho first doso of your fitf»»«a Luug Prcsorvor provoa moat effeoWM® ■ From Rev. GEO. CUHSSOU I-, tfjSSi&li/- "The Lung Proaorvor has done {jaimik- Mrs Chossou a groat deal of good,". IJiBJaBSI From Riv, E. MARSHALL:— 'I figSsßl ooolved conßlderablo anoT speedy Wjmk From Rev J. PARKIN -Your ■JL ffilSk Compound Qtitilno Pills aro tho w W)$M DeBC remedy I havo tried tor flutu'JßWitSm lpuoj-'.ana pains Id. the head. Tho SSWiSA » u 9X Pnservor nasdono my throat) Wffl&zA'SWa., ;1 g*vo geverol people dooos, MvS»SS/pie' result being that) ihu Chemise Has boon compelled to send for a |1$1» 4* Dr. J. KWART:- As a WJ&& Cough Medlclno for 11 agca It la jmqjA oxoeilent i AN' S OREKEIPfiR3, ) PURCUASEUS. ackot of Lung Pwervor ofterod or salo la > iwords '" Baxter's Lung Proeorver, Christ

nOPPKKPLATE PRINTING. - U" Vtf Itlnx Cards, Bill-heads, and all klnde f Copperplate Ptintlngaro executed ab the ncRiXD offloo. Oolr Qappciplate Printing bUbUahmenfe In the fi#rine«.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9144, 30 August 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9144, 30 August 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9144, 30 August 1892, Page 4


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