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%Mt#, OAWKE'S BAY JOOKEY CLUB. SPJ3INQ MEETISO, 1892. MONDAY AND TUKSDAY, 3RD AND lin OJIOBEK, 1802. President ■ Hon. Captain RubboU. M.H.R, Troasuren Jas. Lyon, Stewnrdsi Wm, Douglas, O, P, Donnelly. U. Gaisford, G, Hunter, V. logan f. H. Lowry, Henry Mason. W. Bhi-tmpion, Hon. Ji D. Ormond. Jndget W. shilmpton. Starter! Saml. Powell. Clerk of the Course i James Ijopdoll, Clerk of the Tntalisator i a. T. Cross. O'.srk of tho Scales : Wm, Hoilby, Time-keepor i O. M. WhltUngton, Handtoapper I J, O. Kvott, PROaRAMMB. FIRST DAY-MONDAY, 3rd OCTOBER. To Start>t 12.80 p.m.- OCTOBER HANDIOAP, Of 03 boys ; scooiid horso to rtcolvo 10 boys from tho stikc. Nomination, l eov; acceptance, 1 boy, 1 mile and a distance. M 6 p.M - HANDICAP HUHDLK RACK, Of ICOsdvb ; socond horso to receive 15 sovb, and third horso 5 eovs from tho stake I Nomination, 1 boy ; occcptani-f*, 2 soys. | AbouUmtlos. B.IJ p m —HAWKK'3 HAY GWKAS, of 250 boys, with a aweepstnfee of 10 soys f >r ncooptora added ; second hOJBe to receive SO bovb from iho stnko. For trroe-yoar-nlds. Colls, Bst 101 b; fllllos nnd geldings, 831 61 b. 8 *cro on nlnht of gonoral ontry, Closed wi'h 90 nominations, 1 mile. P.M.-MAIDKN HjATK.of 5? boys ; acoond horso to rcccivo 10 soys from Uio Btako. For Ihiee-yeur-olds nni upwardß lint havo nuver won n raco cxooedlDg 25 sovb in valuo at I lino of ontiy; wlnnor of any such rncoifter ontry to carry 71b oxtra. Welnhis- Throoycar-oldß. 7st jib; four-year-olds and upwards Bat 2lb; mires Mlowcd 61b, (toldlngs 31b. Kntranoo. 1 Soy. 1J milo. 3.(9 P.M.- WKLCOMK BTAKKa, of 100 bovb ; eeoond horse to rocolvo 10 bovk from tbo stako. For t-wo-year-olds. Weights • Colts, Bst 51b; fllllcs and geldings, Sit. Kntrnnco, 2 boys. 4 furlongs 4.30 pm, -CORINTHIAN STAKUS, a handicap of 40 boys. Minimum weight, lOat. Hnntlomon ildore. Nomination, 1 boy; aco.'ptMico, nil. 11 mllo. N.B.— "Applications for elootlon as & gontloman ridor mUBb bo made to the committee of tho Jookoy Clnb In whoso district the applloant reßldos, and muat bo proposed and Bccondei by mom bore of iho Club. On election the oommltteo shall issue a oortluoato, whioh shall entitle tho holdor to rldo as a gontloman rldoron any racecourse where thoso rules are in foroe, provided that tho oorilHcato may bo cancelled at any tlmo on sufficient oauso being shown. No person having rooolved payrnonc in consideration of work performed in conpoctlou with the tioinlug or riding of horses ahull bo oliglblo to rldo as a gentleman rider. 5,15 P.M.-FIiYING HANDICAP, of 100 boys; Bicocd boreo toreci'ivolOsovsfrom tho siako. Nomluution, l soy ; aoooptanco. 1 sjv. 6 furlongs. S3KCOND DAY-TUK3DAY, OCTOBEK 1. v.30 p.m.-tiual Handicap, of 40 bovb; second horeo to rocolvo 5 soys from tho Btako. Fit horeos that havo novor won a raco exceeding 40 boys in specie at time of starling. Nomination, 1 soy : aocoptonce, nil. Onoo round. Lls P.M.-BKCOND HANDIOAP HURDLK HACK, ol 80 bovb: socond horso to reoolvo 10 bovb Irom tho stake. Nomination, 1 bo y ; acooptnnco, 1 soy. About If mllo. 2.15 P.M.-BPRING HANDICAP, of 230 sovs: sco nd horeo to rooolvo 25 eovb, and third horao 15 oovs from tho stake. Nomination, 1 toy ; nco-jpiuuce, 8 soys. The winner of tho llnwko's Bny Hui oas to carry 71b oxtri, or of any handicap of tho vaiuo of 100 sovb aftiT the declaration ot Iho weights 51b extra. li milo, 3 P.M. - N UKSKItY II AN DICAP, of ICO soys ; second hor^o to reoeivo 10 bovb from the stake. Kor two-yiar-olds, NomiDntlon, 1 boy ; necof.tanco, 2 bova. 4 (urlunge. 3,15 p.m.— POST STAICKa, 0125 boys; second homo to rocelvo 5 soys from iho stake. Weight Sat; mtldcna(Ulnwod7lb. Winner of any raoa of tho valuo of 10 boys to carry 71b extra ; of CO boys, 141 b oxtra ; of SO Bovn, 211 b extra ; of 100 bovb and npwardß, 281 b extra, I'onaltlca not accumulative, Decliirstlon ot renalty or ullowitnco must bonmdoattlmo tf omry. Post entry, 1 soy, to bo made with iho Cltrk of the Boalcs boforo Uio Btan tor tho Nursery Handicap, Ouce round 4.50P.M.-WJCLTKR HANDICAP, of 40 soys, Minimum weight, Btit; gonilomon rldcrt allowed 71b off the hundlo.ip wolght, rnomiuation, 1 boy ; aoceptai cc, nil, 1 milo 5.15 P.M.-FINAL HANDICAP, of 60 boys Bpcond horso to rtcoKo .0 bovb fiom th« slako. Nouilnatlon. 1 soy. Weights will Ihi uoclared Immodlatuly after tko Spring H mdicnp. Acceptance, with 1 boy, to b( niiido with tho Clerk of iho ?oulo3 bofori tho start for tho Welter handicap. S furlongs DATES OF NOMINATIONS, ACCEPT. ANUK?, AND WEIOHTS, With amounts to ho lorwarded to the Sccro tur>- n.U.J.u. N.B.— All events clouo at 10 p.m. unless stated to tho contrary. TUhSDAY, Otu eKPTHMBKRNominations.- First Handloup tiurdlcs .. .. 1 Biv F.yiug Uaudfcap .. 1 boy spring Handicap _ 1 soy IHUIUDAY, Bth sUCPTKMBKR- \\ eights.- First Handicap Hurdlos Klyli g llnuiilcau rprlng Handicap TUKf DAY, 2/tii BKPTHMBEKNominations.— Ociiher Handicap .. 1 boy Maiden Plato.. .. 1 boy • Welcome Slakes .. 2 bovi Corinthian Makes _ I boy Trial Handicap .. 1 BOY Sec mil Hundicap Huidlos .. „ 1 soy Nursery Handicap .. 1 boy WcltorUandioap .. 1 boy Firm] Handicap . 1 soy Acceptances.- First Handicap Hurdles .. ..2 BOVt Flying Handicap . . 1 soy fc'prlr.g Handicap .. 5 sovi SwXEi>STAKE.-HawkosßayGulneas 10 BOVi THURSDAY, SOru eKPTKMBKtt— Weioiits.— October Hundicap (. orinthlan iiuudloap SATUKDAK, Ist O IVIiICR, DV 3 p.m.— acceptances.— Oct'ibor Handicap .. 1 boy Coilothlan Uaudlcap Ml MONDAY, 3«D OCIOBKR, ny 0.30 P M.(Nlght of First Day's llaoes) V tlonTS,— Trial Handicap Second Handicap Hnrdlce Nursury Hundicap W.;ltcr Handicap MONDAY, 3liD OCIOBKR, by 10,30 P.M. ACCKPTANCKB.— TriaI Handicap .. Nil becond Handicap ilnrdlfa .. ..1 boy Nuracry Handicap .. 2 boy W elter Handicap _ Nil F. D. LUCKIK, Secretary, Criterion Hotol, Napier, 1.-L AugUßt, 1892. 55 _Jllimt KAKOITIKEI HUNT STEEPLECHASES. ! To bo hiM on tho Jockoy Club Course ■-■ ilarton, on TnUR3DAY, IBT 3KPTHMBKR. President Mr J. G. Wilton, M.H.R. Vlcoi'nßidents: Mr It. Aldworth and Mr v\\ lliuuiiioi.d. MnjiUr: Mr V. G, Rlddiford, Dopiiry Munterß! MrJ. P. Lothbrldgo and Mr J. htovonu. Judge: Mr It. Aldworth. Harter: Mr ti. I'owcil. Clbrk of roulesi Mr T. T. Walt Clirk ot Coureo : Air 8. K. Hlchnrds. Handlciippor : Mr J. K. liemy. Tiinckceier : Mr W. L. Llttlo. Bifjwai-dB : Ur, Skernmn, i)r, Uonnott; Meewra ypencor H. Uollau, J. '111.1.l 1 . Dalr>]unlo J. ll'irkor. It, li. Aldnorth, W. A. Kolller, J. Green, A. H. Bill, L. M, Tuveruor, J. N, Weltord, T. M'Kcnislo, U, K. Bockelt, and P. Wotlon. PHOGRAMMIT. 1. OPEN 11UHDLKS, of SO toys; dtntanoe abo'it li mllo, .-ominiitlon, lUs ; acceptance, t.U To start nt 11 a.m. 2. UAMJICAP HACK HURDLES, of 20 bovb; distance, about li mile, lion, IDs; uccuplaccc, 10b. 'Jo start at coon. 3. RAAGITIKKI HUNT CUP, a handicap steepkehase, valuo 10 sovb ; distanov, nbout 3 inlloß. Nomination, 6o; uocoptmice, ss. Forauallfledhuntursonly. (doe ruleb). Other ilmu guutlumeu rldord ouny 71b oxtra. Minimum weight, list 71b, To Btart at 1 p.m. 4. FLYING HANDICAP FLAT RACE, of 20 boys; second horso to rooolvo 5 nova out of the HtaUo; distance, about Jof a mllo. Nomination, 10a; acceptance, 10u, To Btart at 1.45 p.m. 5. OPKN HANDICAP STHEPLKCHAirK, of (30 sovb; atcond horso to receive 10 nova out of tho oUtkte; dlstar.oe, about 3 miles. Nomlnutlou, 1 boy; acceptance, 2 BOVB. To Btart at 2.30 p. 11l 0. LAUIhS' BRaCELKT, valuo 10 boys: handicap steeplechase fur quallficu huntem i.oinliuawl by ladles; ulalucco, übout 2 mlloa. Uardloaps to bo declared I nftor Cup raco; acceptanco before Open Slreplochaßo. Nomination, 63; acceptance, 6«. Samo condltiuus aB Cup. Blart at 3.15 p.m. hack handicap flat rack, of 20 sovb; distance nbout 1} mllo. Nomination, 10b; acceptance, 10s, To start at 4 8. MEMBERS' BTKEPLHCHABK, a Cup preßontod by Mr S. Gibbons, valno 10 bovb. For qualified hunters, proporty of mombors of tho lUngltlkel Hunt Club, thai have novor won v raoa of any kind .(otiicr than point to point stcoplochnßo). UlnUnoo, about i inilou. wolght, 13at. 'lo bo rlddon by amalunr rlderH who havo regularly hunted ihid soaßon with tho nanKliikoi hounds. rul¥h. 1. All raocs to bo run under tho Ruloa of Racing nB adopted by tho Metropolitan Clube In Now Zealand. 2, AH raoce, with tho oxooption of Nos. I aid 0, uro opon to Haokß OLly. lHlUitlon of Hacks as adopted by W.J.C, strictly adhorcd to. 3 A Huntor la a hnrso (hat has hnnted with tho RanglUkol Hnundß, or any other recognißod pack of hounds, to iho tntlafaotiou of the Muster for season 1892, and must bo tho bona lido property of a mombir of a Club. 4. In races 3, 6. and 8, Master's Cortlllcato must bo produced to iho Clerk of the Scolos, or llio horses will not bo allowed to Btart. 5. All Nominations, Entries, Aooopianccs, &c, accompanied by ihe ntoessary amounts payable, muat) be in the hands of tholfoorewry not later than B p m. on iho dates named. 0. All Nominations mnst contain description, pedigree, performances', tind nooeßsary fecß. Colors wuh acooptancos aid gonoral entries. NOMINATIONS, WItIGHTP, ACCEPT ANCES, AND KATltlhS. Nomiri^llons for all Handicap Racca closo on TUiSUAV, 16th August, at tho Wblto llarl Hotel, Murioii, at I) p.m. Weights to bo deolaied on or abonttho 23rd Augnst. .v. Ac ,?'; p .V in n 0 on tho 27th . °t 0 V-m., at tho White Hart liotol, Murion. Telegraph Ofllco closes at Mnrton at 5 p.m. J M, JOHNSTON. • Bon, Sea.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9144, 30 August 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9144, 30 August 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9144, 30 August 1892, Page 4


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