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'Xco : '" : ':.;v-"s> ' o tic H: ' •■-••••'"•-■_: A LL PERSONS are hereby; informed that by : ;ix a Deed dated the fifth day of April, 1860, - : iii"d made between Q-eorge Charlton and George ; Buckland Worjjau of the one part, and me the : undersigned, Henry Bowman Scaly of the other part, ALL .THAT 'RUN called the iPatoka Station, " together with all that flock of sheep 755 in number, branded with a fire brand on the left side of the nose, then depasturing on the said Station,, and the increase thereof j also four working buliocks and dray, were assigned to me, the undersigned, Henry B, Scaly, as a security for the principal sum of money therein mentioned and interest, — TAKE . NOTICE that the said principal sum and interest is still due and payable,' and I hereby give notice that no sale of the property above mentioned will be valid without my consent, and all pel sons are hereby cautioned from dealing- therewith. , Dated, this twenty-sixth day of April, 1861. H. B. SEALY, Napier. Witness ; : — . j James B. Feb&ttsoit, J.P. ~~ WI W T E~B GOODS. ALEXANDER BROWNE ..■ /OESPECTFULLY intimates that he has \ JLk> received per JPole Star a shipment of Goods suitable for the coming season. EX " POLE STAR." Martell's Dark Brandy, in hhds. and qr. casks " Pale " in qr. casks Sherry Wine " Port " " - Port K in cases Sherry " in octaves Champagne in pints Guinness's Stout in quarts Tea in chest s and halves " Qr. chescs Half tierces Tobacco. .^^ - Coffee, in 1 ft. to -Sardines, half and qr^Pfr c Wax Vestas ,^^.. Cork Butter irraSkins White Herrings " No. 1 Co.'s Sugar Co.'s Crystals • Java Rice Belmont Sperm and Neva Candles Commissiariat Office, Napier, 26th April, 1861. SEALED TENDERS in duplicate will be received at this office until noon on Tuesday, the 30th inst., from persons willing to supply the undermentioned articles for the use of Military Prisoners, viz. : — Meat without bone Fresh Bread Oatmeal Soap I at^-ft. ;..-. ,&* I . V , - Potatoes _ ,~" Onions Milk, at per piifffc The person whose tender shall be accepted will Jbave to deliver the above at Q-ore Browne Barracks in such quantiraes and at such times as may be required. Forms of Tender and any other information may be obtained at this office. J. T. TYLEE, A. C. C. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAWKE'S BAY. JSetween Wno/IAM Rathbone, of Waipawa, Storekeeper, and Geoege Btjcxland Wokgah, of Waipuna, Sheepfarmer. NOTICE is Hereby Given that a certain chesnut horse, known by the name of Calmuck, taken under execution issued from the above Court, will be aold by public auction at. the Ahuriri Settlers' Hotel, Napier, on Thtosdat, the . second day of May next ensuing, at one o'clock in; the afternoon, unless the claim herein be previously satisfied. HENRY GJROOM, Bailiff. : Napier, . April 25, 1861. •- Mil. B. D, DANVERS j Wnx hold his FIRST NAPIER MONTHLY " SALE on SATURDAY next, 4th MAY, at the yards of the Golden Fleece Hotel, when will : be offered — A VARIETY OF HORSE STOCE^&c, &o. To be Let or Sold, A VERY convenient FOUR-ROOMED COTTAGE, "lined and pape"red, with half an acre of land attached, with a never failing well of spring water, late the residence of J. Draper, Esq., Commissariat. For further particulars enquire of Mr.-T/ CAMPBELL, on the premises; or toMr. E. LYON, Victoria Hotel, Onepoto. ": •-■' •- .-•- P'O ;^-- ; - S A : L'-E,-npHAT HOUSE -and STORE now in the occu--JL pation of Mr. Topping, in Waghorn-street. Terms exceedingly liberal. Apply" to J. A. SMITH. ■ Napiem, Api-il 26, 1861. KOT I C B „T>OISp!N is laid on TBJtAKOWiI ESTATE, Tutae- -"*•'!&£&•&!' .:.l»ill> Jt 4JLVOJT. . ...... wSimpy^jfS;. -vv-- ■ ■- ■ ■ TS 1U . jSSIU'T'PIT p^^^'^wl.river. ■ ' ' ; JPA.3ST, U Z T A V. GA TrrlTA xongoatia te Hakuai mo nga kuri •"- t L. ' -. '- •'' NaTBMBTB. No-te Hfiikuai,- — ' jjTutaefcun,-Ajapty-afc the Silq Hoxsiy Napieri^

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 4, Issue 188, 27 April 1861, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 4, Issue 188, 27 April 1861, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 4, Issue 188, 27 April 1861, Page 6