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: .: ■.= ;'.■ • [aEQDS.] . .. . Advices tecei?ed. from Rio de Janeiro on November 15 communicated the dreadful intelligenoe of the total losa bf the Rbyai StendSsrd on the Braailian coast, while on her. outward voyage from London to Melbourne. Many of her passeiv gera, chiefly iwPmeri, were iditayfied, and •everal of the orew were miasing. Tile Royal Standard was originally bailtaa a irfceamer, of nearly 3JO tPnii mea3nrenife^t, and itia^aeveral Buccessf ill voy^|e9 bstW6eri^LiyJßffi^bl arid Austral Fa.' Recently ■hi!.h'Sa been cbnverted iiitp a flgjlin^v^iipj and was ovvned, b.v ; Mfessfs ; '^ilßop^nu Co., merchants, of^^ijrjß^rpppl. SJie failed jfrpin. Oravesgpd pn preaoni : voyage on August 12, with a fuU.^eiieral | cargo/ and \ about ': 28; chief ; and; ; sewntl i cabin p;issen jera— the: ntimber lof people \ in all on boardy including Pfficera arid j crew, being about 80* Lloyd's ff^ent at ] "Rjo dp . Jarieirp fpnfardß the ;■ fptowiug ; 'details' hi tho; CHtastrophe ! :— " ; Ria; .^e .■ Janeiro, October i& -^HaviiVgthismopning ; jceturned with the pasaenjjers . saved from : ]^e : [«JJter."!bJF '. '^%V^ti|li/^p,/^^.alj Standard," Captain Clarke, .'.' tion tjaiiQdix '■ to Melbpui'ncji wrecked o.n tlte bank ; rnnnirig from : 2) to 3,5 mifes off daipe St. ; Thorne, about 115 miles distant by water: from this port, amlieelipg aasured that a! painful interest "will" be excited in Londonwhen the ne ws. airivea there, I address j ybtt. these lihbV to inrnish you- with alii detailed informatioir I have-pbtaiued on; the melanchcly snJvject, • On the wreck! beingraaide known here at 4 p.m. on the; ]2th October, I cluirtered the steamed 1 Competition, and proceeded at once to tho \ ■spot. The Royal StaiidarS was disioastedi ou 30th September ; she wjis immeclisteiy; put under jury-niast^'arid Mr Bailey, tho; chief- officer, informed me she. steered! .very well underpins temporary aid. The: captain^ interifFon Vas to b'rhig" the vessel; "inttf"Rlb : dW : Jaaeirb; but just ■ before' ; day-: light «>n Sunday, Octd'bsr 10, and when! they supp psed thtunsc]lve3 far from land,! the ship suddenly .ai;nuided "ori'tfee sand; bank ab>venamed. After daylight the; captairi, bn seeing tlie.. lo»g repast X>t, nand, about five or six niiles off, called thei: Furago, decided on sending the women and children ashore in the only boat they! had left fit for the purpose— t^ie cutfcer.| The ptSeVljoafes^bnt pjife were : stove it( when ii» ?^lSp was cllstnasted,' and in this* cuttfei-^*^l|jt 10 a. m.— teft: the shi{j -2^ p*fiil^pm : Charge of 'Mr Bailey, the chief m^fe, namely^r-Mrs Duinmett, fivtj daughters, and one son; Harry ;. Mr, Mrs} and Miss Lawrence ; ,Mi«s Welton, Miss Stoddait, Mrs Miller, Mrs Rees, Mrs Northcote, Dr Cortes, James Young, th^ aailmaker, anOve seamen. All they took with them on leaving the ship was a. till of small biscuits, but no water, prestitti&g that they would land- in one or two hours, but on .approaching the. shore. they dis* covered suoh a b' lie of breakers that tb,ey dare not attempt a landing till' driven ; t(» despMatibnioii ©ofelib^r" 11, at. itestoak, l^iiyni^vMdithiftft fipd *b^ Kbrrbrs: of theif isitHatl^ii, Mkh^ u: curreixta,, Bea, and wind buft^pg all attempts to regiiu the ship. On ; their- b-jftc^vng tlie boat, Mrs Dummetiand'herfiye,daiightei3 ■■ arid MissLawre nee andMi«>stpdd^rt were drowned. After much toil jft.njd sufteriiig over abotit fifteeTnuiles of arid isand, the remaindpr reached a mi enable' negro hut, ■■ Mid by Ithe negro ofi-the ;following day .werefek/yiJ to the eßta^ ktiA jresidence of ttle' Visdbu nißess Azafl-rijimp, thii iugh whos(e real Samaritan hospiialitjr iftd kind at;tention they : reached Macallie oa TtHe morning of the. 13th. Captain Clarke, wife and pluld, . and; ;2i pf the j>assengera and ore w^ were: ; iajpeii ( qflr j;lie J.^eck; by -the brigantine . Camixmeza,'; tiM. ariofeer portion of .the :_a.nd passengers found their iway :to Rio ~de Janeiro on the Portnyue^pabip Amoliii, whose capUiin deserved great; credi^ aa lie ordered a second attempt to' rescue: tho^e still on the wreck, arid sent his long-boat *nd nine Portuguese, two of the crew of the Royal StfWJdijrtl vpiuntpei-irig. But this boat Majjipt]s»ili^ejl^^Btting along- , side the wirerik,' wn'en flic c:iptain of the Amelia was force* V by his passengers to jiaul away from the -edge <if the bankf,,iiohiH'qiipWtly had to «6aii«l«»ri' iidt only the. wreck but his own men in the bo*t. For■Cuil'aifily, the boat afterwards effected : a i Halo landing on the* coast some 15 miles i^iuth of . Miicalie, which they gaitifcd on ;^he I^tn of pbtfiber. The remainder of reftiUie i wreck "on araft, I Tuive de-jpsifcuhjud 'fii^.C<Mipetiti"n (qteanitug) to go "ifi aiiarch •loW the co?wt. Her Majesty's ship Spewlw'on, Captain . Perry, left JRio clv j Janeiro for t',n» swue of thy wreck innue-

diately on the receipt of the news, and took off the shipwrecked people from the BiYwiliari \ rigahtine, aa well as five Ben,nien from the stranded cutter. The Royal Standard, when last seen, had "broken iv two., the bpw was sunk, and the ■stern WV9 ,f*st settling-- down in the -p| wa]|r: : Nothing i whatever belonging io Her "lifas t»een isaved." ; The Brazilian mail steamer City of ;Limerick, which .arrived at Falmouth oir November 18, brought home some further particulars, with, some of the passengers (and crew of the Roy aV Standard, who, jnftor the ship strandedj left her on a raft, and were supposed to have been lost. 'Captain Clarke, antf tfie remaining passengers and crew left on board, after the first mate and the others had left the ship, kept up their spirits for a day or two, ; whenj seeing nothing approaching, they , became anxious. On the first and second day they made threb rafts; i one;. which b.roke^away. l: Onthe third' iday, ; aa ; no assiatimce arrived, the men made up their miudp to take to the rdf ts and try to land, or hoping to fall Ab Twitfe [i .pacing .vessel. The timbers of the raft, however, would : not bear -21 in all, and some of them determined to remain in the ship another night, and 'see if assistance would arrive. Twelve, however, decided to. take their chance on the raft; these were W. Bastard, of SlaptPW, hear DajtmoJithj, pasaenger 1 R: Bastard, his brother, passenger'; A. Wilkinson, Hampshire, passenger ; F. Purcell, carpenter's mate ; James AnderBon, cook; Dnrrett, Reed, Thomson, Davidson, Slater, Rice (a stowaway), seamejn;•; and.i Daveyi an apprentic^. W, Bastard wasreturning tp Australia', where he had been in former years a successful sheep farmer, and he had with...hjm.twxsheep dogs, whic'i he managed to get on to the raft. The animals were made fast to one. of the timbers, but were soou after washed off by tbe mm. Bastard and his brother, however, went to their rescue, and with great difficulty got them, again, on the 'raft. Wne'tf the then left the Bhip they took with them between 201bs and 30108 of biaciutrin a tin case; and j having a fair wind, they made sail with blankets, and hoped to reach the land, wbiph was only about ten miles distant. Tti ey were within four miles of the shore, when the wind suddenly chopped round to the opposite direction, and the raft' was trKesi" out to sea. Night came on, and the men feared, the worst, for their safety. The .'ttftjfry : -. WjaVfes "; idrjoye ;; ihen>! hither and thither ; the sail, of course, had been taken in to endeavor to check the raft's progress to seaward. Some of the men,, to prevent them being washed off, lashed themaelvea with a rope to the timbers, and others held on with, their hands. All night long the castaways were exposed to a oold drenching rain, with heavy seaa occasionally - breaking over them, and anxiously, did :they wait the. return of mpjto ; Slid soph after -dawn the 'almost exhausted men saw "four or five coasting vessels 'on the horizon, and one of them, a Brazilian" «6ao6uer, making outihe-raft,-bore down towards it. As she came near, she threw out ropes ; but the men on the raft failed to catch them. At length she dropped anchor, communication was established, and the 12 men and the two sheep dogs, wen* . taken on board. .The rescued BeHm&riap^oe^hat ; had^they been exposed another nigiht tliey iriust have" *pefTsh«3|' as at the i time; v th.e.y...w.e)!»..T^s.9ue4, :^o r raft, was fast breaking up, and sharks were following in thoir wake, ready to devour them. The schooner, after taking off the men, steered to Ipaponna, a small port not far distant, and there the shipwrecked crew were landed. They were afterwards taken on. to. Rio de Janiero, and. subieqiieutij; .bjtpu^ht : home; in; th<a mail steamer. The party who stuck to the v033e1, including Captain Ckrko, his wife., child, and servant ; Rees, Miller, Walker, and Fitzgerald, passengers-; and. Gileis, Foster, JPaynter, fieydbn, Taylor, jind Middleton, wore taken pff the wreck by a vessel that came to their assistance. - The Patiific Steam Navigati()u Company's Magellaiij *hUh armedi a^Liver--pppl on Npyembar 23, brought home part "Ol : the 3 cifeW (if the^ Riiyal^tiindard^ the hull arid^c'trgb Of winch isHip Were sold At Rio dp] Janiero on October 19. •■ ;4- >;■;':■'' The (following is a detailecj account of -thjej jpa^ae^gefs^^ %»4. "crelw, of ; th| Royal : ;— On Doa*d : Si ST. S. Speedwell : Captain Clarke, Mre Clarke, and baby, Mary Tethorington, nurse ; A%. Wv- -Lewis, .third officer; R. Clements, boatswain; ■W, - Middleton, engineer-; Ji "Wilton, painter ; E. Hyues, chief steward ; F. Westbrooke, second 'steward-; VRailph Smith, third steward ; F. Shilling, fourth steward; MrF. Miller, cabin passenger: Mr E. Rees, 2nd dp. dp. ; Mr A. FitzgWald> do. : ;!Mr J, tajrloirj Bi-d d ■*""■ do.'; f. Heydoii, Xji. ; 0.: Kidd, A.B. ; J. Thompaon, A.B. ; C. ■Gbdd* bu teller >; and F, Fisher, boy— total, 21. On: tHa raft : First and second cooks ; F. Puroaiij: joiner ;' Mr Bastard, third-class paaaunjjpr ; Mr Bastard, do. do. ; Mr Wilr kinsi>njs;do. do. • R. Thompson, A!B. ; — ! Doriitt^ A.8. ; Davidson, A.B. ; Read, A I^j ;^-Graham, A B. ; T)evey, brdinary, •fceurnanw-totalj 12. , In ; the. cutter :Mwi Diimmett and family ; seven ■ sccond-claatf' passeiigers (all drowned but Harry) ; Mr Lawrence, firat-ciasspasseh^er :; MraL^iVr. rence, dp. do. (drowned) ; Miaa Lawrence, ' do. do. ; Nellie (m'ece of Mr- .Luwreiice), dp. do; ; Mra Millor,- d.o>- do. v j ; -Mv&< !lysjMi& ! d'O] 'dbv -i^ ; Mis*^^Stodxlartj sdoi^doj ■■ (drpHrbed ) ; Mi*s N«»th|Cote,, ! :do; 1 ;do, i; . Mr : .-. Bailey, chief officer ; Mr - — , BUJ^eQiV:; — , sailmaker; Bassj A.B. ; Lewia^ A.B. ; Simpson, ' A.B. ; Weston, A.B. : DonnayUrij ;A,B. : jtotal, 23, . ..Qn a', buarque — Mr Oampoell, 'second 'dffcfyfj' Mr Redinaine, midßliipm»n ; Mr Plii^ips", carpenter ; Bryce, Ajjß. j IHaji'diug^A. B. ; Aniia, , A. B. ; §ulli : viw, A.8.. i '^iiher,, :A|B. rSTater, A:B: "i ''B.^ne, A'.BI-f- Mr. ; Giiveiy,:: tii : st*da3a piissedgeV ; -Mr Gibbsj second do do ; Mr Dummutt, second:.- d.b: do ; Mr Heather, second do do : totsii, 14 In kfeiigr^Mr" Wralker,! fira^clags; piaapn'v" ger ; Gibbs, A.B. ; Foster, A.8, :- total ? 3. Recapitulation-^Tn tire Speedwell, 21 } putbe raft, 12; in the ciittor, 23 ; hi a barque, 'l4'; in ! a brig r 3 ;'total,(73. . ./ x .' „':

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Bibliographic details

Grey River Argus, Volume IX, Issue 632, 5 February 1870, Page 4

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LOSS OF THE ROYAL STANDARD. Grey River Argus, Volume IX, Issue 632, 5 February 1870, Page 4

LOSS OF THE ROYAL STANDARD. Grey River Argus, Volume IX, Issue 632, 5 February 1870, Page 4


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