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South Ohbibtohuboh Election. —Mr John Holmes will address the electors of this constituency in the Oddfellows’ Hall tomorrow evening, at eight o’clock.

Ancient Oedbs of Fobebtbbs. A special summoned meeting of Court Star of Canterbury was held on Monday evening. There was a full attendance of members, and a large amount of business was disposed of. The nomination of officers showed, if anything, an increased amount of competition, whion speaks well for the interest taken by the members in the proper management of the court. The question of opening a subsidiary High Court for New Zealand having been brought forward, in accordance with a resolution in the last district meeting, it was unanimously resolved —“ That this court does not think it desirable, at present.” A subscription list for a district banner was handed round the room, and received a good few signatures. Three new members were initiated, and the court was closed by the C.R. in due form. Bazaab. —The bazaar in oonneotion with the Primitive Methodist Church was opened at noon this day, and, judging from the attendance, promises to be a success. It will be open this evening, and also to-morrow.

Elsotosaxi. —Mr John Anderson's committee will meet this and Wednesday and Thursday evenings, at 7.30. Mr Wynn Williams will address the electors of the Heathcote district in the Heathoote Valley schoolroom this evening, and in the schoolroom at Sumner on Thursday evening. Mr S. P. Andrews will address the electors of Christchurch North, in the Music Hall, this evening, and Mr H. Thomson will address the electors of the same constituency at the same place to-morrow evening. Mr Richardson requests the electors of Lyttelton to meet him at the Oddfellows’ Hall, Lyttelton, to-morrow evening. Mr W. White, jnn., will address the Sydenham electors this evening, at the Park road schoolroom, Addington, and Mr J. W. Treadwell will speak to the voters of the same electorate at Selwyn street this evening. Mr Charles Clark will again address the Sydenham electors, at the Oddfellows’ Hall, Montreal street south, at eight o’clock tomorrow evening.

The Hospital. —Dr. Robinson, who has been appointed to the charge of the Christchurch Hospital, vice Dr. Meikle] resigned, has taken charge of that institution. Found. —Mr T. Hickman, who lives in the first house on the Fendaltown road, has reported to the police that he picked up a lady’s gold watch in Colombo street on Monday evening at eight o’clock. Coubt Thistle op thb Fobest. —The summoned meeting of the above was held in St. Saviour’s schoolroom last evening, when the chair was taken by O.R. Bto. Gunn, One member was initiated. The nomination of officers was taken, aud the different offices were well filled. One proposition was received for membership. Supbbmk Coubt. —There will be a sitting in Chambers on Saturday at noon, or as soon after the arrival of the steamer from Wellington in the morning as possible, when his Honor Mr Justice Johnston will take any pressing or other applications that may be necessary to be heard before his departure for Timaru on the 12th.

1.0.G.T.—A most successful Invitation open meeting was given by the Onward Lodge, Waikuku, on Monday evening. After justice had been done to the good things provided by Bro. Wilson and members of the lodge, the tables were cleared, and a- lengthy programme of addresses, songs, readings, and recitations was gone through, the following contributing—-Mrs Taylor, Miss Watson, Rev. S. J. Qarliok, Masters Cameron, Johnson, and Watson, and Messrs Thompson (District Deputy), Bell, Sutherland, Brook, Carrington, Johnson, 0. and J. Teague.

Nobthbbn Agbicultubal and Pastoral Association.—A meeting of the council of this society was held at Roberts’ Junction Hotel, Bangiora, on Monday evening. There was a full attendance, and Mr W. A. Burt, in the absence of the president, was voted to the chair. Mr W. Buss, hon. secretary and treasurer, brought up a statement of accounts showing a good balance in favor of the association. This statement was adopted. It was decided, on the motion of Mr Hossack, seconded by Mr Lilly, that the prizes won at the late show be paid over to the successful exhibitors. On the motion of Mr W. H. Luxton, seconded by Mr Gone, it was resolved “That a meeting be called in the first week of April to discuss matters relating to alterations in the catalogue, and that a dinner be held on the same evening, such dinner to be made self-supporting.” The meeting, after passing some routine business, then adjourned.

Popuiab Sports Association. —A meeting of this association was held yesterday afternoon in the City Council Chamber. Present—His Worship the Mayor, in the chair, Messrs Alport, G. Turner, Andrews, Crooks, Samuels, Hobbs, Drewett, Walkden, Atkinson, and Haskins, hon. sec. A letter was read from the manager of the Bank of New Zealand, promising to do all he could towards making the Anniversary Day a holiday as far as the Bank was concerned. Labor accounts to the amount of £5 7s 8d were passed for payment. The secretary was instructed to write to the City Council for its usual grant of £25 towards the sports. Messrs T. Soarell and J. B. Smith were nominated as members of the association. Tho plan of the ground was submitted and approved. Messrs Drewett, Crooks and Turner were appointed a sub-committee to select toys, confectionery, &0., for the children’s sports. The meeting then adjourned until Tuesday next,

Waimakaeiei Hahbob Board. The monthly meeting of this Board was held in the Kuiapoi Council Chamber on Monday evening. Present—Messrs Moore (chairman), Blackwell, Eckersley, Wearing, Parnham, Mathews, Denton, and Threlkeld. Letters were read—From Messrs J. and P. Turner, smiths, offering to rent tho old Northern store.—From the Marine department, applying for statistics. —From the solicitors of the Board. The secretary laid a plan of the reserves on the north side of the town, showing the position of boundaries and buildings, and the proper boundaries. The chairman stated that he had arranged with Mr Wearing relative to the error made in his boundaries, and that gentleman had agreed to take the land at the wharf at it stood, a new lease to be made describing the same properly, and a lease to be also given of the land between Wearing’s Hotel and Mr Ellen’s bacon curing factory. On the motion of Mr Blackwell, seconded by Mr Parnham, the chairman’s action was approved, and a new lease ordered to be made at the cost of the Board. Accounts, 13s 2d, were passed. It was decided to open a tender from Messrs Eckersley and Macfarland, for reserve No. 80, offering £lO a year for seven years, and £l6 for the remaining fourteen years, of a twenty-one years’ lease, and undertaking to attach improvements to the freehold of the value of £3OO. On the motion of Mr Blackwell, seconded by Mr Threlkeld, the tender was accepted, a lease to be drawn to the approval of the Board’s solicitors. It was decided that a committee, of Messrs Eckersley, Wearing, Parnham, and tho chairman, be appointed to have the dredge put in order. Mr Wearing’s notice of motion to borrow a sum of money under the Waimakariri Harbor Loan Act, was postponed till next meeting. It was resolved, on Mr Blackwell’s motion—- “ That the Board offer to let all the foreshore between the suspension bridge and the morgue, and the same be offered for tender in the usual way.” The Board then adjourned.

Clerical. —A correspondent requests us to publish the following clipping from the “ Eumara Times": —“ For some time past it has been currently reported that tbe Ear. I£. A. Scott, the present pastor of the .English Church in Eumara, was about to be removed. These rumors have been too well founded. But the loss of the services of so eminently qualified a minister for this community are not to pass without some kind of protest, and accordingly we And a petition of a highly eulogistic character to the reverend gentleman, but nevertheless well-merited and earnest in its tone, was to-day being signed, praying his lordship the Bishop of tbe diocese that Mr Scott may be retained at Eumara, where he has won the good-will and esteem, not only of his own congregation, but of those of other denominations who have from time to time been watchful admirers of his zeal and earnestness in all things pertaining to the intellectual and social welfare of the district, in which ho has now been for so long an active and sympathetic worker."

Kaiapoi Institute. —The quarterly meeting of members of this Institute was held on Monday evening. There was a good attendance, Mr O. Smith (president) in the chair. The principal business was the consideration of a motion, of which notice had been given by Mr S. Goldtborpo, to reduce the amount of the members’ subscriptions. After some discussion it was carried that if sixty members would agree to join the Institute the subscription be reduced to 10s per annum, 5s half-year, and 2s 6d per quarter. Sundry accounts were passed for payment, and after transacting some routine business the meeting adjourned. Ihdustbiau Association. —A meeting of the committee of the Industrial Association was held last evening, when fourteen members were present; Mr Howland in the chair. A letter was read from Mr Ross, tendering his resignation, and it was resolved that he be requested to reconsider his determination. A long discussion ensued as to carrying out the resolution passed at the recent meeting of the association, and it was ultimately resolved—- “ That a sub.committee be appointed for the purpose, to report at next meeting, the committee to consist of the vice-president, and Messrs Banks, Ring, England, Sheath, Kelsey, Kirk, and Sandstein.” The meeting then adjourned after passing sundry accounts. Oeickht. —On the Hagley Park ground yesterday an eleven picked Jfrom members of the Montague-Turner Opera Company tried conclusions with an eleven of gentlemen connected with the Fourth Estate. The Opera Company comprise some excellent players, and at Dunedin they won all the five matches which they played. Their captain, Mr Hall, in particular, is a New South Wales player of considerable standing. Yesterday, however, the journalistic element proved too much for the musical element, beating them by 21 runs on the first inning*. The respective scores were—Press, first innings, 98 j second innings, 122 with seven wickets down. Opera Company, first innings, 77. In the first innings of the Press, Mainwaring, who scored 62, was the only player who reached double figures. In the second innings, W, H. Atack made 46, Cant 16, Smith 20 (not out), Connor 20 (not out). In the Opera Company’s only innings, Hall scored 20, Devereux 19, and Thompson, 17. Sumnbb. —The fifth anniversary of the opening of All Saints’ Church, Sumner, was commemorated last Thursday by a children’s festival. Though specially intended for the children attending the Snnday school, yet there was a general invitation given to all the children in the place, and it need scarcely be said that the invitation was heartily responded to. The Yen, Archdeacon Wilson commenced the day’s proceedings by holding a children’s service in the church, and explained to the children that the festival had not been held on All Saints’ Day as that day had been chosen for the opening of the Cathedral. He referred in most feeling terms to the Rev. O. Merton, the incumbent of the district, who was absent from them through illness. After the service the children wore taken by coaohes and other conveyances to Hillsborough, where Mr Holmes had kindly placed his beautiful grounds at their disposal. Here a most enjoyable picnic was held. A sumptuous dinner and tea were provided, and, in addition, a great number of really handsome and useful presents were given to the children. Three hearty cheers were given to Miss Miles at the conclusion of the day’s outing for her untiring energy in helping to make the treat suoh a success. The weather was all that could be desired. Templeton. —A meeting of the Sports committee was held on Monday, Mr H. Tosswill in the chair. The regulations for the various events were considered and adopted, and it was resolved that entries for the District Handicap should be received up till Saturday, December 17th, at 8 p.m. Rev. A. O. Wright was elected judge for the foot races, and Mr T. Bailey and Mr W. Bailey wore elected starters for the foot races. The following wore: appointed a ground committee: —Messrs B. Bowes, E. Clarkson, J. Frost, T. Dawson, J. Voice and others. A children's sports committee was then formed, and after the transaction of some further business the committee adjourned.

Sale op Wobk.—The sale of work m osnnootion with the United Methodist Church, Bt. Asaph street, will bo continued to morrow. Pkesbytebian Ohhboh, Sydenham. A sale of work in connection with the above church will take place to-morrow, commencing at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Selections ot music will be rendered by the choir. Intercolonial Wbathbr Exchange. Sydney, Tuesday—Moderate S.W. winds prevail off South Australia and Tasmania, and N. winds off New South Wales. Hot and sultry S.E. polar winds are approaching. Barometer —Portland, 30.1; Hobart, 29 8; Sydney, 30 0. Electoral.—Mr Peryman addressed the electors at Broadfield on Wednesday evening last; Mr MoQuiness presided. There was a large attendance. His speech generally was a resume of his first speech, delivered at Prebbleton, and was listened to most attentively throughout and frequently applauded. Mr O. B. Leadley proposed, and Mr R. Aitken seconded, a vote of thanks and confidenoo to Mr Peryman for his address, which was carried unanimously; also a vote of thanks to the chairman.

The Lyttelton Election. —Mr Harry Allwright again addressed the electors of Lyttelton in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Lyttelton, last evening, Mr Adam Chalmers in the chair. Mr Allwrigh t delivered a lengthy address, and was loudly cheered at its oloae. Several questions were then put and satisfactorily answered, and a vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings. Threatening a Magistrate.—Mr Hellish, in his place on tho Bench at the Resident Magistrate’s Court this morning, mentioned that Mrs Mellish had received an anonymous letter, which seemed to have been prompted by his recently ordering o flogging to a youthful offender. The letter, which was handed to the reporters, but which, at the request of the Magistrate, is withheld from publication, was a series of threats in very gross language, that if hie Worship persisted in ordering to be flogged youngsters, who, doubtless, had fathers and big brothers, he might possibly receive serious personal damage. His Worship went on to say that he had put the matter in the jhauds of the police, and he need hardly add that the receipt of any number of such letters would not influence him in the execution of his duty.

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Globe, Volume XXIII, Issue 2396, 7 December 1881, Page 3

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NEWS OF THE DAY Globe, Volume XXIII, Issue 2396, 7 December 1881, Page 3

NEWS OF THE DAY Globe, Volume XXIII, Issue 2396, 7 December 1881, Page 3


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