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As the result of being cut on the leg by :i knite at the Vaipaoa freezing works, yesterday, 'Walter Cooper, 24 years, was admitted to Cook Hospital, where lie is progressing satisfactorily.

A lecture will be given in the T .S.S. Cb.’s Chambers, Childers toad, to-morrow at 7, entitled ‘-the I'.morgenoe of a .World Religion and Planetary Patriotism.”: .Mr. (4. H. Lockett will he the speaker, and the public are invited to attend and hear the facts.

For cutting the corner of Childers Hoad and Customhouse Street on Monday G, a country motorist Francis A. Bruce, for whom ilr. J. S. Wauehop appeared, was fined 20s and costs by Mr. E. C. Levvev S.M., in the Police Court yesterday.

At. the. amateur sports meeting last night. Mr. Id. ]•. Forster, president of the Club, extended a cordial welcome _io the officers anil crew of HALS. Diomede, who were-present in large numbers. On behalf of the members of the crew present. Chief Petty Officer Fry briefly responded, thanking the club for the kind invitation to attend the sports.

Says an A. and N.Z.C.A. eable from London: “Sir Joynson Hicks, while sympathising with the recommendation of the grand jury at Birmingham—that convictions recorded against soldiers and sailors killed in the Great War should be eraser] regretted that, he had been unable to discover a practical method of giving effect thereto.’’

An extensive scrub fire, a m-ile long and' a quarter of a mile in width? occurred at South Brighton last evening. Owing to the dryness of the scrub, which covers the sand-hills in the locality, the fire raged for 1 several hours before it was eventually got under control. Fortunately, * there was little wind. It was with difficulty that a house occupied by Mr. Mi. Hart was saved. A motor-ear (a Hupmobile) the property of Mr. Harper was destroyed. This is the third scrub fire at Brighton during the past two months of dir weather. —Press Assn.

Tlte Mamma sailed from Sydney at 5.30 p.m. vesterdav for Wellington. —U.R.A.

After to-day the daylight express train between Wellington and Auckland will be discontinued, but a Gain will be pm on from Fraukton to Auckland on the times of the tip Daylight Limited, which will pro\ idc a connection to Auckland with the 4.57 fast passenger train from Rotorua. This latter train pru\ ide- n connection with the motor services from Gisborne.

A Hamilton builder. Thomas Edward Waters, at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday was arraigned on three charges of breaches of the Bankruptcy Act, viz.. failing to keep proper books, contracting debts which he had no reasonable or probable chance of paying, and wilfully failing to keep proper books with intent to conceal the true state of his affairs. AY liters, who pleaded not guilty, was committed to the cupreine Court for trial.—Press Assn.

When a voting man Oliver Leon aid Even-son appeared before Air. E. C. Levvey, S.AL. in the Police Court yesterday, on a charge of exhibiting a book and indecent articles to a girl of 14 with intent to insult and offend, the police intimated that they did not intend to offer any evidence on that- information. Another charge, that of -attempted, carnal knowledge of a girl under 1-6 years, was substituted, and on this, on the application of Mr. 1). W. lies, act list'd was remanded until Wednesday.

A motorist, Ranganui Thomson, was charged with driving in a manner that might have been dangerous •io the public in Gladstone road on February 2, before Mr. FI. C. ’Levve.v. •S.M.. in the Police Court yesterday. According to Inspector Scott, defendant was in a line of cars returning from ihe races and dropped out of the line and parsed them on the wrong side of the road. Witness called out to defendant, who went

straight on, though he admitted next day thal he heard the inspector. A fine of to and costs was imposed.

For failing to observe the off-side rule, a lorry driver. William Attwood, was charged with this offence before Mr. E. Cl. Levvey, S.AL, in rite Police Court yesterday. The offence occurred at the infersm-tion of Peel street and ( Folders road when defendant failed to give wav to a car cnniing up Peel street, driven by a person learning In drive, who was accompanied hv Inspector Scott. Defendant explained that he did not. sec the car. fie was convicted and ordered In pay costs.

A recent distufliatioe in the bar m the Masonic Hotel had its sequel in the Police Court helore Mr. F. ' C Levvey. -LAI., yesterday, when :

Native, AVltare Carroll, was charged with procuring liquor and entering licensed premises during the ciirrencv of a prohibition order. The defendant did not appear, and evidence wa given by the police that Carroll was found drunk in the hat and, as result of his conduct, had to he ejected. IGncs of £3 and Cl with (■osts 15s in each ease were imposed.

AYhilst travelling through the distriot yesterday. Air. H. .1. Alnnson New Zealand Trade Commissioner in Australia, was particularly struck with the line crops of maize between here and Alorere, for which, he said if the price was right. 1 here should he a good market ill Alelhourn. where there wits a large glucose factory. maize being extensively usee in the manufacture of that product. On his four he .intended making inquiries as to the price with a view to making investigations on his return as to the pros]-, pets o. trade i; the cereal.

Always on the look-out for ires' avenues of trade between New Zen land and Australia. Air. FI. .1. Alan son. New Zealand Trade Commission or in Australia, who visited Gisborm yesterday, stated that the toheroe had been introduced ‘’into Australia as a table delicacy with much sue cos.s.-'and, in fact, it now headed tin menu list of all the prominent hotel: in .Melbourne. He added that tin Dominion was also doing a consider able trade- in pork and t.liai large consignments were taken over and cured by a pork factory outside Ale! bourne.

Having taken out a prohibition order against himself a middle-ageo man. Joseph Geo. Kearsley, immediately broke it tile same day, according to Nenr.-Sergt. McLean when defendant appeared before Air. E. C. Levvey, S.AL, in the Police Conn yesterday, charged with drunkenness. being found on licensed premises, and procuring liquor during the currency of his prohibition order. The defendant admitted all offence*, and the. police officer added that defendant had taken out the order to prevent himself from taking too much liquor in which lie had been over-indulging of late. “You’ve lino enough now; it's grot, to stop.” remarked the S.AL. in connoting and discharging him.

On the morning of the first day's races at the Park, a motorist, Hilton Smith drove up Gladstone Road and passed a tramcar at Lowe street stopped there to pick up passengers. He was caught by the Traffic inspector on turning into Lowe strrefc consequently was charged with passing a stationary tram before Mr. E. C. Levvey S.M., in the Police Court yesterday., The offence was admitted by Mr. K, A. Woodward, on behalf of defendant, wiio explained that there was a number of ears lined up on the left hand side and as many of these were leaving for tlie races, he was concentrating oil the .movements of'those vehicles and did not see the tram. The Magistrate smilingly: Did he riot See the Traffic Inspector? “No,” replied the defendant who added that lie was riot often iu town. A fine of 20s was imposed.

The big blaze at Mr. j. It. Kirk’s residence yesterday afternoon provided the recently formed' Fire Police with their first opportunity of showing their value, and ir; conversation with a Times reporter last night, Mr. Kirk said that they . had at, onejus, titled their establishment. Unde: the leadership of Captain A. Zadiarinh they were of immense servie to the brigade in assisting in recovering goods while the Brigade was litis> with hoses and reels, etc. Further at no previous fire was there such orderliness, the members of the Fir. Police keeping hack onlookers and giving plenty of opportunity for jbbrignde to do its work. All nvern ben-in-at tendance worked with a heartiness that was most inspiring, not sparing their efforts in the lightest, and Mr. Kirk is loud in he praise of their efforts. >o far as th» FireBrigade itself was concerned. they did yeoman service, hut they wore hampered throutrh lack of water provision and by the breeze that fanne-, the flames. " Although ilm loss wa severe it was not hecause of lack- n effort oil the part of the brigadesmen who all worked like trojans rn defen; the flames.

Last week of Mathews on's great summer sale; still further drastic reductions. The balance of our summer stock must be cleared to make room for the new season’s goods. 'Voile frocks. French hand-embroider-ed, 35'- to 59 6; smart rrepe-de-chinc frocks from 59/6. Shop this week to secure the bargains at Alathewson’s Ltd.. Gladstone Bnad. *„*

Afemhers of tin- Now Zealand hr.wlteam. which A imir fliviu Britain, len Wellington yesterday afternoon by the riimaron bound for Sydnev. where they will connect with a steamer for England.—Press A-~n.

At Auckland yesterday a Chinese laundry-keeper named Hum. was fined £25 for having opium in his possession. The magistrate declined to believe his statement that the opium came to the laundry in a parcel of washing.—. Press Assn.

In, the re-trial at Wellington of Arthur George Wallace, who was adjudged a bankrupt on November Iff. 1925, on charges of contracting dc-ht-iwthour reasonable expectation of being aide to pay them, the jury, after nearly four hours' retirement, failed to agree. A new trial was ordered for Monday at Iff.3b a.m.—-Press Assn.

Dense clouds of smoke swept over 2YA broadcasting station on Alourit Victoria, Wellington, shortly after noon vesterdav from a grass and gorso fire, which originated near Pa Riser road, Roseneath. The fire brigade was .summoned to the outbreak. which was suppressed after a large area of the hillside had been burnt.—Press Assn.

A fishing launch otvned by Messrs. Duganzieh and Yelehieh, of AYaitiku, was destroyed by fire between Rollok and Awkitu on ‘the Manakuu harbor yesterday morning. The two owners were engaged in fishing and were fi-reed to swim some distance to safety. Duganzieh received burns to ..tie of his legs. All the nets and gear in the boat were destroyed. The launch was insured in the Alliance oilin' for £2OO. Press Assn.

Time of I lie swimmers who will re-p-resent the Gisborne Surf and Swimming Club in tin- Swain .Memorial Cup race at tile Hawke’s Bay swimming championship meeting-, have been selected by Messrs. C. Greig ■mil O. Brown. The “certainties" mo. 1). l’lanic, R. Richardson, and W. 1C .Maude, the fourth member of the team’ and one emergency remaining to lie chosen. F. Beer, D. W. MeKcatnie, W. Boitsffeld, Al. Owen and .1. Robinson are to engage ill a trial for The fourth and fifth places in Ihe team.

Outstanding among the events at the Gisborne Surf and 'Swimming < lull’s carnival, to he hold at theHigh .School Memorial hath on F ridav next, will be the 50yds. Poverty Bay championship, and a race ol 150 yards I’oi the President’s Cup. The Handricks’ Rom- Bowl will also be raced for, tile conditions -covering a relay event, each team l-o comprise one lady and one man swimmer. A handicap of 33 I-3vds. will be included in the programme as the first distance of the Gordon Cup trials, a competition open to ladies. Entries tor all events at the carnival will close with Air. ( . Brown on Tuesday ne\t■.

The Auckland City Council yesterday considered a request that- it should appoint a member to represent it at- the citizens’ meeting nextweek, when ii is proposed to forward to the Government a resolution suggesting steps he taken immediately to introduce a National Enotnplnvment Insurance Bill. The Alnyor i Air, Random said ii looked remarkably like flic dole, and be was notin favor of that. If they sen! adelegate io the meeting they would be confirming tho opinion that miomp’ovment insurance was necessary. Air. Allutn -aid the matter should go to the Council in commit fee. '11)0 position was getting worse instead of he I ter. Air Allnm’s suggestion v.-as adopted. Air. Entrican: But cannot we ho represented at tho conference? --Afr. Phelan: Too Into, you've turnoil it down.—Press Assn.

At a meeting of the Wellington Provincial Executive of the Farmers’ Union, held at FVildine vesterdav, the union’s free-trade plank was raised, by -Afr. D. D. McLean (ANaimnrino), who considered it should be looked into, and the fact ascertained whether greater protection mPght lie extended for such commodities as can be profitably mamiiactuml in the Dominion. Mr. ATo Loan advanced the opinion flint such protection would give every opportunity for creating massed production. “It siierns that' we must do all we can to support jour secondary industries, continued Air, MtLeaii. “AA’e seem, to have reached the limit of expansion on. the land. Annual unemployment is rife, arid absentee labor is ■i greater curse than absentee la milords." Air. Ale Lean’s motion, thatthe unjpn’s free-trade plank be investigated. with the object of giving greater protection to secondary industries, as suggested, was carried.Press Assn.

Under ordinary circumstances, needlessly to cause a pronounced wastage V),' water i-> a misdemeanour ’ against society, but wilfully to cause a"reservoir to empty itself in the middle of a drought must rank as a heinous offence. Such an act has been perpetuated within the last few davs at Jolinsonville. This Town Hoard district has its own Water supply—two dams in the hills supplied by the waters of the Oha.riu stream. 11l order to get the water into the upper dam, an electric pump was secured last* year, since when no trouble lias been experienced in filling the reservoir as the necessity arose. The dnin holds 2/,60 gallons of water and was filled one evening to the brim. On complaints being lodged s> v residents that no water was available, an investigation was made and proved that a turncock had been. f procured and the valve opened, causing the whole ol the .2/ ,060 gallons io rush away down the hill to the stream whence it came. So far, there has boon no arrest in connection with the affair, hut the matter is in tho hands of the police..—Press Assn.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 10508, 11 February 1928, Page 8

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LOCAL & GENERAL Gisborne Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 10508, 11 February 1928, Page 8

LOCAL & GENERAL Gisborne Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 10508, 11 February 1928, Page 8


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