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l _ l „ i - i - i r i i i i YOU CABLE NEWS. . BRITISH AND FOREIGN. " -#i Ml MlO__L f DT ____CT_UO TXLMRAPH— OOPYEIGHT.) v in -_«_■_■ m mw ..^ .^^ __ wooUXl on.] ft MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS. K'll^r London, June 19. mW\m\J The Hon. E. Corbett's BUI for the L^ mmmm^ mWMk appointment of a commissioner to enD quire into the need of inspection of ■KM I I H ■■ monastic conventical institutions was ||J_# m\ m A#Br% read for the first time and carried by 125 to 121. #V%^^ A tL% Several members of the GovernI If k\ ment, including the Rt. Hons. R. JL mm*mVmhsW Haldane and A. BirreD, voted against the Bill. The Labour Party, which #■%■ formerly opposed, now voted for the J ||f|f|i measure, their attitude being ascribJ_L \mWSmswm\ ed to the appearance of the Nation- . al candidate for the vacancy of the _ m __- _f jm-K _^t _____ fl__i Jarrjw electorate in Durham. When m ■ m fMMAI the result of the division was anW^ ■ WL ■■^^9 nounced, showing that more Liberals b ■ ■ 188 than formerly had supported the Bill, ■i_H V ■ mH ■■« the Nationalists protested, the Hon. ni.ll^Alllll William Redmond declaring "That ■ ■ WsWmWWmWWmWm M ends the Liberal Alliance": the Hon. ■Jm~ W^ V m D en i 8 Kilbride added : "That will ■ ■UA iVY £ A*-. £ coat you 16 more years of Tory rule " I ■ _M-__UX-_CTi_VjL and the Hon. M. Joyce, "We will ■ ■ rIVIII -MsT W ' show you what Irishmen can do at mmaswSmWmWßmWMmWSmWSmWSmWmsmS\ JaiTOW." -_*_«►- — ~__. THE UNREST IN INDIA. ILMfV BmH-MHv In the House of Commons the ~ " w • Hons. MacKarness and J. O'Grady LftftfSf SttCfl-t persistently and vainly endeavoured 7"~ to induce the Hon. John Morloy to FI-MF OvslUta_L ' discuss the action of the Indian Government against Lajpatrai, the ringH Qfg Vlfifttin leader of the seditionary movement at Lahore. Mr Morley said that acIkMsM* I* tion was taken with his full consent. . . The Government was applying the Avstralasia* law. Mr Morloy's reply was received with mammmmmmm mammMmmwmmmmmMm^ lend Opposition cheers. "While Sir H. Cotton was i utting further quea- ... PRICES tions concerning Lajpatrai, Sir H. *•"" s^s»i»*s_o« Vincent interjected with a remark. . Ihe Hon. J. McNeill rising, shouted A BM-SDID GIFT. SESf-M*' -*"_* _taT&_JP ____ were the words used. There was a TO introduce ouitelves to FeUding gj»* JP™V_" H™ and Surrounding Districts, we followed by the Hon. W. Redmond intend GIVING AWAY AN EXTRA Protesting against the incitement to PAIR OF TROUSERS WITH EACH |hoot tiie Indian prisoner. Sir H. mv£ Vincent again interjected, "I did not make the observation; I spoke to myWe have determined, with your as- self" . I«sb cries retorted "We all sistance. to baild up a good business heard it." The Speaker declared bate. That will be sufficient guaran- that the remairk did not reach him, tee that all work will be first-class, but strongly deprecated Sir H. Vmand all Materials of the very best, oent interpolating so many observaBoite from £4 10s. Terms Cash tions. only. Costumes from £3 Bs. THE FRENCH WINE TROUBLES. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailors, PaTie, June 19. «—-— In connection with the trouble in f\~o A T-CJ-TTT? A Y\ ftr C^C\ c wine districts, there have been V._-*_£LIU"JXJL__iJL/ OL L»V« many attempts to incite revolt and FERGUSSON-STREET, threats to bum the property of those Mayors failing te resign and such tax- . payers as satisfy the tax-gatherer's FUR CLEANING. The chamber of Deputies, recognis- — "" ing the gravity of the situation, hearFURB Cleaned, altered to latest tily supported M. Clemenceau's destyles, and renovated on the claration that orders had been given shortest notice by a lady with London for legal action to pursue its course. experience. Every satisfaction guar- He added that the State must be bu- "^» °t t t" "H^ fS".? , <^«toi^s«ve' , _ss^a new. Mrs Neville, Fergusson-street machinery be restored. He had put opposite Hook's Denbigh Hotel. the national force at the disposal of tbe law. He would avoid bloodshed as far as possible, but when there was __________*-_*-________*_____-_____-______^^ insurrection against the law in the _ _ __ departments, when the local separatf At* _F A_rt!F _6&l*S it ißt committees professed to take the •~" *w - "*■ ■» » Government's place and a sort of prohaS StOOd the TeSt T- incia L W*™**** . enf«»d re_igna ; ""' •*•«-«-_• •_•«> _«-_*•. tlong k intimidation, the law must _-_______-___M_____.__a_________iaM--_aHa___H be applied. M. Sarrant remarked MmgvißnwMMni^ that when conciliation failed, M B_fg@Hßßs Ill.^fißui M@Mgii|§9 Clemenceau said the law must preKSjjwjf^ fl|_^Hnl mmßa&SMia ledge he is right, butrihy resignation Bb_B_Bß_ fjS^^Hul ae|§S^gS| fenders are old comrades, my brothKgHEaK H^Hn _E___M__m3w_[ ers-in-arms, whom I advised to trust Wfflmmiffim _■_________■■ *BBBBm&SL *^ G ReP n hlic and revert to legal ac- | BQNNINGTON'i g Pretoria, June 19. fc___Wlß—^K—J-M- *^ c Chinese repatriated during the .__s_s^^^s_l COMMERCLAL. IRISHMO3S •»* SYDNEY WOOL SALES. VwRItJR MBjuiaSBIWa [by blkctbio T£lbqraph— cupybigiit.. . jSBpE-lZ^--.-. ' PBB PBBBB ASSOCIATION.] j^RQß^SPnflnHfl|DH The final sales of the current wool E m \Bkm\Bmmmyßß3Lwmmmmi ye&r nave commenced. Competition |„| i39E--IPW^^^_^Tl_ * 8 .good and last month's rates are I H mStiS^S^Sll^fiSsTm^kVßmWsmw oeing maintained. _IB— H-8-_^a^^SaMH^B|Bß dft y crutchings brought 5d to 6£d, «jffmffifKr^i^_M_BlHß___H crossbred wool 6d to 7|d, crossbred mmm * amvmjatt *i* m ***V* m mWmW*mW (dead) 5d to 6jd, lambs wool 6d, locks wmmmm mm m m m m ™ m m m ™ ma mmu and pieces 3|d to sjd. Skins: CrossOflse tarttslsd bat Nsvsr Ifuslei. hred up to Bd, steady to Gid, green skins up to 6s 7d, hoggets to 7d. ■mM es BiHhi| - - "BdNNINCTON'B " christ church stock reptrt mmmmmmmammmm m mmmmmtmw mwmmmJm\ Christohurch, June 19. mmmmmmmmmm^^^ There was a good attendance at ■ Addington yards to-day, and the en-WTtT-n a TTTnTjCj try in most classes was about the • WJDjA VliltO. same as last week. The yarding H. *ttvt^ _, _. • .of pigs was exceptionally large. The AVING commenced business m chief feature in he ma^ ket * the Svendsen's Buildings, Manches- large qU antities of unfinished stock rt G^TLE&8 a8 TAILOR ™I and ,^P hich <»™> fonrard. This, and GENTLEMJfiN B lAILiUK,, 1 no doubt, accounted for a correspondSiJS? ffJSfir fii%™ noticeable in the fat lamb pens and % . "vLErimi r»tter Sfb Drio&s were ls 9d « head sL«i..h <Sa£?S^ ixSrf below laßt ™» k B quotations. Englah and Colonial experi- Btore . Bneep ._ T l IWe waß a very r Anuria' nrkQTnufiwa small yarding of store sheep, made up LADIES COSTUM S° spECIALITY principally of hoggets anU wethers. I GUARANTEE Fit, Style, and ?£j^ w £ re ■&?*? , better in aU jt Workmanship in every particular. ffilS^i^t- ™ U ° wing cr Sr th^ ABBOLUTB pnncipal sales: Wethers— 76 MenSATIOTACTION GUARANTEBD. S - ,^!^ J 8 WJ** 15s J% ® A FirsUJlass selection of Tweeds, tf. I ,* tr'i*! a + ii s?' rf f^ Worsteds, Vicunas, Cloths, an(_ f»i lambs » 120 at lls 7d, 106 at 12s Fancy Suitings to select from. h„t. i—v. mv j. « . . My Prices for Perfect Fitting Suits , Fft^ lamb «— ™f yarding of fat and Breeches are the lowest la ™ w *f not so heavy as last week, possible, consistent with Good »9 d '5 a ??°f t •^ W. *&'&"- workmanship. f? d® 0 ""* 1 want of fi nish. Taking CaU and see liiy.wprk when in ; b6 ,. market M a the prices Town, and let meTHve you a Quota- E!*,"?* 1 7^ e ___„ co y id i? aol _'. 1 * asier > tion for your next Suit-and you will *? d **■ fell *»"> Is 6d, while others be Satisfied. H"**? » «£*•*?» decline. Tegs made }« 6d to 80s, freezing lambs 14s to ._» 17s 6d, others from lis 6d. 1 Fat Sheep.— There was a fairly heavy yarding of fat sheep, made up principally of ewes, and the sale throughout was distinctly easier, especially towards the end. Forward wethers brought fair prices, but the pens included a large proportion of unfinished lots, which were not eagerly competed for. The range of prices a^^^ZJ^t^J* *° ous ou, prime ewes 19s to 335, medium 13s Id to 16s, aged 12s to 13s. Fat Cattle.— There was a better entry of fat cattle than at the pre--su?.* £__s l _y__s&_ a large number of light and unfinished sorts, which were not greatly in Jl ma i? d _ lJ Btee J* m J^ de £6 17fl «? d to £10 2s 6d, and extra prime £11 7s 6d to £14; heifers, £4 12s 6d to £8 7s 6d; cows. £4 7a 6d to £6. The price of beef ranged from 19b to 23s od. There was a very useful yarding of veal calves, and comprised a good proportion of suckers, which were on the large side. The prices ranged from 5s 6d to £2 7s. ■ : Store and Dairy Cattle. — About m~\-r -r\ Tl7"Eim bead °* B * ore c *ttle were yarded, \j\JMjlJ. W _I_i 1 and met with a very jpoor sale. Dairy TUT? A rm_T"IHT> COWB brought £3 to £8 ss, 3-year-old W JI. A I JIJcjXW steers make un to £3 18s 6d. 3-year-.nrilUF'lTriTJrrC- °' d heifers £2 ss, 15 to 18-months \J\jm.r \JjXIO. £\ Zs, yearlings Bs, dry cows £1 to POR the Best Value in Feilding in £ % haw wag a , arge yarding rf pigg ■*" which included several lots of unHORSE COVERS COW COVERS BaSie^m^e^S WATERTIGHT BOOTS g^taTWtfta ft.fporkSs! GUM BOOTS RUBBER COATS gj *W. OILSKIN COATS to HEATING STOVES ETC. ETC. - STOCK FOODS THAT PAY. £>__ Genuine foods for pigs, calves, and 3 poultry, made from grain mixtures J- that make a "balanced ration," guar-JJJ^JJJJ^Q-JJ anteed free from ohemioals, and containing only the natural fats that ▼UOT ARRIVED. - Per i.s '"l*** i "s#Vw&^ _SW ' «' > T/.m_tn& » th* nn* W~J_m> system are made by Hodder and TolPaint "SfXSio" Clie^SanitSJ lev . ***> Feliding, and sold by aU taTEtt. iSSet, 8 ?!"*^ *}■» £.**£»' obtftined *«* packets. At Harford and Son's. JaH other proparations.

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Feilding Star, Volume I, Issue 296, 20 June 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume I, Issue 296, 20 June 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume I, Issue 296, 20 June 1907, Page 4


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