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Notices "BTJCKI NGH AM PALACE " baki:rv and peivate boarding house. | OIIN POLIOCK wishes to call **> the attention of ilie public to the fact that he is now delivering the Best Bread to all parts of the town daily. Conftvtionery and Pastry of all descriptions kept on liana, and made on order. Wedding and Christening Cakes made on the shortest notice. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. J. and D. McF A RL AN E, "OEG to notify to their numerous O* friends and customers that they have removed to those commodious premises lately occupied by the Northern Boot and Shoe Company, where they will always have on hand a lurge stock of Tents, Tarpaulins, Oilskins, and Ship Chandlery of every Description. Orders, both in Town and Country, punctually attended to. Storekeepers will find it to their advantage by dealing with J. and D. McFarlane, as a liberal discount will be allowed. i£g-Note the Address — Taupo Quay, Wanganui, Opposite the Railway Goo is Shed. public no net. I BEG io inform the public of Feildx ig, that I have taken a portion o those premises lately occupied by Messrs Halcombe and Sherwill, and am now prepared to make to order OILSKIN SUIIS. Of all styles and patterns. Garden seeds of all varities in stock Umbrellas, and parasols repaired 1 Clocks repaired promptly If you want your lamps repaired, , ion't forget to call upon 1 JAMES MOHRIS, Night Watchman, Tu-i Souare, Feildiina\ JAMES S. JOLLY, T> APE RH ANGER, House Decorator, and Sign Writer, Palmerston N. Orders left at the Star Office promptly attended to.

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Bibliographic details

Feilding Star, Volume III, Issue 43, 15 November 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume III, Issue 43, 15 November 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume III, Issue 43, 15 November 1882, Page 1