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WantedTOTARA POSTS. WANTED.- Buyers for 10,000 Totara Fencing Posts. Apply to Proprietors of Eeilding Star. TO .TAILORS. ~ WANTED. - A Good Steady Man Apply sharp, to A. OAKLEY, Manchester Streets WANTED.— A General Cook for private family in Wanganui.— Wages £40 per annum. Also House . and Palor-maid for same place. Apply office of this paper. W r ANTED.— A TENANT for a 7- Roomed Convenient Dwelling House siniated in Grey-Street. W. G. HAYBITTLE, Feilding. WANTED KNOWN. -JOLLIE & MORRELL, Paperhangers, House Decorators, and Sign Writers, Palnierston North. ANTED KNOWN.—That R. ALL ING HAN of Palmerston North, has on hand a large assortment of English, French, and Colonial-made Boots and Sho.s. He defies competition in workmanship and prices. ANTED KNOWN.—That W. T. WOOD is the only Veterinary Shoer in Palmerston. Pricemoderate. ANTED KNOWN. — That BUGG BROS., of Cuba-st. Palmerston North, have always on hand Small Goods and Spiced Beef. WANTED KNOWN. BROAD WOOD PIANOFORTES may be had at H. Collier and Co's, Avenue, Wanganni. CIHAPPELL PIANOFORTES, J new and second hand, may bo had at H. Collier and Cos., Musio Sellers, Wanganui. BRINSMEAD PIANOFORTES may be had at H. Collier and Cos., Music Sellers, Wanganui. HOfiLING & SPANGENBKRG PIANOFORTES may be had at H. Collier and Go's., Musio Seller, Pianoforte Tuners, __.., Wanganui. OLD PIANOS taken in exchange at H. Collier and Co's , Wanganui. lANOFORTES TUNED ANI) REPAIRED.-Estimat-es given. H. Collier and Co., Pianoforte Importers, Tuners and Repairers, Avenue, Wanganui. Sawmillers TIM AKINO UNION STEAM SAWr MILLS, NEAJft FEILDING CORPE & 80N | Having leased the* above Mills from the Union Steam Saw Moulding Sash and Door Company, atd having made considerable alterations in the machinery, coupled with long experience as Sawmillers in the Wairarapa, warrant them saying that all orders with whioh they may be favoured for totara, rimu, matai, or white and yellow pine, will he executed in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Prices obtained by letter or on application at Makino Siding. TT I WITEA STEAM SAW-MILLS; FEILDING. P. & 3. BARTHOLOMEW, Pbopbibtobb. TOTARA, RIMU, & WHITE PINE Supplied in any quantity. Timber delivered to order at all the townships on the Coast. - -• TAT AKINO STEAM BAW-MILLS ! FEILDING, MANAWATU. 1 Under the mantgoment of L. A. CALDWELL, Who is prepared to supply the following Sawn Timber of all sizes : — TOTABA, BIMU, TO-LOW _g WHITE PIKE And all descriptions of Fancy Timber in any quantities, Together with Architraves from 3 to 6 inches Tongue-and-Groved Lining, Mouldings of various kinds, etc., etc. Posts and Rails, Stabs, and House Blocks, of all sizes. L. A. CALDWELL Manager. ANCHBBTER STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILLS. j TAOjnJl— Near Eeuding. Totara, Rimu, Matai, and White Pine supplied in any quantities.: Dressed Timber of Every Descrip- . tion always on hand. ...-. t H. ADSETT, Proprietor.

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Feilding Star, Volume III, Issue 2, 21 June 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume III, Issue 2, 21 June 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume III, Issue 2, 21 June 1882, Page 3