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,—_«, HIGH WATER. TO-MORROW. Taiaroa Head : 8.37 a.m., 9.9 p.m. Port Chalmers : 9-17 a-m., 9.49 p.m. Dunedin : 9.47 a.m., 10.19 p.m. THE SUN. ■Pets to-day, 5.27 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 6.50 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON. Last quarter August 29 6.57 a.m. New moon Sept. 5 1.0.14 p.m. First quarter Sept. 14 2.32 a.m. Full moon Sept, 21 0.0 l a.m. Sets to-day, 9.52 a.m.; risss to-morrow, 1.19 a.m. WEATHER REPORTS. The Government Meteorologist (Rev. T>. C. Bates) supplied the following weather roporte at 9 E-m. to-day :

breeze; in g, moderate gale; g, -whole or heavy gala; w, gala of exceptional severity. Weathor.—B. blue, sky, be the atmosphere clear or heavy; C. clouds, pnssinr: clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; fl. gloomy, dai-k weather; IT. hail j L, 1;":M----nin<r;M, misty; 0. overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P. p.T««in;: showers; Q, squally; Tl, rain, continued rsin; S, snow': T. thunder: U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. WEATIJEH FORECAST. The Government Meteorologist (Rev. D. i C. Bates) supplied the fol'owinst a,*- neon i to-day:— northerly winds; cool j ari-d 'changeable; glass unsteady; tides good : sea moderate swell. BAlLED.—August 28. Kot&w, s.s. (0.20 a.m.), 141 tons, M'lntyre, for Bluff and Invercargill. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. •John, from Wellington, August. 30. May Howard, from LyttcHon, Aug. 30. Kotare, from Invercargill, September 2. Putiki, from Wellington, September 2. Breeze, from Wanganui, September 3. Stella, from Wellington, .September 'l. Rosamond, from Wellington, Sept. 4. Mor.owai, from Auck'and, September 4. Calm, from Wanganui. September 4. Storm, from Lvttelion, September- 6. Corinna, from "Wellington, Sept.. 14. Westralia, from Melbourne, Sept. 17. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Stella, for Wellington, August 29. John, for Wellington, August 30. Putiki, for Wellington, Septcmbei 2. Breeze, for Wanganui, Septemb&r 3. Kotare, for Invercargill, September 3. Gisborne, for Invercargill, September 3. Oahn, for Wanganui, {September 4. Rosamond, for Gisborne, September 5. Monowai, for Auckland., September 6, Storm, for Wanganui, September 6. Corinna,. for New Plymouth, Sept. 14. Westralia, for Melbourne, September 18. During the past few years much has been done in the direction of simplifying and accelerating the salvaging of sunken drips. Great importance attaches to the discovery of a chemist. He has found, according to an authority, a preparation which, -when sprayed on rotting cargo, immediately kills the gases, and thereby enables the men to carry out their work in safety. At last Friday's meeting of the Timaru Harbor Board the harbormaster (Captain D. M'Douga.Ll) reported that the arrivals during July were 23 steam vessels, with nn aggregate of 9,312 ton.-., and the departures wore 23 steam vessels, with an aggregate of 9,312 tons. The Timaru Harbor Board have had a by-law prepared malting provision for charging harbormaster's fees, in accordance with the decision come to at last Friday's meeting of the board. A special meeting of the board will be held on Sat- j urdn.y next to adopt the by-law. j A "proposal has bsen made to reinstate a time-ball for Auckland, such as was iu | operation on the waterfront until a few j years ago. with additional provision fur the discharge of a ;;un at Fort Cautloy simultaneously with the- mid-day dropping of the, ball. The matter is under consideration by the City Council's Publio Sendees Committee. The salving of the burned steamer Defender was almost finished on .Saturday, i there now being only the propeller to get. j On Friday the engine was ready for lift- i ing, and on Saturday it was safely landed ;

on the Wellington -vharve'" Swi © dim colfcy was, however c pern c-u 11 2*t I lg it Otl« gear 11 eluded a pimp bliss piping, ard chain tt 1' op 1 toons a. r e con tdered to vp tx>»i mo t Euccosh l Hit engine. 10] um 1 b in good oickr and it p'oiii. it 1 > ma ndcr o ( the De<Yrd 1 f<i r ' >« sold b\ auction

In fh rer 1 t pure j c r t u t VI brut c v l di tsl y> (-onifan «.* <■ 1 t' S>d ie\ winch forrm rl\ 1 1 p betviein A[clbourn*> Tn.s-nii] n 1 t«. a d Biuns P 1 lp (-no Co lwie ciiel a \i_ssel wliKii \ 111 i t \-?" 1 1 i the r flr * ran I'v tv* 1 c "Uaiain 1 The Sdn< tn " " h-n is 1 ts keen cnt gn-d on the 1 1 ■= ( " to P-abaul v d Lis b°en r d th A' l„i

The motor schooner Wcrgcland, which arrived at Svdacv earlv this month from Port Blakely, is'the finest stamp of this typo- of moivhant-man that has visited Australia. She la of 1.948 tons net. an-ci proof of her carrying capacity is phovn by the fact that on this voyage iho brought two million feet of lumber. Th? importation into Australia- of caustic- ash, sof'a sulphide, white bacl. red lead, and wire rope is now prohibited, witbout the consent in writing of the Minister for Customs. The exportation of r"d and white lead is also prohibited.

T'l-o Lvttelton Harbor Hoard's tup, Lyttelion, 01 292 tons .cross reaisi-er and 1,000 horse-powor, left the Lyttclton Heads en Thursday last at 4 p.m.. for Dimcdin. hawing in tow a sailing snip, whose gross register -and hnbince of car:;o segregated well over 4.000 tons. The f-ibv.ving even-d-.i: at 4.55 she passed Pc.-t Chalmers, having steamed at an average Mite- of eight knots an hour. It is interesting to note that some, of the coastal boats could r-e-rcely cover th-'- distance in the same tbae. "Lcavh;? Dunedin wharf at 4.13 p.m. on Saturday, the tug i'k.'.-\:d Of ago bice sis at 5.35 p.m. Tha avernr.-e, steaming r:>tc! for- the remainder of the v-oyase. which occupied only 19 hour~. was 10.5 knots pei* hour. The iva; arrived back at LyltelfoT) at about 11 aTai.

- M i * -iTlTTlTllt *ll s rl-il 1 1 a 1 11 1 I n t-1 e 11 -i ■» 1 f I d til 10T r r 1 \ r 1 T op] 1 to a T f> A t> -"I i Ti T d ;ii io \\ 'h ic; In til c p 1 t 1 <? e < a i 1 —i a Vr, ~, J 1 |,| ] bu ])* ) T \ -dr ill -j, •> 1 -> ln?d r>" l)u if> < 1 ? f « i nc IT lie Tl"11.Tl OI 1' o C r - k* "On nn t 1 f i 0 J \ i« i I T> n F 11] t r c i t \\ n d nt Lift l l t 1 3 f " i S \ 1 l\i u i i *~ I .1 • 11 4 t ( t ] ci ii t it rl ii n 1 i i o r TL au ii, I ) u i i 1 t Ljdi \\ TV I T t \ e M jf I J i t t oi i tc r\\ <x 1 lis i 0 It Ll ( (j L 1 ma 1 ■* f „ j r i i i r l r V r 1 1 ii i M u t i -j t nt 1 i ar at \\ 3 s t ) J 1 * a t \ 1 d J c 1 ) « i 1 J p oc l *- «> In i j I ill! l L l l L. j, 1 1 ' 1 1 L J ! f (. 11 t (-1 i 1 s. i c <* I t i t 1 i Lin 11 \\c * I T n i 1 11 < i \ J \ 1 t j. t \ 1 1 111 b < 1 t w r ii < j i i i f i i ■> i I i * I I } ! 1 t J r i " tti o I *• c r i r f V ' hj in r 1 \ Vi ict 1 i -> > 1 <- f T 1 1 3 II in » ,i i *-> i 1 f > f t t t ] I I t A 1 I ' t t 1 o 0 i ! M 11 l ir l I "■> f r pp r - tl \fr r I \ \1 1 f 1 i V r r I 1 * hj t ! *• f) } Tit (1 " r-i f i r' n In f T 0 11 P 1 ' 1 1 1 r- 1 1 |fr - V 11 1 f ( t n Ti 1 n M jT r Y\ 1 r for t < 01 It i T 1 -r in~n 1 m i t 1 r or In 1 It T)u ' A T t T <: « -i r i ! C i ti i «, b r r ' r 1 r t » a ~ i ' p v- \( i -5 \ t n •< i PATIA. TlHlll'fl fl r 1 \ , o» 1 n 'll i i i ii\ f VI * t r 1 1 \ fit i l i r t ! i e 1 T *- -j inrl li o obi dr j A » c i f V Lbur CI 1 n Me 7 1 j ill i and i i t v i ste"r r HPEJ' F»r»LL\ IMTrj) j riot &ui on •" < " ' i jnird i« 1 re 1 t ' +• 1 iij- ■»- J"ir><illl f 1 ' A rr 15 Dt Ti is ho- (25) f s+ er cr 1- t Tv> rn i c - t 1 rip * ' nt 11" n» c \ Vph t mI ivi The Inn ps ranul t stopi, fl 3 a tI Ti « «-a badl\ biT-nil it tl f n 1 d d lai l i hj lr D ndl i lit b it t 1 fTf-A and 1 1 7" i (i-d hj a II pt. 1 t \ti 111 1 t M«en died i fr 'r ir= af'<r i 1 i D mil dp n ft i t catment ! tvas alloived to return to the ship. J

MOERAKI FROM SYDNEY. The Union liner Moaraki arrived St Wellington at 5 p.m. yesterday from Sydney direct. The vessel brought the fallowing eaiooa passengers for New Zaal*af ■— ifasiaaiaa Lockhead sad infant* Uodher, league, Gabble and child, Peaxo© and child, j-eala and obild.Gardiwr aw} two children, Hawkinson., Foster sad infant, Misse3 Carlin, Gardner, Gavin, Haniunson, Gronin, Moore, M'Grain nfW, M'Garthy, Fogerty, Williams, Taylor, A too Littio, Sister Ciouaton, Captains King, Boyd, and Bennett, Lieuteoairfr oornmaudor Harrison, Messrs Ichiaoweya, Koike, Godlier, Twogood, Mowbray, Mills, Scully, Teague, Haseidine, Russell, Menard, Pe&rce, Robertson, Were; and Zl steerage. The Moeraki is timed to leave Wellington early on Friday morning for Sydney and Jaobart. STRANDING OF THE MALACHITE. At the inquiry into the stranding of ihe Malachite held at Sydney recently, the Marino Court found* that the steamer Malachite was stranded at Port Kembla on July 10 through tho reckless and negligent navigation of the master, Gaptaia Albert Anderson (reports Sydney 'Slipping List'). Anderson appeared beforo the Court, -which consisted of Judas Docker, with Captains H. C. Ghudledgb, and C. W. Davidson as assessors, to show cause why his certificate should not bd cancelled or suspended, the Court having ordered his appearnaco after the inquiry on the sth inst. It was stated that tMs was Anderson's first accident, and that be had hitherto borne an excellent character. The Court suspended the certificate for thr&s months from the date of the strandAnderson was given permission to work as a mat a during the period of tha suspension. AMERICAN SCHOONERS SOLD. News by the last American mail states Lafnyette Shipping Corporation of New Yorlc has purchased the auxiliary five-masted schooners City of Portland, City of St. Helens, and the S. I. AHard. The new owners intend jilacing these ships in the San Francisco-Port Said wn, calling at Saigon en route. Of the above three ships the two " Cities " have already been down to Australia with timber. An interesting fact about their owners is thai the Lafayette Corporation is closely allied to the well-known Mewageries Maritatoes. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. WELLINGTON, August .27.-4.55 r>.m., Moeraki, from SvctnevLYTTELTON, August 28.—7.30 a.m., Pateena, from Wellington (connected-with, expre&g). {For continuation *ee Late Shipping.)

Bar. T iin: Weath. Auckland—S.S.W., f b 29.8? 55 BC Nnoier—N., 1 ... 29.98 55 OR Wellington—S., £ b 30.00 43 0 Q. D Greyrri-outb—'-•. br 30 0' 52 T>, Westpoi-t—Calm '3O"05 56 B Bealcy—N.W., 1 30.01 42 e Oltristcliunch —S. W. \ SO. 06 45 o Timnru —E., lb 30.03 45 o Oamam —Calm ... 30.05 4 r > BC Dunedin —Calm 30.03 43 T> y Queens town—N .\Y. 30 05 42 0 Nuggets— N.,1 ... 30.05 40 B Bluff—N.. b ... 29.99 43 BC Balclutba^Calm — .42 B Clyde—Calm ... — 50 BC Invercargill—N.W. "l 3-0.10 47 BC Nasaby—Calm ... 27.95 39 B Pembroke— Calm 29.00 43 BC Port Chalmnrs—Ca .in 30.05 49 BC . Roxburgh—Calm Wind.—L, light; 29.75 45 V, 0 br, 'orc:ze; f b frssh

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Evening Star, Issue 16824, 28 August 1918, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 16824, 28 August 1918, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 16824, 28 August 1918, Page 1


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