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TO THE EDITOR. Sir,—ln a recent issue of your paper there appeared a. reference to the conduct. of the examination service now in force at Taiaroa Head. Complaint wais made by you that reasonable consideration was not "afforded to incoming vessels, in consequence of which some, were not only inconvenienced, but involved in considerable mk. Further, it was stated that the gunners at the forts amused themselves by trying how close they could drop projectiles when heave-to shots were fired. These are matters which, if true, require looking into. There are speciik-d rules for the regulation of examination services, and observation of these should inflict tho minimum of inconvenience. But tho use by you of the word " amateur" in reference to the gunners introduces an element to which great exception must be taken. It is the resurrection of the old prejudice which existed when the street-corner gentlemen, lounging cigarette in mouth against a lamp post, jeered at volunteer;. The gunners in the forts do not march through tho streets with bands playin.;. They qualify in seclusion, by hard work, in a standard of efficiency not reached by anv other branch of the service. Thanks to" Colonel fl. S. Richardson. P.M.L.I. (formerly our assiduous master gunner), the artillery services in Ne>v Zealand were in a most eilicient state. By hifi direction they enjoyed, with the-guns at their disposal, means of training which were not available for the Royal Garrison Artillery. With the individually high standard of intelligence the New Zealand garrison gunner luus few equals. And now you refer to these men in a- disdainful use of the word " amateur." They don't deserve it. They are just as nobly performing their duty as the- men now- camped under the shadow of the Pyramids, ami it is a much mora monotonous duty. There i.s a call for more moil for reinforcements, and it is probable that if a reason is sought for the paucity of the response, it is that many of our best fellowis know it is only a veneer, which your f.cribe has scratched, that hides a contempt for our citizen soldiers. I am, <.'tc, C. E. AItL'HIDALB. December 29.

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Evening Star, Issue 15688, 30 December 1914, Page 2

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THE EXAMINATION SERVICE. Evening Star, Issue 15688, 30 December 1914, Page 2

THE EXAMINATION SERVICE. Evening Star, Issue 15688, 30 December 1914, Page 2