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SHANKS.—In loving memory of Thoma ■ H enry Shanks, accident.illy drowned Maori Kaik, 29th December, 1913.—Inserted by his loving parents, sisters, and brothers. SHANKS—In 1 oving memory of my dear husband, Thomas Henry Shanks, who was drowned at the Kaik. December 29th, 1913. ■ —lnserted by his loving wife. TIMfLTX. —In loving memory of David Timlin, accidentally drowned at the Maori Kaik. December 29:h, 1915.—Inserted by his loving wife, parents, sisters, and brother TEMPLETON. —In loving remembrance of our dear Mabel, who departed this life December 26th, 1908. —Inserted by her loving mother, sisters, and brothers. Announcements of births, marriages, and deaths sent for publication from the country districts require to bo verified by the signature of either onr agent in the district front which the announcement is scat or by the clergyman of the district. The charge for announcing Births, Marriages. and Deaths is 3s not exceedin',' five lines, and fid for each additional line.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Star, Issue 15687, 29 December 1914, Page 4

Word Count

IN MEMORIAM. Evening Star, Issue 15687, 29 December 1914, Page 4

IN MEMORIAM. Evening Star, Issue 15687, 29 December 1914, Page 4