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mas Gifts. Call, inspect, and compare price and quality. No importunity to purchase. Presents from a few shillings can bo selected in every department. WATCH BRACELETS FINE JEWELLERY PRECIOUS STONES STERLING SILVER RELIABLE WATCHES SILVER PLATE ART LEATHER Buying and manufacturing for 10 huge establishments and selling for Cash enables you to purchase at prices impossible elsewhere. The Choicest Collection of High-class Goods in Dunedin, and All Marked in Plain Figures. N.Z., LIMITED, Corner Princes and Dowling Streets, Dunedin. m El El SANTA OLAUS has arrived at DREAVER'S, with the Biggest Tile of the Loveliest Toys you ever saw. Such a pile! They are overflowing everywhere. His bag wasn't nearly big enough to hold them. And such beautiful Toys: You never saw the like before. Dolls of every sort and size. Sleeping Dolls, Speaking Dolls, Dolls that wash, "and Dolls you can't break. Forts, Guns, Swords, Drums. Won't our Boys grow up to be Soldiers now! Dolls' Houses, Furniture, Tea Sets, Kitchen Sets, and all sorts of other Sets. Marvellous Mechanical Toys that wnd up or go by steam or electricity. Dreadnoughts, Destroyers, and Submarines—Britain's Navy in miniature. Aeroplanes and Aeroplane Guns. All sorts of Indoor and Outdoor Games. Teddy Bears, Golliwogs, and Rollikins. Soft Stuffed Toys of every description. Cats, Dogs, Rabbits, and Roosters. Jemima Puddleduck, Parratoos and Cockakeets. Spades, Buckets, and Sand Sets. If there is anything Old Father Christmas has forgotten, we don't know what it is. He seems to have thought of Everything. So bring the Children along and let them choose what they want him to bring them at Christmas time. AVER'S GEORGE STREET. •PHONE 1,822.

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Evening Star, Issue 15677, 16 December 1914, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 15677, 16 December 1914, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 15677, 16 December 1914, Page 10