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'fhp following items are taken from the annual report of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, which was presented at the annual meeting this afternoon: After the steady increase for a number of years in the vote against the liquor traffic, wo are facts lo face wilh a decrtase ill the voting. Although the complete figures are not yet available, circumstances indicate that the vote recorded in favor cf No-license and National Prohibition is i-nialier than it has been for a number of years. The public will be well aware of at least, two factors that contribute to the decrease: (1) Numbers of our young men who were active workers have joined the Expeditionary Force and gosio to the front; (2) our women workers, from Auckland 10 Bluff, have been busily engaged sewing for the Belgians, and have taken no part whatever in tho campaign. When we consider these facts, we rejoice that the vote cast in favor of No-license and National Prohibition was so large. We liopo and pray fervently that the war cloud may soon pass, and that when next we record our vote our workers will enter more vigorously than ever and uphold :he cause of the weak against the strong. Port Chalmers reports 19 members on tho roll, and steady progress in all departments of work. Seveiai meetings liave been held, and the average attendance has been good. Thev have donated £2 17s to various funds. North-east Valloy reports having uniiaud 17 new members, making a total of 75. Teli meetings wore held during tho year. Two prizes ware given to the local school for temperance essays by this union. South Duncdin has 30 financial and 3 lion, members. The women have been busy with work connected with the war, which greatly interfered with the attendance at the regular monthly meeting. Several meetings were hold in tho different suburbs—St. Clair, ot. Kilda Caversham. and Anderson Bay—besides six at Cargill road. Alexandra repo-ts a vear of quiet, steadv work. They have a membership of 12, and have held eight monthly and one executive meetings, the Mos<del branch was formed a year ago -with a merrfbership of 13. which has increased to 35 Duriii" the vear 10 monthly and 2 home meetings havo been held. Tho president, of the Baud of Hone reports a membership ot 32 and the r.r telle roll has 14 enrolments. References arc made to Sabbath observance, Maori mission work, and tho Sailors' Rest.

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Evening Star, Issue 15676, 15 December 1914, Page 2

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W.C.T.U. Evening Star, Issue 15676, 15 December 1914, Page 2

W.C.T.U. Evening Star, Issue 15676, 15 December 1914, Page 2