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A number of school boys held a .-how of children’s pets in Mr G. M. Thomson's rooms in Moray place this afternoon. The idea is to make tho show an annual one, and to-day the exhibits consisted of guineapigs and pet rabbits. William Lucas, of tho Moray Place School, obtained tlie first, second, and third prizes in the guinea-pig section. The children present were quite enthusiastic over their little show; and well they might be, for they have done well for their first venture. They deserve support, and there is no reason why they should not have a large collection of pets next year.

Five or six years ago tbc Otago Acclimatisation Society introduced the English crab, and ever since then people have been arguing ns to tho result of tho experiment. Until to-day, notwithstanding all that he heard from time to time, even tho president of the society had his doubts. This morning, however. .Mr David Larnach, who had previously staled that those crabs were becoming about Bavensbotune, banded lo Mr 11. Chisholm an unimpeachable witness in tho shape of as genuine a partan as was over caught in British waters. This crab is about four inches long and two and a-lialf indies across. It is probably two or three years old. Mr Chisholm at once renounced his scepticism on tho subject, and joyfully accepts the crab ns proof—the first indubitable proof—that tho society’s venture is a success. If any still doubt, they may see the crab by calling at Mr Chisholm’s office. There is another way of looking at the fact, and that is that as the crabs have appeared at Uavensbourno, whore tho bottom is mud, they arc probably doing well in their natural habitat about tho rockv coast near the Heads.

Further books are to be purchased for the Free Public Library at an estimated cost of £9B 14s.

Sumo correspondence alwnt drainage proposals was received by the Harbor Board from the Drainage Board yesterday afternoon. Mr Belcher said that tho matter hail been jawed over so frequently that he was just about sick tired of it. If the Board hail made an offer to the Drainage Board in good faith it would bo a wrong policy to withdraw it. Ho thought that the Harbor Board had no necessity to trouble, their heads about the tiling at all. 'The Drainage Board had made no offer at all. 'Utcy were simply heating the air. Theypwcrc out on a Quixotic expedition lo belt at windmills. It was resolved to refer tho correspondence to ti special committee. Front a report before the Acclimatisation Society yesterday afternoon, it appears that a good deal of deer poaching is going on, and also that the granting of permits for the shooting of malforms is leading to indiscriminate destruction—five or six dead animate having been found, which, while yet young, would have made good heads. The Committee strongly recommended that the society discontinue giving permits to guides and stalkers to shoot inaJforms : and this report was adopted.

There are ten cases of measles on board Iho Taiuui, which arrived at Wellington from London (o-day (says a P.A. telegram). The patients are children, who will bo sent to quarantine. A little girt, aged two, named Gertrude Thomas, died at sea, and was buried at Hobart. A narrow escape was experienced by Mrs F. Hummer, a third class passenger, honnd lor Christchurch, am] her three children. As They were’ passing along the Taimii’s deck last Wednesday week a heavy sea Iroke aboard, and swept them into an open hatchway, 25ft deep The children escaped with a few bruises. The, mother was injured in the back, and sustained a severe 4calp wound, and was badly shaken.

The Mayor of Port Chalmers (Mr P. W. Platts) is trying to arrange for the halfholiday to be Tuesday afternoon instead of Wednesday next week, in older that all the boating and motor clubs and the citizens generally may assist in tho send-off to.the Terra Nova." The Amokura, which leaves Port Chalmers on Tuesday for the Bluff, Milford Sound. and Wellington, will probably take part in the send-off aecorded the' South Pole hinders.

The question of granting further concessions on the City Corporation tramways will come up for consideration at next Wednesday night’s meeting of the City Council. ‘Cr tapper lias given notice to move—“ That in place of giving tramway concessions to two termini only, the. following concessions be established through out the service as from Ist January, 1911: —Fifty 3d sections for Bs, fifty 2d sections for 6s, fifty Id sections for 3» 3d. Tickets to be available for one month only from date of issue, and for sections specified on ticket only; or alternatively, any portion of a ticket unused to be allowed for at half-price upon the holder thereof applying for a new ticket.” Tho Tramways Committee of the City Council report having authorised the despatch of a tele gram to local members of Parliament intimating that tho Committee still strongly object to tho Tramways Bill m its amended form, as the same, as it now stands, would havo a disastrous effect on tho working of tho Dunedin service.

Tho chairman of the Finance Committee informed members of the Otago Harbor Board yesterday that the revenue was keeping up; that for the first teii months of the year exceeding that for the corresponding ten months of last year. Four pigs sent in to town from the country, and found to be in an advanced state of decay, wore yesterday seized and condemned by Dr Chamtalonp and Inspector Donaldson.

An application from the Otago Football Association for permission to proceed at once with various improvement works on certain of the City reserves, at a cost of £BO, provided the City Council expends a similar sum in completing such works next year, has been declined in the meantime in terms of report from the superintendent of reserves.

• Our 'iiotiee~nf lost night's Philharmonic Society and other local matter crowded out.

Mr T. Boss, who went to Wellington at the same time as tho Drainage Board delegatee, presented a detailed account of his mission in the interests of the Otago Harbor Board’s Vesting Bill at yesterday’s Board meeting. He was present when tho Bill was discussed by tho Local Bills Committee of the Legislative Council. The Drainage Board's three delegates were not, although tho Committee had postponed consideration of the Bill until that day (16th inst.) because Of a telegram from the secretary of tho Drainage Board,. who intimated that three members of that body .would bo in attendance to discuss and suggest alterations. .Mr Boss acknowledged the splendid services rendered in tho Lqwer House by the Hon. J. A. Miliar and in the Upper House by the Hon. Mr .Sinclair. His report concluded : ” I would like, however, to record by indebtedness on this arid another occasion to most of the Otago mein/bere in both Houses, and also to members cj tho House from different parts of the Dominion, who took a broad, statesmanlike/ view of this matter, contrasting greatly with tho potty, parochial spirit which has been so much in evidence in some quarters dining tho past few months.” Tho traffic returns for tho City Corporation tramways for tho fortnight ended November 19, as compared with the corresponding period of last year, are os follow : 1910—receipts £2,555 16s BJ, mileage 48,574 miles ; 1903—leceijrts £2,423 6s 7ii, mileage 42,548 miles 54 chains.

Mr H. Y. Widdowson. S. M., presided ever a short sitting of tho Police Court this morning. Martin Carroll, who was charged with drunkenness a few days age and remanded for medical treatment, was convicted, and ordered to pay expenses (£1 Is 6d), or coven days’ imprisonment. An application for remission of arrears bn a maintenance order was refused.

A Wellington telegram states that the annual report of the Y.M.C.A. disclosed a debit of £2BO 19s 8d .and a serious decrease in membership receipts, whicli had fallen from £506 lo £302 This was til tributed to the absence of a physical director.

Tho Otago Harbor Board have decided to honor Captain Scott (should he be agreeable) by commissioning their tug. tho Plucky, to ‘ accompany tho Terra Nova, mit-sido tho Hoads when she leaves Port Chalmers on Tuesday on her Antarctic expedition. The tug will bo at the disposal of members of Parliament and representatives of other local bodies besides the Harbor Board. A suggestion was thrown out that a flotilla of motor launches should also escort the Terra Nova as far south as they deemed advisable, and, should Captain Scott offer no objection, it is possible that steps may bo token to organise such a flotilla.

In consequence of the resignation of Mr B. W. Richards, the Finance Committee recommend that applications be invited by advertisement in the daily Press in the chief centres of the DonTinion for the position of town clerk, with a salary lit the rate of £6OO per annum ; applications io dose on Wednesday, January 11, 1911, ami tho successful applicant to assume duty on the Ist March following. In connection with this matter Or Douglas lias given notice to move as to the advisability of combining tho offices of town clerk and city solicitor, or alternatively the offices of town clerk and treasurer.

In the Divorce Court at Wellington today a decree nisi was granted Elizabeth Alexandra MTutosh against John M‘lntosh, of Iluntly, on tho ground of desertion.

Tho .Acting City Engineer ban boon instructed to include an amount for tho purchase of a motor waggon for consideration with next year’s allocations.

Our paragraph about the cruelty of leading immilkod cows into I lie show ring liafi led to a call from the inspector fur tho Society for the Provlmtion of Cruelty to Animals, who eays that ho told several attendants to get their cows milked at lho show and saw that this was done ; and Mr T., S. Graham, Hie hon. secretary, points out that a general caution was published beforehand. It i.s gratifying to • know that this matter in being taken note of by tho proper authorities. Perhaps our paragraph, which was founded on observation, will help to step the practice altogether. If two or three of tho-so poor cows could have spoken they would havo cursed the summer show.

At St. Peter’s last evening the missioner gave instruction on confirmation. The sermon was based on ‘The Living Christ,’ showing that union with Christ, if not free from all restraint, indicates a want of faith. Over 100 persons took the opportunity last evening of renewing their baptismal and confirmation vows. Tho mission is doing -a lasting work in the parish. To-morrow's services are announced elsewhere.

M'c hear tint a petition is being got up regretting that the City is to lose tho service:! of Air B. W. Richards (town cierk) at a time when so many important undertakings tiro in hand.

For a. satisfactory lino of furniture at reasonable price visit Sanders's Furnishing House, 175 George street.—[Advt.]

Notification of Sunday services as enumerated below appears in our advertising columns: —Presbyterian: First Church, Knox Church, St. Andrew’s, South Dunedin, Northeast Valley, Chalmers, Musselburgh. Hoslyn, Ft. Clair. Anglican: AH Saints’, St. Matthew's, Si. Peter's. Methodist: Trinity, Garrison Hall, Moruiugton, Cargill Boat!, Rnslyn, St. Kilda, Bclleiaiowcs, tVoodliaugh. North-east Vatlev. Congregational; Moray Place. King Street. Baptist: .Hanover Street. Roslyu, South Dunedin. Primitive, Methodist : Dundivs Street, Kew, Abbotsford, Kavensbourno. Anderson Bay, North-cast Valley. Church of Christ: Tabernacle. South' Dnucdin, North-east Valley, Fillcui Street Hall, Salvation Army, Spiritual Scientists, Albany Street School, Choral Hall. Thomas Fogg, dental surgeon, has removed to his new premises at the cornet of George ami Park streets.—[Advt.]

Wire received from Wellington Tourist Premier motor cycle find on formula and consumption test. M’Cullocb and Jamieson, Stuart, street.—[Advt.] ‘ The Mission Reviewed ’ will be the subject of Dean address at All Saints’ to-morrow evening.

Danger School of Dress-cutting, opposite D.I.C. The latest invention and most reliable method of teaching cutting.—fAdvt.l Services will ba held in Si. Paul’s Cathedral on Wednesday and Thursday next.. The preacher will be tho Rev. Walmslcy Sedgwick, 8.A., who served in the Royal Navy with’ ships at Suakim, and received the Egyptian medal with Suakim Hasp, and the Khedive’s bronze star for distinguished. service; chaplain to lI.M. the King in HALS. Thunderer, and now vicar of St. Duke’s, Christchurch. United Starr-Bowkctt Society invito members for No. 2 group, and advertise £1,500 to bo disposed of on 1611 i December.

Tlio very latest and most up-to-date photo picture is the “ artist’s proof portrait,” by Morris photo, Princes street. Call and seo specimens. Telephone 859.—[Advt.l At Hanover Street Baptist Church tomorrow the services will be of special interest., being the last .Sunday school anniversary in the old church building. There will bo singing by trained scliolars of the Sunday school, assisted by the choir. The preach el's will be: In the morning. Rev. W. Saunders; in the aftemoou. Dr Cbas. North; and in the evening, Rev. Wm. Hay.

Brin? your wife anti babies to Ur J. Steadman, at the Acme Photo Company, George street. The studio is on ground floor—no staircase to climb. Tel. 965.—[Advt.] The Roslyn Baptist Sunday School anniversary will be celebrated to-morrow. Dr R. Waddell will preach at 11 a.m.. Mr D. Wright will address the scholars and friends at 2.45, and the Rev. B. Hobday will preach at 6,30, concluding his special series of sermons with ‘Tito Melema’ (‘Eomola, '), being the fascinating but fearful story of the evolution of evil, by George Eliot.

ladies recommeid Martin’s Apiol and Steal Pills. Sold by all chemists and stores. ScO yon pet the genuine.—[Advt.l Under the auspices of the Eugenic Society, Profe-sor Benham will lecture at the Stuart Street Oddfellows’ Hall on Wednesday night on ‘Facts of Heredity and the Problems of Engcnidfi.’ Other aspects of the Eugenic problems will be introduced at subsequent meetings by speakers of recognised authority thereon.

The Maori Kaifc and North Spit eon uow be reached ou fine Sundays at excursion rates.

■The s.s. Moerangi is advertised to make an excursion to the North Spit, Harrington Point, and Otago Heads to-morrow. , Mr Robert Hogg, organising secretary of tho Socialist party, will compare ‘The Ethical Basis of Christianity and Socialism,’ Trades Hall, Sunday night, at seven o’clock.

Good Templars in Dunedin district are invited to a church parade to-morrow evening in Trinity Methodist Church. Speight’s ale and stout are acknowledged by the Dominion public to be the befit on the market.—[Adri.] *

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Evening Star, Issue 14523, 26 November 1910, Page 6

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Untitled Evening Star, Issue 14523, 26 November 1910, Page 6

Untitled Evening Star, Issue 14523, 26 November 1910, Page 6


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