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Kl.fsON. MO ATP, AND CO. Bog to draw the attention of the public to the fact that it is most important that they should insist upon having Nelson, Moite, and Co.'a Pure Tea* when theyaskforthemes the maikct is full of inferior mixtures pat up in similar packets, _ and pushed upon the public for the flake of extra profit. N., M„ and Co.'s Natural I'Savored Prizo Teas luv.o byfartho largesfcnale iatluSOUTHERN WORLD. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR lIOML. [AM how booking order* for Frozen and LAMBS, for delivery at Home for the aW ' WILLIAM PATRICK, 200 Princes street. ON DON LOAN AND DISCOUNT Li SOCIETY, 3 Manse Stbbst. LOANS from LlO to LIO.OOO, repayable to nit convenience of Borrowers. Trade Bills discounted. Money advanced to persons entitled to money .n ftigUml or elsewhere. HENRY BENJAMIN, Manager l ■R JOHN P. ARMSTRONG. Dentist, may be consulted at his office, 112 Princes gtreet (exactly opposite Cargill's Monument). PUBLIC NOTICE. THE 'EVENING" STAR" RUNNERS' SOCIETY Deliver Bills, Circulars, Plans, etc, from house to house, in any district m Dunodin and Suburbs, from Is 6d per 100. tor information, etc., apply to the Publisher, jftieo of thlß paper. MONEY. nro .viAr now cr.wwnw T,OAN AND DIP If M*rllll"yJfllMiiWi Loaua advance! from i£ and upwan 1 * on personal or any other security; repayable ry weekly instalments, or to suit Borrower?. Tradesmen's Bills Discounted. Money Lent on Diamonds, Jewellery, or any available security. R. M. MARKS, Proprietor. FEW ADVANTAGES OH 1 THE DRESDEN PIANO COMPANY'S HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM. l«t—No **.ter where you livo, it enables you to becom* tbo owner of a thoroughly good and sound Pianoforte or American Organ by simply Paying the Hire for a stated period. „nd—Possession is obtained on Payment of the First Monthly or Quarteily Instalment, 3rd—No Further Expense whatever i 3 incurred beyond the instalments for the period agreed on. 4th—The Piano or American Organ can be Exchanged for one of a Better Class at any Jime within the period of hiring. sth—Att excellent Piano or Organ (warranted for tea years) oan be obtained for a deposit of 30s and payment of 30s monthly. 6ih-A First-clbss Guarantee is given with every Instrument purchased. 7th -Catalogues, Terms, etc., ssnt Post Free on application. .SHEKT MUSIC A SPECIALTY. rni£ DRESDEN PIANO CO.'S DEPOT, 31 PrWs street, Dunt Jin. J. A. X. RIEDLE, Manager, EW ZEALAND LOAN AND .opposite Criterion Hotel). M< ney advanced on Personal and other Security. Loans granted frcm L 5 to L 5.000, repayable by weekly or monthly instalments. Loans of U repayable r>s weakly; Loans of LlO repayablo Ds: weekly 5 Loanß of Lls repayable *.sa weekly; Loans of L2O repayable 20s weekly—and so on up to L 5.000. No law costs and no expenses but the actual rate of interest. Bills discounted daily at current rates. No delay, and the strictest secrecy guaranteed. Office hours: 9 &,m. to 6 p.m,; Mondays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday*. I a.m. to 1; Saturday Evening, 6 to 8 o'olock. L ISAACS, Manager.

THE EVENING STAR, SUBSCRIBERS in the Country eon have their Papers Left at any .Railway Station along ERBERT, HAYNES, AND CO, Are now offering ir,o Dozen MEN'S MERINO HALF-HOSE, from 9d to 3a Gel per pair. 10 Dozen MEN's ~RIBBED WORSTED HALF-HOSE, la Gd-splendid value. 20 Dozen MEN'S CASHMERE HALF-lIOSE, Plain and Ribbed, in Black, Navy, Maroon, and Fancy Colors. Also MEN'S BLACK CASHMERE, With Embroidered Fronts, For Evening Wear, APER for Wrapping-up for Sale at the Stab Office, Bond street. NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SKAS EXHIBITION. Notice to Bxhibitora. lESSRS H. S FISH AND SON, who have the contracts for Tainting and Decorating at the Exhibition, beg to intimate to Intending Exhibitors that they are prepared to Fit up and Decorate Bays at the Lowest Possible Prices, and in Best Style of Workmanship. To ensure the above, Exhibitors should give their Orders Early. H. 3. FISH AND SON, Princes street south. TO LADIES. I ILES has mueh pleasure in announcing that Iw has Engaged the Services of a First-class Ladies' Hairdresser, with English, American, and Australian experience. Ladies waited on at their private residences. Ball or Fancy Headdresses a specialty. Note the Address—--7 7 PRINCES STREET (Mutual Life Buildings). TO LET BY TENDER, ,HE PREMISES NOW OCCUPIED BY THE OTAGO CLUB, Hobay PLAOB. Finest situation in the City. May be viewed on application to the Steward. Tenders for a Year or for a Term will be received until Noon on FiiIDAY, November Bth, by the undersigned, from whom, all further particulars may be obtained. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. HUDSON AND CO., Moray place, fPrjBLISHSD AT 6 P.M.J Sales by Auctlon.-Monday. Campbpli and Co., at thoir rooms, George 2 o'clook—Household furniture, etc Donald Reld and Co., at the Otago Corn EMhange, Vogel street, atlW o'clock—Grain, etc Amusements-Tuts Evening. Garrison Hall.—Soottlah Carnival.

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Evening Star, Issue 8054, 2 November 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 8054, 2 November 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 8054, 2 November 1889, Page 2