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EDUCATIONAL. ANTED, Pupils for the Pianoforte ; beginners preferred. Apply Miss Taylor, Leith street (off St. Andrew Btreet). VIOLIN AND PIANOFORTE STUDIO (above the Dresden Pianoforte Warehouse).—Mr EPHRAIM PARKER (Teacher of thu Violin) and Mr JOSEPH MOSS (Teacher of the Pianoforte and Singing) will reoeive Pupils at the above addreu. Bands supplied tor Theatrical Performances, Concerts arranged, and Vocalists provided. Balls and Evening Parties attended. Private address: The Laurels, Albany street. BANJO AND GUITAR. ! R ALFRED G. BAKER receives Pupils L at bin Rooms. " Dagmar College," Moray place (next Choral Hall), on the Five, Six, and Seven String Banjo and Guitar (improved method). How to play your own accompaniment taught in a few lessons. Hours of attendance : 10 to 12 a.m., 2t04 pm. Evening Classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday Nights from 7to 10. Class for Ladies starting. Address letters: A. G. BAKER, Forth street' near Bridge, PUBLIC S7OTIOEB MARTIN, WATSON, AND COMPANY, LIMITED. In Liquidation. >ARTIES INDEBfED to the above Company are required to pay their Accounts to the Liquidator, at the Company's Office, corner Octagon and Stuart streets, by 30th inst., after which date legal proceedings will be taken. E.WITHKRS, Liquidator. UNEDIN TELEPHONE EXPRESS r COMPANY AND FORWARDING AGENCY. Luggage taken to catch Early and other Trains. FURNITURE REMOVING A SPECIALTY. This branch of the business is under the immediate supervision of Mr R. Little (who has had 15 years' experience in Dunedin), which is ' a sufficient guarantee that all goods entrusted to his care will receive the greatest care and de spatch. Orders received by Mr JOHN GORE, Livery Stablekeeper and Coal Merchant, Hanover street. Telephone 498. R. LITTLE, Manager. SELLING AT LOWEST CASH PRICE?. "VTEW GOODS, comprising Table and Pocket jj\ Cutlery, Scissors, Electro-plate B.M. Teapots, Baths, Travelling Boxes, superior Wringers, Empire Wringers, Table Mangles, Enterprise Mlncerß, Star Apple Parers, Newest Egg Whisks, Crown Meat Cutters, Mrs Potts's Sad Irons, Four O'Clock Tea Kettles, Weighng Scales, Garden Shears, Syringes and Pumpß, Electric Bell Sets, Wire Netting, Prize Filters, Brushware, Lamp Stoves, Gas Stoves, I,R, Hobo, Carpenters' Tools, Furnishing Ironmongery of every description. Gas Fittings at greatly reduced prices. For Confectioners' use; Kent's Jtgg Whisks, Fancy Biscuit Cutters. Iceing Pipes, Wire Biscuit Trays. WILLIAM OOUSTON, Wholesale and Retail Ironmonger, Rattray street. N.B.—Plumbing and Gasfitting at lowest rates. Tinware of all kinds made to order. O'CLO OK FIVE O'CLOCK TEA FIVE O'CLOCK TEA FIVE O'CLOCK TEA FIVE O'CLOCK TEA. Sold Bt G. H. SMITH, GROCER AND PROVISION MERCHANT, 121 George Street, DUNEDIN. DEAF FORTY YEARS. |HE description of a simple remedy, by which a completo cure of deafness and noises in the head of 40 years' standing has just been effected, will be sent free to anyone who applies to J. H. Nicholson, 175 Williim street, Melbourne. JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT. VENING STAR OFFICE, BOND STREET, DUNEDIN. Business Cards Ball Programme Cards Menu Cards , Visiting Carda Menu Cards , Entertainment Cards and Programmes, Billheads, Memorandum Forms, DupHoate and Triplicate Delivery Books, Letter Headings, Note Headings. DRAPERS' STATIONERY: Counter Books in duplicate, Warehouse Books and Dockets, Address Labels (gummed), Handbills, any size, colored inks or papera, Invoice and Office Envelopes, printed or plain. There la now no necessity for Mercantile Houses obtaining their Stationery Sapplieslfrom Britain or elsewhere, as all their requirements oan be met locally, and as oheaply as they can be Imported, GEORGE JAM. Selected Fruit and I Best Sugar. All Grocers. TAKEN from my Shop last week, 2,000!b of the best Sausages in Town. Cole, Hanover street. JLi and punctually returned in all weathers. Lace Curtains a specialty. Mrs Clark's Laundry, North-east Valley. Established 1875. EFORE buying elsewhere, try Grindley's, Albany street, and you can be guaranteed good, cheap, and excellent Sausages. EACOCK a Jams.—Those Jams are made . rom the best fruit and sugar, Sold everywhere, See that you get them,

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Evening Star, Issue 8023, 27 September 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 8023, 27 September 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 8023, 27 September 1889, Page 1