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DRAPERY. JURST SPRING SHOW Of FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY, MANTLES, JACKETS, Etc., on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28th, And following Days. Inspection invited. HERBERT, HAYNES, AND CO. DRESS DEPARTMENT. We aro now making our FIRST DISPLAY of SPRING DRESSES. STYLISH NOVELTIES will be tho order of tho day. Rightly conjecturing that the Exhibition will give an impetus to business "unknown for many years,’ we have imported a class of goods of a most distingue description, far surpassing any of our previous efforts in this direction. This Season will be a noteworthy one by reason of the magnificent choice in designs, and the perfection arrived at in producing so many beautiful colors. We would impress upon our Customers the necessity of making an early choice, as our Dressmakers are busy booking orders with a view to completion before the opening of the Exhibition. We append a few Mignonette Onral Lizard Green Sauterelle Twig Green Emevald Lettuce Putty Color Egypte Red Boulanger Red Rust Kricque Luire Gendarme Blue, the Leading Shades: Terre Cuite Veal Monsoreau Russet Starch Gooseberry Cream Cafe au Lait Tawney Parrot Grey starch Willow Bluo Parchment Porcelaiue SPECIAL IMPORTATION, 100 FRENCH MODEL ROBES in the latest designs. In view of tho increasing demand for SILKS, | our orders have been doubled, and we are in receipt of the choicest assortment of Silk Fabrics ever shown in Dunedin. The following are some of the most Fashionable Makes Armuire Royale Brocaded Soie Royale Striped Damasse Royale Arabesque Poult do Soie Pekin Peau do Soie Ombre Striped Moire Surahs and Foulards Plain and Printed Pongees and Corahs, HERBERT, HAYNES, AND CO. GOVERNMENT NOTIOSS. /GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE \JT DEPARTMENT. LOANS ON MORTGAGE. From time to time a limited portion of the funds is lent on first mortgage of freehold security, with option of repayment by fixed instalments, spread over 12,15, or 20 years. Half-yearly Payment for each LIOO. Period of Loan— £ *• d. Twelve years 5 4 7 Fifteen years 5 8 9 Twenty years ... _ ... 413 8 Loans repayable by instalments whereby princip? 1 . and interest are both liquidated within a given time, and on terms of a most favorable character, present marked advantages to settlers and others. The borrower may, before the expiry of the full period, redeem the loan, with or without notice, on terms which can be ascertained at this office, or at any of the offices of this Department, where also forma of application can bo obtained. For full particulars as to loans, apply to the Head and Branch Offices and Post Offices. F. W. FRANKLAND, Actuary and Principal Officer. D. M. LUOKIB, Commissioner. L _ ■l* Government life insurance DEPARTMENT. CHIEF ADVANTAGES, premiums and laige bonuses. Funds kept in New Zealand, ms paid immediately after proof of death. Most liberal conditions. Low New Zealand mortality. Economical management. State security, it Sum Assured (including mus additions) Funds (the whole invested New Zealand), over Edition to the above funds, the ice bis an Annual Income of Surplus Cash Profits in 1885 were £242,556 £7,362,000 1,500,000 SNING OP TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SBOTION. mtine Savings Fund System Policies are being issued. ew Assurers and existing Assurance Pohcylers will be allowed to join this section. 11 profits accruing after entering the section set apart to be divided among the policylers remaining in the section at the end of I, when liberal returns in cash are antici0, re principles of the Tontine and mode of ring accounts arc not kept secret, as in case ;her Tontines advertised. * Information can be obtained at the Head ie and all Branches and Agencies, and also i the Travelling Agents of tho Department. F. W. FRANKLAND, Actuary and Principal Officer. D. M. LUOKIE Commissioner. MONEY. MONEY TO LEND on approved Freehold Securities, STOUT AND MONDY, Solicitors 123 Princes street, Dunedin. MONEY To Lend (LIOO up to L 3,000) on Freehold Security, at * per cent. 5 also, several Sums to Lend on Bills of Sale at oar rent rates, Apply to Jas. Whyte, Rattray street, Dunedin. IHE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ALAND (Limited) has Money to Lend, or tehold Security. WALTER HI3LOP, Manager.

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Evening Star, Issue 8003, 4 September 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 8003, 4 September 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 8003, 4 September 1889, Page 1