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FUBLXO UOTKJBS. EX S.S. COPTIC. ERBERT, HAYNE3, AND CO. hive '-- junt landed the following Goods, which are now ready for inspection : Fur Caprs in all tho leading Furs, including a number of Natural Racoon. Fur Collarettes and Fla-trons, Russian Waterproof M.mtle--, Rn-s'an Circular Travelling Mantle. l ), Fur-lined Mantl * Children's Rainproof Mantloa in Scotch Tweeds: the newest and best of tho kind ever produced. The shapes include the " Lonsdale," "Osborne," and "Russian Circular." JOB PRINTING. TRK EVENING STAIi OFFICE is now prepared to Execute PRINTING of every description, in fir.-it-r-rass style, at moderafc prices, and on very short notice. Having a Large and Varied Assortment of Type, (suitable for nil clan es of work, and Machinery capable of turning it out mcro rapidly than most office.-:, Business Houses can rely upon tboir Orders, for largo or email numbers, receiving prompt attention. Estimates given for larjre orders only. (PEIGHT AND CO.'S PRIZE BEER. G. R. West, T?sq.. i:-) 5 Euston rn-irl, London. Dear Fir,— Beb-g intimate v.ilh o: e of tho piii c'pal supervi.-O's of excise li«re I cent him a few dozen of Messrs Sp< ight and Co 's Dunedin Beer with tba object of jjettirp the opinion of the Excite Chemist on it; and lam glad to say he Las pronounced it one of tho finest Beers he ever analysed, it hiving the lvgh sprc'fio gravity of lO.SOdef.-, the gieatest ani'Unt of spirit and the least quantity of arid he ever came across. When I tell \ou that every shipment of Beer going out of the Clyde must I e sampled by the excise iffic"rs and then analysed by their chemists, I consider this opir.hin is better than anything else I could say on it. At present tho Beer is too flat to fend to anyone not an expeit in the trade ; but as soon as 't cornea into condition I will have it distribute!. Yours very truly, (=M"ii<"d) HO ! '.l"*, MuOKF, AND CO. (PcrU. .S. Mocre). A Correspondent writes : Please Bind me soma more of that Speight's Am you liotiiins- I am very particular boat, the I hav.\ and hitherto have had ft down on "Colonial," preferring lo pny the nigher piioo fi>r the b-.-f-t brands if English Bottled Ale. I must cuifo.-s, lnwcver, that what you have sent me r.l::."!--os me in every respect as well ft-« any I have ever used. Perhaps the great difference in pi ice between 10* and 14s a ib-zen has affected my judgment, but I do not (binlc so. At any rate, so long ns you maintain the quality at the lame standard you shou'd be able to supplant the imported article. To Juhn Barn n, 20 Rathay street. MELBOURNE EXHIBITION. IHE following Cable was received in New - Zealand ihif day (Nov. 28th, 1888).—See d.iily press : In Olasß 72, fermented and distilled drinks, the following award i were made: Light Sparkling Ale—M. JOEL, Dunedin; J, Kdmo'ub', Wellingtnn. Mait Bitter Ale—M. JOEL. Bottled Stout-M. JOEL. Strong Alas-M. JOEL. No other New Zealand Brewers received awards. It will bo Been from the above that tho preeminent success which has for upwards of a quarter of a coutury consistently attended the Ales and Stout manufactured by tho Red Lion Brewery, Dunedin, ban again received striking and complete confirmation at the bands of the judges of the great Melbourne Centennial Exhibition. LITE PREMIER IRONMONGERY COMPANY, Princes Street, Bl'Nkdin* (Opposite the B*nk of New Zealand), )FFER Special Inducements to those about to Furnish in the Selection from their New and Varied Stock of FURNISHING IRONMONGERY. LL THE LATEST NOVELTIES for tho L Drawing Room, Library, Hall, Bedroom, Bithroom, Kitchen, and Scullery. PECIAL VALUES IN TRAVELLING ; TRUNKS, Bonnet Boxes, Brushware, Larnpwaro, Cutlery, Spoons and Forks, Japanned and Tinned Goods, Saloon Rifles and Cartridges. ) ANGE3, Register and Slow-combustion k j Tilo Grates, Mantelpieces, Tile Hearths, Fenders, Fireirons, Coal Boxes, Firo Screens, American and Scotch Cooking Rtoves, Copper Boilers, and Furnace Frames. ILEOTRO-PLATED TEA AND COFFEE J SERVICER Cruets, Cako Baskets, Butter Coo'ors, Marmalades, Jelly Dishes, and Bronzo Ornaments, suitable for Presents. 7ATKR - WHITE KKROSENE OIL, 1 150° test. Guaranteed tho best in the market. IHE PREMIER IRONMONGERY COMPANY, Princes Street, Dunedin' (Opposite the Bank of Now Zoaland). CHAS. B. BRAID, Manager. CEMENT! CEMENT! CEMENT! IRY tho "MAORI" Brand, which is equal a. to the best imported brands, and cheaper. Everv bate is guaranteed, and certificate of tensilo if required. LIME, Acknowledged to bo tho purest and most economical, at a reduced rate, Orders promptly executed. Note Address: THE MILBURN LIME AND CEMENT COMPANY (LIMITED), Cumborland street. FRANK OAKDEN, Manager. "ERE'S a how-d'ye-do! The only good Sausage-maker in town is Cole, Hanover street. IT. GEORGE JAM.—Ask for, and aee that you get. All Grocers. »JTTOLFE'S Schnapps is now Australias VV moat popular health beverage. Ask for Wolfe's and accept no other. QAAA Copies Daily is tbe Circulation OtF ' J \j of the Evening Star.

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Evening Star, Issue 7926, 6 June 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 7926, 6 June 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 7926, 6 June 1889, Page 1