Th« (Ixiiiresnnrt crounds ror lomorrow's outdoor games ore given, below. Inquiries by telephone a_ lo the pUyiuii or postponement if Uitures snould be inurte 0> dtallluit the rnllowlui. mimbers, specially provided with a 'Jen. t-i-Hallattor. tor dealing tvltp reiiuests for information reßurriloc the day's local sport? fixtures: nimby, 43-018: Basketball and Hockey. 45-01S; Association football and other sporta 44-008. Information will also be posted on the notice Board In the window of the "Evening Post" from ofilre, bill cannot be civeD over Telephone 44-040, which Is reserved for bus! ness calls. Nos. 44-045 and 44-040 aro no ionwr available mr Saturday's lnoulrle» rosardlne tho 'playlns of loeul sports B\tur«« Innulrles should nnl be made hefore 11 a.m llesults ol erents for publlratlnn in tne 'Sports Post" should be given without delay by telephoning No. 44-040 RUGBY. Senior A (First Division). Athletic v. Poneke, Ath.ctic Park, 2.43 p.m., Mr. J.. A., Wilson. Wellington v. Eastbourne-; Easlbourne, 2.43 p.m., Mr. .B. N. Bryden. College Old Boys v. Hutt, Hutt Rec, Iso. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. Hepburn. Marist v. Johnsonville. Johnsonville No. 1, 2.43 p.m., Mr. J. Moffit. Petone v. University, Petone No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. N. Kitchen. Senior A (Second Division). Oriental v. Athletic, Anderson Park. 2.45 p.m., Mr. A. Hooper. Miramar v. Poneke, Polo No.. 1. 2.45 n.m., Mr. H. B. Simmons. St. Pat's Old Boys v. Petone, Petone No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Jlr. B. Matthews. Wellington v. Pirates, Hataitai No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. A. C. Swan. Senior B. Hutt A v. Onslow, Hutt Rec. No. 2, 2.-15 p.m., Mr. J. S. Kins. Hutt B r. Eastbourne, Trentham Camp, 2.45 P.m., Mr. D. C. Lawson. ' Jlarist v. Wellington, Wakefield Xo. n. 2.15 p.m., Mr. S. Morris. Well. Coll. 0.8. v. Porirua, Fortran .Vo. 1, 2.45, ii.m., Mr. A. DiS Clifton. University, a bye. Junior (First Division). Athletic v. Technical 0.8.. Lyall Bay No. 1, 2.43 p.m., Mr. A. L. Parker; Hutt v. Seatoun, Prince of Wales No.'l, 2.13 p.m., Mr. C. Eade; Institute v. St. Pat's 0.8., Kllbimlo No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. D. Wesley; Oriental v. Poneko, Lyall Bay No. 2, 2.45 p.m.. Mr. W. J. Kyan; Petone v. Plimmerton, Kelburn. 2.45 p.m., Mr. A. SI. Fletcher; Upper Hutt. v. Well. Coll. 0.8., Maidstone Park, 2.45 p.m., Mr. B. P. Wilson; Training; College v. Wellington, Lyall Bay No. 3, 2.45 p.m., Mr. O. J. Plummer.- ---: Junior (Seoond Division). University B v. Onslow, Nairnville No. I,' 2.45 p.m., Mr. D. G. Kelly; Kastbourno V. Marist, Kilbirnie No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. O. Seymour; Miramar v. Kaiwarra, Polo No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. Troy; Pirates v. Johnsonville, Johnsonville No. 3, 2.45 p.m., Jlr. E. G. Milden-hail;-Petone A v. .Athletic,' Prince of Wales No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. W. T. Wilson ; St. Pat's 0.8. v. Well. Coll. 0.8., Lyall Bay No. 4, 2.45 P.m., Mr. M. C, Neave; Seatoun v. Wellington Rongotai No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Jtr. A. 11. Campbell; Petone B v.. University. A, North Park, 2.45 p.m., Mr. M. Lovo; Technical 0.8. v. Poneke, Wakefield. No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. N. Green. Third (First Division). Second Round. "Hutt v. St. Pat's College,' nutt Park No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr.. T. Coles; Karori v. Oriental, Karori. Park, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. A. W. Rait; Training College v. Wellington College, Wellington College No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. D. Walls; University v. Wellington, Hataitai No. 2, 2,45 p.m., Mr. W. Hi Bloomfleld; Silverstream v. Wellington College Old Boys, Silverstream No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. M. J. Russell. - . ~ Third (Second Division). y.y",' .'.-■' Second Round.! y.Htitt : '(Army) v. Wellington B, Quinn's Post No. 1,2.45 p.m., Mr. S. H.Palmer; Johnsonville v. Wellington College Old Boys;- Johnsonville No.. 2, 2i45 p.m., Mr. E. J. Baker; Marist v. University, Rongotai No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. G. H. JEaste; Oriental v. Wellington A, Wakefield No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. M_ Dean; St. rat' 3 Old Boys v. Upper Hutt, Hutt Park N6. 2, 2.45 P.m., Jlr. R. G.'. Wilson. yyyy.;' third (third Division). A. A' JEsstbourhe V: Poneke, -Rbngbtal No. 3,. 2?45 p.m., _Mr. J. Bodman;; Hutt.v.. Porirua, KllMrnleyNo. ,3, 2.45 p.m., Mr.'.A. J. Forrest; Kalwirralv; Oriental, Kaiwarra, 2.45 p.m., Str. JI. ■:Jfeacham; Miramar y. Onslow, Nairnvllle No. 2,.; 2.45 p.m., Mr. J.. D.McParlane; Athletic, v,,.;Ecton.e,. Wilford .'School,- 2.15;„p..m., \ Jlr.. AU ; -ttv..;^tlorlce; Johnsonville,. a bye.,, ■' ,fA . '-:. .>_ ;J?s?.*J. -A.E/,,-..: .^'..Fourth. '-. y y'.-s,;,?"'■''• ; . ' '"-lill.t"A' 'v;-' Onslow,' iyall Bay -Jv-dJ 5, 2.45' pjn., Mr. B. Waterhouse; Wellington .College Old Boys Atr Miramnr;;.Roiißotal ,N<j.-."-'.4;• 2.45 p.m., Mr. R. W. Taylor; Athletic v. Marist,: Lyall'Bay No. 6, 2.45 p.m., Mr. T." WeatheN burn;-Wcllinßton-v. Petone, Hutt .Park No. 3,. 2,43 p.m.,- Mr. . f.. A.-O'Sullivan; Technical'1 Old Boys v. Pohoke; Emerson Street, 2.45 p.m.,1 Mr...Jt.'.W...Osborn; nutt B, a bye. ■ ■ A ■LaE-.E-. - F|f*h. ''. .V ■ Seatoun 'v.A Wellington, Rongotai No. 5, 2.45' p.m.,- Mr. L. J.- Murphy;.Ponejse B.v. Jlratcs,; Western Park, 2.45 p.m., Mr. R. G; Cooke; Technical Old Boys v;,.Petone A; Kelburn; 1.15 . p.m.)vMr. A. -M.-.''Fletcher;''-'Upper Hutt,v. ; Poneke A, Quinn's Post .No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. B. A. Brown; Miramar v. Athletic, Polo No. 1, 1.15 p.m., Mr. C. J. Hay; Wellington College Old Boy 3v. Johnsonville, Johnsonville No. 1, 1.13 p.m., Sir. E.-'G. Stildenhall: Petone B v. Kaiwarra, Petone No. 1, 1.15 p.m., Mr. F. M. Kyan; V.SI.C.A. v. Hutt, Hutt Rec. No. 1, 1.13 p.m.,' Sir. T. A. Laws. , Sixth. Pcneke.v. Pirates, Wakefleld No. 3, 1.45 p.m.,: Air. T. Carter; Hutt v. Oriental. Hutt Rec. No. 2, 1.45 p.m.. Sir. X.-D. Slclntyre; Athletic v. Petone A, Petone. No. 2, 1.45 p.m., Sir. W. Benton; Sllramar v. Marist, Polo No. 2, 1.45 p.m., Mr. S. J. Haydon; Petone B, a bye. . Seventh. Athletic V. Upper Hutt, North ..Park, 1.45 p.m., Sir. H. 1\ Berry; Eastbourne v. Poneko, Athletic Park, 1.45 p.m., Sir. L. SlcAuley; Onslow, a, bye. SECONDARY SCHOOLS. First Grade.—Hutt High v. Scots, Scots No. 1, 2.45. p.m., Sir. K. J. Srensen; Rongotai A v. Wellington College A, Wellington College No. 1, 2.45 p.m;, Mr. J. T. Parry; Silverstream A -T. Technical, Silverstream No, 2, 2.45 p.m., Str. SI. Corkin; Silverstream B V.' RongotaU.B, Robgolar No. 1, 1.45 p.m., Mr. I. Ramsay; Silverstream C v. Wellington College. B, Wellington College No. 3, -2.45 o.in., 'Sir. J. McClvmont; - St. Patrick's, a bye. Second Grade.—Hutt High A v. Silverstream A, Hutt Valley No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. E. Halstead ;' Rongotai A v. Wellington College B, Wellington College No. 4, 2.45 p.m., Mr. L. 13. Russell; Technical v. Wellington College.A, Kilbirnie No: 1, 1.45 p.m., Sir. S. Rlckard;Hutt Technical v. Hutt High B. Hutt Valley No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Sir. T.-O'Sullivan ; Rongotai' B v. Wellington College C, Wellington College No. 1, 1.45 -p.m.. Sir. E. W. SlcKarlaue: St. Patrick's v. Silverstream B. Silverstream No. 3, 2.45 p.m., :.Slr. H. SlcKcgney; Scots, a bye. Third Grade.— Hutt High A v. Rongotai A. Hutt. Valley No. 3, 2.45 p.m., Sir.. C. A. Rcndle: St. Patrick's A v. Technical, Kilbirnie No. 2. 1.45 p.m., Sir. J. Brown; Silverstream Ay. Wellington College A, Silverstream No. 4, 2.45 p.m.. Sir. A. Ramsay; Hutt High B v. St. Patrick's A, Hutt Valley No. 1, 1.45 p.m.. Sir. E. Halstead; Rongotai B v. Wellington. College C, Wellington College No. 2, 1.45 p.m.. Sir. J. SlcClymont; Scots v. Wellington College B, Scots No. 2, 2.15 p.m.; Sir. E. R. Banks; Silverstream B v. Silverstream C, midweek. Fourth Grade.— Rongotai A v. Wellington College A, Wellington College No. 1, 10 a.m.; St. Patrick's v. Technical. Wakefleld No. 1, 1.45 p.m., Mr. H. Hunter; Scots v. Silverstream A. Scots No. 1. 1.45 p.m., Mr. K. Svenson; Hutt High B v. Rongotai B, Hutt Valley No. 1, 10 a.m.; Hutt. Technical v. Wellington College C, Wilford School, 1:45 p.m., Sir. F. W. Smith; Silverstream B v. Wellington College B, Sllversfream'No. 1, 1.45 p.m., Sir. SI. J. Russell; Silverstream C v. Wellesley, Silverstream No. 2, 1.45 p.m.. Sir. M. Corkin: Hutt High A v. Wellington College 3D. Hutt Valley No. 2, 1.45 p.m.. Sir. T. O'Sullivan. Fifth Grade.—Hutt High A v. Technical, Hutt Valley No. 2, .10 a.m.: Rongotai A V. St. Patrick's A, Wellington College No. 3, 10 a.m.; Hutt High B v. St. Patrick's T„ Hutt Valley No. 3. 10 a.m.: Rongotai B v. Wellington College B, Wellington College No. 2. 10 a.m.; Scots v. St. Patrick's C, Scots No. 2, 1.45 p.m.. Mr. R. O: Speed;-Wellington College A, a. bye. TEAMS. Marist.—Senior A: . Cunningham, Wareham, Sheehan, Slorgan, McGreevy, Lahgdon, Brown, Hargreaves, Ingpen, Heeney, Leahy, Donoghue, Meadows, Butler, Tletjcns, Ropata, Erlckscn. Senior ii: Slolloy, Beck, Quill, Shlvas, England, Frost, Moriarty, Quin, .Barry, O'Brien, Fitzgerald, Butcher, Knapp, Roach,. Barrcll, Piper, ltcid. Junior: Penman, Waring, Barnao. Columb, Meyers, Fisher, Ruth; Doyle, Branch, Stellin, Campbell, Wilson, Dive, Barrett, Belgrave, Fitzgerald. Third: Fltzpatrlekj McGavin, Ward, Richmond,' O'Slalley, Johns, Jlandet's, Molloy, Woolhouso,. Barnao, Moure; Murphy, Blacklock, Osbaldstone, G. Hynes, \V. Sparke, P. Sullivan. J. Donoghue, J. Hynes. Fourth: Slolloy, Baber, Walsh, Devlin Gibbs, Farrow, Olsen..Gerrie, Biakc, Taylor, Osbaldstone, Sheerln, 81. Smith, Sulliva,n, Pope, SlcGrath. Sixth: Gibb. ' Thurston, Corcoran, Aluhro, Ryan, Walsh, Molloy, U-oherty, JlcUco, Morrisby. Pender (2), Laplanche, Vickers, Thurston, Farrow, Bell, Baker. Technical College Old Boys.—Junior A: Southee (2), Devenie, SlcGrath, .Homer, Rice, Thomas, Shlngleton, Boyd, Taylor, Williams, Dustin, Rofe, Rowberry, Irons. Junior B: F. Williams, Riddick, Dyer, Young, JlacSlahon, Eckford, Southee, Hunter, Fowler, Cavell, Lodge, Slorris, Cooper, Clark, Homer, Cornish, Broclerfck. • * Hurt.— Senior A: Perklnson, Ddnby, Hansen, Gillespie, Robinson, Sargisson, Kllmister, Andrews, Cassidy, Foley, Devinc. Kofoed, Jlclntosh. Potter, Edmonds, Corbin, Posselt. Senior B: Anderson, Simpson, Chator, O'Brien, Evans, Wiggins, Cochrane, Feeney, Kemp, Maunder, Mitchell, Barry. Grant, I'crno, Frnucls. Ryan. Third (3): Charlton, Garrett, Alexander, Smith, Heald, Foote, Webb, Walker, Davies, Lamb, Lock, Thlrkcll, Morton, Hunt, Shclletter", Sutclifte, McKay. Rcnslmw, Beasley. Hamilton.
'University.—Senior A: Klssell, Wild, -losking, EUglcy, Doan, larkin, Buddie, Burke, Gar-
diner. Redwood, Blacker, Hansen, Steads, Cmiliffe, Eade, Russell, Talbot, Parker, Betts, Stewart, O'Regan. Senior B, a bye. Junior B; Ngata, P. Ryan, Te Punga, Hermans, Jeffs, Brock, Gates, Tate, Watson, Sloore, Gibson, Fitzgerald. .McLeod, Wills, T. Ryan, Halpin. Junior B (2) : Arnold, Pitts, D. Campbell, Vay, Lee, Irving, Anderson, B. Campbell. Patterson, Bullock, Ward, Craig, Buddie, R. A. Adams, Frazer, Archibald, Horcus, Webb. Third A : Pettit, Jlorrlson, JlcElhinney, Livingstone, .Mulvey, Williams, Gorringe, West-Watson, Robertson, Jowett, Randerson, Madden, Hay, C. V. Adams, Berendsen, O'Shea, Lamble, Potts, Slcltae. Third B: Scott, Black, Mcßae, .McKeown, Slay, Burcholl, Culllfor'd, Cohen, Scotney, Jlitchison, Stroud, Barnett, Irvine, Oldfield, Stephenson, Austin, Hamilton, Fraser. Duncan (2).
Johnsonville.—Senior: Hall. Crawford, Lee, Kenny (2), Bowler, Grant, Trenehard, Craig, Janes, Llddle, Burns (2), Hallcwell, Welsh, Kelly, Clinncv, Moore, Nossitter. Junior: O'Moorc, Johnson, McGregor, Coulter, Cavell Shalders.'Dean, Golding, Taylor, Lyons, O'Connor, Forsyth, Rulherford, Slartin, James, Llddle, Chappell. Third: Sinclair, Cutting, Davis, Powell, Steveuson, Henderson, Fisher, Sllldenlmll, Needham, O'Sloore, Harrison, Johnson, Strickland (2), James. Perry,. McAleese.
Poneke.—Senior A: .1. Vartan, A. Culley. L. Cook, W. Barrett, D. Bowler, R. Hill. C. Le Quesne, J. Griffiths, D. Hoskln. C. Ongley, T. Crichton, R. Erickson, 1. Smith, C. Pringle, V. Devereux. E. O'Brien. V. Calcinai, H. Klrschbcrg. Senior B: Rastal, Arnott. Zemba, SlcLachlan, O'Neill, Hogbon, Sealey, Bognuda, Mayer, Warren. Hatchard, Venn, Recce, McKenzie, Calcinai, Cheeseman, Kidd. Junior A: Sniers, Ballinger, Christie, Neal, Parker, Gini, Marshall, Carson, Dyer, Burn, McTaggart, Reid, SlcDonald. Abbott, Taylor, Caton, • Slayer, Favell. Junipr.B: Tonks, Gollop, Watson, Allen, Boyd. Jacobsen, Larsen. Wright, Lauchlan, Robinson. Hedges (2), Hartnett. Calcinai, Hartnett, Blackle, .Massey. .Third: Chamberlain, Jordan, Pascoe, Colgate, Watson, Gaze, Smythe, Sletcalfe, O'Neill, Large, Boyd, Milne, Clements. Watson, Marsden, Roberts, Brewer. Fourth: Bennett, Hodge,: Roberts;' Aekin, Feary, Quinn. Daly, Farrell, Jukes, Lawton, Pearce, Henselwood. Upham. Woods, Rawlings, Boyd, Fyfe, Welsford. Fifth A: Bentley, Wright, Campbell. Mullett, Sleads. Donnelly, Dyson. 31cElwalh, Wall. Johns, Parker. Rush, Slorris, Lingard, Creed,' Garwood. Fifth B: Henry, May, Bennett, Donoghue, Lambert, Whiterod, Smith, Orr,' McArthur, Louslch. Cooper, Munn, Thane, Morgan,- Comrie, Welch. Aslin, Gamham. Sixth: PascOe, Beehag. McKay. Hansen, Macrae, Carroll. Miscall. Fisher, Louslch, Stephen, Welch, Clarke, Calcinai. Johnston, Graham, Bright. Insloue. Seventh: Carlyle, Lindsay (2). Patilln. -Sparkes, Fallen!. Priestley, Slusgrove, Louslch, Bowden, Meade, Parker, ll.utley. Monteith, McKinley, Baldwin.
Petone.—Senior A: Pollock. Thomas, R. Knowles, Hudson, Edwards. South. O'Halloran, McGurk, Lamhouru. Anderson, Carter, T. Knowles, Kean, Mitchell, Cleland, Fuller, Howe, Scott. Senior B: S.viuons. White. N. Edwards, Grcenstreet, Tulloch, O'Halloran, Clarke, Burden, A. Anderson, Smith, Burd, GrllTen, Wlldish, Ashton. SlcKono, Roberts, Dougan. .Junior A, first division: Fleet, Slartin, SlcGutk (2), Hudson, Hattersby, Ashton, White, Wauden, Wilson, Adams, Hunt, Fitzsimmons, Foley, Tegg. Junior A, second division: Fox, Feeley, E. King, L. Brown, SlcKay, Cobham, Roe, Skinner, Common, F. Slartin, Cleverley, Symons, Tegg, Lambourn, Robertson, Shlpman, Hawken, Ward. Junior B. second division: Evlson, Barlow, Burling, Philips, Nelson, Blyth, SlcKee, Stott, Grondon, McGavin, Daiey, Peters, Byrne, Boswell, Brown, Kingsboer, Starr. Third grade C: Foster, Harrington, Cummock, SlcGurk. Valk, Gates, Prendergast, Taylor, Holgate, Gifford, Williams, Nanklvell, Burke, Newlands, Croom. Martin, Gibson, Slouat. Fourth: Okeby, Battersby, Prentice, Gibson, Slarshall, Clayton, Wallls, Crooks, Burns, SlcFarlane, Haddy, Braldwood, Jamieson, Rudmau, Slullaney, Laidlow. McKone, Henderson. Fifth A: O'Connor, Ingham, Coekhead, Bayliss, Green, Drummond To Puni, Jones, Jonasson, Ryan. Wilson, Love, Smylle, Griffon, 'Slay, Kennedy, Milburn. Fifth B:' Braid, Saul, Ash, Lane, Slarston, Slather, Richards, Hand, Mansfield, Beswick, Wray, Hunter, Laird, Beasley. Johnson, Fitzmaurlee, Boswell. Sixth A: Blair, Abbott,1 Perrett, Feasey, Taplin, ' Smith, Blanford, ~ Sludge, Barnes, Hansen, Morrison, Swain, Frost, Whiting, Jonassen, Buddie, Harvey. Sixth B, a bye. .:.' Eastbourne.—Senior A: Crisp, Walling, Berrldge, SlcSlillan, Fleming, SI. Hill, J. Plank, Evans. Berry, Griffiths, Waite, K. Clarke, N. Dellabarca, Alexander, Gulntven. Emergencies: G.IFarmer, J. Dellabarca, R.. Common. Senior B: No game. Junior: Gerard, Scott-, Bradshaw, Phillips, Andrews. Posselt, Burke; Taylor, Porteops, Lawton, : Diamond, Newton, Brown, Shadwell.' Fagan, Williams. Third: Girdlestone, Caselberg, Gordon,-Murphy, Crompton, Dellabatca, Carter, Sleo, SlcDonald, Slueller, Kinvlg. W. Sloses, Dixon, Thompson, F. Sloscs,, R. Sloses. . "_.,.'' _. Upper Hutt.—Junior: Douglas, Collins, Slorton, Skerton,.SlcCarthy (2),-Travers, Dunn, St. Johnson, Wyeth, ..Vndrews. Danby, Leckie, Gibbons, Hoev;. Wakelln,. Morten, Parsons. Third: Clements, O'Riley, Storell,'.' Stevens, Balley.v Skerton, Plufnmcr, Forbes, Harrison. , Jones, Southee, Cattanach, Janies, Auckram, Whiteman, E.'Balllee.. -" -'■ 1J - ■-.'„, , St Patrick's College Old Boys.—Senior A (second division):. Vile, Twohlil, SlcCaskin, Palno, O'Connor. Geary, Roche. GUI, Thurston, Robinson, Todd, Wooller, Kllkelly, O Connor, Hogan, -Smith,'. Ready."' 'Junior •£.'• SlcDonald, Bjfpne.'iEagan,'Sniith, Harnett, SlcKenna-, SlarslAU, noysard," Gee, Carroll,. Scuulon?' ReVySvDe Vere, Kyan.,.'? :Junlor ,H: "Roberts;'''.Bourke.- "Ryan, Cameron, .Lazarus, Dance, Barry, Christophers, Buist, Grant, Prendeville,. Denham, Jeffries,. . Fowler,. O'Connor, SloEvedy,. Fanning, Kennedy,'. Hunter. Third II:' Allen; Brice. Clifford, Falrcloth. Slulcahy, Paton, Todd, Walsh, Welsh. Aylett; Brannlgan. Doherty, Slolloy, SlcSweeney, Sinclair, Smith. Seatoun and: Rongotai College Old Boys.— Junior first division: Wrigley. Otto, Jacobson, Leeks, Frain, fioak, Edmond, Lawsori, Baigent, Lancaster, Holland. Evans. Thyuc, Ryan, Wiren, Wilson. •' Junior, second division: Berry, Glensor, Fredric, SUlcs, T. Wiren, Kelsey, .Jones, Hollings, : Turncy, Woods, Kellett, Slcßrlde, Brown. Kano. SlcPhee, Robinson, Wall. Athletic.—Senior first division: Dowdle,McCauley, Jones, Thomson. Karston, Thurston, Forbes, Slack, Boddy, Wales, Smith, Slollier, Cooper, Edwards, Weils, Guy, Bishop, Gunn. Senior second' division: Pelham, Baflland, Glengarry,- Stott, Pollock, Slartlew, Little (2), Kerrigan, Wyeth, Pope, Watson, Chisholm,'Manyard, Johnson. Troy, Anderson. Junior (1).: Crawford, Sale. Slears, Beck. Luxton, , Blue, Lindsay, Dunce, Callanan, Hedgeland, Hamilton, Stephenson, Cunnean, Brew, Hollis, Dlxey. Junior (2) : Cosgrore, Familtnn, Fishery James, Drew, Seagar, Bruce, Russell. Neil, Warner, Plummer, Browuo, Laughton, Alexander, Phvpers, Churchward. Third: Broom, Harrison, ' Christison, Gustofsen, Halford (2), Sandllands. Thomson. Harrison. Gollop, Goilber,.'Trail. Rolfe, Evenson, Swindnle, Moffatt. Fourth: Beveridge, Buck, Black, Bell. Cracknel!, Fannin, Judd. Slawby, MnMin. .Morrison, Pllatls, liowberry, Scott, Thomas. Pope. Fifth: .Tones, Siarsden, Petersen, Larsen, Carnegie, Harrison. Fairburn. Bull (2), Borrlll. 'Bain. Daly. Stewart, McCullough, Black, Hyder. Sixth: Luddcn, Hardy, Leckie, Adley, Slorrison, Kitto, Godycr, Irwin, Russell, Robertson, Gerard, Grant, Kelly,. Simpson, Quinn.. Beasley.' Seventh: Woodvat, Thomson,' Butler, Beasley,.'Cross (2), DUla'way. Hart, Johanson, Hardy, Vickers, Griggs, Grylls, Harding. Peters,'. SlcAulay, Cameron. Synies. -'-Vardy.. ■"._?; ~ Onslow.—Senior B: Kendall, Thomas (2), Mitchell (2), Morris,. Pyne,'Bedkober, Bentley. Knox. Hooper, Levcstam. Brlugans, Gibbons, GrifHths. Porter, Todd. Junior B: Webb, Simmonds, Annand-Smllh, Price, Flndlay, Little (2). Stevens. Gnstlen (2), Slunro (2), Marks. SrcKav, Noell.;- Third Grade: Meek . McHueh, Ohapman, Chalmers,. Gentry (3), Slacdonald. Gillies,-, (.reside!?; Wrlghtspn, Abbott, Hooper. Burton. \Valker. ,_ Institute Old Boys._-Junlor: Sanson, LeemIng, Purdy. Slurdoch, Blundell, Dawson, Pye, Payne, Cain, Hookham, .Hepplestnn, Hanuan, Archer, Newson, Gunson. Marsh, Smith. ■■ ■ Oriental.—Senior A:, Murdoch, Hale.^Davles, Brian, "'Bartlett. Wilkinson, Nolan, Sinclair, Humpherson, Leary, Edwards, Sullivan, Searle, Renouf, Kemp. King, Hall. Harris. Drury, Fraser.- . Junior: Kennedy. Gordon Olliver, Rebay, Boyce,.'Newson, Dalllson, Hedges Parsons,. Smith, Hull, Hough. Prßngly,. HallWay, JFrasef; Stott; SlcKenzio; Third (first division)-. Gorman, Hogan, Pugh, Gladding, Ross, Poyel, SlcSlullan,' Princo, Saunders. Randall, -BUrge, Brown,- HIU, Montgomery, Henderson, Tasker, Grlnllndon. Third (second . division): Lloyd, Coates, Shearman: ' Philp, Thomas, White, Roberts,, Robinson,, Finney, Raugh, Percival, Banner, Ward, Holmes, Cooke, Slasters. Third (third division) : Katta, Hamlngton. Hawthorn, Rowland. James. Sage, Trltt, Stott, Creagh, Bevan, Burne, Page, Blomfleld. McCarthy, Lawson, 'Hudson. Voice, SfcPherson, Snook, Stahcr. ... ""|
Plimmerton;—Junior (1) : K. Warren. Cl f■ ton, O'Sullivan, Douglas. Congreve, Tlrelg, Johnson, Andrews, H. Watt, G. Walker, Thomson, Jolnes, G. Rangi, Dwyer, Harris,-W„ V.arren, R. Walker.
Miramar.—Senior: Smith, Trlllo, BlcLennan, Tavlor, Grcenall, Balrd, Barrett, James, Hull, Trot. Catchnole. Clark, Grlnt. Shirks. Horsfall, Aldous, Smith. Junior: Ashton, Slinnock (2), Buck, SlcDonald, Childs. Clark. Barron, Brady, Siaj^nus, Gibson. Tavlor, Uouse. Neilson, OB^iwin. Third: .Atkinson. Clark (2). SlcDonald, Dumbleton' (2).. Adams. Rouse,-Woods. Barclay, Webster," WlckhamV" Ashurst, Balrd, Askew, Lewis, Tahiwi, Spurwav, Bryne. Fourtii: Bovd, Buckeridge. .Hay. Rudkin, Stringer, Nlclinl, Elliott, Hearfleld, Black, Ulmmock, Hearfleld, Rouse, Trlllo, SlcCarrlsnn, Rackbrintne, Bramble. Fifth: Brown, Cairns t2). Allport. Elworthy. Ogden. Hubv, Scott, Summers, Smith. Balrd. Hedces. Mcintosh, Brlttaln, Phillipson. Turnbull. Sixth: Dalley, Avenall, Ruby-, Whitlington." Slorgan,. Flanagan, Cowley. Nolan, Andrews. Elworthy. Watson, Chamberlain, Bryant, Free, Foothcad, Brown.
Wellington College Old Boyr..—Senior A: It, Wright. A. 'Wright,-. Bums. Baldwin. Hurdley, G, Reynolds. Sadler, SI. Wright, Bydder. J. Reynolds, Hardie. Hewitt, rtott'eb. Amies. Souness, Tuck, H. Reynolds. Senior B: Rooke, Franklin, Orr, Andrews, Gray, Linklater. Sadler. Hart. Bartlett. Tanner, Reynolds, Stark, Hollis. Worhoys N. Sturrock, Nelson. Junior first irrade: Dellow, Pocknall, Mark, Alexander, Onglcv, Lamason, Rainblrd, Wyber, Gilbert. Burton. Fraser. Waller, Amies. Cording. Newall. Benge. ■' Junior B grade: Slasters; Davidson, Sando, Gllberd, Alexander, Bingley, Holden. Gunn, O'Sullivan, Slilllgan. McKay, Hinton. Craven. Jackson. Hurren. Bassett. . Brlerle.v. Third first division : Brooke, Slitchell, Thomson. Meek, Picot, O'Neil, Barns, Woodcock, Bartlett, Carev, Tait, Yeatman. Drake, Trlester, Oxlev. Sarglnson. Third B grade: Phllllns. Heavs, Kofoed, Kulght, Thwaites, Green, Slllls, Berry, Muskett. Craven, Mark, Brown, Rogers, Carter, Lempriere. McKlrdy. Earle. Fourth Grade: Rweenev, Hoare, Snow, Bowyer, Barrett. Logan, Earle, Dickens, Davies, Ballinger, Hunt. Shirk, Comrie, Fisher, Brown. Ball. , Fifth grade: Mackay,- Hacker, O'Brien. Rose, Hurdley, Barnes, Hall. Hodson, Slitchell, Cnldwcll, Edwards, Harrison, Wilson, Wonnacott, Dick, SlcCay, Russell.
■ Wellington.—Senior A: Lang, Edwards, Dixon, Paterson. Trapu. Veitch, Richardson, Tizard, Clhuo, Clay, Harvey, Smith. SlcLean, Coupland, Stcvenst Cooper, McLauchlau,
Almond. Senior A second division: Slorgan, McWilllam, Hill, Edle. Kane, Compton, Bradley, O'Flaherty, Cragg, Dimes. Bell, SlcDonald. Dalton, Carlyon, Taylor, Weir. Senior B: Howell, Kelly, Harrey, Shand, Shirtcliffe, Hicks, Barron, Cathie, SlcKlnley, Wares, Fish, Roxall, Cross, Balfour, Watkln, Jones. Junior 1: Kingston, Corrlgan, Cleghorn, Burns, Smith, Slarchbanks, Cameron, Abraham, Wakelln, Miller, Ruscoe, Wilson, McDonald, Webb, Nash, Picton, Crone. Junior II: Hampton, Shand, Hutton, Foublsher, McNally, Cragg, Gellatly, Weston, White, Bremer. Bremner, Baudinet. Miles, Kildufr, Alarchnnt, Scorringo, Rodgers, Tossman. Third 1: Steere, Haley. Connolly, Cave, Kershaw, Wakelln, McConnell. Mead, SlcLean, Thompson, Steven, Simpson. Synott, Reader, Coupland, Howie. Third II (R.N.V.R.) : Amies, Brackenrldge, Brookes, Bums, Campbell, Curtis, Dawson, Grlndrod, Hay, Jarvis, King, Slawson, Slullett. : Parncll. Patilln, Smith, Trlplow, Scoullar, West. Third II (A) : Lund, Shattock, Reed, Clarke, Gardiner,' Harrison, Lee, Thomas, Hepplest-.m, Smith, biddy, McLeod,. Tanner, Speddlng, Lamont, Gibson. Fourth grade: -McLennan, Sherratt, Hill. Rogers, Bloin, Stevenson, Coleman. Altchison, Kearney, Petley Shand, Lawrence (2). Jorgenson, Battenburg, Climo,'-Dra-wn, Griffiths. Fifth grade: Hickson, ' Doolc, Russell, Lye, Sutherland, Barry, Lyon, O'Neil, JlacKlnnon, Parlane, King, Syraons, ■ Leltch, Tustin, Hewitt, Ashworth, Alexander, SlcGuire. ASSOCIATION First A Division—2.4s p.m. . Seatoun v. Petone, Basin Reserve No. 1; 'Sir. G. Jackson.; linesmen, Messrs. Mitchell and Dewar. Diamond v. Waterside, Basin Reserve No. 2; Sir. W. Parfltt. Slarist v. institute Old Boys, Kelburn Park; Mr. J. Duncan. Hospital v.. Technical Old Boys, Hospital; Mr. E. SlcQueen. , First 8 Division—2.4s p.m. Lower Hutt v. Sliramar Rangers, Hutt Recreation ; Sir. N. Brian. Onslow v. Nada, Anderson Park No. 1; Mr. V. Wheeler. Korokoro v. Swifts, Petone Recreation; Sir. T. Chapman. Wadestown v. Scottish Wanderers, Wakefleld Park No. 1; Sir. H. W. Smith. Second A Division—2.4s p.m. Diamond v; Seatoun, Seatoun Park, Mr. j. Houston; Institute Old Boys v. Petone, North Park (Petone), .Mr. L. Creagh; Technical Old Boys v. Waterside, Crawford Green, Sir. R. Barber; Marist v. Slarist (thirds). Stadium No. 1. 2.45 P.m. " Second B Division—2.4s p.m. Lower Hutt v. Miramar Rangers, Bell Park (Woburn), Sir. J. Sanderson; Onslow v; Nada, Nairnville Reserve. Mr. J. Crall;..Scottish Wanderers v. Wadestown, Wakefield. Park No. 2, Mr. J. Guest; Swifts v. Stop Out. Te Aro Park. Sir. S. Bradford. Inter-house Championship—lo a.m. Colbeale v. Hibberds, Wakefleld Park No. 1, Sir. R. Jamieson; Bergers v. Neeco, Wakefleld Park No. 2, Str. J. Cameron; Brymay v. Welisteel, Kelburn Park, Sir. P. Caliagan; Canister v. Levys, Kilbirnie Reserve, Mr. W. Greathead. Third Division. Petone v. Diamond, Kilbirnie Reserve, 2.45 p.m., Mr.'F. Dean; Waterside v. Lower Hutt, Anderson Park No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. B. O'Connor; Korokoro v. Institute Old Boys, Kllblrule Reserve, 1.15 p.m., Mr. J. James; Onslow v. Technical Old Boys, Anderson Park No. 1, 1.15 p.m., Sir. J. Elford; Sfarist, a bye. Fourth Division—l.ls p.m. Boys' Institute Rovers v. Scottish Wanderers, Wakefleld Park No. 1,- Mr. -E. Guise; Miramar Rangers v. Slarist, Crawford Green, Mr. A. Smith; Diamond v. Sloera Stop ' Out, Basin Reserve No. 1, Sir. W. Dewar; Petone v. Seatoun, Petone Recreation, Mt. T. Jones; Upper Hutt- United v. "Swifts, Slatdstone Park, 2.30 p.m.. Sir. J. Edmonds; Technical Old Boys v. Boys' Institute Wanderers, Wakefleld Park No. 2. Sir. F. Guise. Fifth Division—l.ls p.m. Technical" College A? v. Scottish Wanderers, Kelburn Park, Sir. J. Moore; Onslow v. Waterside, Anderson Park No. 1, Sir. P. Caliagan; Seatoun v. Marist, Basin Reserve No.. 2, Sir. W. Mitchell; Boys' Institute Rovers v. ■ Technical College C, Stadium No. 1, Sir. SI. Bryson; Boy 3' Institute Wanderers v. Stop Out. Te Aro Park, Mr.. J. Anderson; Swifts v. Technical College B, Stadium No. 2;' Diamond, a bye. ' Hutt Valley League—l.ls p.m. .Technical College A v. Stop Out, Petone Recreation, 12.15. p.m., Sir; T. Jones; Upper Hutt United v. Anglican Boys' Home, Maidstone Park, Sir. J. Edmonds; Petone v. Lower Hutt, Hutt Recreation, Mr. C. McSllllan; Technical College B-'v. Scottish Rovers, North Park, Mr. L. Creagh. '■'■■-. ' 'Ay, Sixth Division—Noon. College A v. Technical College B, at Stadium. 12.30 p.m.; Boys' Institute v. Dia-mond,-Stadium No. 1; Slarist v. Slarist Thorn-, don,. Stadium No. 2; Seatoun v. Sliramar Rangers, Seatoun Park, 1.13 p.m. Seventh Division. 'Diamond v. Onslow, Nairnvllle Reserve. 1.15. p.m.;- Seatoun v. Wadestown,. Stadium No. J, 11.Aim.-. Swifts v.-Scottish Wanderers,. Stadium: No.> 2, 11 a.m..; Boys'-Instltutoya-bye.- y 'Jj'-l!f'ii.Jy't/:<:v.^l»Mh:,-piyl»lon.:-.:;;'-:. JyDlambnd' A' v. Boys'J Institute Stadium No. ljyiO aim.; Sliramar Rangers.v. Diamond B, Stadium N0.:2,. 10 a.m. '[ ': ';' - TEAMS.' Petone.^Sehlor! WitcllOfo, :Dewar, . Haines, Smith;- Reid, Graham, .Craig, Cullen, Penman, Patterson,' White. Junior: Valley, Dawson, Haig, Sandilandsi Cook, Knott, Cullen, Hepburn, Body, Hill, Armstrong.,! Thirds r Delaney, Croll, Wynyard,- Davidson, SlcLaggan, Brooks, Duffy, Behnlo, Gifford, Irvine, JBlnns.': Technical Old Boys.—Senior: Redmond, Ronald, Parker, Gates (2), Pullen, Stewart, Torrlngton, Liddlcoat, Clentworth, Wrigley, Boodle. Junior: Tolnton, Reynolds, Graham, Amies, Trevithlck, Stone, Mclvor, Calvin, Stanford (2), Green, McLean. Third: White, Leadbeater, Smith, SHlestone, Stephenson, Leckie, Hendry, Taylor, Mlnot, Slorgan, Williams, Plercy. . .... ' Seatoun.—Senior: Parton, Jones, K. Xeoman, J. ' Gibson, Salt, C. Yeoman, Smallbone; D. Gendall, Scott, SlcKcnzie, Whetton, I. Gendall, Wilson. Junior: Nash, Clark, Kelc, Kitto 2), Kent, Smallbone, Boon, Hopkins, Phillips, Korokoro.—Third grade: Wilson, Dobson, Dempsey,-GaU'ler (2), Fishburn, Jones, Abbott, Williams, Hunt, Edney, Hartley. Lower Hutt.—Senior: Sloyes, Butland, Sloore, SlcSlay, It. Butland, A. N. Other, Haley. Glover, Brown, Stobbs, Cross. Junior: Newton, Such, Harding, Bryant, SlcLellan, Dent, A. N. Other, Costley. Salt. ■ Brooks. Grelgs. .Thirds: Jarvle, Scott, Kells, Fillips, Bevan. Howie,. Slurray. Hames McKenzie. Slcßae, Gardner. N.A.D.A.—Senior B: Guppy. Walton, T.Swnburne, Corrln, Rolls, Devcrcaux, Gay,-M. Swinburne. James, Quirke, SlcDonald. Junior. B. Lindsiy. Stone, Rohloff. Hardie; Ibbett, Adams. Kirkland, Slerrivale,. Pointon, Dentice,-, Crane, ?°OnslJow!—Senior: ? Bramma,' Robinson, King, Fengell" Lyall, Cutis, Reid Butt. .Sutton, Grant, Cook, Reynolds, Dear, Junior! «f< Berwick Dallis, R. Jlclntyre, Mallard,: ft, Mctntyre Smith, Henderson, Liddle, Gerardinc. Serart'Cowan; Quirke. Third: Lomax, Eagles, RSribompson"Rowe, Howes,; .ff^J^^ Blake Trolle, Johnson. Walls (2). ' FKth.. lStokes. Ross,' Mantaun.' Rowarth. Rena Tracy (2) - Ballls, - Ede, - Heatherwlck,- Lawrence. Seventh' Stokes (2), Gerardine (2), -Houston, McHugh. Flaws, Bower, Nolan, Glenn, Roberts, Bm^ond^eSor 0,A: SicLeau, O'ConneH, Knowse?ey O'Leary, Geddls, Nicol. Tucker, G 1Xlst Davidson, Be Feu, Hooker, Morris, Maker JuX A Thompson. M. Osten. Coates gf Osten, Andressen,-Another. Carlyon, Dyer, !B^r^hf^iK« Alexander," Marr. Osten, Hooker. Scott. Russ, P'Sffito-Nor&.'cd.. Lovette, ' Williams, Wagstiff? By«°.t, Duncan (2)_ Lboner,; Smart. Lew^.«ld«—Senior: S. Ward, Harris, Bolton. wSs_«y'S£=£t {ffi_^S.;'S_a_»«,'S»:-. br%e W. Woods, Shankio, E. G. Parent; reVl*^ m™tu^l I b^rt ( .Neili;'--ir.VTwlor.'.B i .;lionKS. Haines; reserve, E. Haines. Institute Old Boys—Senior A. SI. . King, a. .Tordo.Hanlon Campbell. Evers.Slurry CunoX%. Why?.. Low- 0. M^f OTHfckmot Ct: son Dainty, MacGregor. Costello, **>«££ M burn Slewa. Fourth grade: Walton, Foster, Sett!' Cugh, Smith, Jeffery, D. Morrison T Morrison. West, Wall, Slummery. Flft. gradeTLlo?d. Foster, Lloyd. Thorburn, took, Pledger, Walls, Kean. Buckley, Roberts, Ditchburn. MEN'S HOCKEY. Senior A.— Wesley v. University, Karori 2, •>& nm Sir W. R. Keys; Hutt v. Hula, Ka- „.? 7 245 p.m . Messrs. C. P. McKenzie and R Watchman: Karori B v. Technical. Karori 8, 245 p.m., Slessrs. W. Purvis and C. Gardiner; Karori A v. Wellington. Naenae 1. 2.4 d PJSen. s orr-B-Karo ßr ri oßnev.0B ne v. Technical. Karori 3. 2.45 * Mefsrs. H. Kelly and W, A. ' Campbell; Hula A v. Hutt. Karori 6 2.40 P-^;^ H Hatch; Taubmans v. Hula B. orawiora Green 245 p.m., Slessrs. R. Rolle and E. Uolle; University V. Karori A. Naenae^ 2 45 Dm Sir H. B. Slartin; Petone y. Wesley, SStt Recreation, 2.45 p.m., Mr V. J. Scott; Wellington v. Training College, Naenae 2, 2.45 p.m.. Sir. J. T. SlcCaw. Junior.—Technical B v. Petone B, Petone, 2.45 p.m., .Mr. W. Dredge; Petone AJ. a•rorl'. Naenao 2. 1.45 p.m.. Sir, J. T. SJcCawt Weslcv B v. Hutt, Hutt Recreation. 1.45 p.m.. Sir. V. J. Scott; Wesley A v. Technical A, INaeuae 1, 1.45 p.m., Jlr. S. B. Browne; Island
Bay v. University, SlcEwan Park, Petone, 2.45 p.m., Mr. C. Harvey; Hula v. Wellington, Naenae. 3, 1.45 p.m.. Sir. H. B. Startln. Third.—Karori v. Warriors B, Hutt Park, 2.45 p.m.. Sir. T. Hartigan; Warriors v. Hutt, Hutt Park, 1.45 p.m., Sir. T. Hartigan; Indians v. Petone, Petone, 1.45 p.m., Mr. W. Dredge; University v. Taubmans, Kilbirnie, 2.45 p.m., Sir. S T Taylor; Wesley v. Training College. SlcEwan Park, Petone, 1.45 p.m., Sir. C. Harvey; Hula, a bye. Fourth.—Wesley v. Hutt, Karori 2, 1.40 p.m., Sir. D. Hogan; Technical B v. Karori, Karori (i 1.45 p.m., Mr. R. Brown; Technical A v. Wellington, Karori 8, 1.45 p.m.. Sir. W. Jenkinson; University v. Wellington, Karori J. 1.45 p.m.. Sir P. Sllnlfle. Fifth.—Wesley v. Hula, Karori 3, 1.4u p.m.. Sir H. Kellv; Wellington College A v. Wellington College C, Crawford Green 1.40 p.m., MeSsrs. R. Rollo and. E. Rolle; Technical A v. Wellington College B. Kilbirnie, 1.45 p.m., Sir. S T. Taylor. Intermediate.—Technical A v. Karori, Karori 5 145 p.m.. Mr. C. P. McKenzie; Technical B v. Petone. Karori 5, 2.45 p.m., Mt D. Hogan: Wellington College: v.- Wesley Plrie qtrpet 145 n.m., Mr. T. Dawson: Wellington v. Hula. 'Pirle Street. 2.45 p.m., Mr. T. Dawson. ■ TEAMS. Wesley.—J. Smith, G. K. Moloney, E. Corby. L. Latham. C. Simpson, J. Christie^ G. K. Rowse L Byres, D. Jewiss, D. L. Bade, Jl. Watson. Senior B: G. Marshall, R. Aitken. £. W. Edwards, E. Warner, A E. Gracie, U. S McGilllvray. W. Edwards, W. G. Gilbert, 11. Braekenburi, S. C. Bull, L. W. Bunckenburg. Junior A £ G. Hurren, G. M. Davis J. Gamble. E Schmidt. S. J. Rockell, W. McCullough J. Bktt; A R. Kirkham. R. Arnold,. T. Gapes, W. Sykes; emergency, A. Riches. Junior B. S. Arthur, P. Sowden.'H. Hill, R. Roser, B. Roser, W illll. C Anslow. W. Wiblin S.. M'Donald, il Slacdougall. McDalllson. Third: R. G. Buchanan. F. N. Mortensen R, Wlntle. V G. Sanson, C. Christensen, R. Pfirt, M- Young, E. J. Warwick, A. C. Gardwiu, J. Jlacaan, C. .H. Robinson'; emergency, B. H Walton. »««* H. Lawton, D. Ross, V. G Smith, W. Johansen. S. Brown, C. Woodhall, W. TyrelL £. Gouffe, D Butt. N. Smith, E. Evans Fifth. A. Grant, L. Child, L.: HUV. S. Johansen.^ S. P. Thomas J SlcClure, R. Child. V. C. Smith. P. [„ B Alexander, SI. Fox.' Intermediate: E Goodhall. K. Child X Smith. K. Sparta*. R. Caroyle, E. Fox, H. Howard, E. Wont, B. Vlxon' J. Beard, SI Sparkes. Wellington -Senior A: Sharrat. Osborne, Mason, Newport. Norlln^ Norlins. n y!; r elluJ?: Ne'ate, Hogg, Ferguson, fuchan.. Senior B. Bovd, Brownscombe, Strickland, Potton, *.. Coieman, Weller, J. S. Stevenson, (.order. Slolyneaux. Otton, Brown. Junior A. otott, Wick J Dawson. O'Shea, Bclrne, Johns, quinlan, Stevenson. G. Coleman Santi. Johnson. Junior B: Heiion. Ivany, Gcale, Walsh. Gunther, GimDletl, Carlisle, Prian-Arnbler, I. Dawson, Kreite, Hazlett. Junior C.: W. Pram Ambler, Allen, Wilde. SlcKenzio. Ensor, Hewitt, Cook. Hamll, Moody, Elliott, R. Hazlett..Karori.—Senior A (A) :. Smith, Adams, Teague, Hamel, SlcLean, Shaw. Nimmo, Adams, Edwards, SlcDonald, Larnach., (B) : Sloore, Spiers, Perrln, Wood, Rowe, Harrison, Gapes. Hull, Edwards, Browne, Macdonald. Senior B (A) : Dawe; Gjordlng, Price, D. Reid, Itobyus, Henderson, Lyall, Roberts (2), Phypers, O'Connor. (B) : Walts,..'MeKelvy, Scrimgeour, Mears,. Dower, Goodall (2), Frew, P. SlcKelvy, Jones. Jenkins. Junior: Tempest. Slacdonald, Jemmett, Slclntosh, C. Elgar, Fearn, McKelvy, Jensen, Fuller, Adams, Hilstbn, Deavoll (2). Third: Cattinach, Hore, Cattell, Nlelson, MUlheon, .Whitham, Jenkins, Drlnnan, Elga, Mears, Morphee, Thompson. Fourth: Rodgers, Croskery, Morris, Gunn, Hemsley, Walker, Ritchie, ■ Slulheron., Jensen, srcNaught, Knight. Intermediate: Smith, Tynan, Engbert, Ee)e3. Dyett, Dowdall, Whitham, Holland, Ritchie, Williams, Johanssen. Hutt—Senior A: McColl. E. Sfuir, Smith, C. Sluir. SlcLeod, Thorpe, Chapman, Fleet, Graham, L. Sluir, G. Bullen. Senior B: C. Bullen, Ross, Falconer, Champness, Hall, Gilder, Duncan, Parker, Dale, Clarke, Knight. Junior: Fleet, C. Smith, Leask. Johnston, Brown, Daniels, Slater, Church, Lock, Daniels. Third: Hutcheson, Franks, Collett, Pears, Hoare, Sludd, Lusty, Kiddle, Cavaye. Garvitch, K. Jones. Fourth: Koseveare, Barnes, Bates, Jones, Cains, Whitehead, Cavaye, Morrison, Westbury, Townsend, Kershaw. ■ WOMEN'S HOCKEY. Senior A. Hutt v. Hutt United, Karori 1, 3 p.m., Jliss M. Wilkins and Sir. D. E. Harwood. Training College v. T.C.O.G. 1, Newtown No. 1, 3 p.m.; Slessrs. A. Roxburgh and I. P. Todd. , „ , „ University v. T.C.O.G. 2, Karori No. 1, 2 p.m., Miss M. Wilkins and Sir. D. E. Harwood. Toa v. C.0.G., Newtown No. 1. 2 p.m., Jlessrs. A. Roxburgh and S. P. Todd. Toneke, a bye. Senior B. Wenerei v. Hutt,, Woburn No. 1, 3 p.m., Sir. A. J. Ross. T.C.O.G. v. Upper Hutt, Kilbirnie, 2 p.m., Jlessrs. S. Brugh and H. Tahiwi.. Wesley, v. St. Joseph's ,Kllblrnie, 3 p.m., Slessrs. S. Brugh and H. Tahiwi. Junior. Hula v. Petone Technical 0.G., Woburn No. 1, 2 p.m., Mr. A. Atkins; C.O.G. v. Technical C.0.G., Newtown No. 2, 3 p.m., , Miss B. Charles; Karori West v. T.W.C.A., Tanera Crescent, 3 p.m., Mr.: E. Lewer; University v. Karori, Nairn Street,.? 3 p.m., Mr..'B. ,__.'.Judd| Internudlste. ..St. Joseph's v. T.C.O.Cj., Tanera Crescent, 2 p.m.. Sir. E. Lewer; Petone Technical O.G. v. Hutt, Woburn No. 2; 3 p.m.. Sir. A. Atkins; Training College v. Toa, Nairn Street, 2 p.m., Sir. R. H. Judd, Third T.C.O.G >. Petone Technical, , Woburn Np. 2, 2 p.m., Sir. A. J. Ross; Technical College A v. Hula, Newtown No. 2, 2 p.m., Sliss B. Charles} Upper Hutt v. Technical , College B, Upper Hutt, 2.30 p.m., Mr. M. Grigg. TEASIS. Hula.—Third: W. O'Sullivan, B. Nolan, A. Jones, B. Hodge, "L. Jones, SI. Keenan, A. Craig. E. O'Brien, R. Brown, A. Bruce, K. McVeagh.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 143, 18 June 1937, Page 6
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5,266OUTDOOR GAMES Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 143, 18 June 1937, Page 6
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