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SITUATIONS VACANT. VVANTED, Experienced Waitress. Ap'VY ply Midland Cafo. A FULLY-QUALIFIED Principal is requued ior tho Christchurch Free Kmdeigarten Association, the '■ appoiutment to take eftoct next October. Applications, with full p.uticulars as to qualifications, age, etc., to be made to the Sec.ietaiy, 77 Bury Stieet, Sumner, Christthmcli. ■ ~" ' TAILORING TRADE. ~ "TTEST Machinist and Improver Wanted; ■. » also Boy for seam pressing. LONDON TAILORING CO., • 13 Toiy Street. wanted, : : " A CAPABLE Assistant for the Bookselling and Stationery Trade (South Island); only those who have had previ--1 ous experience in this particular trade and able to dress windows need apply to 140 Evg. Post, Wellington. . . — TO MACHINISTS. " WANTED, an Experienced Machinist, ior Leiqyi Felling Machine; also Apprentices. 'Apply ! A. LEVY, LTD., Clothing Manufacturers, Levy Building, . ; SHORTHAND-TYPIST, WANTED, Junioi Shorthand-Typist. ,- Apply mm handwriting; legal office. iG.P.O. Box 1101. ___; SHOE ASSISTANT. WANTED, an Experienced Sales Lady for city shoe store. Reply, stating ago and experience, to 1101 Evg. Post. GARAGE HAND. '. rr ~ EXPERIENCED and Capable Garage -*-1 Hand wanted. Apply Amuri Motors, " ]Ad , 15 Thotndon Quay. WANTED, TJOY, age 15 or 16 3 ears, for retail shop. Apply 943 Evg. Post. - -";''•■ TYPISTE WANTED. , ;' ,II7ANTED, Junior Shorthand-Typiste, 'ITT jmmediately; salary 25s week. 1110 , E\g. Post. ANTED, Machinists and Improvers for Dressmaking and Tailoring; also Girl used Fur Woik. Apply MARY GARDEN, Lambton Quay. SHORTHAND TYPISTE. i SHORTHAND TYPISTE, Bookkeeper, £*' wanted for established Petone office; -salary 30s to commence. Apply with references, 420 Evg. Post, Petone. ' DANCE ORCHESTRA. SMALL Orchestra for Saturday Fortnightly Dances, Petone. State terms ,' *nd instruments. 417 Evg. Post, Petone. '" ~~ WANTED. ~r' ■ TT'IRST-CLASS PANEL-BEATER, used I •*- to now commercial work. Permanent ' position to first-class man. Apply Old■'field and Son, Wellington. ' TQ TAILOR.ESSES. ~ WANTED. Machinists and Table Hands, also Trnprovers and Apprentice. Apply Central Tailoring Co., 2nd Floor, Todd ' Buildings. Courtenay Place. LEDGERKEEPER-CASHIER - -, \\T ANTED for Small Office. Wages 30s. ■™- Enclose references. Write 1044 Evening Post. 'i ■ • —.—. VPOMPETENT SHORTHAND TYPISTE ■'f'\J .required for a temporary position for '■ one month in n. Merchant's Office. Invoicing experience would be an ' advantage. Apply by letter to 1157 Evening Post. -. . WANTED. ' TWO LIVE SALESMEN, with cars, to :J- Canvass farmers with Latest Lime 1 Salt Lick, great seller; small retainer and commission; selected territory; references. Apply 145 Evg. Po&t. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. KNOWLEDGE of Advertising Novelties, and good connection amongst large --\ Manufacturing, Wholesale, and Retail \ Firms. First-rate selling ability essential. ! Commission basis. Applicants to give full particulars past experience, sales record, ' and COPIES only of References, to— "INTEGRITY," Care tf.O. Box No. 1006, Auckland. MARSDEN SCHOOL, KARORI, WELLINGTON. - "pEQUIRED for Terms II and 111, 1936, '' '■*■* RELIEVING MISTRESS. French 1 Wcntinl. Scripture desirable. Resident or . non-rreident. Apply, stating qualifications, to - ■ ■ THE HEADMISTRESS. LEDGER CLERK. WANTED, a COMPETENT LADY ' 'V LEDGER CLERK. Apply, with copies o£ testimonials, to 889 Evening Post. INSURANCE CLERK. . A PPLICATIONS are invited for the . -»■ Position of JUNIOR CLERK in Fire . and Accident Office. Must have had pre- . vious insurance experience. Apply, in own handwriting, to THE SECRETARY, G.P.O. Box 1493, Wellington. , WELLINGTON HOSPITAL BOARD. JUNIOR DENTAL SURGEON. A IMPLICATIONS are invited up to 9 a.m. '■'*>: on MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1936, for tho Position of Junior Dental Surgeon. Salary: First year £250, second year £300. ' ' Particulars as to age, experience, and ■ qualifications to be forwarded, to the • undersigned, and marked "Junior Dental 1 Surgeon." J. B. I. COOK, Secretary. WANTED, SENIOR NURSE for the Essex Maternity Home. Must have General Nursing and Midwifery Certificates. Salary £140 per annum. Applications, accompanied by- copies of fcstimonials, to be addressed to the Sccrelary, North Canterbury Hospital Board, Riccaiton Avenue, Christchurch. RADIO TALENT REQUIRED. RADIO TALENT REQUIRED. YyE rcquiie Talent ol all kinds—Vocal, " Instrumental, and Speech—for mii lu&ion in Recorded Programmes ior Ausir.ilian and Broadcasting Stations. Kadio Duma Groups aie now being foimcd for Recorded Plays, and those wishing to be enrolled are requested to • make early applifation. - Apply, personally or in writing, for an audition. RECORDING STUDIOS, LTD, Chns. Beptg's Building, Manners Street, Wellington. , Telephone 41-744. ' NEW ZEALAND DIVISION OF. THE ROYAL NAVY. ENTRY OF STOKERS. FIFTEEN STOKERS are required for entry in May, 1936. Candidates should be between the ages of IS and 22 on JUay 8, 1936. ■ ■ "•' JOIN THE NAVY. ■'. For application forms nml pai ticularti APPLY TO THE NKARIiST DEFENCE OFFICE. Applications for entry must reach the Defence Office NOT LATER THAN MARCH 20. APPLY NOW. NEW ZEALAND DIVISION OF THE ROYAL NAVY. pANDIDATES arr requites fi" H'c fnllowing vacancies which will Mioitly arise:— Engine-ioom Aihiiicis 2 Ordnance Attihcrr I 1 Electrical Artificer I Sick Berth Attendant J ; Writer ' 1 Supply Af-'iftants 2 Cooks 4 Full paiticitl.iro .lie obtainable from the nearest Defence Oflioe or from the Coni•miindinsr Officer, H.M.S. •'PUILOiJKL, 11 Auckland. _, TFiXUAM . Naval Secretary. •

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Evening Post, Issue 51, 29 February 1936, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Issue 51, 29 February 1936, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Issue 51, 29 February 1936, Page 2