HIGH WATER. Today: 12.10 p.m. Tomorroiv: 12.35 a.m.; 1.2 p.m. (Standard Time.) ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. NORA NIVKX, s. trawler (2.15 a.m.), IGG tons. Sutherland, from Cook Strait. SYDNjjy MARU, m.s. (5.40 a.m.), 5425 tons Nomura, from Hobart. MAORI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3iSB tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton. KAITOA. s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 319 tons, Hughan from' Motueka. 11REEZE, m.s. (7.15 a.m.), C 22 tons, Stewart. from Lyttelton. AKAHURA, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 1007 tons. Hay, from Nelson. TUESDAY, OCTOBER S. KARL*, m.s: (10.10 a.m.).' 1000 tons, Ritchie from Xcw Plymouth. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, OCTOBER 7. TAMAHIXE, s.s. (2.55 p.m.), 1989 tons, Kane for Picton. . ECHO, aux. scow (4.40 p.m.), 132 tons, Miles, tor Blenheim. WAKAKURA, mine-sweeper (4.45 p.m.), 290 tons. Garden, for Picton. KAPITI, m.s. (5.30 p.m.), 242 tons, Johansen. for Wanganui. FOXTON, m.s. (5.40 p.m.), 224 tons, Daziel, for Lyttelton. TOTARA, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 426 tons, Eden, for Greymoulh. PORT WHANGAREI, m.s. (0.20 p.m.), 508 tons. Holm, for Auckland. SIATAXGI, s.s. (T. 30 p.m.), 1566 tons, Wildman, for Kelson. RAXGATIRA, t.e.s. (7.50 p.m.), G152 tons Cameron, for liyttelton. STORM, s.s. (S.lO p.m.). 749 tons, Williams, for Bluff. ■ ' . HOLMDALE, s.s. (8.35 p.m.), 081 tons, Copland, for Dunedin. WKGATUI, s.s. v(10.5 p.m.), 237S tons, Whltefleld, for Lyttelton. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. REMUERA. s.s. (7 a.m.), 11,383 tons, ttoblhson, for Timaru. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal Traders. Tamahine,' Plctou, today, 6.15 p.m. Jlatangl, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. liangatira, hytieltoa, tomorrow, 7am Kapunl Pa.ea tomorrow Nikau, Tarakphe, tomorrow. Huivera Patea tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. Kapitt, Wanganui, tomorrow. Parera, Waikato, 10th. Kalmai, Greymouth, 10th. Talisman, Waltapu, 10th. Karepo, Greyraouth, 10th. Orepuki, southern ports, 10th. Breeze, Wanganul, 10th. Walnui Ulsborne, lotli. Pakura. Lyttelton, 11th. IValplata. Lyttelton, IKb. Te Aroha, Hokitlka, 12th. Totara, Greymouth, 12th. Orepuki, Wanganui, 12th. Holindale, southern ports, 12th. Karu, Lyttelton, 13th. Kohl, Nelson and bays, 13th. Port Waikato, Auckland, 14th. Waimarlno, Auckland, 141 ii. Uolmglen, southern ports, 14th. Storm, southern ports, 15th. Overseas Traders. Akaroa, Southampton, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Kartlei. Auckland, 10th; Omana, New Plymouth, 12th. Canadian Planter, Lyttelton, 14th. Maunganui, San Francisco, 14th. Remuera, New Plymouth, 15th. Mamma, Sydney, 15th. Karetu, Sydney, 15th. Port Chalmers, Auckland, 17th. Waltaki, Lyttelton, 17th. Canadian Conqueror, Auckland, ISth. Fiesno §tar, Auckland, 18th. Kiwitea, Newcastle, 21st. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coastal Traders. Arahura. Nelson,' today, 7.30 p.m. Maori, 'Lyttcltou, today, 7.45 p.m. Gael, Greymouth, today. Karu, Duuedln, today.Kaitoa, Greymouth, today. Urceze, Waiiganul, via Picton, today.' Kohl, Nelson and bays, today. Tamahine. Picton, tomorrow, 2.45 p.m. ."Waning!, Nclsoii, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Kangatlra. Ljttelton, tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. Nikau, I.yttolton, tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. ■ Uawera, Patea, tomorrow. Kapuni, Patea, tomorrow. Orepuki, Wauganui, via Picton, 10!h. Parera, southern ports, 10th. Jlreuzo. southern ports, 10th. Walpiata, Auckland, 11th. Falrburn, Westport, 11th. Wutuin Bluff, lith. Pakura, Napier, J2th. Kalmai, Grcymouth, 12th. Hulmdale, Wanganui; Tla Tlcton, 12th. Talisman, Nelson. 12th Orepuki, southern ports, 12th. Port Waikato, Lyttelton, 14th. Te Aroha, Greymouth, 14th. Totara., Westport, 14th. . Karu, Nelson, 14th. Holmglen, New Plymouth, 14th. :■ Storm, Wanganui, 15th. Kohl, Nelson and bays, 15tta. ' Orerseas Traders. James Cook, Lyttelton, today. Sydney Maru, Auckland, today. Akaroa, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 6 p.m. Cape York, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Middlesex, Wanganui, tomorrow. Australlnd, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Kartlgl, Lyttelton, 10th. Port Bowen; London lOth. Hidlefjord, Lyttelton, 11th. Karepo, Greymouth, 12th. Canadian Planter, Auckland, 15th. Marama, Auckland, 15th. Maunganui, Sydney, 15th. Bemuera, Napier, 17th. Waitaki, Bluff, ISth. Canadian Conqueror, Australia, ISth. Port Chalmers, Napier, 20th. Fresno Star, Lyttelton, 21st. BERTHAGE LIST. Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Awahou—Patent Slip. Australind—King's Wharf. Breeze—Queen's Wharf No. 6. Cape York—Taranakl Street Wharf. Gael—Queen's Wharf No. 7. Hidlefjord—Burnham Wharf. Hawera —King's Wharf. Hlmatangl—ln the Stream. James Cook—Plpltea. Wharf. John—ln the Stream. Kalwarra—Patent Slip Wharf. Kapunl—King's Wharf. Kaimal—Railway Wharf. Karepo—Railway Wharf. Kohl —Queen's Wharf No. 13. Karu—Queen's Wharf No. 1 north. Kaitoa—-Queen's Wharf No. 10. Maori—Lyttelton Wharf. Middlesex —Glasgow Wharf. Nora Niven—Queen's Wharf No. T. Opihl—ln the Stream. Poolta—Clyde Quay Wharf. Port Bowen—Glasgow Wharf. Pakia—Burnham Wharf. Sydney Maru—King's Wharf. Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Wahinc—Patent Slip Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. WANGANELLA, left Melbourne October 2, Sydney Saturday, for . Auckland; due tomorrow; leaves Auckland Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne; due Sydney Sunday, Melbourne October 16. (Huddart, Parker.) MARAMA, leaves Sydney Friday for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington October 15, leaves Wellington October 15 for Auckland; leaves Auckland October 18 for Sydney; due October 22. (TJ.S.S. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. LUELINE, leaves San Francisco October 15, Los Angeles October 16, for SySncy and Melbourne; due Honolulu October 21, Pago Pago October 26; Suva October 29. Auckland November 1, Sydney. November 4, Melbourne November 8. (Burns. Phllp, and T. and W. Young.) MARIPOSA, left Ban Francisco September 17, Los Angeles September 18, for Sydney and Melbourne; due Melbourne Friday; leaves Melbourne Saturday, Sydney October 16, for San Francisco; due Auckland October 19, Suva October 22, Pago Pago October 23, Honolulu October 28, Los Angeles November 2, San Francisco November 4. (Burns, Phllp and T. and W. Young.) MAKURA, left Sydney September 26 for San Francisco; due San Francisco October IS; leaves San Francisco October 23 for Sydney, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, left San Francisco September 25 for Sydney; leaves Rarotonga today; duo Wellington Monday; leaves Wellington October 15; due Sydney October 19. (U.S.S. Co.) MONOWAI, leaves Vancouver tomorrow for Sydney: due Honolulu October 16, Suva October 25, Auckland October 28: leaves Auckland October 29: due Sydney November S. NIAGARA, leaves Sydney Thursday for Vancouver ; duo Auckland Monday; leaves October 15; due Suva October 18, Honolulu October- 25, Vancouver November 1. LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. BRISBANE MARTJ, was to leave Mojl October 2 for Wellington (due November 7) and Auckland, via Australia. (Federal Co.) CITY OF BAGDAD, leaves New Tor* October i for Auckland, Wellington Lyttelton Dunpdln and Australia. (Federal Co J CANADIAN VICTOR, was to Uavt Montreal September 30 for Auckland (duo November }'>•, Wellington (November 15). and Australia CANADIAN CHALLENGER, loaves Montreal October 26 for Wellington (due December (C N Ss) ttCUOa' aDd Dunedln> Tla Australia. GALL, was to leave Glasgow September 25 for Dunedin and Lyttelton. via Capo of Good H°P°; (Canterbury ss- Co.) DORSET, leaves Liverpool October 26 for Auckland (due December 4). Wellington (December 11), Lyttelton. Dunediu, via Bluff (Federal Co.) GABRIEL'LA, loads "Newcastle October 14, completes Sydney, for Castlecliff. (U.S.S. Co.) GOLDEN COAST, leaves Los Angeles Novcm(B rurns!°PWlp?r an<i' Wel"ngtoDl aDd AUStra"a , GOLDEN STATE;, leaTes Los Angeles October
11 for Auckland (due November 7), Wellington aud Australia. ißurns, Fillip.) UAUIIAKi, leaves Los Auseiea October 22 for Auckland (due November 20), Wellington, Lytteltoa. Uunedin Bluff and Australia (D.S.S. Co.) KAIRANGA, was to leave Sydney October 7 for Auckland. (U.S:S. Co.) ' KALISQU, loads Melbourne October 12 for Castlecllff; completes at Edlthburg and Adelaide, for Bluff, . Uunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton Wellington, and CastlcclitT. (U.S.S. Co;) • KAItETU, leaves Newcastle October 8, Sydney October a, for Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Oainaru, Dunedln, and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) KAIMIIIO toads Adelaide secono nalt Ucto ber, completes Melbourne, for Ken Plymouth Auckland, and Napier (U.S.S Co.! KIWITEA, loads Newcastle ■ about October 15 for Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) AIELBOUKNJS MAKU, leaves Mojl November 2 for Wellington (due December S). and Auckland, via Australia. (Federal Co.) NGAKUTA, loads Newcastle October 16, completes Sydney, for Napier.' (U.S.S. Co.) NORFOLK, was to leave Liverpool October 5 for Auckland (due November 15).* Napier, Wellington (November 20), Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Timaru. (Federal Co.) KANGITATA, leaves London October 17 for Auckland (due November 20), and Wellington (November 25). (N.Z.S. Co.) TAMAROA, leaves London October 30 for Wellington (due December i). and Auckland. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIRUNA, leaves Loa Angeles early. October for Auckland Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln. anil Australia (C.S.S Co > WAIKOUAJTI, loads Newcastle about October 14, completes Sydney and Hobart (leaves about October. 18), for Bluff, Dunedip^ Timaru, and Lyttelton (U.S.S Co.) W. B WALKER, leaves Palembang about October 8 for Auckland (due October 25) Wellington (October.2B). Lyttelton. and Dunedln. (V.O Co.) , tVAITAKI, leaves Melbourne^ October 9 for Bluff. Dunedln. Lyttelton. and- Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.). WAIPAWA, leaves London October 16 for Port Chalmers (duo November 16) Lyttelton and Nelson. (S.S. and A Co.) DOMINION BOUND. AKAROA. left Southampton September 8 for Wellington (passengers only, due October 6) Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. (S.S tod A. Co.) ' ■ BRATTDAL, left Oran September 22 tor New Zealand ports. . CANADIAN CRUISER, left Montreal September 1 for Bluff (due October 30), Dunedln. Lyttelton, and Wellington (due November 4) via Australia. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN CONQUEROR, left Montreal August 30 for Auckland (due October 14), Wellington (October 18) and Australia. (C.N.S.) • CANADIAN SCOTTISH left Montreal October I for Dunedln (duo December 1) Lyttelton. and Wellington (December 7) via' Australia. CITY OP TOKIO, left Newport Newt September 17 for Auckland (due October 18) Wellington, Lyttelton. Uunedin. and Australim. (Federal Co.) • • " GARONNE, left Batum September 8 for Wellington (due early November), Lyttelton. Dunedin and Auckland. (Ass Mot.) FBESNO STAR, left Liverpool September 1 for Auckland (due October 11), Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) INNABEN, left Vancouver September 25 for Auckland (due October 24), Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedtn. (Speddlng, Ltd.) JOHN KNUDSEJM, len .Aiembang September 16 for Auckland (due early October). Wellington, and Dunedin. (A.U.O Co) KING MALCOLM, left Tampico September - ior New Zealand ports. due Auckland October 15 (Dalgety and Co.) JIAUIOA. left London August 27 for New Zealand ports, via Australia: due Wellington October 29 (S.S and A. Co.) OMANA, left Sydney.October 4 for New Plymouth (due, October 10). Wellington (October 12), and New Plymouth. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT CHALMERS left London SepKmbet I for Auckland (due October 9) ' Wellington £?f.>.. an<!. New "ynouth «C and D Line.) r J°F "u*T fER- left Ll"erD°ol September 16 for Auckland (due October 23), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. and New Plymouth. (C. and D Line.) RANGITIKI. left LondoD September 19 tor «-I!S TO. RUA' ■'ef»-lrf»a»n. September ST for Wellington (passengers only, due November 12) Wl™. Port Chalmers, and Bluff, via Sura! ift.Z.S Co.) ■ ■ SPBDCGBANK. left Nauru Island October 1 for Auckland, (due October 12) and Wansanul. «t. ,m NUI> left Southampton October A for Wellington (due November 11) aud Auckland. (o.S. and A. Co.) DISCHARGING ON COAST. AUSTRALIND, from New Tork; for Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia; at Wellingtonleaves tomorrow. (FedcraJ»Co.) CAPE YORK, from Los Angeles; for Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia; at Wellington: leaves tomorrow. (U.S.S. Co.) HIDLEFJORD, from Singapore; for Lyttelton :at Wellington; leaves Friday. (Shell Co ) JAMBS COOK, from Newcastle; for Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Auckland; at Wellington: leaves today. (Holm and. Co.) KARTIGI, from Edithburg, Adelaide, and Melbourne; for Wellington^ Lyttelton, and Greymouth; at Portland; leaves today. (U.S S. Co.) SYDNEY MARU, from Mojl,. for Auckland; at Wellington; leaves today. (Federal Co.) ■ ZEALANDIC, from London; for Timaru: at' Bluff; leaves today. (S.S. and A. Co.) LOADING IN NEW ZEALAND. AKAROA. loads Port Chalmers October 18. Lyttelton. Wellington (due October 24) Kapler, and Auckland; leaves Auckland November 8 for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S and A Co.) . ' ■ • - ' CANADIAN PLANTER, loads Bluff today. Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington (Monday)! and Auckland; leaves Auckland October 17 for New York, Boston, and Halifax, via Panama and Kingston. ' . FORDSDALB, at Wanganul; leaves today for New Plymouth, Auckland, and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers October. 21 for London, via Cape Horn. (S.S. and A. Co.) KAIMIRO, leaves Greymouth October 9 for Melbourne and Adelaide. (TJ.S.S. Co.) MATAKOA. at Auckland ;• leaves 5 p.m. Friday for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MIDDLESEX, at Wellington; leaves tomorrow for Wanganul, New Plymouth, and Auckland; leaves Auckland October 29 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. (Federal Co.) NGAKUTA, leaves Greymouth .tomorrow for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT BOWEN, at Wellington; leaves Thursday for London, via Cape.Horn. (C. and D. Line.) " • OMAK.iI, loads Greymouth October 21. completes Westport, for Sydney., (TJ.S.S. Co.) BEMUERA, loads Timaru Thursday, New Plymouth, Wellington (due October 15). Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland October 26 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) TONGARIBO, at Auckland; leaves Saturday for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. ' (N;Z.S. Co.) " SERVICES TO ISLANDS. MATJI POMAEB, left Wellington Tuesday for Apia and Nlue. (T. 3.. Gardiner.) WAIPAHI, left Auckland Saturday for Suva; due; Suva Thursday.; leaves for Auckland (due October 15). (U.S.S. Co.) PORT WHANGAREI, leaves Auckland Friday for Nukualofa. CU.S.S. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels - are expected to be within range of: the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— Auckland.—Canadian Cruiser, Fresno Star; Glenardle, Janeta, John Knudsen, Kalranga, Matai, Maul Pomare, Omana, Port Chalmers, Springbank, Waipahl, Wanganella. Chatham Islands.—South Sea. Wellington.—Akaroa. ' Canadian Britisher. Dlomede, Fordsdale, Hidlefjord, James Cook, Kaimiro. Maori, New Zealand Star, Port Hunter, Port Whanearel. Raneatira,' Rangltiki, Raneitane. Remuera, Sydney Maru, Tamaliine. Awarua.—Canadian Planter, Golden Cloud, Kallngo, Makura, Maunganul, Narbada, Otranto, Trlona, Waikouaitl. CANADIAN CHALLENGER'S ITINERARY. The Canadian Challenger, which is to leave Montreal on October 26 for Australia and Now Zealand, call at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin in that order. She is due here on. December-27.• CORNWALLIS COMING. The Cornwallls Is to leave Montreal on November 20 for Sydney, Dunedin, Lyttclton, Wellington, Auckland, Napier, and Wanganut. She is due at Dunedin on January 16.. BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND. October 7. Arrived—Port "Walkato (6 p.m.), from Walkofcopu. AUCKLAND,- October 8. Arrived—Port ■ Walkato (6.5 a.m.), from Wellington. -^ NEW PLYMOUTH, October 7. Sailed—Kani (3.15 p.m.),'for Wellington. PICTON. October 7. Arrived—Tamahine (6.20 p.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN, October 7. Sailed—Walplata (5 p.m.), for Timaru: Orepukl (6.30 p.m.), for Oemaru. NELSON, October 8. Arrived—Matangl (5.50 a.m.), from Wel--1 ngton. . . waNGANOI, October 8. Arrived—Kapltl (6.50 a.m.), from Weilington. LYTTELTON, October -8. ■ Arrived—Rangatira (6.45 : a.m.), from Wellington. —^^m—~— By the use of an automatic camera attached to the roof of his parachute, Herr Ernst Udet, a German stunt aviator, captured a thrilling view as he dropped earthwards to a rocky landing.l To the camera's eye the parachute jumper appeared as a human spider hung from the centre of a giant web. Udet made his leap above the mountains for an-aerial moving picture.
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Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 86, 8 October 1935, Page 12
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2,271SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 86, 8 October 1935, Page 12
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