; The following lists contain the re- > suits of the School Certificate Examination held in; November and December, 1934, first the names, \in: alphabetical order,; of the candidates who passed the School Certificate Examination; and next, the' names of candidates who obtained a partial pass in the examination. In each case the lists are confined to pupils-in Wellington and ,the .neighbouring districts. ■■-■-■'- :-:J ' .'■'. ■■','. List I. , -.■,- '■. ■■' :■ '■ ' j A,Ai amSVr L,« s"° Gedrgo Tyndall. ' Carterton: Adams, Mavis Noble, Carterton;-'.Alcdck, WII--ti?™! *? ley Ju"Ms' Palinerstou North; Aldous, H»r;?rt wmi eH' ower Hutti Alexander, Hugh Harold,. Wellington; Alexander, Joseph Karl jffiS^\»Ue,?' Mary, Wollinglon : inrf!r ' :'^ tTe? Deais- Piilmerston North; Anderson, Donald lan : Moglnte, Wellington Anderson, Mostyn Boyes, Palraerston North; Anderson ,_ Raymond Frederick, - Wellington; a?H ■ Charles. George, l'almerston North; A^J^ Bernard Joseph, Sllverstreani; Averl. ■ - Bagn'all, Cecile ' Jean, Palmerston NorthrS f\\ Mt™a Stanley, Wellington; : Baker) Christina Houeson, Wellington; Ball, .Dorothy Louie, Wellington; Ball, Phyllis Coleman, AJasw???! saS3'u5 aS3'u >»thleen Evelyn, Palmerstou North; Bauchop, Harry . Arthur, Wellington; Beatson. Harrlette Reynolds, Nelson; Seattle, Douglas. Lower Hutt ■;•.,.Beattie, Helen Mary Lower. Hutt; Beetham, Beryl Muriel, Masterton; iiell, Colin,George, Wellington; Bennett, Ngalre Lprna,.Palmerston North;; Berg, Christian Peter, Wellington; Bergin, Joseph Bernard, Silveri'J*?" 1 V,BeP ey' B^bara Dorothy, Masterton; iierry, Eunice, Palmerston North; Bertinshaw, vffil 's^?, n' Lower mu> Binnle, Joyce Elaine.-Wellington;. Bird, Richmond Kenneth. PHvii?' ,Blrk3-, HeenGrace. Wellington; Blair. Phyllis, Jean, Wellington; Blake, John Joseph. : Wellington; .Bloomfleld,1 Phyllis May/ Nelson; Bloore,. Hugh Grosvenor, Wellington r Blue, Norman Garfield,-Nelson; Bookman, Bernard Wellington; Bourke, Alphonsus Desmond, Silverstream; Bourne, Duncan William Frank. Lower Hutt; Bowden; Nell Gwenda, Palmerston North • Bowen, Henry, Wellington;. Bowyer,: .Henry George, Wellington; Boyes, Molly Joan, Wellington ; Bradford/Alfred Edward, Masterton; Brennan, Philip John, Silverstream; Brlstow, Madge .Josephine ; Stilwell,' Palmerston North: Brock, Jack Alfred. Palmerston North; Brockett, fw'm »Stepli?n' Nelson;:Brose. Henry Ernest; Wellington; Broughton, James Richard Wellington; Browell, Betty Mere WellingtonBrown, Bessie Muriel Jean, Wellington; Buchanan, Lindsay Basil, Palmerston North; Bull, Clarence < Wilfred, Nelson; Burke, - Hector^ Michael, Palmerston North; Burke, John Denis. Lower vHutt;; Burns. John, Wellington; Hurt, John Graham, Nelson; Butt. John MartinV Lower HUtt.' : ■ ■ ■■ ■. . . - .■■■. . - . -.- ~ •: :■, >. - -'
" rn ?fi wallas ß^ - Joyce Muriel, Wellington; Cameron; Hylma Margaret, Nelson; Cameron, .Laurence, -Wellington; Cameron, Leone Gwendoline, leyln ;Cant;on, ;Eva Ella, Wellington; Cave, Eaythe Mary. ilgustu. Masterton ; Christie, Helen.: Maxwell Gordon, Wellington; Clark, Marguerite Alison, -.Wellington; Cleary. Michael " «?. 1. Pf :lck' -Silverstream;, Clout, Norma Winifred; Wellington; Coieraan, Laura Fcild- !?.?,;, Coll'ns.' Cecily Ann, Wellington; Collins, VVllllam Spencer" Wellington; Combs, Elizabeth Thomson, Wellington; Cooper,. Eric; Edward, \J.ellliiKton-; Cotter, Stanley Pierce, Levin: Cottier Howard, Palmerston North; Coup. ■ w m . John- S'lrarstream; Coveny, Kenneth, Wellington; Cowan, Roy James, Wellington; Craig, Percy James, Nelson; Craven. Montague Asshoton, Wellington; Creswell, Philip Henry', Wellington; Croft, Robert James Wellington: ■witsb!ei v^ a?f lcia' Wellington; Curtis, Sefton X' Wellington; Cutforth, Grahame Hugh, Wellington;;' Dance, Alfred Thomas: Silverstream ; Davies. Jean Dunlop, Lower Hutt; Deacon, Jessie Mabel Grace, Masterton; Deller ■Cuimer," Crichtoh.f'Carterton. Henry Cecil, Nelson; Dorset, Emily Mary> Masterton; Dorset, Herbert Edward, Mas- . terton; Dorset;. William Leslie, Sllverstream: Douglas, John MacKetizle, Masterton: Douglas 5; a,i'ES?-Sl Wellington: Driver; Elizabeth Olive! WellWgton; Duncan. Gordon James Wellington; Duncan, vSaelirah, Wellington; * Durrad Jessica Eleanor, Wellington; Durrad Ruth ' £?™f 1 l»n.P e.-Welllnßton;.-Durrant, Robert George, Wellington; Dwyer, Richard Joseph Silverstream; Dyett,-Nola Jean. Wellington. ■ -: v. Earl,, Roy,"Campbell. Wellington: Enrle Colin James, Nelson; Easton, Arthur James; Levin; Eaton, Aloert NevHle, Wellington; Edwards lan Carneross, Nelson; Elsmore, > ■ James Doriaia Levin; Evans, Jacqueline ..Watsony Wellington; Evans, Richard Rhys, Nelson. v •: '.Fairway;- Nancy -Marjor'le.' Wellington ;'■ Fal- • 5?3 er .' Jam(!s . William,: Woodville; Fenwick;: Charles Herbert,. Palmerston North; Fldler Eric .Thomas Francis, Silverstteam : :', -Fleldes,Jocelyn, Nelson; Fleming, William, Wellington; Fleming, Muriel, Rosalind,- Wellington^ Flyim Bernard Joseph, Masterton; Fowler/Alfred Lawrence, Levin; Fox, "John -Joseph,' Welling-" ton;, Fox, -Patrick, Burnham. Silverstream; Train, Philip John Roderick, Wellington; Furey Henry Francis,1 Wellington; Furrle, June IsabeC Chariest: Anthony; > Sllverstream r m !h°' m as r'c.' a Nora' Nelson: GTalpin, Ora Edith; Masterton;, Gandar; Leslie Walter, Wellington ; :Gardlner, Denise, WElllngtoh; Gardiner; Frances, .Wellington; Gardlneri Mary,.-rMaster-ton_: Gardner. Margaret Georglna, Palmerston North;: Gemmell;? William: Henry; Masterton-: Gentry, ,Kennetli;Wllliam,.Wellington; Gilbert, Kobert Wallace, ;Wellington; Gllchrist; ' Daniel Davies, Wellington;' Giles, Gabfielle LlUle,- Wel- . llngton; Girling-Butdhef.;William. Silverstream; Glover. Francis John Kitchlner, Lower Hutt: Glover,' William Badford; Wellington; Grainger, Joy Merlin, Nelson;.: Grant, Joyce: Helen, Masjerton; _Greathead;. Harold George, Carterton; Green, Robert Noel; Wellington. . '■■■ • ■■: - - • irT, ad? ell' .Msrearet Alblne, Palmerston North; Hall, Arthur James,■ Palmerston North; Halla- ■'• ■ Ba"'';;Jiawrence"Yaurtan, Silverstream; Halliwell, Henry-Genrge-Basil, Wellington; Haraliri, Oraham iWellesiey;, Nelson; Hammond, Gwendoline Clara, Blenheim;. Hancox, Miriel Abernethy;.Palmerston North; Hanlfy; Kevin Wel.togton; Hannan, Nellie Myrtle,' -Pnlraerston North;'-Hurdle, -William- Leslie,- Nelson; Har-g-eaves, Albert Edwin, Lower Hutt;•". Barker, -Brian Leslie. Gordon, ; Silverstream; Harman: :Dorothy Jlay, Lower Hutt; Harman, Geoffrey Bertrand, Nelson;- Harp; Thomas Leslie, Carterton;; Harris,"Robert Rex, Masterton ;■ Harvey ■■;: Stanley Arthur, Woodville; Haswell. Donald Alan,: Wellington;. Hatchard, !John Joseph, Wellington; Hawk, Henry Lindon Drysdale, Nelson.; Haydon. Henry Squire, Palmerston North • fayward, Beatrice, Wellington-, Heath,' Jean . Isobel, Nelson; Hedges, William James Itay- . mond, W.elllogton; ; Heginbbtham, Marcus, Wellington; Bellberg,. Claude John;: Wellington ; ■Henderson, JHamish Prestotf Macdonald Wel- ; Jlngton; Heron,;. Henry * James," Wellington; 5 eS? p,' J^m ■■'■'"' George,•;,; Nelson; Higgin,: Patricia Bope,;,vWellington;:vHildyard, John Stuart,. Nelson; Hill, Cyril Francis John; Feild-: - mg.; Hill,.Denis Coeridoz, Nelson; -Hodges, Rita Evelyn, Wellington;; Hogg, Francis Emsile, .Mastertonr Hogg, Patricia Frances,,; Wellington; S??i d\ : mta }oan> -Nelson; Horton, Thomas Welch,; Masterton; Houlker, ; Lorna Margaret, Nelson; Hudson, ;;Arthur Vincent,. Wellington; Hudson, Mary jriemlng.'iMasterton; Hunt, Wyern Basil, Wellington;. Hunter, Arnold George, Wellington ; (Hunter,\Joan;-Wellington,:' Hurdley. Deret -Lloyd, Wellington •■ Hurst/sFrank, Nelson • Hyam, : May, Wellington.- ' - -. ' -..Ingram; Heather Margaret. Nelson; Ireland, Leolile Irwln,■Palmerston North;'lrvine, John Qeorge, Wellingtoh. ; : Vi.Jdmieson;:' Dorothy : Christie, - Wellington; Jamleson, Helen Mary/Nelson; Jamleson Norman Tlanford;-Wellington; Jamieson, Kog'er Win/;ter,:>elson; ; Jardine, Norman Stanley; Weliins- ,. ton; Samuel Richard -Mason, Feild.lng; Jenklson, James Elliot, Wellington; Jerram Jean Dudley; Margaret, .Wellington; Johnson, Elma Helen, Wellington; Johnston, Dorothy Helen,: Masterton; Jones, 'William Bramwell, Lower Hutt; Jorgensen,- Ada Bertha, Wellington t Josephson, ■ Noel. Robert, Wellington. David North,: Nelson; Kells, Robert' plq, Lower Hutt; Kemp, Owen Arthur, FeildIng; Kerr, Margaret Joan, Wellington; King' Erie,; Lower. Hutt; King,: John Thomas, Wellington; Kirk, Harry Francis, Wellington; Knbx, Norma JTravis, Wellington ;>' Kortegast, Hugh -Sarsfleld,:Palnierston North. ' ;- ;.Laley, Betty: Isobel, Palmerston North; Landers, Albert Frederick; Palmerston North ■ ,-Larsen, Isabel ;El3ie Miriam, Wellington; Lawson/ John Newton,, Wellington; Ledger Catherine Alice, Nelson; Lee, Norman Frederick, •-Masterton; Lennie, Charles Magnus Wellin"ytonj Lindsay/ Gordon Fred,' Wellington ;■■ Little, . -Albert. Gordon, Wellington;: Little,. Lois Margaret, Wellington; Logan, Anna Isobel Mar-* -garet. Levin ;>Lomas, John Peter; Wellington ; ■Lonergan; Constance, Wellington ;■-- Longmore ..Kenneth -Alfred, Wellington; Lord, Charles ■Nprman, Felldlng; > Lowis, Rhoda, Wellington; ■Lucas, Rex Dugard, Nelson; Lumsden, Nancy ■May.: Nelson. .. : . . ■. . ',;• '.- Jlabln, ,Douglasßalfour. Nelson; ' Macann lan, Wellington; . McArthur, James William Charles, .Wellington; McCann, Louis John, Silverstream; McDermott, Patricia Wellington; Macdonald, Noel' Stewart, Palmerston /North; McDougall, David Barclay, Wellington; McGreevy, :Margaret, .Wellington; Mclntosh, Lorna Helen, Wellington;. Mack, Eileen Claire ; Mackay, Amy "Jocelyn Patricia 'Hartdcock, Nelson; McKay, Kevin, Silverstream; McKellar. Sybil Joan, Wellington; McKenna Ronald John, Wellington; ■ McKenzie, David James, Lower Hutt; McLachlan, Ivor Jolin, Masterton; McLennan, W'illlamina: Mary Wei-' iington;, McMahdn, Owen Bernard, Wellington ; '-McNamara, Patrick Ceret'ti, Silverstream; Mc--Neill, Lorna Joan, Wellington; Madden, Mar- •' ;garet, Wellington; Maglll, John Paul, WellinK•■ton; Maglnnlty, Denis, Nelson; Mander, Roy 'Wilfred Roland, Wellington; Maning, Cynthia •Alice Lucille, Wellington; Manssen, Norman Nelson; Mardon, Arthur Vaca, Pal'nierston.North; Mark, Lawrence Thomas, Weltllngton; Marks, Alexis, Wellington; : Marley, "Betty Phyllis, Wellington;,-Marlu, Kereti To .'Pati, Silverstream; Marsh, Henry David iNelson;- Martin, Thomas George - Kensneth, Wellington;' Matthews, lan "Wal:]ace', Palmerston : North; Maysmor,: Edna Durle, Wellington;:- Maysmor, Esther Joan,
■Wellington ; Meek, Leslie Lookhart, Wellington; • Miller, ' Eric ; Holmes/ Palmerston North; Millman, - Ralph ,' Henry, Wellington ; Milne, iKon'ald •William,' Wellington'; Mlrams, Stanley; William Paterson, Wellington; Moody, .Mary Constance, : Wellington,; Moore,' Grace ; Darling;I.' Palmerston North ; Morjce, Jean : Gladys,; Masterton ;Morley, William John, yv.el-
llngton; Morrison, -Ewen Matthew, . Welllni;- ---• ton; Mulr, Rpnald Manning, Lower Hurt; Mul- , holland, .James William, Wellington; -•■ Murdoch, Howard Donald "Alfred, Wellington; : Murray, lan Alister,1 Nelson; Musker, Lois, : Wellington; Myers, Cedric' Alexander, Wellington; '. . .'■■..■■,■ . . . ■'■■ .. . ■':'.' :■" .::■■. ■ : ';'■ -
.Nash, Kenneth' Shlllsori, Wellington; Neave, Mary Maclcnnan, Wellington; Noil Joan Margaret, -Wellington; Nelson, lowa Averill, Nelson; Nelson, Kathleen Margaret, Wellington; Newman, Myra, Palnierstou North ;
Neyland, Alan Prlnglo,' Palmerston North; Nicholson, Kenneth Molyneux, Lower Hutt; Nlcol, lari Arthur .Alexander, . Wellington; Nlven, Douald Ueorge, Wellington; Noble-Beas-ley, John, Lower Hutt; Noble-Beasley, Francis Vincent, Wellington, •.- '
O'Callaghan, Raymond John, Masterton; O'Counor, James 'Raymond, Sllvuistream; O'Flaherty,. Robert . Conway, Wellington; Oldfleld, John Anderson, Wellington; O'Neill, Denis Edmund, Wellington; Orr, Marjorio Jean, Lower Hutt; Orr, Mavis Ellen, Lower Hutt; Orsborn; Kathleen Betty, Wellington ; Oberton, lan Raymond, Nelson. Palmer, , Hugh Kidston, . Wellington; Parkin, Frank Lloyd, ' Wellington; Parsons, Cherry Ethel, Nelson; Patchott, Frederic Bruce, "Bleiihiilni; Patterson, Eeiia, Wellington; Pattlson, Patricia lsobel, MasUirton; Paul, Kenneth Victor, .Wellington; Penketh, Colin Edridge, Palraerston North; Perrett, Margaret Mary Anne, Wellington; Perry, Katlikeen Margaret, Mastertou; .■Pettlt J Harry Seddon, Wellington; Phythlan, John Hardden, Wellington ; Picton, Stanley lan Mason, Welling-ton;-'Pitt; Oiwen Caroline,-Nelson; Put, Timothy James, Nelson; Powell, Henry . Edgar, Blenheim; Powell, Paul Sidney, 'Wellington; Proeu, Joan Isabelle, Kelson.-.
Kabone, Stafford Samuel, Palmerston North; Radcliffe, Douglas Percy, Wellington; Raiublrd, William Gerald, Wellington; Rait, Lewis John, Wellington; Randersoii. Joan Miriam Nelson; Rainds, Dorothy Frela, Wellington; Rasmussen, Joy, Kelson; Read, 'Harold Stuart, Wellington;' Redding, Gerard Joseph Henry, SilTerstredm; Keeco, Guy. Roderick, Palmerston North; Reed, Alan . Guy, Palmerston North; Reid, Helen- Greta, Palmcrstou North; Reid, Malcolm ■• Henry, Wellington; Renal, Frank Caruth, Wellington; Renner, Betty Anne, Jlaslertou; Reynolds, Harold Augustus, Wellington; Roberts, Sidney John, Wellington;. Robertson, Monica, Wellington,: Rogers, William Henry Wellington; Roll, Winifred Ena,~ Wellington.; Rolston, Francis James, Levin; Ross, John William, Wellington; Roydhouse, Jeffrey Arthur, Levin; Rudd, Helen Patricia, Nelsou: Russell Elizabeth Thurl, Palmerston North.
. Sa'rglsson, Eric tudway. Lower Hutt; Saxton, Frederick L Arthur," Wellington; Scott, Thomas Henry,' Palmerston•• North; Scotter, Frederick Mulrhead, PalmeVston North; Shand, Elizabeth Eleanor, Nelson; Sharon, Molra Lillian Currivan, Lower ! Hutt; Shennan, Peter. Wollington; Shirley,. Margaret Rorlson, Kevin; Sblrrcffs, Nlsbet LamQnt, Nelson; Slevers, John Winston, Silverstream; Silcbck, Cyril Keith, Nelson; \Slme, Kenn, Wellington; Simpson, Arthur Eden, Palmerston North; Skyriug, Patrick John, Nelson ;;Slatter, Sydney Ernest, Masterton; Smith, Dominic Joseph, Wellington; Smith,. Donald/ Lower Hutt; Southwick, Noel John, Wellington |:Stace, D'ArcyClervaux, Nelson; .Stafford .Keith Varndall, Wellington; Stanley, Hugh' Arthur, Palmerston North; Staple, Winifred ;Mary, Wellington; Stenberg, Marlon May, Palmerston North: Stewart, Athol Gordon,: Wellington; Stokes, Dorothy Maud, Nelson; Stiibbs, Betty Floria, Palmerston North ; Suckling,-; Evelyn ."•' Lois,: Wellington; Sullivan,. William Douglas, .Lower Hutt; Swainson, Frances Helen, Masterton;- Symoh, - Robert Blair, Wellington:.•-■■.;";V: / .:■ '
, Tanner, Audrey Muriel, Wellington: Taylor, Denis, Blenheim; Taylor, Lionel .John, Masterton; Templer.. Mnuflce parrall. Nelson; Te ,Punßa, Roy Carl! Felldlng: Thompson, Nancy Rlna, Mai=terton; Thomson, Philip Giles, Welllncton: Thornton.- Norma Myrtle, lower ITutt; Tilly, Horace Samuel Johas.r Wellington; Tossman, David, ; WelllnBton; Tremalne, Bernard Geoffrey, Palmerston North: Tweed, John Moore, Wellington. ■:.;,. ..■■':"- ; ; . .Usher, Benson, Wellington. .-• Vaughan, Ruth Marearet. Carterton; Venlmorel Nnrman" Keith. Wellington: Vcrry,. Alexander Francis. Wellington; Vincent,' George Frerierlck; '-Wellington.' . WalnwriKht, Thomas ; Malcolm,, Wellington-; Walker, Edward Neville, Wellington; Walker. Frank. Hall, Wellington; Walker, lan Huntly, Wellington; Wallace, Garth Morton, Wellington: Wallis, Geoffrey Charles White McLaren, Lower Hutt: Wallis. John Alfred ; Hubert, •'. Lmver Ftutt; Washbourn. Sydney Laura, Nelson; West, ■peter W.vnn Mason, Pafmnrston North: Weybourne. Dorothy. Lower Hutt: Whßlan. Weldnn nnvcrcll. Palmerston Nn-th: \vh«lrh. Edwin. Thomas. Rllve-stream:. Whlbley, .Tnhn Noel, Kellding: White. Betty 6lwyn,"'v Wellington; Wicks, ■" John Sutherland,. Welllnrton; Wigcins, lan Sydney, Lower Hti'tt; Wilkle. Jonet Mary,. Welllnjrlori-: Wilkinson;: 'Olive ; Staninv. Welllnptpn ;, Williams, Joan Ruby. Nelson: 'Williams; Ronald Wensley Macdonald, Lower Hutt: AV111«. Ruth Georiilna; Plenheim • .Wilson. Edcar Henry James, Lower Hiitt;-Winstone, Ernestine, Alice Wellington; Woodward, .Dorothy Wllmot, Wclllneton: - Wright. 'Kenneth Lisle. Lower Hutt: Wriglev. Fred;, Wellington; Wyber. James Frederickv Wellington..: .»■:-.' ;-. PARTIAL PASSES. A^Court, Harry James Nlcol, Wellington; Albortsou, John Edwin, Wellington; Allan, Alexander- Kenueth,'. Wellington; Anderson, - Alfred -Ueriiam, Wellington; Andarsou; Trevor Barry, Nelson; Andrew, Ernest Henry Cnarles, Lower Uutt; Arlidge, John Brett, Palmerston North; Armstrong, Richard : Blyth, Wellington; Arnold, William John Wellington. Badcock, Sylvia Alaude, ilurchlson; Bansgrove, Fiederlclc James, Wellington; Barnes, Harold Edwin, Wellington; Barnett, Garry Matthew, Wellington; Barry, Phjllib Mauieen, Wellington; Baudluet, 'Frank Briand,; Wellington; :Belliss, Barbara Jessie, Ma&terlon; Bothell, Noel Edwardi-Wellington; Blunle, Nola Doreen, Wellington; Bond, Rupert Lewis, Lower •Hutt; Boxer, Alan Hunter Cacheraallle, Nelson ; Bray,-.-Frank■■' Remfrey, Nelson; Brennan, Patrick John, Silverstream; Bridge, Cjprian Lance, Nelson; Br"onn, Molra Elizabeth, Wei-1 lington; Burke, Peter Gerald, Nelson; Butchers,! John. Barnard, Low er Hutt. • I
Callender,- Joaa Marguerite, Levin; Campbell, Gwendoline-Naomi; Wellington; Cardale, Ewen, Wellington; -Christie, Henry John Maxwell .Wellington; Clark,1 Thomas Burton, Wellington; Clarlison, .-Mary Beatrice, Masterton; Clouston^ John -.■''Orerllle,r>, Wellington;; Coates,-" Itol Astbury";, Palmerston< North;: Coieman, Rohald William,' Palmerstori vNofth; Collihi ; -Arthur Merryfleld,': yVnlUngton; Collins, John. \'David, Wellington ;;.C6oper; Elaine Dorothy Harrison,Wellington f!;CooteV Chidley,<Nelson; Cope,: John Patrick.vPalmerston North ;-Cbxi Verne Arnold, Wellington;, Cran, Frederic Jainos,-Wellington; Creagh,:.:Jphn O'Neii; 'Wellington'; Creed, Ormoud John,; Silverstrearn; Crump,' Sidney Arnold; Feilding. ; . :'%, ,: ;^:. X;,,..
Dallard, -Jean IngUs, Wellington; Daws'oh, Barbara'Hay,-Masterton; Day, Sydney Telford, Silverstream; Duignan, John Edward, Wellington ; Duncan, Robert, 'Palmerston North; Dwyer, Thomas Edward, Masterton:- . , , .:i,.
Edmantis, Chnrles Humphrey, Nelson; Emerr son, .'Joan, Wellington ;*• Emihins, Louie Maud, Wellington; Espaenei John My lan,Silverstream.
Fair,; Donald -Ernest, Wellihßton; Feigler, Glen Harry,.'Levin;.Fitzgerald, David Terence, Wellington; Fleming,: Neil: Gillin, Silverstream; Fletcher, Keith. Waiter, • Pahnerston North; Fleury, Douglas Eccles.i Nelson; Flux, Frederick William, Lower Hutt; Forbes, John Hector, Palmerston. North; Foster, Raymond Vincent; Wellington;, Foster,, Robert Lee, Wellington; Fyffe, Maribrle"Annette,,Lower JButt,
Gardner,, John : Rushton, Nelson;. Gatvltch, Max Nordau,: Lower Hutt; Gasquolne, William George.Charles, Nelson; Gibbons,: Fred Norman, Lower Hutt; Gilbert, Geoffrey Channlng, Nelson; Gillies, :Alfred William,-Wellington ;Glen^ sor,\Kaymond- ; Edwin,'Wellington; Gray, David lan,? Wellington; - : Gregory/:Patricia - Eleanor, •Wellington; •:• ■'■■- ■■■•:: ";;.:'-. .-.-•. ;. •. :.■.•:■-
'. Hadley, Lloyd Milton, Wellington; Hammond, Nola. Betty, Nelson;, Handyside,. Alan James, Masterton; Hart, Alexander William, Silverstreanr; Haslam, -Enid Prances, • Wellington; Hatch, Stuart Leigh, Masterton; Haughtori, Robert Besaat, Wellington; iHeaphy,, Ashley, Silvcrstream; Henderson, James Herbert, Nelson; Hogan, Kathleen Margaret, Murchlson; Home, Rachel • Caroline - Esme, Lower ' Hutt; Howes, Eleanor Isabel,.Masterton; Hoy, Margaret.Grace. Lower Hutt; Hume,:Colin Andrew, Lower Hutt; Huritington, Richard' William, Wellington; Hustwick, -Noel Burton, Woodville; Hutchesoh, Hugh Hae, Lower Hutt.
James, Kenneth Victor, ■■ Wellington •;'. Jeffries, Marie, Alma, Wellington; Jemmett, Lionel Frede r rick, Wellington; Jenkins^ Meg Nancy, Palmerston North; Johnstone, Norah Cameron; Wellington; Joiner, Raymond Ernest,, Wellington ;■ Journet/",Terence Harry, Wellington; Jowett, Tanu Brian William, Nelson. ■
Keneven,. Lawrence Jack, Fending; Kilgour, Margaret Lois, ■ Masterton; King, Herbert William, Wellington;. Knight, Reginald Albert, Lower: Hutt";! Kuchen,, Jack Owen, Wellington-.
Lake> Harold Alexander, Wellington; Lancaster, John Edward, Wellington; Lane, Athol James, Cartorton; Lawrence, Ilex Stuart,. Carterton;, Lawspn, Douglas George, Wellington; Leddy, ■■■■■ Oromea Patricia, Wellington; Lemmon,; Keith Joseph, Levin; Llnklater, Malcolm Herbert, Wellington; Litchfleld, Geraldine Mary, Wellington; Lobb, John, -" Felldlng: Lovelock. Iris Elizabeth, Palmerston North; Lypn, James, Wellington: . . ~ .:..;.:;■■ ...,-■.-:• .'i- ■-.-. :
'Mabin; Edwardi Day/Nelson; McCorklndale, Margaret;vFellditig;::McCristell, Ellen, Wellington; McDonald, Garth Eddie, Lower Hutt; MacDonald,' Patrick Alexander, Silverstream; McGregor, Dorothy : May, Wellington; Mackay, John Bennett; Nelson; McLaren, Annette Eva, Masterton; McLaren, Donald William, Levin; McLaren, Sylvia Auchterlonie, Wellington; MacRae, William Neil, Wellington; McSherry, Edward James, Palmerston North; McWilllams, John Bernard, Wellington; Marriott, Raymond Eric, Palmerston North; Martin,. Alan David, Wellington; Martin, John .. Steele, Wellington; -Masslngham, Stella .Valentine, Wellington; Max, Frances 'lean; Nelson; Miller, David John, Nelson; Mills; Cecil Bryant, Wellington; Milne, Dorothy Gerard, Lower Hutt; Morgan, Glyn Bailey, Palmerstou North; Morgan, 'Grbsvenor. Fraser, :': Wellington; Morley, John Gordon. Ren"wicke, Lower: Hutt; Mprrah, Stanley ElUot, Wellington; Morton, .Mirabel May, Wellington"; Munn, Norman Matthew Stanley, Palmerston North. . ■ '■ ■:■::". • . ■ ■ . ' : ■■
, ,-Nalder, -Etta Mac, Murchison; "Nealj. Joan Isobel, • Wellington; Niederer, Edith Jeariette, Palmerston North; Nimmo, Robert Lindsay Gordon; Wellington; Nix,; Dorothy Elizabeth, Wellington'; Norrle, Joy Vyyian, Wellington.
Oakley,- Nocline,. Falmerstbn. North; O'Kane, Noel Carrick, Palmcrston North. •
; Parry, Keith, Lower Hutt; Paitl. Gladys, Nelson; Penny, Keith Stuart- Strode, Levin: Perry, Edith Elizabeth, Wellington; Peters, Patricia. Estella.' Carterton ; Phillip, Stewart Hill.. Palmerston . North; Phillips, Raymond Vincent, Napier; Picpt, John David, Wellington;; Piper, Harvle Llewellyn,. Wellington; Follitt, William, Falmerston North; Pownall/Margaret Naomi, Wellington: Prout. Reginald Wilfred. ' Masterton; Provost, .. Alaurlce, Lower Hutt; Pulley, Peter Charles, Nelson.
Itanderson, Keith Douglas. Nelson; 'Read, John OcolYrey, - Wellington ; Reader,: D'Arcy Albert, ' Wellington : neynpWs. -'yernnn Sinclair, Lower Hutt; Robertson, .Hugh Walter, WelllnKton; Robertson, Valeria- Graham, Wellington; Itobyns^ Gwynedd, Wellington: Rogers, Edward Maxwell, Masterton;. Roydhouse,' Tom Ron-ald;-Levlri, ; > : '■ 'A /■.-:'" •."■ ~;'•' " :•• ' .:', :■.■■'■
,Scott, ■ Eunice Winifred, Wellington ; Simpson^ Dorothy/ /Wellington; Skinner, Winifred Hyacinth, Wellington ;?■ Sladden, Mary Grace, Wellington;' Smith/ Bernard Vnughan, ; Palmerston. ■■■North": .Smith,. Isabella Joyce,■■ Master--ton: Smitli, Ivy Irene Margaret, Mnstcrion; Steven, Annie St. Helen, Wellington; Strnn-■ Evan ■ Itankin, Nelson; Sutherland, ' ChnrlfV William, Lower Hutt;-Sultou, Kcawyn Roland,
Palmerston North; Swain, William, Masterton; Swan, Peter -Reynolds,. Wollington.
Takle, Ethelwyn Maud, Wellington; Tanner, Thomas Steelo, Wellington; Taylor, Itobert Inglis, Wellington; Thompson, Catherine Campbell Ellott, Wellington; Tomlln, Rupert Leonard, Lower Hutt; Treadwell, Charles James, Wellington; Trim, Thelma Alice, Wellington; Trundle, George Edmund, Silverstream; Tucker, John Leonard, Palmorston North; Tucker, ltonald Clifford, Wollington; Turner, Nellie Winifred, Wollington; Twohlll, John Loyola, Wellington.. .... ■■ "■■.'■..
. Wall, Arthur Martin, Wellington; Watson, Eileen Mn.udo, Wellington; Wheeler, Helen Constance, Levin ; Whltcombe. Nigel George, Wellington ; White, Baynor- James, Wellington, Wild, Dora Eyre, Felldlng; Wllkins, William John, Carterton; Wilson, Mary Margaret, Wellington; Woollett, Keith Edwin, Masterton.
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Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 30, 5 February 1935, Page 16
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2,718EXAMINATIONS Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 30, 5 February 1935, Page 16
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