HIGH WATER. Today:.4.6 a.m.; 4.36 p.m. Tomorrow: 5.10 a:m.; 5.40 p.m. (Standard. Tim*.) ARRIVALS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2. SUNDAY,.FEBRUARY 3. BCH&. iuB xi«ss:. (l •■•■"•>•l32 toD!- siu«HATNels Son <s' 2° a: m' )>;974 lons- v «sta. from ABAftSF*ja,(3-35 "•B-)- 16°7 toas 'Hay6152 tOM- Can" KALINGO, a.s. (7 35 a.m.). 2047 tons, Oslcn- „, _«10. from Sj-dnoy, via Auckland. KAPITI, m.s. (8.5 a.m.), 242 tons, Johansen from Wanganul. MAIMOA, s.s.. (10.20 a.m.), 8011 tons. West from Napier. KINI, s.s. (12.10 p.m.)', 1388 tons, Collins, from Westport. KAITOA, s.s. (12.45 p.m.). 319 tons, Pearson, frmo Motueka. NORTHUMBERLAND, s.s. (5.30 p.m.). 11555 tonß, Rellly, from Auckland. TAMiHINE. s.s.' (0.25 p.m.). 1989 tons. Gray, from Picton. .< . HOLSICLEN,-m.s. (9.40 p.m.), 448 tons, McArthjir, from lytteUon. INAHA, m.s. (10.20 p.m.). 251 tons, Gibson, from Pates. HAWERA, m.a. (10.30 p.m.), 188 tons. MeLachlan; f^om Fatea.' - JIAKURA, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 8075 tons,'McDonald, from San - Francisco. - , JIONDAY. .FEBRUARY 4. KOHI, aux.cscow"(s 123 tons, tancford, from kelson. PORT WHANGAREI,.m.s.<{6 «Jn.), 608 tons. Watts..from Auckland. WAIMARJNO, s t a.. (7.10 a.m.), 3067 tons, Prosser, from-tAucliand.' TE AROHA. aux. schooner (11. a.m.), 105 tons, EnUlstle. s«Kltlka. ' DEPARTURES. > SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2. CAN'OPUS, s.b. (1.43 p.m.),. 1337.t0n5,' Rowland, for Lyttelton. STORM, s.s. i (5.10 p.m,), T49 tons, WHUaffls, for Dunedln. GALE, s.s. (6.35 p.m.), 567 tons, Davles, for Picton. MATANGI. s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1566 tons, Williams,'for. Nelson; WAHINE. s.s. (7.50 p.m.)," 4436 tons,' Irwln, for Lyttelton. ■ MONDAY, FEBRUARY *. NORA' NIVEN.r trawleri(B: a.m.), .188'"tons, Sutherland, for-Cook; Strait. CXPbCTED ARRIVALS. Te Aroha, Rokittka, today. Poolta, Napier, tomorrow. Kapuni, Patea, tomorrow. Tees, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Parera, southern ports, tomorrow. Talnui. London, tomorrow. Awahou, Gisbbriie; tomorrow. Orepukl, Lyttelfon, tomon'ow. Matangi. J^elsonT-tomorrow.'s.3o a.m. Tamahlne, Pict'oni tomorrow, 6.15 p.m. Wahlne, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Kapiti, Wanganul. 6th. Hawera, Patea.. 6th. Inaha, Patea. 6th. Echo, Blenheim;: 6th. _ Kalmal, Greymouth...6th. Breeze, southern, ports, 6th. Taupata, Motuek*. :6th. Tltbki, Greymouth, 6th.' Omana. Sydney, 7t> Holmdale, southern ports. 7th. Brlsbans Mani.' Hobirt. 7th. Storm, southern . ports. - 7th. Holmßlen. , New," Plymouth, -7th. Coptic. Napier, 7th. Orepukl,. New Plymouth, Bth." Walnui. Lyttelton, r Bth. Waiplata, Lyttelton, Bth. Canopus/ Westport,v Bth. Paua, Napier. Bth. Monowal, Mllford Sound, Sth. Imperial Star,' Auckland," Bth. Otranto, ' Auckland, Sth. Breeze. New Plymouth; 9th. Huntingdon. Napier; 9th. Oale, southern ports,-. 9th. Kntii. Nelson and bays, 10th. Awahou. Gisborne.-'lOth. Port Hobart. Auckland; 11th. PROJECTED DEPARTURE!. Echo.. Blenheim,, today. Inaiia. Patea, today. / Falrburn. \VanKanul, today. ' Knpiti. Wanganul, today. Walmarino, southern -ports, today. Tort; Wliantrnr.el. soutliern ports, today. Mohow«l, Mllford Sound; today. ■ Itata. Westport, today. Kaitoa. Westport, today. Holmglen. Wanganul. today. Itawera, Patea. today. Arahura,- Nelson,; today, 7.30 p.m. Itangjitlc*. ' Lyttelton. today, 7.45 p.a. Kapuni, Patea, .tomorrow. Poolta, Westport, "tomorrow. Klni; southern • ports, tomorrow, finel,. HoVitika;; tomoirow; Tees,. Waltancl, tomorrow. MaJnarlv Wanfranui, ■ Jomorrow. Parera,: Wanteanul, tomorrow. Awnhon. Napier, tomorrow. Kohl, Ncl'on. tomorrow. K.ilirico." 'nreymouth.- tomorrow. Makura. Sydney,'• tomorrow. Tees, Waltancl, tomorrow. Oropuki. . Nelson; tomorrow. Te "Aroha: flreymouth. tomorrow. • Talnul; • Lyttelton,'. tomorrow. Matannl. Nelson, tomorrow. 7.30 n.m. Wahine,: Lyttelton;'.tomorrow, 7.45 p.». Breeze, Wnncanul. fith. * Akaroa. Southampton.' 6th. < Taupata. 'Motueka,- 6th. Tltokl,- Glshorne,. 6th. Echo,': Blenheim. ",6JhTamnhine, Pipton. 6lh, 2.45 p.m. Northumberland. 'Lj Helton. Tth. Storm. iWancanji!;-'. via: Wcton; Tth. TTnlmelon, Kiulhern ports. 7th. Hoimdalo. Wan"anul.-'la Pldon, Tth. Kilmai. N»w (Plymouth. Tth. Malmo*. Pictori. Bth. MonbwalV Svdhey. ',Bth l Hrlshane Maru. Auckland.. Bth. Otnana. New' Plj-mmith.- Bth. Waiplata; Nanier.: Bth; Tanopus, Auckland. Bth. Breeze..-. smitherh jinrts,- Sth. Orenukl, Dunedln. Sth. • Walnut. Napier. 9th. Gale, Wan>jamil, fltli. Otranto. Sydney, :10th., 'Imperial Star, Tlmaru. 11th.
BERTH ABE LIST. Akaroa—GlasKow "Wharf. Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Echo—Quean's Wharf No. 13. FoTton—Klnc's1 Wharf. Falrburn—Queen V Wharf: No. 18. fiael—Queen's 'Wharf N«i. T. Holmirlen —Klnc's Wharf. Hawera—Pinltea Wharf. Rlma.tanT'—ln fh» stream. Inaha—Klne's Wharfs ' lohn—Queen's Wburf: Kft. I. Kalwarra—ln the Stream Kohl—Taranakl; Street Kallneor-Plnltea Wharf. Knnlti—Klne's^Wharf; Kaitoa—Glaseow Wharf Kaimal—Railway .-Wharf. Kini—Railway \Vharf. Monowai—Queen's .Wharf' No. 1 south. Sfaimoa— Olasgow Wharf. Makura—Taranakl Street Wharf. Mamarl—King's Wharf. . Maori—Pntent ■ Slhv Northumberland—Plpltea Wharf. ' Oplhl—ln the Stream. Poolta—King's Wharf.' Port Wlianparel—Queen's Wharf No. 6. Ransatira— Terry Wharf. Rata—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Tamahlne-r-Oueen's.Wharf N«.,4. Te Aroha—Oueen's Wharf Vo. 1<». Waimarino—Queen's Wharf No.. 16. Wlneatui—Clyde Quny Wharf. Wahine—Ferry Wharf.
WANGANELLA. leaves Sydney Thursday for Wellincton; due February 11; leaves Wellington February .15 for. Sydney and Melbourne; due Sydney February 18, 'Melbourne February it. (Huddart. Parker.) ■'• - . ■ MONOWAI,: leaves, Wellington Friday for Sydney and. Melbourne :■ due Sydney. Febmary 11, Melbourne February 13: leaves Melbourne February' 13, Sydney. February 15. for Auckland, due February 18. {TJ.S.S. Co.) MARAMA, left .Welllnrton. yesterday for Sydney: • due tomorrow:. leaves Sydney Friday for Auckland; due February 12." (TJ.S.S. Co.) MAHENO. left. Melbourne .Thursday for New Zealand: arrived Bluff today: dun T)unedin' tomorrow,-, Lyttelton Wednesday, Wrtlinjrtnn Thursday, leaves Wellington Saturday, BluffiFebruary.'ll. for' Melbourne; due February 16. ■ (U.S.S. Co.) . .
JLSRIPOSA, leaves San Francisco tomorrow, Los Angeles*, Wednesday, , for Australia; due Honolulu February 11. Pago Pago February 16. Suva February 19, Auckland February 22.Sydney February 85. Melbourne Marco I. (Burns. Pblln. and T »nd;W, Young.) ■ MONTEREY, left Melbourne Saturday; leaves Sydney Wednesday for America: due Auckland Saturday. Suva February 12, Pago Pago February ;13; Honolulu February 18. Los Angeles-February 23, San ■ Francisco February 25. ■(Burns, Phiip, and. T. and : 'W. Young.) AOBANGI. left Sydney Thursday for Vancouver:-, leaves Auckland tomorrow;: due Suva .;• Friday. /Honolulu February 15,' Vancouver February 22. (TJ.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA. left Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney; due Honolulu. Wednesday, Suva February •;•! *;• Auckland February, 17: leaves February 18:. due Sydney February £2. (TJ.S.S CO.) ■ -■'.- • - .-.»!■ ■ : ■ . ..■ ■ MAKTJRA. left San Francisco January in for Sydney;• leaves .Welllneton tomorrow: due Sydney Saturday,; leaves Sydney February 14 for San Francisco'; due Wellington February 18: leaves .Wellington February ID, Rarotohca February 23.V Papeete^ February 25; due San Francisco March '■6. '■■■• OC.S.S. Co.) '"■■ - MA UNO AN PI, left Sydney January It for San Francisco;, due San Francisco Friday lea+es'San'Ffaticlsco"February- 13- for' Syd.-
.ANGLO-CANADIAN, loads Plcton about February 12, Lyttelton. Bluff, Port Chalmers, and Wellington (due end of February); leaves Wellington about Marco 2 for Dunkirk Ant. werp; and ' United .Kingdom. (G. H. Scales ) '. AKAROA, at Wellington; leaves February 6 for Southampton and London, via Panama ,(S:S. v_and A. Co.)-. • CANADIAN BRITISHER, at Dunedln; leaves February 4 for Napier; leaves Napier February''■B' for • New.--'York,- Boston, and , Halifax. ;(C.l\.S.) . ... ~; C.?PTIC> at NaP'er; leaves February 6 for Wellington rreDruary T-I2), Wanganul, • and Port .Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers February 21 for Southampton,! London, and Hull via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) HUNTINGDON, at New Plymouth; leavej February 4 for. Auckland, Napier, Wellington (February .■:', 9-13), Lyttelton, Bluff, and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers February 23 for London, Avonmoutb, Liverpool, and Glaßgow. (Federal Co.) .-.•-• ■ IMPERIAL STAR, loads Auckland February 4, 'Wellington (due February 8), Timaru, Bluff, arid Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers Feb-ruary-21 for London, via Panama. (Blue Star Line.) •■.■■.■.•.■•,;... '.\ • MAMAKI, at Wellington;'leaves February 5 for-Wangandl; leaves Wanganul February 8 for London, Avonmouth, : Liverpool, and Glasgow vl* Panamas (S.S. arid . Co.) .; • s MAIMpA,- at Wellington; leaves February 8 forVPlcton and, Lyttelton; leayes: Lyttelton February. 18 for ' London, via' Panama and Kingston. ;>(S;s. and A. Co.) .-:■'.■'•,--- ---• MATAKANa, ■ loaos New Plymouth February 15;.^Wanganuli; Wellington. .(February 22-27), and: .Auckland; -.leaves Auckland -March 5 for London, via . Panama ' and Kingston. (S.S. and A.'-'.Co;)"-^'-. 1 -r1-. \ ■•' ,;''."• ".'■'■ .•■■'■■'•.■■•.■■ •■ :"N(SAKTJTA;! at*Westport; leaves February 4 for" Greymouth;'leave's Greyinouth' February 5 for.-Melbourne: ■■ (D.S.S. Co.) ■■■':"■ viloads Pprt Chalmers, Timaru; Lyttelton, Wellington (due February 22),' Auckland,; and .Napier; leaves Napier, 'March -6 for .London; -.Avonmouth. liiyerpodl..-Manchester; -and- Glasgow. via Panama" "(Federal;Co.). '•-•:.- -:■ ' y '• riOPAWA, at,New..Plymouth, leaves February*,7': for Opua,: ,Auckland, Walkokopu; and Wellington (due February -25); leaves Wellington- February 28 for London, via Cape Horn. (N.zX - Co:) •:• ■-. ■ : • .-■■■■■.■ PENNYWORTH, at Lyttelton; leaves February. ; II for Bluff; leaves Bluff1 February 14 for New York, Boston, and Halifax. (C.N.S.) PORT GISBORNE, at Auckland; leaves February 6 for London, Liverpool, and Glasgow, vis Cape Horn and Dakar. (C. and D Line.) : . •:.--. :..-■■■.. '• PORT NAPIER,-, at Napier; leaves ■February 5 for Waikokopu. Wellington (February 8-11), Lyttelton, and Bluff; leaves Bluff February 19 for London,' via Cape' Horn. (C. and D. Line.) „- ■ -■.■■■■ .- .--: . .... . .. •-. ■..;:.. .. . ■ . ROTORUA, at Nelson; leaves February 9 for Auckland, Napier, and Wellington (due February 20); leaves Wellington February 23 for London?'via "Panama.: (N.Z.S. .Co.) ■ ■ '"" REMUERA. at Tokomaru Bay; leaves February S. for Napier, Lyttelton, and Wellington (due February • 13); leaves Wellington February 16 for, London, Tla Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■ SCRREY, loads Oamaru February ' 18, Wellington (February*'2l-25), Glsborne, Auckland, and Wanganul; leaves Wanganul March 11 for London. Avonmouth, Cardiff, Liverpool. Manchester, and Glascow. via Panama. (Federal Co.*-.. ... -' .:.-•- -.:■'. .'■. ■' .'■ ..'.'■ TAINUI, loads Port 'Chalmers February 9. Bluff, Lyttelton, and Wellington (due February 22): leaves Wellington March 6 for London, via Panama and. Kingston. (SS and-A. Cp.) ■ ,• WAUIANA, loads Oaniaru February 18, Timaru, B'.uff, Napier, and Wellington (due March 6); leaves Welllnßton March 11 for London, via Panama and Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) '':■■■■':.■■ •■■•.- ...
GABRIELLA, leaves Sydney February 4 for New Pljmouth. Gisborne. Picton, and Westport. (U.S.S. Co.) GOLDEN COAST, leaves Los Angeles March 1 for Auckland (due March 27). Wellington, and Australia. (Burns, Philp.) HAUKAKI leaves Los Anseles February 84 for Auckland (due March 20), Wellington, Lyttelton Duiifdln. and Australia ID S S Co.) RAIMIBO. loads Adelaide and Edithbure midFebruary, for Auckland, Portland, Napier, Wellington, Ljttelton, and Dunedin. (U.S.S.
KALINGO.: loads Newcastle February 22 for completes Newcastle, for Auckland. (U.S.S.
NGAKUTA, loads Melbourne February 11. completes Newcastle, for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.)
WAIKTJNA, was to leave Los Angeles February 2 for Auckland (due February 28), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunediu, and Australia. (U.S.S. Co.)
FEKOA. leaves ; Liverpool Kebrusrj ■le for Auckland (due March 27). Wellington (April 1), Lyttelton. Dunedin. and' Napier. (Federal Co.)
TONGARIRo. leaves London February I for Auckland (due March 18). Port Chalmers ana Nelson. (N Z.S. Co.)
RANGITANE. leaves Londoo February T for Wellington (due March 141 «nd Lyttelton. (NZ.S Co.»
INDIEN,, leaves Los Angeles March 24 for Auckland (due April 20). Wellington, Lyttellon; Dunedin, and- Bluff. (U.S.S.: Co.) ■ MATAROA, leaves London .March 20. Southampton March 22, for Auckland (due April 24) and Wellington. (S.S. and A. Co.) NORFOLK, leaves Liverpool March 30 for Auckland "(due May 9),' Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin; and.f Bluff.-.'(Federal Co.) . MAHIA, leaves. Liverpool March 9 for Auckland (due April; 16). Wellington. Lyttelton,. Dunedin. arid'Timaru. (S.S. and A. Co.) :MELBOURNE:-MABU; was to leave Moji February ■■■■! for' Australia, , Wellington (due March, 6), and'Auc;\and. (Federal Co.)
■'■ KUMARA' teft •■ Newcastl'e-on -Tyne "January 24 tn.'-ballast for New" Zealand.-via Cape of Good Hope'and Sydney.: due March 20, (S.S. and A. Co.)'- ■:■ ■■■ •■■-. -. •■, ,■ ■■■ .'■.■..■. ■-. ■- ' LITIOPA, left 'Balilt Papan -January ti for Lyjtelton-' (due about. February ■ 8). (Shell Co.)' .V.■• .• ... : ■■;.; ;;, ■- -: "--■■ ■':. '■'■■-. .'•■•NDDDBAV left 'Antwerp January 25 for Auckland' (due^aßout: March: 84)- and New Plymouth.-vlai Cape' of Good ;Hope. (N.Z.S. Co.)'--' '■:.-'■. ■ ■.'••".■.■.■ ■'.' :',,. -:?". ■"■:. .OMiANA.; left Sydney 'February i for ■ Wellington •■'(due ,February 7), New -Plymouth, Auckland, Lyttelton; .Tlmaru, , and Duned n. (U.S.-S. .Co.) , . ■ • ■-•.:'■.■; ■■ > OILRELIANCE, left Batum January — for Auckland (due about' March 13). Wellington, Lyttelton; and Dunedin.' (Associated Motorists.) ' A ■ : - ■-. .:. - ;.-.' ' ■•..-.■' . ' ■ : •PORT VICTOR, left Newcastle-on-Tyne January'24'ln ballast "for New Zealand; due March 15. (C.-and D. Line.), ■■:..--. ■-...- ,-PAKEHA letl urerpoo) ■ December H in ballast tor New Zealand,- »Ia Cap* or Good Hope and Sydney: due February 8 (S.S tnd a:---Co.) ■■'■■■;:: ■■■ ■ ••■ ■ .'• ■•:'.-.. ..■• ■■- ■■ PORT AUCKLAND, left New York January 31 'for Auckland (due March 1),. Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (C and D. Ltne.) ■ FORT PIRIE, left Newcastle-on-Tyne January 30 in ballast for New Zealand; due.March 20.' (C. and D. Line.) : -.-.-.■- , PORT UUNTSR. left Liverpool January 5 for Auckland (due February 13). Wellington (February 17), LytteHon. Dunedin. and New Plymouth. (C.'.and D. Line.) : ■ PORT HOBAKT. Lett London Decembel 80 rot Auckland (due February 7). Wellington (Feb. ruary 13> New Plymouth «nd Bluff (C md D Llne.l ...- - •■-■' . •-■• '■■ ■■'■ ■ : .'■'■ '. ' . RANCITIKI, left London January 10 (or Wellington (due February 14) tnd Auckland '(K'XS'Xo.) •--■' . ■■-.;-. ; ■ ■■'■■■•■.:■ ' ■ ■:■ • ■■ SriRREV left Falmnuth January 5 tn Dalla«t for New Zealand: due Oamaru February 18: (N.«.t< Co »■■■■• :.■■■■■ TUSCAN STAR, left England January 24 (n ballast for New, Zealand; due Gisborne February 28. (Blue Star Line.). ; TAINUI. left Southampton December 29 for Wellington (due February 5). Lyttelton. and Port Chalmers (SS and A, Co.) -TAMAROA. left ■Southampton January 25. foe Auckland (due February s 27) and : WelUneton (S.S.- and A. Co.) ; TURAKINA, left Liverpool January 27 for Auckland - (due March 7), Wellington. Lytelton.- and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) .
ZEALANDIC, left Liverpool January 29 in ballast for New Zealand; due March 6. (S.S. and A. Co.)' . ,
VeSSELS OISCHARGINQ BENHOLM, ■ from New Tork. for Australia; at Dunedln; leaves February 5. (Federal Co.) CANADIAN BRITISHER, from Halifax; at Dunedln. (C.N.S.). HUIA, from- Melbourne:' for Auckland; left Wellington February 1. KALINGO, from Newcastle; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) NORTHUMBERLAND, from Liverpool; tor Lyttelton' and Fort Chalmers; at Wellington; leaves February 7. (Federal Co.) PENNYWOHTH. from Canada; for Bluff; at Lyttelton. (C.N.S.) ROTORDA, from London, via Suva; at Nelson, (n.z.s. ;co.) WAIKAWA, from Los Angeles; for Dunedln and Australia; at Lyttelton; leaves February 4. (U.S.S Coi) WAITAKI, from' Sydney, Newcastle. Port Kembla, and Hobart; for Duncdin and Lyttelton; at Bluff; leaves February- 4. (U.S.S. Co.)
' WAIPAHI, left Sydney January 16 for FIJI and Auckland; due' Auckland tomorrow; leaveß Auckland on-Thursday-for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) - • -.- . -~.-. .. :.. .-.,'-.. . . .
TEES, left .Lyttelton January 25 for Waltangl and Kalngaroa; due Lyttelton today, Wellington tomorrow; leaves Wellington tomorrow for.'Waitanirl. ■ (G.B. and H.)
E.ANNA, left Walpole Island January 31. Tta Noumea- for., Lyltelton '■..: (due February 7), Tlmaru, and Diiriedln.. (U.S.SI Co.) .JfAUI POMaRB; le« Welllnirton. Thursday for-Apia and Nlue; due ..back at Lyttelton on February 20 and at-Welllnßton'on February 21. (G.B. and H.)
"The. following vessels are, expected to be wlthir* range of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— " " - • Auckland.—Ardenvohr, \ Comltebank, Huntingdon, Inverbank,' Karma. Slaul Pomare, Otranto, Port Hobart, Querlmba, Quceu Eleanor, Storanger," Triona. Waipalii. Chatham, Islands.—South, Sea. Wellington.—Coptic Franconla, ■ Marama, Matarpa; Monowal, • Niagara, Omana, Port Napier; Rangatlra,'Kangltata, Rangltikl, Remuera. Talnui.'Taraabine, Taruaroa, Wahlne, Waipaw«." Awarua.l —Abel- Tasman,- Bear of -Oakland,
Brisbane Maru, Golden Cloud,-Jacob Ruppert, Kaimiro,. Maheno, Maunganul, Jfarbada, -NEa-, kuta, Waikoualtl, "iVanganella. :?■ MAKURA'S. PASSENGERS., :''• , -. The R.M;S.'' Makura ■arrired at .Wellington, last night from San Francisco .'and.- berthed this morning at the Taranaki -.Street'1 WJurf. . She brought.the following passengers^-r I Landing.—Judge A.. F. Aypon, >Ir.. F. Ashby. I Miss 3. Ashby, Mr. A. C. Byron, Mrs. A/«. . Byron, Miss M. Ford,, Mr. W.- Hackett, ■• Mr. I and Mrs. Nelson Jones, Mr. E. J. -■ Newland, 3 Dr. G. Pierce, Mr..G.-E. Ramsden r 'Mr.O.-'A. . Sehenek, Mr. G. - L., Snow," Capialn ' and Mrs.' V. G. Webb, Mr. W.- S.-Wauchop, Mr.'-'.:*. s Wright. Mr. M.: Brlckman, ,Miss J.. Barrpn, - Miss A. Brown, Mr. C. Cowley, rMrs; 'M.-E. . Cowley, Dr. and: Mrs.- jr., Day, >Mr. E. -H. Dabrinet, Sister Estelle, Mr.',R.: K. Feather, f Sf,P ul?-' G-':FuU«ear.'''Mr.-'-ana':(Mr«;.-',A;--.-i-l» 1 ?r' 'r,Mr- T> lßemoneer, Mr. A. J. Inells, Mrs. ' M.I B-I°Ells. Miss D. Inglls; MrJ.G. Millar* v Miss X; McMurrlch,- Miss: F.;:M.',MattliewSi • %*;*?■ J- "athew's, Mr. E. Paulson, ilr. A; J. a Heldford, Mr. S. Steams.-Mr. L.' TepuretUv. n Missß. R. Tepuretu, Sister Teresa,-Mr.-:W. t J. Asher, Mr. W. L. Britton. Mr. J. eoppeni rath, Mrs. R. Coppenrathi Master Coppenrath, - Miss Coppenratb, Mr JIcE. Dowrile. Mr '■ U. Griffin. Mr. A. F. Graham. Jlr.' -T. M. kea, r Mr. G. Mallen. Mr. and Mrs. F. McCullocTi/ :. Mr, H. P. Nicholas. Master H.Bua. Mr-J; - S. Rlma, Mr. A. Shelfon. Mr.; W. Strickland, r Master Tv Nla Rua, Master E., Taripo.. Hatter T. Williams. ■ -.■•. ■-~>■ •- • • 3 Through.^Dr. N.T. "Coulson.vDr. I-.Vcheß. r hall. Mrs. A. Cluff, Mr. D. Finlayson. Mr.'S. . Ford, Father B. Gorman, .Mrs. ; C. Grahanu Mrs. R. Marshall, Mrs. M. O'Hara, Mr.C'n. 8 Reddall. Mr. and Mrs.'F. : W-' WllUamv Mn c P. Georee, Mr. C. MiUer.*Mr.v.W.SMiller,'Mr. a and Mrs. L. Slgogne, Mr., E.G.-Goodwin, .-Mr; M. A. James, Master G. •A.jJames.vMMieiiiS. I D. James, Miss V. A;:James,LMr.VM.'*Kltby, . Mr. D. S. Nord. Miss I.1 Towriserid,\'and?tnre« r Chinese. ■ '- ' . . ; ■■:■;;■:.; 1 The Makura will leave/here. tomorrow\ittetnoon for Sydney.,.^ v ,;i-i;...'.vi ';":' •-■:*•.-.•-. ■•• 4 - -■ ." : '-' '**-'/ " *• ~r '•*•*-* *'--^ --';■■- ~ ' 5 MARINE EXAMl^ATl^lil^wLmi;^ i ■ ";Thß following ■ are; the> results 'i of-i.eximln«» s tlons conducted by.^thef'MrJne'i.Pepirtm'ent s during January :4-Third: clas.s': engineer '(steam);■ . Mr. F. L. Heywood;'. flrst>*lass'.:«il^.ieißßliieerj i Messrs. C. C. E. Mills.;J^Eletcher,--andiS.iß. Wilkinson; ■ second-class, oilr"engln'e'er, ■%■ vC. - Reynolds, N. E. ,McGregor.-: J.'.'F.' H. Kamag«; J restricted limits oil 'engineer.-B: -Wells, B. :W. - H. Barfoot,- A. H. S. Beaney.' .•-•/"•■-.:.
The Brisbane Maru, en :- route from- Jtojt, sailed from Hobart at 3. p.m.-.on Saturdsy-for Wellington. She is due here on' Thursday,' and is to sail the following day for Auckland.
Captain J.; A. Hughan is ■ relieving Captaia Wahlstrom as master of;the Kaltoa.-: • Mr. L. Xarsenls t now second-jhatß-of Kaitoa, in -place :of Mr. > Fltepatrlck. '■ ■'}
The Government steamer Jfatal -Is- to -leara Auckland tomorrow . to; continue ■ her Inspection, of lights and beacons in' the Haur»kl- Guir. She Is due back here about Febru»ry-rS.B.':
' The Tainul ■ has now reported vby irirelest that she -will reach. here ,at 2 >.p.mi.i tomorxoif from Southampton. -< She sails at 6 p.m. ftoj Lyttelton.. . ..,'. ': , ■..-.■
In the course of a cruise to-New"Zealand ports the 20,000-ton liner. Oteahto,left,'Brts. bane last Saturday. ; She is due •t^'Auck» land on Wednesday afternoon »hd v*t W.elluiK<i. ton next Saturday morning.: About 809 ■ tout* ists are on board. . ; .' - - '-■ • '
LONDON. February-3. Arrived.—At Colon, Hertford. Sailed.—From London, Ruahlne; v frogf Curacao, Fordsdale. BRISBANE. February' 4. Sailed.—Otranto (February 2),' for Nei( Zealand. > ■ , , -, SYDNEY, February 2. Arrived.—Orangemoor, from ' New ■ Plymouth AUCKLAND, February 2. Sailed.—Remuera (12.20 p.m.). for Tokomir^ Bay; Coptic (8 p.m.). for Napier. . " • LYTTELTON,. February 2: Arrived.—Holmglen (12.30 p.m.) ■ and v;Ore« pukl (1.55 -p^m.). from .Timaru:,Tees ' (7:45 p.m.); from Chathatns. ..' ,>- Sailed.—Kartter (3.10 p.m.),; for; Auckland} Canadian Britisher (7.35 p.m.). for.. Dunedln^ DUNEDIN, February 2. Arlrved.—Benholm (3.30- p.m.)..'from;,■ LyU telton. Sailed.—Breeze (6.30 p.m.), for Timaru. AUCKLAND. 'February 3. Arrived.—lmperial Star (11.10 a.m.).. fro^ Belfast. LYTTELTON, February's: Arrived.'—Parcra (8.50 a.m.), 'fro'm'-TlmaraJ Pennyworth (9.45 a.m.), from ■ Wansatiuli Awaliou (2 p.m.), from Napier. -. BLUFF. February 2. Arrived.—Waltakl (2.50 p.m.),' from.Hobart, - PATEA, February -4. Arrived.—Kapuni (7.15 a.m.). from Web lington. POUT CHALMERS, February 4. _ Arrived.—Holmdale (3 a.m.) and Storm, (t a.m.). from Wellington. BLUFF,. February 4. Arrived. —Walnul (2.15 > p.m., 3rd), ;froi^ Wellington. The Wellington Merchant Service Guild-will hold its monthly meeting in -th».guild roon» tomorrow at^TaiJ^^—^—^^—,—.
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Evening Post, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 12
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2,955SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 12
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