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The fortieth annual general meeting oi the Petone Tennis Club was held in the Club's pavilion,: Britannia Street, Petone, last evening. There was-a large attendance of members, presided over by Mr. W. G. Lodder, the club's president. The annual report and balance-sheet, which were adopted, showed that the club had had one of the most successful seasons for many years from every point of view. The club was congratulated on its efforts. It was agreed that the nomination fee be waived, and that the subscription be lett at the reduced rate that obtained last Saturday, September 30, was lixed for the opening of the season. The election of officers resulted as fol-lows:--President, Mr. W. G. Lodder; vicepresidents, Messrs. J. C. Burns, D. McKenzie, and W. Nash, M.P.; captain, Mr. H. Hoskin; hon. secretary,.Mr. .P. J. Ryan; hon treasurer, Mi. A. R. A. Clark; lion; auditor, Miss A. M. Cochrane; hon, solicitor,': Mr. G. Findlay; management committee, Messrs: R. G. Crondis, J. Eadie, D. H. Le Souef, W. Ross, and R. Wilson; club delegates, Messrs. Clark and Le ■ Souef. Trophies won last season were presented. The retiring captain, Mr. Le Souef, and the retiring club secretary, Mr. Ross, were thanked for their work..

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 66, 15 September 1933, Page 14

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PETONE CLUB Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 66, 15 September 1933, Page 14

PETONE CLUB Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 66, 15 September 1933, Page 14