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(By :-Peg.P)

While rejoicing with those who did rejoiefa ."pveri the very welcome rain in the past week, croquet- players have found it rather inconvenient' just when. they were trying to find, their, .champions for the coining contest. However, .the,..lawns „ in common with the gardens, .will take a new lease of life after the downpour, and no doubt will play better'oil that account. Some of the- champions have been- found, for several clubs .were;fortunate enough to have their games completed., before the rain started. ■'.'■ Eastbourne will be reiPresented by,: Mrs. Robinson in the B .grade, and if she playing to the form she showed at: the recent tournament, she should go a long way in :the' test. Waimarie will have Mrs. P, Taylor in the intermediate grade, and Mrs.- Cameron in the B. .'Wobiirn Club; have Mrs; E. Johnson 1 in the A gi-ade (intermediate not completed), and. Mrs. .Monks; in the ,B. Wellington- Club representatives are Mi's. Henderson iv the A, Mrs.'Jackson, intermediate, and, Mrs. Talbbt in the B grade. It is interesting .to note, that Mrs. Henderson, who was champion of champions '.in-.:the. intermediate _ grade last season, now takes her place, in the A grade, showing that her croquet has been steadily improving; Haeremai's representative in the A grade is Mrs. Boocock, but the intermediate games are not completed. , .' '. ■ : '■ English Gold and Silver Medals. Players are reminded that entries dose on Wednesday", and any associate may enter no -matter what their ■■ bisqueing may bo...As it to behest of three .games, 'entrants are assured of ■at least two games, and it is another opportunity : for experience. Kelburn and Wellington Clubs have both offered their greens for this and the champion of champions competition. . '■■:■.■•'•'•; King Brooches. ■• . Hautana, the challengers; were not 1 able ,to send players on' Monday, .and therefore retain the trophies. Waimarie are .the next, challengers. : ■ . ' Pollock Stars. ■'• ■ ' St. Augustine's are the next'challengers, and it is expected the game against Kelburu will take place .early in-the .week. Association ferns.. ; .'. ' .. , ;. .... l-s-. Mcsdanies' Breeze.and .Grifh'lhs';'.lsland liii.y,"va'ic siKx-criKiul ugainst -Mesdaines ;i'l;i*'e iUiiil--'(;lifinfbi?i;sV.i.llatnitair f tljough ; -the score was close, 26:22. Mrs. Brice was I-,, j.iig uicj .•.■uiOiucr game of, the quartet, -and Mrs. Breeze was'shooting wonderfully well. ' . ■ . ■ . ■ '■■■■". M'Kenzie Cii|is. '■■■'-. Woburn (Mesdames Howe and Monks) were again-victorious .in their game ■against-Khandallah (Mesdames. Jeffries 'arid Nalder), the score being 26-8. Mrs. "Jeffries started off really well, but was soon overtaken and Khandallah players 'were tiot able to keep the'lead.- The green was playing well after the rain, but no ■ doubt was: a little heavy lor the visitors. The, winners both-played very ■ steadily,- and are proving a good. combination. '.;■ ■ •■ -. ' ■.-/■ ".■.'. .•■ .': Garden Party at Khandallah; For those attending the ': party .. : nest Wednesday it has been arranged that the bus leaving Boy.-en street at Ip.m. willgo to the green.' There will: be. competitions and various sta!ls,,-and it js hoped to.swell the funds considerably, so that'the greens can bo put. in good order. , ■ ' It is likely' work will start' almost im- ;■■;.:; •.-; ior, the \Vobiini Chili,'and it is hoped to have two mui'e lull-iiiicU.gve'cna and' possibly., more. Croquet' has: become so popular m the Valley that alreiidr the new .clubs mm their membership lists, full. „ Social. '..■.':'.■■■■ .The Khaudallah Club recently held au afternocu for .their honorary members, and progressive croquet was-played... . lne winners of the trophies were Mesdames Burke, -Spence, Grmiths,.and.H.ollis. '"'■-ThP Free ''-Ambulance should beneht considerably by the effort of the Newtown Club members, .who.held a card evening for the cause. Although if was so wet on Tuesday night, St; Thomas's HalL-was comlorcabiy lilied aiiid .all had a most enjoyable time: Mr. K. M'Keen,; M.P., and Mr. C. H. Chapman, M.P.,' were present, also Superintendent and.Mrs. Epffe. Those responsible for the escellent'arrangements ; were Miss Petersen. a.nd ■Mesdames Underwood, Stephenson; Press, 'Meek. Ilobbins,

Kae, and Miss G. Mitchinson...Musical items were given by Mrs. Lewia and Mr. W. Robbiiis, and much enjoyed, 1 the accompaniments being supplied by Mesdanifis Kobbins and Fauvcl. ... .'■' . .

The Woburn Club entertained the honorary members on, Tuesday .and .-it wus a very happy party. The rain ceased sufficiently to get some outdoor'competitions oft', while others were provided in the pavilion. Jlrs. E. Johnson and members o£ the committee welcomed the guests,.and Mrs. Johnson said how grateful the club members were for all the help they had received from the honorary ■ members. Some of the. competitions were open to all, while others: were exclusively for tho guests, those gaining: trophies being Mesdames .Coles/Piper, J. .August, Vaug, Monks, and Walkeig „Tho trophies wore donated by Mesdames Johnson, Eowe, Walker (2), Judd, and Monks.; Friendly interclub games were recently played between Newtown and Island Bay Clubs, and greatly enjoyed. It is hoped the ■ former .club will enter for the weekly matches later, as the games are sucli a help to player's, lv the games at Newtown, honours were even, Mesdames Halley and Small (Island Bay) winning from Mesdames .Harleu. and Aleck (Newtown) and Mesdames Powell and Booth (Naw-

town) defeating Mesilamcs 1 Cox and Beveridge. (Island Bay)'. ': : : ' ■ ' '

■The Lyall Bay Club; has completed one life of its championship, in .which Mrs. Collier beat Mrs;. ■ Ganteiy..26-11; ■; ■• Mrs. HiddJeston beat: Mrs.- Mowtell, :2(jr2o; Mrs. Marshall beat Mrs. Stanford, 26-17;. Mrs., Rudkin beat Mrs. Pedersen by .default;. Mrs. Collier beat Mrs. Hiddleston, 26-11; Mrs. .Marshall beat : Mrs,'. .Kudkiii, 20-23. Final, ■ Mrs. - Marshall : beat'- Mrs.:: Collier, 28-12. ■... ■. . -, .. ■, , ■. • ■ .... . ; . . Personal. : Sis.Majesty' the Kingilias. been.'ju\?as"e'd' to .confer the honouv "of : C.M.G. upon Judge H. ¥. Ayson/ -Resident 'Cbmmissioncr of the Cook Islands, and the many croquet friends of Mrs. Ayson, who is;' a member of the Hutt Club, will -be. glad to add their congratulations. ■ ; . : /. . Mrs. Underwood; Newtown, is.;-..visiting her. :inother iii'.Ghristehurch. „, ' •;.'.,. „,.--- .The Eey. Mr.. ; Isaacson,: \vlio has . been the guest of: Mrs.'St'eele, "Khandallali, Juts enjoyed some .croquet! on' the local ;greeri. Mr.' T. I<\ Chambers, Christcluirch, was a Kelburn Club' this- w<;ek; but unfortunately the rain' prevented any play. . , : ■ ■ .■ • •■■■'. I Miss M'Kenzic, treasurer of. the Newtown Club, has recovered from' her .recent, illnessj.and is convalescing in Masterton. Mrs; Barr, Wellington. Club, is away on a motoring tour through. Hawkes Bay.and Taupo. '■■•' .:'-.-■ : Mrs. Russell,.' New.towii,: is':, visiting friends in Eltham. ;, ■ :. Tha Game. • The minus handicap player who furnished the notes'oil the game, l sends. the following interesting talk ,ou. the various shots. ',■.'■ :,':: ■ ■'.. /:' -.: : : .. ■ '•'The following are'the -strokes employed, in-playing a game: Vlhe ordinary straight' !iit vied m; shooting, the- stroke, used iv. running hoops,, and the various croquet shots. - There is-nothing, to be, said abpxit the ordinary hit (different players have different methods, and there seems "to'be no royal road to success), save.only that iv croquet, as in every .other ball game, one must .keep one's eye on the ball and be. careful of the position- of the -feet. Anyone who stops to;think for a momejit must see .that iif • the feet. are:': wrong /the; ball will go crooked, no jnajter .how .carefully aim is taken. ' Everyone, should tnereford find out by experience how, to stand, to get the best results 'and then take, ciir'e always to stand so.when, playing.': ■ ' •''

""Hoop'-Tuninrig: Success .in this depart-, mcut depends oil two' tilings—accuracy' 'of aim and the .capability ol>-imparting a following spin to the ball so that wlten it touches the uprights of: the hoop its natural tendency, is to :junip.forward. . This following spin is most easily imparted by hitting the ball rather .high up with the front of: the mallet head lower than the back, the player standing' closer up to the ball than when making'the ordinary hit and swinging steadily through... .' .

"We now collie'to the croquet "strokes.' The first is the- stop shot,', in -'which the croqueted, ball, goes- some- distance while the striker's ball moves only a yard or so, Tliia is done By removing .the. mallet from the striker's ball as quickly as possible, standing-well back from the. balls and bringing the mallet into contact .with the ground as soon as possible, after it liasmet with the ball,. . -..Following out the same ■principle, the' further' the striker's ball has to travel the' closer iiip, must "the player stand to his ball. Try it 'out ."by yoursfelf ■ and you -will :soon see how it is done. , . .'; r , i.' ' "

"In. taking croquet, however,.it is'seldom that balls linye-to' move in the same direction, and'tliis brjngs us, to ,tlie split shot/ Aim the balls at.the spot to-which the 'croqueted ball'must go, take.a line from' the, balla to the s]>ot ,to .which it is desired to send the strilior's ball, bisect the angle made by the two lines of flight and hit: along that line. The distance the balls travel is determined by following the directions given above for making croquet strokes. This sounds complicated; but is perfectly simple in reality." The following are the results received of 4 inter-chib matches played ■ since ; the tournament:— ' ' : , ,

• Intermediate : Grade.—Mesdasues- Chambers and Phillips (Hataitai) beat Mesdames Cameron and • M'Dohnld (Wiiimarie), 26-22; Mesdames Roundhill arid Cameron (Waimarie) beat Mesdames Dryden and Lewis (Karori), 26-14. B. Grade.—Mesdames Breeze and Shorland (Island Bay) heat Missies Wallace and Millen (Hataitai); 26-16. Mesdames Winchcomb and-Sears (Island Bay) 'beat Mrs. Britain t and - Miss ".iDemnsey,. 26-7. MesdamesJackson, and Barr--(Weiliii.o:ton) beat Mesdames M'Master i!i,nd . Miller (Mount. Victoria'),- 20-14: Mesdames Key-, nolds nnil Cleary. ..(Afoiint' Vict'oviii) beat > Mesdamts J. Smitli and Baknj' (Wellington), ,2((-I(;. , Mesdames Robinson- and Herman: (Eastbourne) beiil". MesdaniHS Rudkin and Stanford (Lyall Bay), 26-17: Mesdames. PolJbck and Andrews (Eastbourne) beat,Mesdames Collier and Mowtell (Lyall Bay), 26-1S; Mesdames Neilson and Page (Seattmu) beat Mesdames Eoundhill and Murphy (Waimarie),

20-22; Mcsdnmes M'Donnld and Noiris (Waimarie) beat Mosdai.llo3 Kircher and M'Girr (Seatouii), 2G-'.!O. Breaks.— V> grade: Mrsdnmes Jackson '•), JlilJer 4, C'ieaiy 3, Phillips (Karon not previously credited) 3, Hobiuson 3 anil Answers to Correspondents. "Jnqnirer": Jt wasi crowded out last week and appeared on Tuesday. Having put her two balls where they were, she was not entitled to ;. ball. "Bisques": The list potted at the North Island Touni.'iincnt the following nltcrations in handicaps:—"Reduced: Mib. IJartlctt from 1% to I; Mis. Kobblcwhite rom 2b to I; Mrs. Calclow from 2% to W:il f VlJ kens f-'oni 2% to 2; Mrs. to ij-a Tv t0 sf;5 f ; Mr'l: Mount from 0 a?in«cvfromn?loll«'"o'v <? ; 0 Jf is 11 -ism, V, 7 i[vs~s["T On 7 l,° 3to S; Mrs. B. Chritlie Aoiu Slito 7?" Mr. Sranagli ii'oin 3 to 4

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 56, 9 March 1929, Page 14

Word Count

CROQUET NOTES Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 56, 9 March 1929, Page 14

CROQUET NOTES Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 56, 9 March 1929, Page 14


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