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"Fairplay" .writes to "The Post" asking why G. Ollivier, the present singles champion of the Dominion, has not been selected as one of the team. "We have all heard and read about his temperament, etc.," says the correspondent, "but the fact remains that he has again won the singles title, fairly and squarely, beating the best in New Zeal. n"d. The selectors may conjure up the necessary excuses, for the dropping of this player, but surely there is no answer to his performances in the recent New Zealand meeting, which is the big event of the year in this country -id the only event the Selection Committee can gauge true form from, as it is the one and only tournament which attracts all the leading players at one time. ... Tennis enthusiasts in Australia would be moro likely to be attracted to matches when they knew the champion of New Zealand was making the trip, as, for instance, the 'gate' here would also be larger if J. 0. Anderson was included in a visiting team. We want the best team possible from those that are available, and it is no secret that our present champion has .exprpssccl his willingness to make the ■ trip."

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 46, 23 February 1926, Page 9

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OMMISSION OF OLLIVIER Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 46, 23 February 1926, Page 9

OMMISSION OF OLLIVIER Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 46, 23 February 1926, Page 9