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The Great American j^^^^^^^k. £200 Reward if we Beautiful Hair and lots of i — f you use "CRYSTOLIS." Hare-3 sood news at last for men brittle hair, or stringy hair, dan- DOCTORS, MINISTERS, AND FAMOUS SCAUP SPECIALISTS and womfn Ihwe hi s falimgV S itching scalp, or any'or a.M LAYMEN RECOMMEND RECOMMEND "CRYSTOLIS" who are growing bald and grey! forms of hair trouble, we want you "CRYSTOLIS." CONSTITUENT. Whose scalps are covered With'^^ toX ry "P^l^^^'dfn^uarJn- Following Is convincing evidence from a dandruff that nothing seems to We give you a binding guaran fe *° of tho « e who bave used "Crystolis," and In referring to an essential of "Crystollß," keep away, and Whose heads itch tSO, Without any Strings or rea lts great value f rom personal espen- the famous American hair-growing discovery liUp mid *2pe, that It Won't CO6t you a. far- cnce:— Drs. Jacksort and McMurty, of the Faculty Good 'hews even for thosa who thlnglf we do not prove to you .«£s%&& £W^V^S imagine themselves hopelessly and that "Cryslolis will do all we «'»»•"•" .. ■; j ffcer of the Hair" ■.- ■incurably bald, or who suffer from claim for It, and, what's important, cry^.tjrtrf g* hair gro»mg hair or scalp troubls of any kinri. we have plenty of money to back nrodunt as far We have had granted to us the our guarantee. We have deposited Mr , C eorge F. Morse sayss— '* 1S tne on|V Product, as far sole Australasian rights for the £200 in our local bank as a special ..j lost my hair 18 , ears ago . Have use d as we Know, whose use has bean great American discovery, "Crys- fund to be forfeited if we fail to , es s than one treatment. My head v now, fc , 0 promote hair growth " tolls,- the new hair remedy that comply with this contract. cohered^fl^ha^of in America and Europe has been C ut out the Coupon, and post it failing hair, no more dandruff." "Crystolis" is regarded on highest authodSery* oHhe "entt^avg to^ a _tp_C g^l.«bor«grlg , RfiV f^ Campbe| , wr|teS! _ '^ ** been awarded Gold Medals at the Divis. 119 D Malcolm Buildings, .. r am delighted to say Crystoiis has big Paris and Brussels Expositions. gS6A George .Street. Sydney, " toe r**' 0' Or. Charles Lyndon' states:Hundreds of men and women M_ w ■ . have written to us to toll of the !±HL Mlss Mar y L. Blackmon says:- top T o^y i^sThen 81?o Um h m enced° D US ta? phenomenal resihtS ODtained wy Its , "Crystolis has cured the itching, the dan- your remedy. You have unquestionably use. People Who have been bald >• CRYSTOLIS" WINS 3 GOLD MEDALS druff has gone, and my hair has grown solved the problem of growing new hair." for years tell how they now glory Ann IMPIuMAS OF HONOUR inch." in thai* hoantifiil Snlr nfhpr<! nlw UltlMalno ur uUHvun. , . «ho ham haCrdandruff alli their Far better than any praise given Mr. H. J. Hogan writes:- Or. J. S. Riley declaresii\ \ ot« th^t tho i h«i« now a "CrystoHs" since its discovery is the "Previous to using Crystolis I was entirely "I have used Crystolis on the head of a ' lives say that they have now a f ac t that ''Crystoiis" was given the . bal fSn the top of my heaa, but I now find patient, and flnd it stopped the falling hair, Clean, healthy scalp, and that hair . highest awards at three great Inter- that a fine crop of hair has appeared, that and is satisfactory in every way." Stopped falling after a few applet national Exhibitions in Brusseis, Bel- . about v incUes lon an d look - 3 g?o d and : tions Of this wonderful new treat- fHome italfTn ' ' > a ithy,, with every indication of being per- ■ ; ment. ' ■. ' - Illustration shows one Gold Medal - manent. We don't care whether,you are bearing engraving oi: d s b?&s „.; :Mr E . Stevenson declares:- |?RFI? fIITIPdIN bothered with falling hairy- prema- ggfi^rSeis^lhS'im yi- ■ .- In ' two weeks Crystolis started a fine new * KliEi \A3V ¥Un turely grey hair, matted hair, .'■''■" " "". growth of hair all over the top of my head, • ; ..„- m An .' v . ' „.„ -. •• i, .i,,,,, ■' .: - dandruff has disappeared, and my hair is - FUiJI 10-11AI half an Inch long and coming in thicker, .■ ... , . . . . t^^^. ' and no more falling out. Nothing like Crys-■ ■'' raboratorlfls i^P^^wwti?*.*.. *»V tolis on the market." . Tn6 . urSSIO LaDOraiOnSS, JsMr /^.^^^W^^^^^ryi^^^. n •■'-',■ Divis. IUD Malcolm Buildings, Jf fi^^^^^m^^^ MrS> A" hsTw^esf- " ° 256 A Ceorge St., Sydney, £&"** tos. *T*^^^§r l atD glad to recomraend Crystolis as N.S.W. Jiff /$& liv S &'\ \ Yn» the hair to its natural vigour giving life T ,j f H7 < ,ii:__tl-, M/fc1 IL. Ml I AW// /sTMsi£s\ fe' 1 B\m vigour, and a new growth of hair even on lam a reader Ot Wellington '; ; ■ iMI SSI II mMa Im/W&aAaJm~jS, « O bild heads It also cleanses the scalp of "Evening Post."'. Prove'to me, ' PK '■" 111 mi t-^& /'//SiW^Wo^^l M dandruff and creates a new growth of without Cost how "Crystolis" I5: ■t- M IWW&mW^^^^l B tß^'X^de^KSfMhw'to^fi stops falhng hair, grows new |||t> « V^*%W(MvM[ <-**TiS"&^>'// /fw natural colour if taken in time ' hair, banishes dandrurF and HftUi \i>wv. IM! itching scalp, and restores m& W^^^\^ /m Mrs. Fanny Covenhoer declares:— premature grey and faded hair w^ X KsKirvi&k Mm ' wh»n I began using Crystolis my hair to natural colour. Write your fit K5w Mth^new fthir COil ldfSnn<^SlVlttir£. name and address. plainly, and / J^^SKin inches long which covers all the bare spots \ n u@r Bnd th! re is "£e ml b whiie before using it pin this Coupon to your letter. J -«s^^P^^^^~--S§S^^P'^ crimp my hair to do anything at ■ :; ■■ 'RUB ZAM-BUK \'i AND AVOID WINTER SKIN TROUBLES. ■ THE skin is one of the most sensitive parts of .the human body, and, because it is also the most exposed 818 to injury and disease, it ought to get more attention than most people think is necessary. One should iS'ipHil'fi.'''' *^3iSIIIS .■"- .be exceptionally careful just now, because June is a very. critical, month for the skin. It has been llSlllliitiftpfcr^' fighting against big odds all through the summer, and the odds are bigger just now, both because of the trying 111™ *■ Weather and because the first crop of early winter pimples and nasty eruptions may be expected—unless the illlllPv/ff^B f ( 1 skin is corrected and fortified by Zam-Buk. ' - . 11 k y A A sudden chill, dirt in a cold-cracic, or small abrasion, and skin weakness, are all j^£ likely to trouble. Neglected chafings, " chaps," chilblains, cold sores or cuts _ J^^^^^SS may also cause more serious disease in the shape of festering wounds, ulcers, or itching ud^Sf^E^n^^W^Mmw^fflKF^ !^mKi ■.sores, and even chronic' Eczema is often traceable to .neglect in the early stages of a WUf 111 \xk T» «^^Ml Smearing the skin with Zam-Buk has an instantaneous cleansing effect. So pure are the'juices niHnls M^^miw< 'in Zam-Buk that they sink deep into the pores,' 'permeating all the minute "machinery*' fiflifllS of the tissues, and they end the trouble thoroughly and efficiently. . if will il^i Zam-Buk treatment gives proper moisture and a workable flexibility to the tissues, and so induces the l||/if If i^^^^Sil . blood to circulate better. Thus the outer skin gets properly fed, normal activity and strength are restored, ftlfi/f I|| Ii 1 M§lj||H||f| and the whole tissue is made sound and strong. June winds are now powerless to hurt, and. blotches, pimples, ma ai * JjiMv S^^^^S! sores, usually so common in early winter, are either quickly banished or entirely avoided. if h •L^^k'Ml^h 111 ; oln advanced stages of skin disease Zam-Buk destroys germs, acts as a powerful antiseptic, allays irrita- AJs I'm . tion, takes out inflammation, and finally aids Nature in the replacing of new healthy skin. ■ - iSlw IS •■ »*f> ; M The Zam-Buk protective and corrective treatment is ideal because it is natural, and natural because -■WfffrJl „j M Nature's saps and juices enter into Zam-Buk's composition. Don't increase the odds against the skin by Hiß^^^raSm^R S 1 resorting to coarse, fatty ointments and cold creams or liniments and embrocations containing poisonous lifif minerals. Such crude preparations often have a distinctly harmful effect, and in no case do they accomplish illiL, Wn Sißli real and lasting good, as Zam-Buk undoubtedly does. ■'■':- ■■ iißilin H^ - Slilil The Zam-Buk treatment can reasonably claim to be a revival of one of the LOST ARTS of the old Ii- 1 illliii Grecian days, when proper care of the km wa universal. ,•■■■■■ \ Ml \ Slllli Ki>JtoW J*f® tl Pi $1 shm iPb'^i JITiM &^SM is to be ruUbed in for Stiff Neck, Sprains, Stiffness, Rheumatism, piw S^ZS M If m^ WW I if If ft. *^m • Pains' CiiestPains >. Spte Throat, and other aches;land > $& $$ r-4 ej J?/__Xs(^»'£L->__!___^l «S9 J& V$M pam*' ara:Buk is also ejccellent for Culs, Burns, Briiises, mW JR^ Ml^4m^s^^^^B^^ s^Mln^^M Sores- Ulcers,. Bad Legs and -Ankles, Abscesses, Children's. fr M* (30^®^ e\r\f%T\A&Q inntirv ~^^^^"BBjgSg Scalp Troubles, Poisoned Wounds, Boils, Rashes, Barber's * i» SOCjflrl£«^|>|O ffS*/lf Ra*l>, RawChiw, Inflamed Patches and other irritated and suppurating cono, .___ **£.§ j^ dit', oS s,f)' ">eskin and tissues. Obtainable from all Chemuts and Stores »t 1/6 _ e _ fi ™»-c*s'f^w^?WJ4f I? >''^nj rTOT™^OT»ra 9p _ lll __ ' £*m f nd3/°perpot (3/6 size holding nenlv 4 times the 1/6), or post free

WANTED KNOW .N. \MT ANTED KNOW N. TAXIS. _. • tV ■ __ ANZ'AC SERVICE THE BEST. For llil 'c. Open or Glored. Cars, 92 and Open and Cloeed Cars Cor Hire, Day or ! 93> iacludiug luxurious 1915 Model (Bri- .■ Night. j tish) Cabriolet. Vulcan Car; electric SightK. HANSON. HOPPER-STREET. j ing and starting ; e&reful drivers. Day or XeJnsrams™"Cnin.-v," VVc-iiiiifioti. ' iw.'ipht. Pliane--tins.''Phono 161,3. I • • - T-toM mU. ■'■■■■ •■•' ■':■■■ '" ■■•■■=■•-■ -■)& i :-UOSZS t PiomiabK.:

MOTOR BIKES. j ' TAXIS FOR HIRE. ' ! "WANTED Known-Taxi-Cab? for WANTED Known —1916 Hnnclcrson j» ' Hii-e. My cars wore specially eon-4-cyl. 3-h.p. MOTOR BIKES liavo | structsd for invalids and others. Comfort arrived, "full 'it' improvements, which | guaranteed. Special tei-ius to medical ami .xnalw thfi il'.'nck'r.-c" a ur.ich superior | coirmiercial ::nm. 1 specialist} in long niMlii::^ to any oUn1:1 ■".! 'lie m«7JvCi. ; both j j'jiirr.ny irirns. for (.omforl n.vd r^iv.ij-.i'Jy. ' 'i'liouc!;—No.v ?/J75 itiid ißoi. 'ALSSANPJiIi AN TD C-0 v CiEQ.Ri.JTC HOV/AUli,' 43, Cubi-st'ießi. jLj&'QksaaMftsaafi. -i

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume XCI, Issue 146, 21 June 1916, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCI, Issue 146, 21 June 1916, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCI, Issue 146, 21 June 1916, Page 19


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