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TO-MORROW, WEDNESDAY, 23rd SEPT., 1914, At 1.30 o'clock sharp. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF COSTLY FUMED OAK FURNISHINGS, UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO, CHESTERFIELD LOUNGES, PILE CARPET SQUARES, Etc. ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE* SALES OF HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE EVER. HELD IN OUR MART '420 ; • 420 EVERYTHING EQUAL TO NEW. 2 MASSIVE SOLID OAK SIDEBOARDS (latest designs), MAGNIFICENT OAK BEDROOM SUITE (comprising LARGE MIRROR WARDROBE, OAK DUCHESSE, OAK WASHSTAND, and OAK BEDSTEAD, all " en suite, cost £55), 2 UP-TO-DATE HIGH-BACK OAK SUITES, OAK ' EXTENSION DINING TABLE, OAK HALLSTAND and SETTLE COMBINED, BEAUTIFUL CHESTERFIELD LOUNGES, Etc. B. JOHNSTON~AND CO. have re- • ceived instructions to sell at their Rooms, 157, La-mbton-quay, 'as above — COSTLY HOUSEHOLD INGS"Upright grand piano, 11-stop organ in perfect order, Morris chairs, easy chairs, seagnvss chairs, Chesterfield lounge upholstered 4 in bluo moquet velvet, Chesterfield in brown art canvas, lot of crockery and glassware, fancy flower ptauds and bowls, pot plants, copper fender suites, small oak sideboard, high-back chairs, solid oak " duohesse chest (cost £10 10s), 2 oak bedsteads, drophoad sewing machine, < Austrian chairs, lounge, rugs, hearthrugs, 2 quaint bedroom suites, 3 superior* duchesse pairs, 6 good duchesse chests, toilet ware, 4 quaint wooden bedsteads, new kapok beds, Jot blankets*, sheets, coimterpsine?, towels, pillow slips, curtains, .couches, sideboards, .^kitchen utensils, cutlery, 9-piece lea- « ' ther- dining suite, 2 kitchen tables, .drawing room suite (7 pieces), incu- '-• bator, 3^-h.p. motor cycle (in perfect order), etc. Also, 3 _ beautiful Axminster carpet, squares Singer drophead treadle sewing machine 20 velvet pile lounge rugs, lot of sample hearthrugs, etc. , '. . ■ Also, Valuable hornless gramaphone and records And Tourist motor cycle A MOST ATTRACTIVE SALE OF VERY SUPERIOR AND ALMOST NEW FURNITURE. Inspection invited before the Sale. ' On' view fr*om 9.30 o'clock. L. G. DOWDING, Auctioneer. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. ATTRACTIVE SALE, - - At AN EARLY DATE, Of CHOICE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, At the RESIDENCE OF GENERAL SIR ALEXANDER GODLEY, ORIENTAL-TERRACE. MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. have been favoured with instructions from General Sir Alexander Godley to cell by public auction, on the premises, No. 18, Oriental-terrace — , ' The" Contents of his Well-furnished Residence. Date of Sale and full details in future advertisement. HARCOURT AND CO., Auctioneers. FREEZING SHEEP AND LAMBS. mHE WELLINGTON MEAT EXPORT lJ - COMPANY, LTD., i» prepared to PURCHASE FAT SHEEP and LAMBS by weight or at per head. Tho Company also offers Clients every facility for freezing on their own account. Prices can be> obtained on application at ttie Company's Offices or from any of ths Buyers in th« country. W. G. FOSTER, Managing Director. X > 'o-l "DEPOSIT and 5s weekly will buy ,f- £5 worth Drapery, Boots, and Clothing. The best quality, < and you will be perfectly pleased when you get it. L. W. BALKIND'S, , 125, Vivilan-street. Telephone 247. ■ f MOTORIST. ' THE HARLEY DAVIDSONS are -here. Call for Catalogue. THOS. H. OATES, Motor Importer, 125, \Villis-street. T7OR, LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS J- 1 And SPECIAL ACCOUNT BOOKS Order Direct from the Manufacturer of the Best; Books, < HUGH DOUGLAS, Opposite Public Library, Wellington. 'I»lione 1933. HOWARD'S TAXI CABS. s • f A NOTHER' euccessful trip by Geb. •"• Howard, Taxi Proprietor, travelling by night to Napier, via Palmerston and Woodville Gorge and back in 22 hours. 'Phone 3373. FORD CARS. ORDER your Ford now ; shipment just -arrived. The popular Car, the reliable Gar, the economical car; sseater, £190; 2-seater, £175 (fully equipped). STANTON AND EVANS, Selling Agents for Wellington District, Molesworth-street. 'Phone 2240. VICTOR TIRES. XjiOß CARS AND MOTOR CYCLES. JThe Winning Tire in the Great Competition held in England. Agents : FITZGERALD AND PEARCE, Marion-street, Wellington. 'Phong 2832. THE (JRtfAT ASTHMA CURE, As prepared by H. BRITTAIN, Chemist, is having a big sale. IU effects ar« TRULY MARVELLOUS! And the united testimony, of grateful patients pronounces it to be .' A MIRACULOUS CURE! Price, 2s 6d per bottle; post freo, 2s 9d. H. BRITTAIN, CHEMIST, 56, MANNERS-STREET. . N.B.— lf 110 benefit derived money willingly returned.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1914, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1914, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1914, Page 10