HIGH WATEE. To-day— 7h 45m a.m.; 8h 20m p.m. To-morrow — 8h 3Stn a.m. ; 9h' 10m p.m. ARRIVALS. •November I— Clyde, schooner (4.30 p.m.), 09, tons, Smith, from Greymouth. November I— louie, s.s. (7.15 p.m. in the stream), 12,232 tons, Roberts, from London snd Plymouth, via Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. November-2— Tutanekai, s.s. (12.15 a.m.), 881 tonß, Post, from Picton. November 2— Nikau, s.s. (5.45 a.m.), 252 tons, Hay, irom Nelson. November' 2— Flora, s.s. (6 a.m.), 1273 tons, Eoss, from Auckland, East Coast bays, and Napier. . November t 2— Mararoa, s.s. (G. 50 a.m.), 2. r >9S tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. / Passengers : Saloon— Misses Masey, Garland, Witty, Dick, Homershaw, Hbgan, Askew, Sweetapple, Kay, MeEwan, Hesdames Fell, Beswick, Cleaves, Eldred, Curnow, Sarjeanf, Strachon, Edwards, Monteomerie, Hom&rßhaw, Orchard, Nicol, Faxmoa, McDoogall, Spence, Holloway, Brooks, Lane. Fanner, Revs. Spence, GiUott, Edwards, Donll, Captain All sop, Messrs v Witty, M.r., Pell, Small, Bennett, FitzGibbons, Testy, Hill, Nicholson, Payne, Hudson, Nutt, Brooks, Barden, Aitcbeson, Wilson, Master Laurenson, McNair, Burke, Mason, Andrew, Merson, Watson, Nees, Trolove, Smith, Hanson, Campbell, Clartson, Manning, Regan, Sadler, Lucas, BorJase, Haywood, Williams, Bidley, Rpbinson, Pees, Lowe, Clark, Withers, Leversay, Joimstone, Kirk, Aitken, Hutchinson, Hoyer, Marshall,- Ferguson, Mann, Masters Nichol and Smith, Skerrett, Clarke, Hamilton, Farmar, HoweW, Wilkinson, Forman, McGuinness, Fitch, Weir, McDougall, Waddell, Sison, and Rev. Simpson; 52 steerage. Norerober 2— Monowai, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 3433 tons, Kenaut, from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers : Saloon — Miss Watson", Captain. Chrisp, Messrs. Roy, Ainsworth, Blackinsqn, Hay, Williams ; ' 7 steerage. November 2 — Corinna, s.s. (7.45 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. November 2— Lizzie Taylor, ketch (8.85 a.m.), 77 tons, Eetersen, from Timaru. November 2— Alexander, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 377 tons, Vickermann, from Nelson. November 2— Regulus, s.s. (1.10 p'sn.), 685 tons., Gibbons, from Westport. DEPARTURES. November I— Manaroa, s.s. (4.30 p.m.),' 122 tons, I^art, for Motueka. November I— Arapawa, s.B. (5.45 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby, for Lyttelton. November I— Tarawera, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 2003 tons, Robertson, for Napier, Gisborne; ''and Auckland. Passengers — Saloon : For Gisborne — Mr. Bowie. November I— H.M.S. Challenger (6 p.m.), twin screw, second class protected cruiser, 5800 tons, 12,500 h.p., 11 guns, Captain Da Costa, for Kermadec Islands. November I— Stormbird, s.s. (&25 p.m.), 217 tons, JVclntyre, for Wanganui. November I— Petone, s.s.. (C.25 p.m.), 708 tons', Muir, for Greymouth. November I— Maori, s.s. (8.5 3399 tons, Hunter, ior Lyttelton. — 159 passengers. November I— Opawa, s.s. (midnight), 110 ions, Eckiord, for Blenheim. NovembeV I— Blenheim, s.s. (midnight)-, 120 tone, Watsqn, for Blenheim. November 2— Holmdale, s.s.\ (8.50 a.m.), 267 tons, Clark, for Ljtteton. VESSELS Ui PORT THIS AFTERNOON. Taranaki-street Wharf.— Canopus and Ka.plti. Jervois-quay Breastworks.— Mimiro and Alexander. Queen's Wha-cf>-(South) Flora, Mapourika, Mararoa, F.osampnd, Pateena, and lonic; (north) Queen of the South, Mana, lluru, Nikau, Aorere, Huia. and Monowai. Customhouse-quay Breastworks.— Lizzie Taylor. Wool Wharf.— Tutanek&i, Simitangl, and. H.M.S. Pioneer. Railway Wharf. — Wasnderer, Koromiko, Waipori, Poherua. and Clyde. Glasgow Wbanf.— Nlwaru, Tainui, and Corinna. King's Wharf. —^Vaihi,.Huia (schooner), and Putiki. , In Stream.— Te,- Anau, Rotoiti, Haupiri. EXPECTED . ARRIVALS. Takapuna, Nelson and} Picton, 2na • Kiripaka, Patea, 2nd Alexander, Picton, 2nd Koonya, southern ports, 2nd Kennedy, jpxton, 2nd Regnius, Wfesfcport, 2nd Maori. Lyttefton, 3rd Moatia, Sydney, 3rd Blenheim, BlenbeUm, 3rd - " Opawa, Blenheim, 3rd Stormbird, Wangjspifi, 3rd Mauaroa, Motueka, 3rd Clan Sinclair, Sydney, 3rd ' ' • Arahura, Greymouth, Westport, Nelson, and Sicton, 3rd' Wakatu, Ejcttelton and Kaikoura, 3rd Waikare, JJAneflin and Lyttelton, 4th Aropawa, Ly£teltos, 4tii Kal.:i, East Cbass and Napier, 4th Victoria, Sydney, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier, sth Manuka, Dunedin. and Lyttelton, sth PROJECTED ' DEPARTURES. Corinna, Lyttelton,. Timaru, Dunedin, 2nd " Waipori, Lyttelton, 2nd / Nikau, Nelson, 2nd ' Mararoa, Lyttelton, .2nd Monowai, Lyttelton aitd Dunedin, 2nd / Kurow, Lyttelton, 2nd Manounika, Nelson, Westport, and GreyDQOutb, 2nd I , Huia, Wangantw'i, 2nd ' - Rum, Napier, 2sd Canopus, Westpart, 2nd Queen of the Scfcith, Foxton. 2nd Kapiti, Wanganui, 2nd Alexander. Nelson and West Coast, 2nd Takapuiia, Picton and Nelson, 3rd > Ptrtiki, Weßtport, Srtf X Niwaru, Napier, 3rd Poherua, Greymouth, 3rd * - . 'Opawa, Blenheim, 3rd _ ' Maori. Lytteiton, 3rd Blenheim, Blenheim, 3rd . Stormbird, Wanganui, 3rd Miniiro, Lyttelton and Dunedin, Brd Koonya, West Osast, 3rd ICoromiko, Lyttelbon, 3rd-i Manaroa, Motueka', 4th H.M.S. Pioneer, Lytfielton, 4th Arapawa, Wanganui, 4th Kahu, Napier and East Coast, 4th ■ Wakatu, Kaikoura and* Lyttelton, 4th Tainui, London, 4th Moana,' Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne, 4th Waikare, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, 4th Manuka, Sydney, stb Victoria, Lyttelton and Dunedin, sth Aiahura. Picton, Nelson, Wesport, and Greymonth, Cth > . \ lonic, Lyttelton, 6th OVERSEA VESSELS. - Steamers Bound for Wellington. Opawa," left London Bth September, via Auckland; due on Friday. Indradevi, leflWew York lkt September, via Melboiune. Sydney, and Auckland; due about th» lath November. \ Turakina, left Plymouth 2nd October, via Tftneriffe, Capstown, and Hobart; due about the 16th November. , Sussex, left Liverpool 18th September, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland; due about the 20th November. Star ol\ Scotland, loft London 24th September, via Melbourne, Sydney,' and Auckland; due about- the 26th November. >• "Wafwera, left London Cth October via Auckland ; due about November. Athenic, left Plymouth 17th October, via Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart; due the SOth November. Papanui, left Plymouth 16th October, via Capetown ; due about 4th December. Fails of Nith, left New York Snd "October, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland; due about the 9th December. Nerehana, left London 16th October, via Melbourne, Sjdney, and Auckland; due about the 17th December. Naicnshire, left Liverpool 16th October, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland ; due about 18lh December. Auehendale, left New York 7th October, via Auckland ; due about 6th January. Indraghiri, left New York 20th October via MeJboornp. Sydney, and Auckland ; due about 22nd December. . Sailing Vessef. Dorido, barque, left Marseilles 23id August. John Lockett, barque, left Liverpool, ICth September. * Outward Bound Steamers. Devon, left Wellington 7th September via Madeira;'. due Awonmouth about 27th October. I'aparoa, left Auckland 25th September via Monto Video, Teneriffe, and PJymouth; due London &fch November. Arawa, left Wellington 7th October, via. Monte Video, Tenerifte, and Plymouth; due Ixrcdon 18tu November. Tomoana, .left Auckland sth October, via Las Palmas ; due- London about 22nd Novem. ber. ' : Cornwall, left Wellington 30th September, via Madeira; due Avonniouth -about the 24th November. i|uapejui left Wellington 21st October, via Monte Video, Teneriffe, and Plymouth; due London 3rd December. Fifeshire, left Wellington 28th October via Monte Video and Madeira; due Avonmouth about 18th December. ■V TELEGRAPH. SYDNEY, 2nd November. Arrived-JVarrimoo (0 a.m.), from WellingAUCKLAND, Ist November. Sailed-Wimmera (5.45 p.m.), for Sydney. 2nd November. To sail— Victoria (4 p.m.), lor' southern ikwts PMieogere lor • Wellingtoa-Miss Geddes, and jlcsstb. B^esoa and Bonw. •
KAIPARA HEADS, Ist November. Sailed— Waratah, schooner (Saturday), for Gisborne. Arrived— Ennerdalo (9 a.m.). from Wellington. ONEHUNGA, 2nd November. Arrived— Rarawa (8.50 a.m.), from New Plymouln. CAI'E MARIA, 2nd November. Wimmera passed west at 0.40 a.m. NEW PLYMOUTH, Ist November. Sailed— Rarawa (8.40 p.m.), for Onolmnga. FOXTON, 2nd November. . Sailed— Kennedy (10.35 a.m.), for Wellington. NAPIIIR, 2nd November. Arrived— Tarawera (11.10 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON, l&t November. Arrived — Alexander '(4 p.m.), from NelEon; Takapuna (5.25 p.m.), from Wellington. Sajled — Takapuna (midnight), for Nelson. MOTUEKA, 2nd November. Arrived — Manaroa (11 a.m.), fiom Wellington. BLENHEIM, 2nd November. Arrived — Blenheim (0.15 a.m.), horn Wellington. Arrived — Opawa (0.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail— Opaw'a and Blenheim (8 'p.m.), for Wellington. "KELSON, 2nd November. Arrived— Takapuna (7.30 a.m.). from Picton. Sailed— Takapuna (10 a.m.), for Picton and Wellington. LYT^TELTOX, Ist November. Arrived — Alexa, barqucntinc (a p.m.),* from Port Stephens; Wakatu, from Kaikoura. Sailed — Rakanoa, for Port Chalmers. 2nd November. Arrived— Maori (7 a.m.), from Welliugtop. PORT CHALMERS, Ist November. Sailed — Rhnutaka (4.30 p.m.), for Timaru. BLUFF, Ist November. Arrived— Mokoia (4.55 p.m.), from Melbourne and Hobart. , • Sailed— Moeraki (10 p.m.), for Hobart and Melbourne. GREYMOUTH, Ist November. Sailed — Arahura (10 p.m.), for Westport. X.M.S. IONIC, FROM LONDON. A FINE WEATHER- PASSAGE. A few minutes after 1 7 o'clock last evening the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Companj's big steamer lonic came to an anchorage in the bay from London and Plymouth, via TeneriiJe, Capetown, and Hobart. The liner signalled by Morse code to the tower on the Queen's Wharf that all on board were well, and that no births or deaths bad occurred during the voyage. "She remained at anchor for the night, and_ owing to the large number of passengers 'on the vessel, the port .health inspection took somewhat longer than usual this morning. , Ihe vessel was berthed at the Queen's Wharf shortly before 10 a.m. Officers of the lonic reported having had a very pleasant, and, for the most part, a fine weather voyape. The vessel sailed from London on the 17th September, and Plymouth the day after. Smooth seas prevailed on the run to Teneriffe, wheie a call was made for coal, and thence excellent weather conditions lasted all the way through the tropics •and the South Atlantic till arrival at Capetown on the Bth October. After landing passengers and mails, the lonic resumed her voyage on the afternoon of the same day. Exceptionally fine and clear weather fa^ured the progress of the ship in the Southern Ocean, and raEted till reachirtg the parallel of 110 E. A strong southerly gale then set in for a day, but alter that good conditions prevailed till arrival at Hobart on Wednesday last. Rainy weather, with a south-east wind, freshening to a stiff southerly as Cook Strait was approached, marked the final stage of the voyage across the Tasman Sea. Captain E. Crosby Roberts is still in command of the lonic, the officers associated with him being :— Chief, Mr. 3. Hughes; first, Mr. M. Owen: second, Lieut. J. Holland, R.N.U.; third, Mr. C. Alexander; fourth, Mr. A. W. Bowles; ship's surgeon, Dr. A. E. Davoren; purser, Mr. J. Cummins; chief steward, Mr- A. L. Gosling; chief engineer, Mr. C. McLellan; second, Mr. J. McKinn; thiid, Mr. G. R. Routledge; fourth, Mr. T. A. Hopkins; fifth, Mr. G. A. Davfts; sixth, Mr. " Mainwood ; chief refrigerating engirieer, Mr. J. H. Kingston; assistant, Mr. R. Butler. Mr.. D. .1. Watson is boilecmaker, and Mr. J. Burrage electrician. The list of passengers landing from the lonic was published on the 20th. October. In addition she brought the following :— From Capetown : Saloon — Mrs. Bunting and child. Third-class : 7. From Hobart— Saloon : Mr. Townend, Miss Townend, and Mr. Nathan. Third-class : 3. It is expected that the lonic will remain at Wellington to discharge her London cargo till Saturday next, when she proceeds to Lyttelton. ' OPAWA DUE ON' FRIDAY. - The New Zealand Shipping Company'.s^teamer Opawa, from London, is not now expected to reach Wellington till Friday morning next. She leaves Auckland to-morrow. The vessel will, it is stated, return to Auckland at the end of this month. N TO LOAD FOR LONDON. The cargo steamer Anglo-Saxon, a vessel of 3933 tons gross' and 2G71 tons net register, Jias been chartered by the New Zealand Shipping Company to load wool and general cargo at New Zealand ports for London. The vessel will pay a visit to Auckland during December. The Anglo-Saxon was built *Jn 1802, at Sunderland, and is owned by the Nitrate Producers Steam Ship Company, Ltd.,' of London. SHIPPED TO WEST OF ENGLAND. Following is a summary of the cargo shipped at various ports in 3N~ew Zealand by the Federal-Houlder-Shire liner Fifeshire, which sailed on Thursday last for Avonmouth via Monte Video and Madeira :— From Auckland— B bales rags, 17 sacks peas, 51 casks tallow, 3b13 sacks copra. 52,204 ft timber. From Dunedin — 1752 sacks oats, 250 sacks pollard, 388 s"acks bran, 1390 sacks rye grass, 102 sacks barley, 11C quarters beef, 21 sacks' beef. •C 671 crates rabbits, 17 packages casings, 4 packages general cargo. From Bluff— 37so sacks oats, 1494 sack 6 rye grass, 2GC sacks bran, 7G58 crates rabbits. From .Timaru — 7251 sacks oats, 535 sacks bran, , i 72 sacks peas, 2 packages general. From Lyttelton— 6794 sacks oats, 514 sacks cocksfoot, 305 sacks barley, 440 sacks peafa, GSB sacks bran, 2 bales rags, 1 package. , From Wellington— Bo sacks oats, 200 casks beef, 15 casks prem. jus., 7 hales rags, 380 bales tow, 1292 casks preserved meats, 77 bags tin clipping, a casks tallow, 81 tons scrap iron. THE DRAYTON GRANGE. The Federal-Houldcr-Shire liner Drayton Grange is expeited to leave Lyttelton for Port Chalmers to-morrow to complete discharging operations. .She commences loading at Port Chalmers, and will subsequently proceed to the Bluff, Lyttelton, and Wellington, with possibly a. call at Timaru. According to . present calculations, the Drayton Grange will sail from heie for Avonmouth on the 25th November. THE NIWARU. , This morning the Tyeer liner Niwaru removed from Jervois-quay to the Glasgow Wharf for Homeward loading. Oft Thursday afternooß she sails for Napier and Gisborne to continue loading work, and will subsequently return to Wellington on the 16th inst. to complete and to rebunker. The vessel will be despatched a day or two later for London, arriving there in time to catch the January wool sales. MASTERS' CHANGES. The Monowai, which arrived this morning from Auckland, Gisborne. and Napier, Ms now under command of Captain C. M. Renaut, late of the Kaiapoi, Captain Berneob having been seized with illness at Auckland. Captain C. McLean took charge of the Kaiapoi, while Captain Bernech is proceeding south to Dunedin by the Monowai. Captain A. D. Chrisp was also a passenger by the Monowai tliis. morning, and will take command of the Koromiko at Wellington. Captain A. Carson, who bas been acting master of the latter vessel, proceeds south for orders. HELEN DENNY, FOR WELLINGTON. The well-known barque Helen Denny, which recently brought a shipment of coal from Newcastle to Wellington, has been, chartered 1 to take the loading berth again at Newcastle for this port. She is at present at Sydney. Melbourne exchanges to hand state that the- Mokoia had a most tempestuous voyage from t/ie Bum* to Hobart last week. Westerly and southerly gales of terrific . force were encountered, and mountainous seas impeded the progress of the vessel. During a furious . gale the Mokoia was compelled to "heave to" from 11 p.m. on Wednesday to noon on Thursday. Yesterday morning the Ennerdale arrived at 1 Kaipnra from Wellington. The vessel loads timber for Melbourne. - ', This ir.orning the Maoriland Company's steahier Holmdale was brought off the Patent Slip, the new propeller and tail shaft i having been fitted in tho veßsel under supervision of Mr. A. ttoss. The Holmdalc sailed L at 8 a.m. for Lyttelton. > At 4.30 on Thursday the third-class cruiser Pioneer will leave her berth ab the Wool t Jetty for Lyttelton. The warship 'may uni dergo a speed trial on the voyage along the coast. Captain H. Dillner, of the Petone, left for south last night to take command of tho Nganere during the absence of Captain Christian on holiday leave. Captain W. M. . Muir, second officer of the Petone, is acting master of the vessel. The Norwegian barque Clara, which recently brought a general cargo from Liverpool on behalf of the Gracie Boaslcy Line, was towed i down to Carey Baj, l'ort Cnalmors, on SalurI day morning, and has now been chartered to loiid.ftt Syauoy. lor a continental port.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 107, 2 November 1909, Page 6
Word Count
2,501SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON, Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 107, 2 November 1909, Page 6
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