PORT OP WELLINGTON. PHASES OjF^THE MOpN FOR JULY. (Csfcuirted for' New- Zealand Me«n Time.) D. 11. M. tut quarter - _ ~ «S * .i ' iini New moon „ .. 11 2 47 First quarter .. .- .- 19 ? « '" Pull moan". ... : . •• ,25 4 0 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-dar— llli 45m a.m. ; Oh p.m. j To-morrow— Ou 9m a.m. ; Oh. 38m p.m. SUN. Beta io-day— 4h 44m p.m. Riats to-morrow— 7h 9ma.m.; sets 4h 44m p.m. ARRIVAtSJuly 19— Nora Niren, «A (5.50 p.m.). 56 tons, "WfbSitiCiZ-V P-), 157 tons, Kaylor, from Grey mouth. July 20— Maheiio, s.s% (4.20 a.m.). 528 tons, Neville, from Melbourne. Hobart, and Southern porto. Passengers : Saloon - Mteses Gibson. P»ul Hayes. SfCalie. Leohner. Daim, Calvert, Sellg, Bent, Orbell, Mositanua Florence Anchor, Gibson, Bethune, Rattray, Lcchner Limekell, Victor Thompson, Hardy and child, Wester1 nsanSeirg, Bailey, Orbell, Messrs. Gibson, Bel' Williams, Paul, Coo V , Richards. Clari, Sanders Watson Chapman Victor, Wanfclyn. Westerman, M-San Evans,' Bell. RwMragton. Pragnel 1. Phillips, Payne, Daly. Fritzell. D^ooport, Williams, Atom, JowSey, Maude, Kichull, Pearce. °?uly atSukX.* C 5.50 a.m.), 1441 tons, C W&ISS B ,« eft 2^ t(MOt (M0 a.m.), 179 ton,, Oqx, from Motueka. July'2o— Rotomahana, s.s. (6.15 «.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—MUsw WClaschiev Swinburne, Gilmour, Armstrong. K. Williams, Hill, Jtesdnmes IVmjnan, Biookcr, Hogg, Arnold and child, And«*on Dur«nt, Mf»sw. Paton, Lea«l£, Salmon, Sam" George, Flinders. Hop*. Kelly, Wte». Cambridge, Fra«er, Day idge. Remolds, Black, M'Keown, Montague, Vickers, Hawkins, S. Brown, B. Wilson, Arrastronjr. Harrison, Litchfield, Ford. Pidgeort, -Caldwell, Wilson, Morrison.. Hamilton, Hogg, t«ke, Baudinttt, Gray, D. Tod ; 28 steer««e. DEPARTORES. July lft-Kaptti, «.s. (8.5 p.m.), 242 tons, July' l^Manar'oa, c.9. (10 p.m.), 122 tons, Allman, lor Picton. July 19-Pctone, sj. (10 p.m.), 708 tons, Christian, for Cireymouth. July 20— Arahtira, e.s. (1.15 p.m.), 15OT tons, tambert. tor Picton, Kelson, Westport. and Greymouth. Passenger*— Saloor For Pioton— Misses Whitlne. Morse, Meesra. Corby, Tennant, Bragr «nd child. For Neteon— Mieses White, Reeres, Mcadamrs Kirk, Parsonage, Messrs. Horman, Bevilaque. Salmond, Kirk, ppnn. For Weetport— MUse* Moss, Oear, Mesdatnes -Mess, Swannie, Gear, Messrs. Cohen, Moss (3), Corby ' Hamilton, Bright, Pierard. Xewman. Johnston, Bragg, Reeves. For Greymouth— Miss Moore, /Messrs. Benntngham, Tark, Dunjop, TUomte. EXPECTED AERIVALB. Vfalhi, Blenheim, 20tU KSripaka, Patea, 20th Blenheim, Blenheim, 20th Aorere, 1 Patea, 20th ?e«gtun, Nelson and Picton, 20tB , X Mhraroa, Lyttelton, 21K V ■VTaikare, Dunedm and Lyttelton, ?l« I Hkvourlka, West Const and Kelson, Zlrt | Bnnerdale, Flinders Bay, 21rt f Mar»ro», Lrttelton, 21st I fitomVu-d, Wtnganui, 21at S Hanaroa, Picton, 2 Ist | Alexander, Wangflaui. 21sfe 1 Talune, Auckland, Gisborne, Kapler, 23rd f Moeraki, Sydney, 24th . Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, P'cton, 24th i .Takipuna, Onehonga and New Plymouth, 24th ' . Ocean-going Steamers. Indian Monarch, ltft New tork 15th Hay •-Ti» Australian port* and Auckland ; due about tett New York 12th May ,|. Australian ports and Auckland; due about Kumar*,' left London 6th Juie. Tia Auckland; Bl Papatmi, "left London Isth June via. Capetown •ndllobart; due about 3rd August. Indralema, left London 19th May via Aubtralian porte, Auckland, and Napier; due '^n &£t ™ tiverpool l«t June ria ..Ai«ralian port* and Auckland; due about the - lo Athtnl2!left Plymouth 29th June, via Cape--'fowri'arid Hot»rt; due obowt 13Ui August. Mtrete, left Xondoll sth June via Australian iorta, Auckland, and Napier; due about fhe Bucentiut; left Vancouver 14th July via Suv» and Auckland ; due 19th August. ; Star of Scotland, left London 19th June, via Australian poitsaud Auckland; due about tlio London 13th July via Capetown •nd" Hobart; doe, about 27th Auguet. Hampton,' left Sew Tor* 15th June via An., ifalian ports and Auckland ; duo about the "^Karamea, left London 3rd July, via Port Chalmers nnd Lyttelton ; due 30th August. " Indragliiri, left New Tork 22nd June via Australian ports and Auckland; due about i Katuna, 6P left New York 11th June- via Au«. tralian ports and Auckland; due about the 9th Ser.tembfr. Waknnui, left London 30th -June, via. Durban and Auckland ; due (fbout 12th September. K!ah left Uoor *ork 81H July via Australian ports and Auckland; clue ZBth September. . .Devon, le,ft Liverpool 29th Juno via Capetown, . due* about 2nd Ofctober. Sussex, left Glasgow 29th June via Capetown fend Hobart ; due nboirt 2nd October. Terawhiti, left Leith 6th June, via Colombo. Sailing Vessels. ' "Oberon, left Liverpool I2th June. • PROJECTED DEPARTORES. ' ""'nn, Sidney, 20th Bob Roy, Pioton ar.d Harelock^. 'Oth Defender, Greymouth and Hokitika, ZOto " Tainian, Srotiießa, 20th ' Botomahana, L\-ttelUn, 20tli. Queen of the South, Foxton, 20ttt Tavmni, Wcstport, 20th Kahu, Napier and pVborne, via coast, ZOtb Huia. Wanganui. 20th Botftiti. Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onefiunga, 21st ' " Wakatu, Lyttelton via coast, 21st . Waikare, Nnpior, Oisbrvrne, Auckland, 22nd Penguin, Picton and Nelsnn, 22nd Alexander, Nelson and West Coast, 22nd Aorere, Paten, 22nd Mara.roa, Lvttclton; 22nd JJlenheim. Blenheim, 22nd • StormbirU, Wrnganni, 22nd Kiripaka, Pntea, 22n<l Manaroa, Jlotueka, 22nd , Fukaki, Wcstpoit, 22nd Torou, Napier, 22nd Waihi. Blenheim, 22nd Talune, Lyttelton and Dunedin, 23ra Mapourika', Nelson and West Coast, 23rd lonic, Lyttelton. 23rd Takapuna, New Plymouth and Onchuoga, 24th / _____
BY TELEGRAPH. ' LONDON, 19th Jane.' Arrived— Ruapehu and Star of New Zealand. SaUed-Canterbnr,,^, for^teUo,,.^^ Sailed-Kisb, for Sew %*s£&%* JulySailed— Northern Chief, barque, for Sydney; - - 'Armtapti,- brigontine, and Lily, schooner, for - - _ irOKIAI . GA ; - 19th July . - bailed— Huia auxiliary schooner, for WellingNEW PLYMOUTH, 13th July. Saiied-Ngapuhi (8.65 p.m.), for Onehunga. 20 tii July. (2^5 d.^) 6^om Onehunga. A*fived— itegauUn, (7»E5 a.m.), from Wel- ' |usfct * n ' PICTON, 19th July. Arrived—Penguin (5 p.m.), from Wellington. Bailed— Benguia (6.45 p.m.), for N«l«[>n. 6'Ji/n July. Arrived-Manaroa (4.10 a.m.), from Wellington Sailed— Mtnaroa. (6.30 a.m.), for Wellington " Mht ° rOTe ' LTTTELTON/Wth July. Sailed— Kini, for Greymouth; Wffotton, for •Vcstport; Warrimoo, for Dunedsn. " Arrived— Mararoa (8.50 a.m.), from Wellington Arrived— Zealandia (10.10 a.m.), from Welling iott. To Mil — Marwoa. (8.«5 p.m.) and Waikare 4UO P.n,), tor WeUi,,gton. AB(ji Arrived- Corinna (9.25 p.m.), from Wellington 20th July. I%*s^%"^. BHled-Rakaia (8.85 °-^<f A°»™™-July.A °»™™- July . ***-*«« 0 Arrived— Stormbird (3.40 a.m.), from Wellington. • NELSON, 20th July. A»tv«d-PengU.n Bulled— Waikare, fqr Auckland, via Eaat Coast jiort*. - Pa«cn?era for Wellington -- Xiiw M'Brido, Mr». Burton, Me&rt. Latham uuO
HUDDART-PAEKER nE-'&JUOy. Speaking at the unnual re-union "of the Hud-clirt-ParUcr Company, Mr. W. T. Appleton, mnnaging director, eaid that the company wu» still progressing nnd keeping puce with the t<mM by the addition ot new tonnage to it« nret. Since tho la«t (fathering he had been to. ,Knglaad, tnd placed order* for two new «t€imcr». One of tntM, a cargo boat named tfS© T»rr«, wm novr on her way out to Auitrnuo, ha«ing left JfeweMtle-on.Tyrie on the l«t -Juno, in charge of Captain W. H. HoiiUr, ww» »• well, loinwn on, tho Australian oa». .Tfie other, » twin-scrtw passenger /tcanter, imtflnded for tho Australia n-Xcw Zciilund trw**, «"us being tiuilt at Dundee, under the PtiporvWon of Mr. Win. Oumming. the cimpjby'# ctiperintcndlpg engineer, *nd «hoiild titon b* leunched; They had decided to call tliV vt^cl tho Ulimaroa. Very ehortly, Mr. J. Tj. Webb, one of the directors, and Captain Tier, II N.R., the marlno superintendent, would be for Engfcui<l to t*k* Uifl UJimwja over Iron tte huM-
ers, and bring- her out to Australia. Mr, Appleton thanked the staff generally for the assistance given to him in carrying- on the work of the company. The steam trawler Nora Nivcn, which arrived from Lytteltoit Inst night, leavta this afternoon for Nupier. She experienced Rood trawlinjr weather on her trip up, uiakinj, about live trawla every nine hours, each trawl occupying one hour and a half. Th* vessel lost anc net and damaged another. The trawler will proceed frnm K«pier next Wednesday to the Cliutham Islands. The Government's lease ol tho boat expires about the sth September. The Rippinghaa Grange is expected- to leave T/yttetton. for Port Chalmers to-morrow. She departs from l'orf Chalmers next Saturday for the United Kingdom via Australia. The U.S. and A. cargo steamer Gowanburn left Sydney for Auckland last Thursday. She etidutd arrive, tiera about tho cud of the month. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Raknia is timed to leave Port Chalmers for Wellington on the 25th inst. She will probably remain, hero till the end of the month. In Another column the New Zealand Shipping Company draws attention t« tho general average declared 6n the cargo of the sttnmer Irish Monarch, and nsks that claims should be rendered so that they can b» forwarded at once to the adjuster In London. ■ Captain Rolls and the officers of the Tarawera have, transferred to the Wa>kare. The Tara■weia. is laying up at Port Chalmers, and the Walfcaro is takinjr her inn. The- latter vessel will remain in the. Dunedin-Auoklaml service until the 29th Augu«t, when she will be relieved by the Tarawerir. The Watkaro will then take up the Moerakl's dates, eail'ng from Dnnedin on. th« Ist September for Melbourne. In the meantime the .Mntraki will bo laid up for an overhaul, and will resume her running from Punedin. on the 15th September, on which date she* will sail for, Sydney, via Cook Strait. Mr. Irwin. hns been transferred from tha Pnkaki to th> Taviuni a* chief officer. Mr. Paton, late ihird officer of the Warrimoo, arrived from the South by the Rotomahana this Diorninp to take up duties on the T»viuni as second officer. Captain Tata U going- to join the Hawea, «nd Captain Thynn. takes charge of the Taviuni. The Mahenn. which arrived from Melbourne, Hobart. and the South this morning, brought tho following amongst her cargo for Wellineton: — 1135 sooJls potatoes, 399 eases fruit, 925 sacki oats, 233 sacks onion?, nnd transhipments ex Largo Lawi, Anglian, Macedonia, Wodonga, end Flora. Mr. F. Hill, who has been a purser 'n the intercolonial service, hau retired from the Union Company's employ. It is Mr. Hill's intention to start in. business in Auckland. The Dravlon Granite is due In Auckland from Liverpool on the 29th inst. with n cargo of 8905 tona for New Zealand. Wellington's portion is 3340 tons.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 18, 20 July 1907, Page 4
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1,621SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 18, 20 July 1907, Page 4
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