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ASK YOUR @ROGER FOR BM m /S\ \h.Z. INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. >, _,X / I UAli M #.^L\ m" T Qe blending is entirely attenQCJT I RHjS m tw*?r®^r\ " m ded to by Mr. Nelson himself, WlyV E V""* m ifl£i__j*m % who is a Taster of gre»t experi- "^ m rk sx=^t\ m ence - * ad has bad • »P ecial ... TLjr- M MJImMitA % training in the art." IN Int. m /n^'!fcoQTV % TIMABU HERALD. \ M — M m r* / p'f;^*B^rS\ m "This firm deserte* the supVl/r\ n1 O # / LsraSk. \ m P° rtofall purchasers of T« r II LJ \_. V M / rrSEfiS^t^V as the article they oßer it II " M #.O LgyrrtTfUg.! <f\ W superior to anything w« _ M t£ ITfSiPjSSSn m have seen in thisCotony." \JcP I Iff nBSS^t ta \ PBEBS - I N.V- m l(>) , "z itmiktjit J^_ " Mr. Nelson is a pro--iQ\N M /i$ rjf 3£ iPvj, S"T ! tA f Taster and PURE BLENDED TEAS? AUCKLAND, WEI LIN6TON, CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEQIN. AGENTS_EVERYWHERE,

GOOD NEWS for the Babies! My advice to them is not to walk, aa lam sellii Rubber Wheel Perambulators from £2 7a 6d upwarda ; Iron Wheel, from £2 v warda; all Reversible Hoodß. Can be had on the Hire System, if required. Inval w Carriages made to order, at different prices, with or without rubber wheels. Lent out < hire by the day, or week, or month. Chairs, Tables, Dresa Stands, Cradles, Piomo sj •v other Baskets, including Butchere, Bakers, Grooers, with patent handles. J EDWIN ARNOLD, 90, Williß-stroat, Wellington.

■ LONDON LOAN AND DISCOUNT BANK. OFFICES PANAMA-STREET. ESTABLISHED 1875, The oldest and most reliable offioe In Wellington for IMMEDIATE ADVANCES On Bills of Sale, Depoßit of Deeds, Share*, Bond Warrants, &o. CASH ADVANCED j On Personal Security, repayable by weekly, [ monthly, or quarterly instalment*. SPECIALITY. • Bills Discounted Dailt at Cubrent Bates, All Transactions Entertained. ' Address— THE MANAGEB. SOUTH PACIFIC LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (LTD.). ) Offioo, Manners-Btreet. Telephone, 258. Are prupared to advance Bums on personal seourity as under— Loan £s— receive .£4 14s to be repaid by 20 weekly instalments of sb. '. Loan £10— receive £9 9s, to be repaid ' by 20 weekly instalments of 10s. ' Loan £15— receive .£l4 3s 6d, to be repaid by 20 weekly instalments of 15a. Loan £20— receive £18 18s, to ho repaid by 20 weekly instalments of 20s. And other sums by arrangement. j Advances on deposit of deeds, &o. ; Amonnta received on deposit ' TIBED. G. THOMPSON, ' JD LAND, ESTATE, FINANCIAL, 8 AND GENERAL AGENT. Loans Negotiated from f £50 *> £20,000. J Money always available. Agent Phojnix Fibe Office. • Offioea— Grey-street, next Nationalßank i. ~t MONEY. MONEI • f"inO LEND, at lowest current rates, on Jl freehold, leasehold, or other approved 8 securities, in any Bums from £50 upwards. M'TAVISH, TATUM * CO., l 31. Lambton-quay. JDA A A to LEND on Freehold Sooui d^^JbW rity (town). Address, Canton, Evening Post. B OEVERAL Sums of Money, from £500 upwards, to be lent on good Freehold j Security. MOORHOTJSE & EDWARDS, 4 Solicitors, 12, Brandon-Btreet. 8 0 .OPCAA TO LEND upon approved d£O"vf freehold security— one sum J ofj £500; interest, 7 per cent. Apply □ promptly, ? H. BEAUCHAMP (W. M. Bannatyne & Co.), , Hunter- Btreet. o " MONEY. s nnO LEND, at low rates of interest, £500, >• X £600, and £1000, on first-class freee holds. Also, WANTED, £350, £450, and £750, at r. eight per cent., on country freeholds. KNOWLES & HERVEY, Next Evening Post. MONEY TO LEND, on Freehold Security, at lowest current rates. Apply to General Manager Colonial Insuranoe Company. t PRANK GRADY, - Optical Goods High-clabb Abtibtio i. Watches, Clocks Jkwkllebt JEWELLER, 0 AND „ NOTJtLTUB IN EIjBCTBO-PLATID GOODB IMPORTER, Suitable *ob WEDDma Pbibmjtb. WILLIS-STREET, CHOICE SELECTION of FANCY GOODB. Repairs a Speciality ADVICE TO PARENTS. X OOK well to the state of your J; CHIDREN'S TEETH. They have to last them for the rest of their lives. You may have them Regulated from 2b 6d, and Stopped pbom sb, by seeing WALTER E. HALL, DENTIST, r> WILLIS-STREET.

TMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMJL PANY, LONDON. Established 1803. Capital £1,600,000 Paid-up and Invested... 700,000 Risks accepted at Lowest Current Ratea. N Prompt and liberal settlement of olaims. Agent : ALEXANDER JAMES M'TAVISH, [G Offices, M'Tavish, Tatum <fc Co., Lambton-qnay. Bt IVTATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY . iM OF NEW ZEALAND. « FIRE AND MARINE. Capital (full subsoribed) ...£2,000,000 r G Paid-up and reserves upward 0f... 269,000 ln . Losses paid in 14 years 1,148,984 Distinctive Featureß. Undoubted Seourity. Lowest Current Rates of Premium. c " Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. Officeß: Featheraton-Btreet, Wellington. cie i ANDREW CAMPBELL, ' d Manager. il mHE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY a X OF NEW ZEALAND, at (Fire and Marine.) Capital, fully Bubsoribed ... £2,000,000 By Capital paid up £100,000 id Reserve Fund £50,000 er Head Office : Hereford-street, Chriatohurch. iy DIRECTOBS : ye Hon. J. T. Peaoook, M.L.C. (Chairman) ; G. G. Stead, Esq. (Deputy-Chairman); J. rs Anderson, Esq. ; P. Cunningham, Esq. ; 50 Joseph Palmer, Esq. ; Hon. W. Reeves, ar M.L.C. j H. R. Webb, Esq. ■c. Bankers : rs- Union Bank of Australia (Limited). Ed General Manager: W. Devenieh Moares. _ THE SPECIAL FEATURES that commend this Company to notice of intending L-i insurers are: that it is a local institution; and that claims will be fairly and equitably dealt with, the names of the Direotora being a sufficient guarantee on this point. Rates obarged are the lowest current. 7, Wellington Agents— JOHNSTON & CO., "• Agents. mHE STANDARD FIRE & MARINE — X INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW [N ZEALAND. Capital £1,000,000 _. With Unlimited Liability of Shareholders, Wellington Branch : National Mutual Life Association Buildings, ' ' Customhonae-qnay. Firb. — Insurances effeoted on all deacriptions of property at lowest current rates. Marine.-— Wocl insured from flheep'e baoks, or woolshed, to London. Open Poli- ~ oies issued to cover shipments to and from >„ Great Britain, America, India, China, Australian Colonies, and New Zealand ports. Guarantee. — Fidelity of persons in situations of trust guaranteed. Rates of Premium and all other information may be obtained on application to the undersigned. WILLIAM EVANS, Manager. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. — Established 1836. Invested Funds £6,673,2W Claims Paid 19,016,176 I, Fire Reserve Fund l,500,0(X a.) This Company offers to insurers the Beonrltj of invested funds amonnting to over SIX ra- MEL LION POUNDS STERLING, BESIDES sk- THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A m. VERY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. By a Special Act of the New Zealand — Legislature, the Company iBm a position tc . X sue or be sued in thia colony. JK This Company haa ever been noted for itf iS. promptitnde and liberality in settling claims Lowest current rates for all olassea of Fin [r. Insurance. EDWARD PEARCE, Agent. t' T ONDON AND LANCASHIRE IN lV\ t JJ SURANCE COMPANY. J- FIRE BRANCH. iM CAPITAL £l,000,0(X Head Office: Liverpool. T — ~— Insurance against loss by fire on every de sorirjtion of property, effected at ourroni rates. JOHNSTON & CO., Agents. THE BRITISH AND COLONIAL PRO PERTY, FINANCE, & ASSURANCE COMPANY (Limited). CAPITAL ... £500,00( **• Head Office, 45, Market-street, Melbourne Directors : Hon. James Williamson (Chairman) W. A. M'lntosh, Esq. Jas. M'Dougall, Esq Sydney Burdekin, Esq., M.P. W. Trotter, Esq. Hon. James Inglia NEW ZEALAND BRANCH. — • Principal Office, 5, Bond-st., Dunedin. Local Board of Directors : Wm. Brown, Esq., M.D., High-st., Dunedii Edward Pettit.'Esq., Princea-st., Dunedin F. Ludlow Voller, Resident Manager. Fire, Marine, and Accident Risks of ever} ta, description accepted at lowest current ratea Branches and Agenciea throughout Aus of tralasia and London. Losses promptly settled on the spot, nd J. D. BAIRD & CO., Districts Agents, nd Wellington, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, anc Marlborough Provincial Districts. THB EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF U.S. Established upon the Mutual System All profits being divided amongst its Policyholders. NO stronger system for the goyernmeni of a Company was ever devie id thai that embodied in its Charter and By-lawß. It ia tho pioneer of all important reformi bo necessary to modern Life Assurance. It is the Largest and Richest So^ieti in the World. New Business is now being obtained ai a rate exceeding £35,000,000 a year. Tbe ABseta of the Equitable art £17.578,939. The Surplus Fund alone repreßenti £3.750,888, far exceeding that of any othei Office, therefore it has the largest bonus giving power of any Office in the world, fco ACTUAL RESULTS, NOT ESTIMATES Htmdreds of thousands of pounda are norn being paid away yearly by the Equitable ir sottling TONTINE POLICIES, and these '__ settlements surpass anything that has evei „ been dono in other forma of Life Insurance "• and no Colonial Office can show ant THING TO COMPAUE WITH THEM. g6 J. J. FLETCHER, ji. > Chief Agent. nd ras QMITH BROS., Vulcan Foundry JO Manners-street, having secured a largj )n- assortment of designs oi Ornamental Cast ings for verandahß, balcorjies, fences, 40. wish to inform architects, V aildera, and the pnblio that we are prepai d to aupply ali orders at prices that will compare favourablj fc°" with tho imported artiole. We still continue to execute orders for all Borts of cast and of wrought iron work. Illustrated catalogue! can be had on application. r»l ac VICTORIA FOUNDRY. id! r^DWARD SEAGER — Engineer, Ibon and Brass Founder, Boilermaker, and General ihe Ss^l H - ,° g Estimates given for all descriptions ol by Builders and Contractors Ironwork. nd Victoria and Manners-btbekt, Wellington ' to TJETTKR value, better cut, and bettei 13, J) finiah at J. H. Dalton's, Tailor, 43, Cuba-street.

it n A T "*/| For Mirth 'tis ,t Good to know, c Work is fun ;b With SA POLIO. r 1I. !T a. /GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE *•* DEPARTMENT. CHIEF ADVANTAGES. Cow piciuiums iimi Imge bonuses. KuiJ'is kept in New Zealand. Claims paid immtiUr.uly aftei prool of deatn. ' Most liboial conditions 6 Low Now Zealand mortality. ;- Economical management. Siuto security. ,? TOTAL RUM ASSUKED (Incladins ll Bonus Additions) £7.135,243 5" TOTAL FUNDS (th« whole invested c in Now Zoaland) £ 1,328,493 1} In addition to the above funds, the , office has nu ANN UAL INCOME of over ... ... ... ... £268,000 * The Surplni Cash Prodts in 1885 were £342^56 OPENING OF TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SECTION. Tontino Savings Fund System Policies are now being issued. New Assurers and existing Assurance PolicyHolders will bo allowed to join this loction. All profits accruing after entering the section we set apart to bo divided among the policybolders remaining iv the section at the end of 1000, when liberal returns in cash are anticipated. The principles of the Tontine and mode of if keeping accounts are not kept secret, uln cage of other Tontines advertised. •»* Information can bo obtained at the Head Office and all Branches and Ageucieg, and aIBO from the Travelling Agonts of the Department P. W. FBANKLAKD, r Actuary and Principal Officer. E, D. M. LUCKIE, I CommlnioMr.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 111, 11 May 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 111, 11 May 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 111, 11 May 1889, Page 4


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