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ASK YOUR«ROCER FOR ; BfXK m- /1V \K.Z.IrIBXrBTEIALGAZETTB. ▲ AiX ' 1 UAA m #J&\ m" The blending is entirely attenQCT, I HaS B J^SEs&n % ded to by Mr. Nelson hiniielf, yMV X V" M fIWtUSOiK % who is a Taster of great experi- ~^ m rKtifl&prL » enc ?< an< ? nas hwl B *P f C' sll ... _ u[ - M #>Wif%WM>A % training in the art." Ij, M § rysptf KflW*i\ " This firm deserves the supV\/ f*\ r% 1 \| M i >a™S»* \ m port ofall purchasers of Tea "IJr?L. yf m M rMpSE&r't J\ m M the a «> cle tne y <&'} '• 1I *^ m f.O [^fflfiJjS Ss k^ ft\ superior to anything iwe m mff rTsSmEsrf TP\ have seen in this Colony." \%P a t& m Tei?sn % press. i fc\- M f£ JztiSSS&iL *4\ m " Mr - Nelson it a pro\Y^ # f$ -jSaSBwIi Vi. fßfendM"Talterf BfendM" Talter ! THOUGH B i* .t^^^^^^x jJL, .^L PRICES: PURE BLENDED TEAS? AUCKLAND, WE LUGTON, CHRISTOHURCH, DUNEDiN. AGENTS EVERYWHERE, GOOD NEWS for the Babies ! My advice to thorn is not to walk, as lem wiling Rubber Wheel Perambulators from £2 7a Cd upwardb ; Iron Wheel, from £2 upwards; all Reversible Hoods. Can be had on the Hire System, if ruquired. Inralid Carriages made to order, at different prices, with or without robber .vheola. Lent out on hire by the day, or week, or month. Chairs. Tables, Dress Stands, Cradles, Pionio and other Baskets, including Butohers, Bakers, Grocers, with patot handles. | EDWIN ARNOLD, 90, AViilis-street, Wellington.

T>ANK HOTEL, Mannbrs-stkbet. Misses DINNAN & OSBORNE have purchased the leaße of the above hostelry, and will be pleased to receive a visit from their friends and the public generally. The accommodation for boarders and families is unsurpassed. Lnnoheon from 1 to 2 daily. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths. Liquors of the best brands. Good Stabling. /Commercial hotel, WILLIS-STBEBT, WELLINGTON. J. LIMBER (Late of Canterbury) Bees to notify that ho has taken ovor the above Hotel, and hopes, with strict attention to business, to gain tho patronage of his former friends, customers, and tho publio generally. A well-appointed Billiard-room, with two-first-olasa tables. Also, a substantial Lunoheon on from 12 till 2, One Shilling. (JOKER'S FAMILY HOTEL, J MANCHESTER-BTREET, OHRISTCH-aBCH. PaopRiETO-B J. COKER. MR. COKER desires to.intiraate to Families, Tourists, and tho Travelling Publio generally that ho has recently completed EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS to his Hotel as above, wbioh has been for so long favourably known throughout the Colonies. The Suites of Apartments and Bedrooms have been largely addod to, and Bathrooms on a new and extonsive sealoliave boon fitted up. TheDiningroOm has boon enlarged and redocorated, and is now ono of tho largest and moat oompelte in Now Zealand. ADrawingroom has been especially furnished for the use of Laidos visiting the Hotel, and has been fitted up with every oare for convenience and comfort. In faot, the Hotel has been Refitted and Refurnished with a view to affording the Comforts of a WELL- APPOINTED HOME, and no expense has been spared by the Proprietor in tho direotion of catering for the aooommodation of visitors to Christohuroh in a manner which will leave nothing to be desired. TELEGRAMS OR LETTERS With regard to accommodation PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. CLUB HOTEL MASTERTON, Wairabapa. ALFRED ELKINS ... Proprietor. npHIS Hotel offers Superior AooommodaJ tion to settlers, travellers, and private amilies. Baths. Samplb Rooms. Stables and well-grassed Paddook. EMPIRE HOTEL* Wellington. HAMILTON GILMER, Pbopbietob. This old established First-okas Hotel continnes to offer to Families, Tourists, Commercial Travellers, Boarders, and the publio generally Aooommodation and Comforts unsurpassed by any hotel in Now Zealand. The Cniaine is under the direotion of an experienced ohef, and the Cellar is stocked with a choice selection of all the most favourite brands. Commodiona Sample Rooms are provided in an easily acoessible position. V.The Empire Hotel is situated in the immediate vioinity of the Wharf, Banks, and principal business establishments of the oity FAMILY HOTEL, . Lower Hutt. WG. EMENY (late of Wellington) • bogs to notify that he has token over the above Hotel, and hopos, with striot attention to business, to gain the patronage of his former friends, customers, and the publio generally. This Hotel offers superior accommodation to settlors, travellers, and private families. Stables and well-grassed Paddooks. ERMI NU S HOTEL, Opposite Railway Station, CHRISTCHURCH. To Tourists, Families, and Commercial Gentlemen. This Hotel, bfiing situated in oloae proximity to the Railway Station and within easy distanoe from the centre of the oity, offers special aooommodation to persons visiting Christohuroh. Prompt attention will be given to Letters or Telegrams for Apartments. Hot or Cold Baths. Night Porter kept. Telephone for the usa of persons staying in the Hotel. A porter will be sent over to the railway station to fetch any luggage to the hotel. FRED STOREY, i Proprietor. prince of wales hotel, Geet-btreet. Having purchased the lease of the above Hotel, my friends and the commercial oommunity may rely on being served with the very best brands of Wines, Alea and Spirits. Yonrs truly, JOHN KENNEDY, Proprietor. TTfTEDDING PREBENTS &~FU RNISH»V INGS, China, Plate, Ironmongery, Ac, good and cheap. J. KITCHEN'S, Pantheon, Manners-street. OLD Men and Maidems that are delaying the Bonds of Matrimony, get married and come with your Ready Money to H. FIELDER, who will furnish your house oheaper than any other house in town. , TEPHENSON. SMITH & CO., Merchants, Gbnebai* Agents, AND BbOKXRB, Farish-Btreet, Wellington. . Are Agents for, and hold stockg of — Coffees, Peppers, and Spioes— W. Gregg and Co., Dnnedin Germina — J. C. Firth, Auckland Condensed Milk— Boseville Dairy Faotory, Otago Cordials— Cantrell <fc Coohrane, Belfast Do —Thomson & Co., Dunedin Sancea— Olson's Tomato, Auckland Tea (packet)— Club Packing Co., "Star" brand Baking Powder—" Sun " and " Egg " brand Have in stook and to land — Yorkshire Hams Hoffman's Starch, \, 1, and 51b packets And General Groceries. EDDING~PRESENTS & FURNISH. INGB, China, Plate,' Ironmonger j, Ac, good and oheap. J. KITCHEN'S Pantheon, Manners-street. NOW is the time to get a Suit of Wellington Tweed to order, with an extra pair Trousers, X2los. J. H. Dalton, Tailor, 43, Cuba-street^ ; PAPERHANGINGS. nnHE largest stock in the oolony, of every -*- description, from the, lowest prioes to Papers of the most elaborate description. Sanitary Papers a specialty. TUSTIN BROS , 79, Willis-street. EDDING PRESENTS & FDRNISHINGS, China, Plate, Ironmongery, Ao., good and cheap. J. KITCHEN'S, Panthoon, Manners-street. ,

GO VERN M ENT*U FE*I N SU R ANCE DEPARTMENT. LOA^S ON MORTGAGE. Fbom time to f imo a limited portion of tho funds is lent ou first mortgage of fvoohold Bocnrity, with option of repayment by fixed instalments, spread ovor IS, 15, or 20 yoars. Half-yearly Payment for eaoh £100. Period of Loan— M b. d. Twelve yoars ... ... 6 4 7 Fifteen years 5 8 9 Twenty years ... ... 4 13 8 Loans repayable by instalments whereby principal and iutorost aro both liquidated within a given time aud on terms of a most favourable character present marked advantages to Bottlers and otners. The borrower may, Dofore the expiry of the full period redeom the loan, with or without notice, on terms which can bo asoortained at this oflice, or at any of the offices of thiß Departuiont, whore also forms of application can bo obtained. For full particulars as to loans, apply to the Head and Branch Offices and Post Olßcos. F. W. FRANKLAND. Actuary and Principal Officer. D. M. LUCKIE, Commissioner. THB EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF U.S. Established upon thk Mutual Ststbm, All profits being divided amongst its Polioyholdors. NO stronger system for the government of a Company waa ever devised than that embodied in its Charier und By-lawß. It is the pioneer of all important reforms so neooßsary to modern Life Assuranoe. It is thb Largest and Richest Sooibtt INTHKWOEIiD. , ...... New Business is now hemp obtained at a rate exceeding £35,000,000 a year. Tho Assots of the Lquitable are -617.578,939. , , Tho Surplus Fund alone represents .£3,750,888, far exceeding that of any other Office, therefore it baa the largest bonusgiving power of any Office in the world. ACTUAL RESULTS, NOT ESTIMATES. Hundreds of thousands of pounds are now beinir paid away yearly by the Equitable m sottling TONTINE POLICIES, and theße settlements surpass anything that has ever been done in other forms of Life Insurance, and no Colonial Office can show antTHINa TO COMPABB WITH THEM. J. J. FLETCHER, Chief Agent. THB UNION INSURANCE COMPANI OF NEW ZEALAND (Fdm and Mabinb) MM . Mt CAPITAL J82.000.00C Hiad Owiox : Hereford-street, Christohuroh. Dumcotobs Hon. J. T. Peaoook, M.L.C. (Chairman) } G, G. Stead, Esq. (Deputy-Chairman) ; J, Anderson, Esq. ; P. Cunningham, Esq.; W. Montgomery. Esq., M.H.R.J Josepl Pabner, Eaq.j Hon. W. Reeves, M.L.O. . H. R. Webb, Esq. Bankers s Union Bank of Australia. Ginieal Manages: W. Doveniflh Moares. THE SPECIAL FEATURES th»t oommend this Company to notioe of intending insurers are: that it is a looal institution j that the oapital is double that of any othei New Zealand or Australian Institution ; and that olaims will be faiily and equitably deaH with, the names of the Direotors boing ■ sufficient gnarantee on this point. Bfttei charged are the lowest ourrent. ■ ellington Agents— JOHNSTON & CO., Agents. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON ANT GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1836. Invested Funds •* 6 #3'?22 Claims Paid 19,616,178 Fire Reserve Fund 1,500,000 This Company offerstoinsurerstheseourffa of invested funds amounting to over SQ MILLION POUNDS STERLING, BESIDES THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A VERY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. By a Speoial Aot of the New Zealanc Legislature, tho Company is in a position to sue or be sued in this oolony. This Company has ever beep noted for ih promptitude and liberality in settling olaims, Lowest ourrent rates for all classes of Fi« Insuranoe. . , EDWARD PEAROE. Agent. TMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM1 PANY, LONDON. Established 1803. Capital jei.600,000 Paid-up and Invested... ,4700,000 Bisks aooepted at Lowest Current Bates Prompt and liberal settlement of claims. Agent: ALEXANDER JAMES M'TAVISH, Offices, M'Tavisb, Tatum, A Co., Lambton Qnav. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE » BURANCE COMPANY. FIRE BRANCH. Capital ... j81.000.001 Head Offioe: Livjcepool. Insurance against loss by fire on every de soription of property, offeoted at ourron rates. JOHNSTON & CO.. Agents NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANI OF NEW ZEALAND. FIRE AND MARINE. Capital (folly oubßoribed) ... ,£2,000,001 Paid-up and reserves upwards of jG269,001 Losseß paid in 14 years jei,l4S,9& Distinctive Features. Undoubted Security Lowest Current Rates of Premium. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claimi Offioea: Featherston-fltreet, Wellington. ANDREW CAMPBELL, Manager. ISLAS FILIPINAS. ■m/r A.NILLA CIGARS Maeia Chbistina, Direct from the Faotory. All Sizes and Qualitub. Similar goods have never before been scei in this oolony. To be had from— Wholesale ... JOSEPH NATHAN ACO Retail ... J. MANDEL. ~ VICTORIA FOUNDRY. Ti PWABD SEAGER Engineee, Iboh ahd Brass Foundee, boilxbhaxxb, and genkbal Smith. Estimates given for all descriptions o Builders and Contractors Ironwork. VICTOBIA AND MANNIB6-6TBBKT, Wellington IF this Bhonld meet the eye of those abou to marry, call and see H. FIELDER the Universal Provider. The oheapest fur nitnre honse in town. YI7EDTONG PRESENTS & FURNISH W ING 3, China,, Plate, Ironmongery to., good and aheap. J. KITCHEN'S, Pantheon, Mannen-street.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVI, Issue 131, 1 December 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXXVI, Issue 131, 1 December 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXXVI, Issue 131, 1 December 1888, Page 4


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