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AUTUMN DRAPERY AT KIRKCALDIE_AND STAINS. Q1 EC BALES and Copos of the latest and most fashionablo Novelties for tho approach- *-* *" inpfcoafjon havo been received ex tho following vepeels :— Steamers Doric, Ton- , Aoran K i ' Bn ' Dß Opawa and Tnvfrcaririil The goods are now on view, and KIKKOALDIK A iSTAIXP have mnoh pleasure in inviting tho ladies of Wellington and tl>eir numtrous patrons to au hARLY INSPECT ION of nuiquo stock. Amonj? tho specialities arc:— A DRESS DEPARTMENT. A manufacturer's stock of 46in All-wool Cploured Caßhmoros, in 21 different shades, bought at a large discount. Those are offered at axneptionally low priceß, viz ,la 9d, 2b 3d. 3a, 3s ertj also in Biuo and Jot BUck, from Is 9d to 5a J'ch Dreas Plushes 4a 9d. 5b Cd, 7a lid ; Trimming Satins, 2s Cd Dross Satinn, all fhodea, 3b 9d ; Blaok and Coloured Broohea, 2b 6d to 7a 6d Hl.l^H I . l^, Silk " and h ' atinfl - 2 » 3d to 10b 6d : Brocho Stripe and Plain Silk Velvet VJiLVTUKNS. tho LOUIS and PEARL brands, in all colours, 3s and 4s ; also, in Black, Is Cd to 5s Od Tho Battenberp Stripo Velveteens, in 12 shades, vory fashionable for dress trimmings, 2j2 j Gd por yard Tweeds, Homespnna, Beisres, Meltons, Sergca, Canvas Cloth, Broohe and Plain and the Now Kyrle and Bouclo Cloths, all prices, from 9d to 4a Gd por yard IN THE HABERDASHERY DEPARTMENT, A complete assortment of Trimmings to match all Dress Materials will bo fonnd. The new Rosary Trimming and Astraohan Ruohing are moßt faahionable. LACE AND RIBBON DEPARTMENTS. Cream, Coffeo, Whito, and Block Laces, from 3d to Cs per yard Flonnoinga, from 2s 9d to 20a ; Silk and Wool Mixed Laoea, all shades, 9Jd to 2a A splendid a=aortment of PURR SILK RIBB' )NS, all widths ; also, the lateat novelties for Bonnots and Sapheß, Is to 5s Cd per yard THE GLOVE AND HOSIERY DEPARTMENTS Have been carefully and completoly roaesorted with every requisite. 4 BUTTON BLACK AND COLORED FLORENCE KID GLOVES, 5a Per Paib. CT.OTHTNG "OEPAKTMENT. All Iho latest pattnrna in Men's Clothinp, fresh Btock of Men's Lambawool and Morino UudoroloUiinß, Whito Shirts and Collars, Ilatß, &c. ; Boys' Joraoy Suits, in navy, brown, and heather, all aizag ; Boyß' Rannookburn Tweed Suite, Ac. ; extra strong Loather and Stool Trxvollinpr Trunk*, which arc ci muoh in demand at this season „ „ . THE SHOWROOM. iiiVory branch in thia important pnrt of tho Warehouse is repleto with tho moat eoloot and varied stock KIRKCALDIE & STAINS havo ever exhibited. Now Plush and Velvet Mantles, Ottoman Silk Dolmane, Mantlos, and Palotots, riohly and variously trimmed Fur-linod Circulars, Seal Jaoketa, and Paletota A. largo assortment of Ulatera in Sootoh Tweed, Frieze, Kyrlo and Bonolo Cloths Jerseya, plain and trimmed, Aleiandra Jackets, Sable and other Fur Visitoa, Shawls, Waterproof Cloaks, Ao. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Contains all tho latest and most faahionable Pariaian and London Novelties, and as the oitiTMa 18 too 1J f reat to onumorato in a newspaper advertisement, KIRKCALDIE AND SIAINS would reßpeotfnllv ask their lady customers to call and inspect the display ot Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Plushes, Ornaments, Ac, now on viow. K)R CASH pNLT. KIRKCALDIE AND STAINS, LAMBTON QUAY AND ST. GEOBGE'S HALL. SPORTING SEASON, 1886. WILLIAM DAWSON & CO., IRON MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL IRONMONGERS, HAVE now landed Season's Stook of GUNS, AMMUNITION, AND FITTINGS, comprising — Single and Double Muzzle Loading: Gnns Single and Double Breech Loading Guns, with top, side, and bottom actions, and left barrols choke boro Martini-Honry and Westley Richards Sporting Rifles Diamond Grain Gunpowder, in £ and lib cannisters, Nos. 2 and 6 Alliance Gunpowder, in i and lib cannisters, Nos. 2 and 4 FFF Gunpowder, in § and lib No. 2 Towor-proof Gunpowder, in 51b bags, for Rabbitera Patent Chillod i-hot, Nob. 1 to 6, in 101b bags Elley'a Green CF Cartridges, loaded with Chilled Shot, Nos. 2 to 6 ; Elloy's Green and Brown CF Cartridge Cases ; Elley's Snider and Martini-Henry Riflo Cartridges ; Elley'a Gun Caps for Muzzle or Breech Loaders, in 100, 250, and 500 boxes ; Elloy's Cloth and Felt Wads Cartridge Fillers, Rocappera, Tnrnovors, Extractors, Powder Flasks, Shot Ponchos and Bolts, Cleaning Rods, Wad Punches, Bullet Moulds, Ac. Kynock's Brass Perfect Cartridge Cases, Crirapors, Rocappera, Caps, Wads, Ac. WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERY. n KA T EA iWAREHOTISB'i WAREHOTISB ' WORTH OFEASTER GIFTS. I havo for salo a largo parcel of TEAS, at ,T IT T N (t 15s, 17s, 20s, 225, and 24s per box ' TV T ' BLENDED TEAS, at Is Bd, 2a, 2a <M, and JEWELLER, Ac, 2s Sd por lb, Cuba-street, Wellington, And from tho largely increasing domand for TTAVING mot with so muah success in both Boxos and Blended Teas, lam certain " I his Woodon Peg Competition, hag thoy have proved tho best valuo now offoring determined to start anothor with Pepperin Wellington. cornß instoad of pegs. Now Currant 3, Gd per lb New Sultanaa, 8d por lb NOW ON VIEW Tapiooa, 3d per lb T „ . , . , , _„ , , Moooaroni lOd per lb n " la window ib a handaome Silvor-mounted Vermicelli,' lOd per lb (^ nt GlaBS Biscuit Box, Candles, 6d (sid per lb by box) FILLED WITH PEPPERCORNS. Household Soap, 12b per cwt _„, , , „,„„«-. Nelson Soap, 27b per owt Filled and Bealod by Mr. E. C. Evens, m Best Soap (Gold Medal), 283 per owt. tne presence of Mr. G. H. Thornton and Greytown Cheoae, in prime condition, several others. Tho box is to be opened on 8d per lb. S N» Ma y. 1 886 - Tne roles to be the same ¦rtttt'vp t~ aAAUinr, 4- n m^ n M,,.. „!,„•„., aB Ast competition, viz., purchasers to the iS^£^S!^i^u^S^. ™ lue ° f sa are entitle i±? estimate a number - sS^%^XA"£SS££® , Thefollowingarothogifts:- _ known in Wellington; and yet I havo no ™ or tho nearest numbor of peppercorns in connection with my lato employers, Jameson the Biscuit Box, a handsome Gold Brothers A Co. Watoh, value .£2O. •— Seoond nearest, Gold Lookot and Necklet, TDICKSON va * ue "* 12 * ! ' ' Third nearest, Lady's Silver Lover Watch Wholesale and Retail Family Grooer, Tea and Chain, valuo £1 10s. and Coffee Merohant, Ponrth neßreß t, Gold Brooch and Earrings, Lambton-Quat, Wellington. valno £& 10b. • Fifth nearest, Gold Broooh and Earrings, CIVIL SERVICE CO-OPERATIVE „ 7 alue £3 . '„ AT ._. _ oin STORFS nearost, Gold Nntrget Ring, £2 10s. Willis stbket, Conditions of DrawiDg.— Tho nearest esti- _ _ , „ . . mate to take first prize. If more than one Four Doors abovo Mannera-streot. t h e Bame niim bor, that being nearest, they shall draw for first and sooond prizes, ¥TKT JAMESON A CO. 4°-. as the case may bo. Beg to inform the publio of Wellington fl-EOKfT-ESON fr, CO that, in consequence of effluxion of time, Ix.EiUAVI*J!BUi> <X> KjKJ , they will resume business in the above TAILORS. premises on MONDAY next, Ist Maroh, _ _ 188G, oo "Wholesale and Botail Grooera, __.-,,-„,,-,., „ . , , Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ac, and \\7HILE thanking our oußtomors and the thoy rely upon their acquired reputation » » PU b "° f°t the patronage with whioh in tho above business for a repetition of thoy have favoured us in the i past, wo desire the very liberal snpport previously ao- to make known to them also that we are ablo oorded to them. The stock will consist to hold out further inducements to them, in of goods of the fineßt quality, and will bo the exceptional value and cheapness of the sold at the very raTatpoßßiblo profit BEST COLONIAL TWEED SUITS at consistent with straightforward busi- *410s. ness. It is needless to speak of our large and All goods delivorod free to any part of excellent stook of SEASONABLE OOATthe city. Families waited on daily for INGS of Sootch, Englißh, Continental, and orders Country orders rooeive prompt Colonial Manufacture, whioh are of the beßt attention. quality, or of the style, fit, and workmanship thereof, aa wo employ nothing bnt the very „ . „ „, beat of talent, oombined with a lengthy oxNote the Address: perience in the trade. w. jameson a co., avcrtnvzoK * m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, U-LUxIIrJiHUJN & LU., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Prize Medallists, „...„.„ „ o . ATHEN^UM BUILDINGS, Civil Service Co-operative Stores, lambton ¦ quay, wellington. Willis-street, Four Doors above Manners-at. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRIES. CUBA STREET VARIETY STORE. ESIPPA BERNASCONI is prepared to 4» to . sfssarfA nrs sa. ssays Sftssftar improve their homos by supplying overthing ;*™ fc g £ , butchery estabUahneooasaryon tbo Winn Patmknts sys- %££ ,I*3 Tp ma- «! i 3-3 i c l 3 chino ia daily in motion. A 3 h.p. ongino tl^Sa rnnnV° n A .JSPhfclJ!^ ™* be workod for 8 hours at au expenditure nowly-marricdconpiCD. Aconifortablohqmo f^ Tho onginoa arc guarantoed and they furnißhed thoroughly oa tho shortest notice, nnot t ou^ of orde^ An inßpQotion o^ Fumitnre, B^edding, Oooking UtonDUs th £ f manufacturerß is invited. Tho rr r y^ng oo nn n s:fT£d J o^aS^e^^ n D r n %s doevenmore «-«»»•*«*" ineido a houea. naran tees. Furniture lot out on tho hiie system fo r n n.i-nT>nnTrT..iT. /i^at longorßhortnerioda. To thoso leaving tho COALBROOKD ALE COAL, town tho higneat price given for sooond- — — hand Furnitnro. A STOCK of this well-known and oxcoUent Closed on Satordaya fall o D.m. J\ household Coal now on hand. Noto tho Adaress — R. H V A M S, Admittep to be the cleanest op all CvTBA-STBEET. CLASSES OF COAL. Next to the Wellington Bieonit Company's Pr * a " h WELLINGTON COAL COMPANY, HBNRY ANDERBON. Customhouse-quay. JOURNALIST, PRESS AND TELE- Tolephone No. 5. GRAPHIC CORRESPONDENT. Address— Nelson-streot, third house from I Circulae. | top, right hand side. THE EAGLE ,_ a TAILORING ESTABUSHMENT General and bnaineaa correspondence con- innnnaifa T\n.rrnH'a Tfnteft duoted ; Petitions to Parliament and Local (Opposite iarrett s Hotel). Bodies prepared and drafted ; Statements QIE _ Having Borne twalve monthß B lSL™^ 6Orß P^o Bodies & purohlTel'the above busiiTesßfi-orMr: prepared and arrancrod^ Hxutiy (in whose employment wo had been be mot either at Nelaon-Btroct, or anywhere fl . • pßrcnftsera for oaah employin appointed. Mwe | Q Q bagt QJU Q^^g De . PETONE JAM FACTORY partment, and devoting onr entire personal * 3_ attention to the buainess, we are in a position WNrrTmßAiwrnfAT TNrnTTtsTPV to offer to our patrons exceptional value, ENCOURAGE LOUAL INDUSTRY. oombined with excellence of stylo, fit, and Petono Jama can bo obtainod from any of * n^!i rftSS *' tho Wollington Merchants. Guaranteed nJl^S^s^ »?^lf^l iM?iSf made of fresh fruit; no Australian pulp «Jsgs K^andUto fiJfiA u i£H: — - — your earliost convenience. H. R. RHODE.S, In all command, We remain, Sir, LAND AND STOCK AGENT, Obediently yours, JONES & ASHDOWN Pahiattta and Woodvilli. (Late Huxley & Co.)

W. J

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Evening Post, Volume XXXI, Issue 69, 24 March 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXI, Issue 69, 24 March 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXI, Issue 69, 24 March 1886, Page 1


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