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i wants attention than the causes why our I engineering works, made at great expense, are generally either inefficient for the puri poses for which they are made, or are so badly constructed as to be incapable 1 of even remaining in existence for a few short months. As to the Native Question, I believe that for the benefit of the natives and our own we must cause the law to be supreme over both races alike. I have never contemplated enforcing anything but equal justice ; and until that is obtained, or, perhaps, I may say enforced, I believe that no peace will be established in this Island. j If yon should elect me as your Superintendent, I shall endeavor always to act up to the principles and policy I have now and on, ( former occasions expressed. I wish to give you a chance to endeavor to carry into effect ! true constitutional principles. I shall, if I t'lccted, not dictate to or domineer over the Council. If it should happen that I could not agree with an Executive chosen from the Council in any important matter, I should immediately resign and appeal to you. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, C. B. BORLASE. Wellington, Feb. 18, 1865. WARMO L L » S FIRST-CLASS OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, (Opposite the Bank of New Zealand), WELLINGTON. ( TnERE is no Place Like WARMOLL'S 1 ( to Bur Good Clothing. J KIT All the articles combine Strength, Durability, Superior Style of Cut, and Choicest Pattern of Material, that are sold at WARMOLL'S. Sea Voyagers and Travellers, the best place for Outfits is WARMOLL'?'. For a choice selection of Fancy Scarfs, Ties, . Belts, Braces, Handkerchiefs (hemmed), Purses, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, aud all Toilet Requisites— Always go to WAItMOLL'S. Country Settlers, Farmers, &r, will find Stong, Serviceable and Good Articles at the Establishment kept by J. WARMOLL. HATS AND CAPS. Every one should buy their Hats »and Caps at WARMOLL'S, ALL THE YEAR ROUND. For the largest and best selected Stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing Try Wakmoix's. MATTRESSESI MATTRESSESI MATTRESSES 1 ! I Large Stock of Blankets, Sheets, Bedding, and Mattresses, always^ready for use at WARMOLL'S BEDDING WAREHOUSE, Four doors from HIS CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. NOTICE. AN Account of the Entire Failure of the Havelock Gold Fields, MR. CHARLES HOWE Has been compelled to return to Wellington his Large Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, DRAPERY, &c, Where FOR FOURTEEN DAYS He purposes to SELL THE SAME AT FIFTY (50) PER CENT BELOW PRIME COST. TERMS— CASH. Any Person paying hia Store a visit will not go away disppointed during tha abovenamed time. C. HOWE. Note the Address :— OLD POST OFFICE, Wilms Street (opposite the Canton Tea Mart.) PRESENTS FOR HOME. W JAMES, CABINET MAKER, , L^mbton quay, will have a large, assortment of articles in Ne«v Zealand weods in time for Ballarat and Wild Duck. Household Furniture of every descriplion on sale, and made to order. PHOTOGRAPHY, T ONDON PORTRAIT ROOMS, Back of Barrett's Hotel, up steps. The Proprietor of the above Rooms bega to inform the public that he intends staying at Wellington for a short time, for the purpose of collecting a series of views fo* the Illustrated* London News. Parties wishing to have views of their premises or portraits of themselves taken on the newest and most approved style by the in stantaneous process should not lose thig ojp portunity. February 6, 1865.

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Evening Post, Issue 30, 14 March 1865, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 30, 14 March 1865, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 30, 14 March 1865, Page 4