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In our supplement next Saturday a hew serial will be commenced.

The fire fiend being busily at work just now in other towns, Pahiatua is crying out for a Fire Brigade

The Examiner is informed that buyers from•Mamnva'tu are scouring Hawke's Bay for cattle, and unable to obtain them.

There was ' only one passenger by the Taupo coach this morning—Mr Kingsborough, who has been staying at the Criterion Hotel.

The Rev. Father Grogan, pastor of St. Mary's Church, who has been absent from Napier on a holiday trip, returned by ste-amer on Saturday. The' second clerk in the Justice Depart- ; aient, Wellington, has taken ill through overwork, thanks to the policy of the people's "Liberal".Government. The Government'have no present intention of lowering interest on Savings Bank , deposits. If possible, increased facilities and attractions will be offered to depositors. We hear that pigeons are very plentiful in the Pohui bush, which just now swarms with them. The Maoris from. there, have despatched six pack-horse loads of birds to , their friends at Omahu. A correspondent wires us thatthe DobsonKennedy Dramatic Company played "'Little Lord Fauntleroy " to a crowded house at Nelson on Friday evening. The Company will,shortly visit Napier. 'A' fire at Belvedere, near Carterton, ■ yesterday, destroyed six stacks of grain containing 1000 bushels of wheat and oats, the property of Mr Angrove, who waß not . insured The 'fire originated by a spark | from :i bush fire. It is rumored'that Mr Justice Richmond i is not unlikely to retire on a pension before the present Government cease to hold office, i and that the Hon. Mr Buckley would in i that case be appointed to the vacancy thus i caused. 1 Among the victims of the retrenchment 1 in-.the Civil Service is Mr Duncan M. M'Gowa'n, clerk and secretary to the Otaao Land Board, who after nearly thirty-three '; .years' servioe ••eceives fourteen days' notice of the termination of his engagement. ;' Two young w-men named Fanny , Fielder and Florence Finlayson were ;■ charged at the Dnnedin Police Court with 1 stealing a sealskin jacket from tho Drapery Importing Company. They were remanded ■ till Tuesday to allow the probation officer to report Both, women are in comfortable circumstances, with good homes, Fielder being married. A good, if not altogether unfamiliar, story is current in Melbourne in connection with the reporting fraternity. At some public function or another the refreshments included a supply of sandwiches. Espying these, a reporter given to grandiloquent language asked of the presiding waiter— ; ''. Are th ese _»'o bono, publico ?", " No, sir,'' replied the waiter, " they're 'am." Laird's Commercial Hotel at Wanganui was completely destroyed! by fire at one o'clock yesterday morning. The inmates had a narrow escape. The brigade worked grandly. It is supposed to be a ease of incendiarism. Francis Kenny, employed at the hotel, has been arrested on suspicion. There was no insurance on the building, but there is £700 on .the'stock and furniture in the New Zealand office. In St. Paul's Church last night the Rev. J. G. Paterson in the course of his sermon referred to th 9 great success of the Young Men's Christian Association's annual meeting. He thought this work ought to have the help and sympathy of all. Fifty communicants, montly young men, were going to take the communion for the first time next month, aud it was mainly through the influence of the Association that many of these attended. Our Danevirke 3orrespondent wires as follows this morning : —" Four young men, named A.'Stubbs, A. Birss, T. Birss, and A. Allurdiuo, went into tho bush near Oringi yesterday, but only the two latter returned home, reaching Danevirke at 10.30 last evening. It is concluded that the othi_ two are lost in the bush, and a search party started this morning. There is but little anxiety, as the lads wero well provided with food, and a good fire would prevent their suffering much from the cold night." The statement of assets and liabilities in the estate of William John Bennett, laborer, of Danevirke, who has been adjudged a baukrupt, shows that he owes £64 16s, and has a„ets totalling £40, made up of £20 worth of debts, £10 worth of furniture, and £10 worth of property. There are sixteen creditors in the estate, the principal being JNeal and Close, Napier, £6 17s Id; Sidey . and Bain, Napier, £G 3s 7d; J. Wilson, Norhewood, _7 4s 8d; J. Jacobsen, Norsewood, £0; W. Robinson, Makatoku, £G. The civditors meet at-Ormondvillo on tho 23rd inst. ■ Mr Alfred Taylor, of tho Mobart Public , Library, bus published ,-i letter in the Argus in reference to tho curative value of sulphur j in consumption, which has attracted a great ( ili at of notice. He gives particulars of several bud cases, including his own, in whioti perfect cures wore affected by burning sulphur in the bedroom of tho sufferer, i In his own case he made it n practice never to retire to rest without first setting file to about half a teaspoonful of sulphur on a brick placed upon a mantelpiece. Ho continued this for about three months, and ' occasionally for a considerable time after- I wards, and the res;-- \ -< a comploto I restoration to!:. ': : ■ no plan was followed in t!,.. i4l."i'casus-liu mentions. Ask your Grocer for Fivo O'Coalc Tea at * 2s Id per lb Davidson, Irvine, .n.d Co., | agentsj.

Our Danevirke correspondent writes: — " At a meeting of the behoul Committee a resolution whs passed to the effect "That the Education Board be asked to add twenty feet to the class-room, as the school is overcr wded, 148 children being in attendance on Thursday, when thesohool wasexamiued; and also, ' That this Committee protests against other School Commit tees being included in this district' This resolution is thought necessary, to force the Board to define the district, Maharahara and Matamau being in the Danevirke school district. A complaint was made agaiust the head master, which was ordered to be brought up at a speuial meeting to-day (Monday)." We hear that a Swimming Club is to be started in Napier. The idea is without doubt a very good one. A Club of the character mentioned should meet with good support. A letter has been received from the secreta-y of the Auckland Swimming Club forwarding the rules of that Club, and also the rules of the New Zealand Amateur Swimming Association. The letter asks that influence might be u-ed to induce some leading swimmers in Napier to undertake tbu formation of a Club, aud states that if ihe project was lavorably teceived it would Lie well to form in time to permit of affiliation in October next with the Auckland Club. The Christchureh Club will then affiliate, aud there is every probability a Club will be formed in Wellington and affiliate. The Auckland Club will be glad to hear of any development of the movement in Napier, and al«o to furnish any information desired on the subject. We have nc doubt that.some of our rowing men wil take the matter up. ■.-■•.. Local government on the West Coast ha: proved such a signal failure that Mr Grim, mond, e_-M. H.R., moved in the Westlanc County Council to dismiss all hands ; tha the Charitable Aid Board be informed tha the Council cannot meet any levy made 01 them for the year; and that th Council; should adjourn for three months After an auimateu debate the resolution wore negatived, members thinking tha there was yet hope of making the Council going concern. The ' Grey River Argus, I commenting on the situation,, says:I'" Matters are nearly as bad with the Gre County, and suggestions have been throw out in "a mocking kind of a way that th Council should close their doors for twelve months. New works are altogether out of the question, and as if by cj'mmon consent no reference is made to new works. It could do no harm if the Council could decide as to the advisability of adjourning for six months instead of three. Any action of that xind would have the effect of emphasising the position in the public'eye and bringing it under the notice of Parliament as a glaring instance of county governments dying of atrophy, superinduced by trying to meet the practical necessities of a case by the beautiful in theory—and nothing more—the abolition of gold duty." Do you drink " The Five O'clock Tea?" 'Tis the fashionable afternoon tea of the day ; quite pure, and a wonderful quantity consumed daily. To be obtained ot your local grocer at 2s 4d per lb. Davidson, Irvine, and Co., agents. PROTECT YOUR CHESTS by wearing Medicated jc'elt Chest Preservers, a sure defence against colds, coughs, influenza, and the evil effects upon the throat and lungs caused by rapid changes of temperature, cold winds, aud damp atmosphere. Made light in texture, consequently cool to wear in hot weather, aud warm in cold. Price, from 2s 6d to 10s, to be purchased of H. Owen. Family Chemist and Druggist, at that Old Established Pharmacy next tht Loan and Mercantile Office, Hasting street.—| advt.] Dr. P. W. Menzies, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.. Edinburgh, will carry on Practice in Napiei on and after the 10th February, and maj be consulted at Eakics and Co.'s Pharmacy, Emerson street, between the hoan of 11 and 12 a.m., and 7 and 8 p.m.; els( ot the Spit branch of Ea_ is and Brugh'i ay arrangement.—l Advt.] THE LATEST NIJMBERS, Hawke'i Bay Agency.—36B4, 3685, 3086, 3658, 3689 3690, 3691, 3602, 3693, 3694, 3695, 3G97 3698, 36y9, 3700, 3701, 3702, 3703, 3704 3705, 3706, 3707, 3709, 3710, 3711, 3712 3713, 3715, 3716, 3717, 3719, 3720, 3721 3722. Compare with Fashion Sheets fo February. Send all orders to Searle am Co., Ready Cash Drapers, the Sole Agent for The Butterieks Cut Paper Patterns London and New York.—[advt."| WANTED AT ONCE, at the big boan in Emerson street —Purchasers for Powder Shot, Caps. Cartridges, Guns, and al Sporting Material. Cartridges made froi: best material only at lowest prices. A. H Wilson, Ironmonger, Agent for the Orioi Ranges and Taylor's Eye-Witness Cutlery —[advt.] ; ,:■■- Riding saddles, colonial made, with fur niture complete, 30s each for cash ;'. Port manteaux, Gladstone and Brief Bags, am other goods, of which there is a grea assortment, very cheap, at John M'Vat' Hastings street Napier.—[Advt.] - * Gable News. — » —- (JPEB PBBSS ASSOCIATION; CO___Q_i:J COMMERCE. ; . London, April 18. New Zealand cheese is quoted at from 44 to 60s per cwt. A consignment of wheat ex the bftr'qu Firth of Dornoch, from Lyttelton, gold a 41s. TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT. Excellent results are reported from Paris of the-new treatment for tuberculosis- The patient passes several hours daily in a metallic chamber, into.which is forced compressed air saturated with creosote and eucalyptol. UNIVERSITY HONORS. The Edinburgh University has conferred a Doctorship of Divinity upon the Rev. J. G. Paton, Presbyterian missonary in the New Hebrides. HYDROPHOBIA. An alarming outbreak of hydrophobia is reported from the oounties of, Wexford, Carlow, and Kilkenny. A large number of dogs, cab horses, donkeys, and cows which had become affected have been destroyed. IRISH LAND QUESTION. . In the House of Commons to-day an amendment moved by Mr Morley, that land purchase operations in Ireland should be deferred until county government had been created in that country, was rejected by a majority of 77. Mr Parnell voted against the amendment. FEDERAL CONVENTION. In questioning .Lord Knutsford in the House of Lords to-day on the result of the Federation Convention in Sydney, Lord Norton said that though many thought the bill introduced in the Convention showed an intentional departure from the British constitution, he believed that. the closest possible reproduction of the Home cpnsititutiou had been arrived at. Lord Knutsford replied thnt everyone was sensible of the good common sense and sound judgment displayed at the Convention. VICTORIAN LOAN. The Economist considers that the failure of the Victorian loan was due quite as much to the internal condition of the market-as to the excess of Victoria's demands, aud that the loan would have been quite right had the Australian banks underwritten it. It adds that no colony can now expect to borrow as freely as formerly. N Z. ANTIMONY COMPANY. ' The directors of the New Zealand Antimony Company have decided to reconstruct the company. CITY OF LONDON SEAT. Mr H. H. Gibbs, of Messrs Anthony, Gibbs, and Sons, has been returned unopposed for the City of London' in the House of Commons for the seat rendered vacant by the death of Mr'T. O. Baring. INDIAN RISING. Tho riot at Benares has been quelled, but before peace was restored the rioters wrecked the British station and plundered the Treasury chest. Tho riot was owing to the razing of a temple for a site for new waterworks. After severefigbtingat Samana Ridge, the Miranzais were routed Colonel Cranmer and Major Egerton, and fourof the regulars, were wounded. The British force is advancing on other positions held by the natives. THE CZARINA. St. Petei_bu__, April 18. The report that tho Czarina was ill has not been confirmed. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES AMALGAMATION. Hobabt. April 19. It is reported that the amalgamation of ;he Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company with tbe Union Steamship Company of New Zealand will be followed by a union of. ;heso two companies with Huddart, Parker md Co.'s and Howard, Smith and ions' lines of steamers. DELAYED MESSAGES. IRISH AFFAIRS. London, April 16. In the House of Commons to-day Mr ' tfaurico Healy challenged Mr Parnell to ' esign his seat for Cork, and give that contituoncy an opportunity of pronouncing an ipinion on the questions at issue between ho two sections of tho Irish party The ' hitHongo was unulo with warmth, and Mr ' ■lealy declared tluit Mr Parnell was unfit to j peal; in Cork on public questions. ; Mr Parnell remained "silent throughout 4 he attack, which has caused a profound ? ausation. J THE EXPELLED JEWS. , : The Jews, who an? expelled from Ru-sia, I] ro proceeding to the Argentine Republic. r SUSPENSION OF PUBLIC WORKS. £ Buenos Ayrus, April 16. t ] Owing to the want of money the Govern- p lent has suspended the construction of the p nposed railways in the Argentine Ha- r , üblic. I a

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6127, 20 April 1891, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6127, 20 April 1891, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6127, 20 April 1891, Page 2


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