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A cablegram thati wo should have had yesterday ncvor eamtjto hand. Wo should, like to know whoso fjult it was.

On Tuenday evening, when " Tho Now Magdalen" will be pinluced at tho Theatre Royal, there will bo (specialtrain from and to Hastings.

Mesdumes Grace ;and Perceval, and Messrs Sidney Johnstm and Charles Johnston hii7o jointly mad) a donation of £723 towards Sp. Joseph's JrphauHgo (Wollington) building fund.

Adveutiet Churcl , , Miltou road, tomorrow, 7*p >n. Lojturo by Pastor S. N. HtiKiall. "Subject:" Faith in Christ and Biqitiam." Baptisn administered at closo of Service. All imitod.

The Rev. D. Biley will preach in Si. Paul's Church to-morrow. His subject in tho morning will be "Anna, tho Prophetess," and in :he evening, " Tho Desoiple.i sleeping in fJcthsemano.

Where ignorance is bliss, utc ! A certain member of tho Mustorton uivio fatherhood suggested tho other night that an "iron copper" bo procured, for tho use of tho Borough in asphalting. Ho is still at a loss to know where the litujj-h cumo in.

Tho raihviiy revenue for the four weeks omliug Bth November, amounted to £73, WO 18s, and tho expenditure to .£52,1590 12s Ud. Tho returns for tho corresponding poriod of last yeuv were—Kcvouuo, £73,001 17m 10d ; expenditure, £02,35S Ss 3d.

hy the P.. and O. steamer Oarthago, which left Brinilisi on tlio 6th Docembor. Mr It. Holt hail booked hie Niipior. By tho same company* ' \ctoria, leaving- Bdudisi ou tlio 21st jj r Williamson, for Napior, liis piISMUgO. At (ho Riflo A(f 0 oi ;l tiou'B inootiiiLr at Dunudm yentoi.\l:r;J.h(, ohullonffO ahiold for tcurae of five lyTeu i VttH won by tho North Dunodin th High Sohool OildetfJ being Boconri t lln ,i ; ] lO i rl(jh u ijie9 third _ lhO HUOOtljl,, Wus , oor OW j n y (; 0 U rujgj; aud Jiaztv' roudors that toJ"r' ! yi is tho opouiugof MiHa Janot Achurch ln ,,'Forget-ino-iiut. llur husbaud und het- ,- ffi)t turjved lu«t nijht from Wellington, ifiig compauy roac! horo to-day in s.s. Tho lat< train to Hastings will IK tt luavo till »ft(?r tie closo of tho porfor»4illCo. * JTho fainoits Mr. Sands, of Arlington sfffeot, is not |ho onh " character " among stlttesmen's cLmestits. Lord Salisbury's t'Vlt'cv hay a jellow yag in tho lato Jjord fdm^jleigh's--|ns will bo soeu by tho followlu feoiu that statesman')? diary. 20, 1885:—"We aro P c who cross-question j butlor) was asked I was to have. Cabinet had to ]joid

Our Hastings correspondent writes as fallows:—"A serious accident happened last night to Watson's Havelock coach. As it was being driven away to catch the train at Hastings a would-be passenger called to the driver as the coach was turning. The driver turned his head to where tho eound. was, when one of the horses shied and the wheels got locked, when the coaoh capsized. A Napier lady received injuries, her collarbone being broken. Dr. Faulknor was telephoned for. On seeing the case he at once sent for Dr. Linnoy. The other passenger was not much hurt."

Any number of aneodotes concerning Count Moltke'e humor and ready wit ore told by those who come in personal oontaot with him. Thus, for instanoe, a Silesian gentleman farmer and neighbor of tho fieldmurehal mot the old man a few years ago when tho air was thiok with rumors of war. Thinking he would get the latost nows from tho best source, ho askod Moltko, " Well, your excellent , , v. how "re things going?" "Wry well, thank you," was the reply; " tho wheat unci rye arc excellent, but tho barley is nut quite so promising."

In tho Overture, the journal of the Royal Academy of Music, there is a delightful set of questions in harmony, supposed to have been drawn up by a professor suffering from temporary mental aberration in consequence of tho strain of a viva voco harmony examination. Here are a few specimons: — " l-'istiuguish botween touic, sedative, and .aslriugont discords. How many species of Counterpane Rro there, and when is a double Counterpane most frequently used ? If a double Counterpane is inverted, what difference does it mnko in tho pattern ? In what kind of Counterpane is crochet work found?"

A caso of assault was hoard at the Hastings R.M. Court yesterday b fore Mr Preeco, R.M., when George Scott accused John Smith of striking him without provocation at tho declaring of the poll for tho Hastings Mayorality, After hearing the evidence and counsels' argument, Mr Preece said there had no doubt been provocation, but not sufficient to justify tbe blow. Defondact would be fined 20s, costs 11s, witnesses 16s. Tho R.M. made no order as tho solicitor's fee, holding that Scott's conduct on tho occasion was xuch that he fully deserved to share some of the expenses.

Tho following missing , friends ar« enquired for in Lloyd's Weekly :--Tamo? Adams emigrated to Auckland in ISaO, and has not boon hoard of since ho received his pension at tbe War office, Sydney, on March Slet, ISS3 ; sister Harriet. David Gain, jun., left England for New Zealaud. His wifo is anxious for nows. Isaac Gleed, when last heard of wa& with the 57th L.I. in tho Maori war, New Zealand ; hiß sister Martha asks. Edward Moore (Devonshire) went to Hawko's Bay, New Zealand, about 16 years ago; sister Eliza. Robert Smith, butcher, visited London in October, 1882, coming from " Makiwi," Invercargill, New Zealand, returned shortly after, and has not been beard of since ; sister Lizzie asks.

At the Theatre Royal last evening the Rev. Charles Clark gave his fourth and concluding lecture to aD audionco which sat enthralled, and who now and again cheered tho lecturer to the echo. The subject wan Oliver Cromwell. English, freedom owed much to tho Puritans of the time of Cromwell, for that was the moat heroic chnpter in our history. No people wore aver free who did not determine to be free at any co-<t. Charles, with every personal advantsge, was pictured in al! his weakness, whilst Cromwell was spoken of in tho highest terms. England owed much to its middle classes, and the magnificent oration was brought to n close by Mr Olark urging his hearers to take broad views on political ijnestions. At the R.M. Court this morning, before Mr G. A. Preece, R.M,, Eugene Sullivan, charged with drunkenness, was fined 5s and costs or 24 houra , imprisonment with hard labor. Thomae Moody, on remand, was charged with being a lunatic and not under proper care arid control. Ho was discharged. James Howe, on remand was charged with wife desertion. Mr Dinwiddie appeared for the defendant. Tho R.M. said he would further remand the defendant until Saturday next, and if the complainant was not sufficiently recovered, they could take the evidence at her house at Petano, ho that the oaso might not stand over any longer. Defendant was remanded till Saturday, and liberated on bail.

If anything could really be " enough to make n cat laugh " it would bo necessary to find some new form of exaggeration -when we praise a good joke. We havo not, however, got so far as that yet, but ono of tho Spoliator's natural history correspondents has discovered that cockatoos havo a sense of humor. Here is this correspondent's story: —'* A very tame sulphur - crested white cockatoo happened ono day to bo on his perch n«ir a lawn-tennis ground. The day was damp, and the ground slippery. Iα (he courses of tho game several falls ooourreci. Each tumble gave rise to much laughter and merriment amongst both players' and onlookers, which seemed to attract the special attention of tho bird. When tho:' set' was finished, and the performers wlro talking together on one side of the cofart, ' Cosky' quietly descended from his fetand, walked on to the lawntennis (rrobnd, rolled over and over Wo or threo titnep on tho grass, and then, picking himself up", laughed long and loud in exact imitatiou of the players."

The Gaiety Theatre was well filled last when the Nnpior District School children ripeated tho entertainment given the previous evening. Everything went smoothly (throughout, and applause was liberally Ifcstowed. Miss Rowbottoin's little charges htd to repeat " Little Cock Robin " before thf audience would be satisfied, and tho calisthenic exercisos had to be repeated by the boys and girls under SorgeantMajor Huddleston's tuition. Tho cantata wont with much spirit. Tho Masters Bear wero capital in their respective parts of John Bull and tho messenger, and all tho othor oharnotera wero creditably represonted. Miss Jacobs sang Miss Cantlo's song, and well merited the applause accorded her, for her enunciation was very good indeed. Master Prebblo received an encore for his robust singing of tho blacksmith's song. Mr Sorrell's orchestra did good work, for the cantata abounds in tuneful choruses, the accompaniments to which—-as woll as the other musio—wero played in first-rato stylo. Praise is duo to Messrs Sturrock and Hodgson for the manner in which the children acquitted themsolvee.

Botween £G0 and £70 has ro far been subscribed for the Rifle Association's meeting here, commencing on the 28th January next. The subscriptions are not, however, coming in as freoly as might be desired, considering the importance of tho gathering. It is expected that about <'!00 men will be on tho ground, co whatever is given toward the fund, will be either directly or indirectly reoouped by most of the donors, Tradesmen might bear this in mind. Twelve tenders were received for the making of tho targets, and these havo been forwarded to Captain Somorvillo, Wangauui. The successful tender will bo known in a fow days. A large number of applications havo been received by Iho looal secretary for employment as markers and for othc necessary work in connection with the meeting. Tenders ivill shortly be invited for t ho canteen and catering, both separately and combined. Country members of tho local committee arc requested to make an effort to inoreaeo the amount of subscriptions. A numbor of volunteers of tho various corps in the district have Veen putting in sotno good practice lately. A meeting of tho looal committee will bo'liold next week to further consider matters. | The mooting opens on tho 20th January uext.

At the Hastings >R. IU. Court yesterday, before Mr G. A. Pr'eeeo, R.M.. "Frederick Stowe pleadod guilty to travelling on the railway without a ticket, and was fined £l, with 7b costs, and 2s witness's expenses.— Paora Pahi, {or leaving a train while in niotion at Fanidon, .was fined £1 costa 19s, witnoss's-oxponsee 2s 6d. Both fines were paid.—Mr C. Loughnan made an application to havo a case in whiuh lie was ongnged hoard privately. Ho said that it was a case undo? tho Married Woman's Property Act, a clause of which gave tho R.M. the authority to do so. Ho also desired to havo the ease adjourned until next Court day. Mi Preece having consulted the authority quoted by tho learned counsel, granted the application, and adjoumi-d the case to January 9th, 18'.il.—Tho only civil case of public interest was that of Williams and Soa v. 0. and T. Doney, 01-nin £13 11s. Defendant admitted £ti 10s od. Of the balance some of tho goods had been paid for by contra ; tho others had been noither |ooeivod nor ordored. Judgment for f o if >B sd, with costs 15e.

A very extraordinary and apparently uuaccountabln affair is \ n tho Christtihurch Press. A firm of tho highest Htrmdiug thero by tho last Umil resoived from a gentleman oamod Fidler, a wholeHalo butter rc«idontutGotlienlmrjr, Sweden, a fceftor stating that on 30th Sept last he drcunid that ho saw a person who saidhia luuno was George Duucan Loukbart, that } 10 died at Chvistchurch, New Zualan (j about a weolc ago, and who wished Mr l?idler, if ho happened to bo passing a £kbo called Oastlchill, to explain to his '(Lookharl's) people that ho was not üblo to keop his appoiutmonl; " for a nlmniro called death passed over him about fix days ago." Tho extraordinary feature of tho ulluir is that, thoro v/as an old Canterbury settler, Mr George Duhuan Lookhart, who died in Cbristchureh somewhat suddenly on tho 13th of September last, or noveuteon days before the date of Mr Fidler'o dream. Mr Fidler vfiifl anxioiiH to know whether thero was " anything in " in his dream, more particularly because in April last im auiiounccrnont of a similar mysterious nature w<*« mado ia Gothenburg regarding tiie death of a man named bven fcJtronjbcrg iv an 6ut-of-tho-way settlement in Canada, and subsoquiiii'l ouquiry showed that a man of that liutrio did uotually dio infyho eottlement iv question about a we'ok before. Mr Fidler, therefore, wtote to tho firm of merchants here already referred to, with v request that tliey would havo the matter meuttoned in tbf newspaper, with a view of ascertaining how far his dream w.w correct. There is v dtecrepanoy of nearly ten days us tj the date of th..-death, and t!;« personal description does not at all tally with tliat ot the late Mr Lockhart. who mis an elderly man and slender, whereas tlie |»on neon in tho dream was stout, and between twenty and thirty years of ago_ In regard to CasHehill, the 'pluoo mentioned in Mr Mdler'*, it will bo remembered that Mr family c*m« ii-mn Cambrue Nathau in Perthshire, and the Presa ie in.-

formed that there is a place called Oastlehill! in that neighbourhood, which the deceased j geutlercan frequently mentioned. It may be added that the letter, which is dated Gothenburg, 30th September, bears a postmirk which shows that it was poeted in a railway train in Sweden on the 18th October, 1890, and it arrived in Christchurch on the let December. There was no time for the notification of the death to reach Sweden by mail, even by the 18th Ootober. So far as is known, the news was not cabled Home, but even supposing it had been telegraphed, it is difficult to imagine how a gentleman in Gothenburg should get to know of it, and still morn why he should be led to invent a dream about it. Do you drink "The Five O'clook Toa?" 'Tis the fashionable afternoon tea of the day ; quite pure, and a wonderful quantity consumed daily. To bo obtained of your local grocer at 2s 4d per lb. Davidson, Irvine, and ' 0., agents.

Riding saddles, colonial made, with furniture complete, 30s each for cash ; Portmanteaux, Gladstone and Brief Bags, and other goods, of which ther'j is a trroat assortment, very cheap, at Jonw M'Vay's Hastings street Napier and at Waipukurau.—[Advt.l

BEARLE & CO. are showing faehionablo goods for the season. White Openwork Stripe 3|-d. The New Nainsook Dress Muslin, 7s Ud twelve yarde. Prints, good washing, 3s lid Dress 8 yards. Fashionable Gsrabaldies, Is lid, 2s 6d. Long Double Taffeta Gloves, Black and Tan, 9fd. Strong Calicoes, 2s lid, 3s lid the dozen. Luce Curtains for bedrooms, 2s lid, 3s lid per pair. Cotton Hosiery, Bfd. Ladies' Aprons, white, 6jd, Bole Ageut for Hawke'a Bay for Butterick's Cut Paper Patterns. Seablk & Co., noxt Crerar'e.— I Advt.]

Trusses, Elastic Stockings, xiot-water Bottles?, Eleotrie and Riding Belts, Flesh Brushes and Gloves. Air Cushions, a large Stock of all kiude of Rubber Goods to select from. A. Eooles, Chemist, Masonic Buildings.

Look! Large Bath Sponges Is, Scarborough Trunks los, Looking Glasaoe on Stands 4s 6d, Large Plates 4s dozen, Enamelled Pie Dishes Iβ, Enamelled Soap Trays for hanging Iβ 6d, Largo Painted "Ewore and Basins Cβ 6d, Spring Balance!) (201b) Is 6d, Scrub Brushes 6d. New lines in Basketware just opened out. Call and see. When pascing you are respectfully asked to step inside and look round. Novelty Depot.—[Advt.]

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6023, 13 December 1890, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6023, 13 December 1890, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6023, 13 December 1890, Page 2


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