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Borough Council.

Tho Council met ftt 8 o'clock last evening. Present—Tho Mayor (in tl.o chair), Cr». Sid.-y, McViiy, Faulknor, Ncal, Welstuan, Cohen, Itobjohns, and Smith. COKKESPONDKNOE. From C. Stuart, Goldsmith road, askiutf tliut the -water pipes might be continued to hifl cottage, a distimoo of 111 feet. —Half the cort mu!*t bo paid by the applicant. From Colonial Secretary* Oliici;, n>ki»iJ for v rt-turn by order of the House—lnformation hud been supplied. i'rom Sainsbiiry un:l Loiran, rr. the balanro-ebeet o« thy borouuu iiccoiuite which tho A.itditor-i;..-;iei-al ivfuKed to c.-r----tifv to. I" their opinion Lv coul.i be cii:upefkd to do by a inan.'aniu.s, but they doubted whc-lhtr it would be worth wbiie to take legal proutofiings for the [.urno.t'.—

Received. . From Town Clerk, Blcnhciin, asitiug Couijuil to se:i.) :i delegate to a coniL-runcf to bo held at V/t,Uin::ton ior the purpo.-i of uonsiderin- an econoxnioiil W* , -*"} ','' &™ insurar,uu.--D-,iit with m I'ubhc \\ oik.* Comniitttie's icpnrt. Frommau.iaor Bam:, asl;no-.vl(;k;- ;- --in™ - receipt of a letter Tho request oontamrd therein would \>c, forwarduu to tho London oitice. (Tlu, vfiucst was ior a copy of tho prospectus of the six per cent. loau.J .ReceiTcd. From C Dolbcl, rvplvir.'r to the report ot tbe overseer. He ■.•.-..uld lii:e t> inf.'-nn that ■'ontleman that tho -oortioii of this road formed by Creation U but tbe portion complained of in hi? lust letter way that which lie (the Overswr) attempted to forsu but failed, and would fail if hn i;.-isf<.d as he had hitherto 0.-i ■••0.i.-hi:.' it with Adams metal.—iU-t\:rrud to I'utiiu \\\.i-\s Couiruittee's Ittport. HISCI.LLANEOI 3. Cr. Sidey ihr..-o iv f !IV .-.r of Cameron road, bii.:ki>Kpe;ii'j t-.-i-ii-.c.-, h;iq George street bbA r ; taken ov.-r a.s >.:,\:m roadel—Kefeired vj i.'ut!;o Wou;.- 'J..,:»-r.-i. tou. ~,. . . Cr. Faul;;uor would u|:f.- :■> kjioa- .i of n. tramway to ■!■.; br■ .iUv.-.i!'.-!-, -i •■■.. Hf.rbcr iioivru v.-ui:!-.l ni:t> -i I:.'; :o:.'i : - -: Black torn; k" ai; e.-iiin:'.!'. Cr. Cohen drew ;l tt. Mva I . !.-.- mv >a.--oreaud by ihe !!:..» .ri> O ."J n: '...,«! road He .- .n.eihiu-.r '■""I- ■•'■ ■ -■■-■ ■ and that tho txouhi ■',- :il-..;i-.. before the summer c.iiuc on.

rUBLIC WOEKB COSOrtTTKE'S EEPOET. ; 1. That applications be invited for the office of valuer to the borough at a salary of £60 per annum. 2. That a reply be forwarded to the advertisement contractors that the advertisements, the charges for which are in dispute, can only be paid for as borough advertisements. 3. That with reference to Purser's scheme of fire insurance a reply be forwarded to the Town fllerk, Blenheim, that this Council do not see their way to take any action at present. 4. That the number of street lamps bo raised from 59, the present number, to 100, and that the sum of -£6 per lamp per annum be offered to the Gas Company for the following services, viz,: The Gas Company {a) to light and extinguish, to clean and maintain the said 100 lumps in tho same manner as at present; (l>) to lay all tho necessary mains, and provide tho required piping to erect the 41 new lamp posts and connect them with tho mains ; (c) to provide that not less than ten of the above 41 lamps be high power lights of not less than 50-candlo power, and that

tho remaining , 31 bo fitted with No. 0 burners. That the Corporation on their part pay the Gas Company for all the lanterns, taps, burners and frames required, anil for the 10 columns for the high pressure lamps, at prices as nearly as possible approximating: to those submitted by the Gas Company's mannsrer in his schedule. That they also provide the 31 wooden pillars required. That the above extra lamps be erected in such positions as may bo directed by tho Council, and that the contract be entered into for a term of five years 5. That tho vouchors for the fovtnisyhtly wages herewith forwarded be passed and ordered to bo paid.

The first three clauses -were adopted without discussion.

Cr. Neal moved the adoption of clause -1. Tho Public "Works Comrait.teo and a subcommittee decided to recommend the report ai now brought forward. Taking tho extra light provided into consideration, it was a great saving. The present contract was for No. 5 lamp', so they would have extra lig-ht. They were only put to an outlay of providing lamps and pillars. It would entail an outlet of a thousand pounds

to the Gas Company. While tho term seemed a long one, they could not expect the company to lay out thin amount of capital without giving them a term. Tho proposal was a very reasonable one ; there was the cleaning, lighting, and extinguishing. There would bo a light at the bridge near Mr Glendinning's brick yard, and several other cases of a similar nature. Tho object of tho Counoil was to get a scheme as efficient as possible without any immediate outlay. The only outlay would be the cost of the lamps, and that would be under £200, except the annual one of £600, while at present they paid £o00; and tho light would be double.

Cr. Faulknor thought they should increase their lamps ,by ton a year. The torm should not bu more than three years.

The Mayor said ho had nothing to say against the term, but it would bo wrong to bind the Council to gas for five years. They had this to consider—tho lighting by elec-

tricity had rcmdo very great strides, and was still holding- a prominent position iv

lighting both in America, on tho Continent, nnd in England; also, as they knew in Wellington.' Ho had no doubt the Committee thought over nnd dismissed tho

i>i'hpmo that* w»s laid before tho Council from tho Gulelicr Comiriny of Wellington. Tho company was thoroughly reliable, and nnv matter they undercook would he faith-

ful] v anil well carried out. There were so main- manifest advantages in electric lightinir tint thfly should pause before committing the borough to tho long term of five years. The letter which was before him was fully discussed, no doubt, and taken into account before tho Committee reported rr gas. For 100 electric lumps of 32 candle power the nmmal expenditure would ba £000. Thiit would bo the sairjy as thoy now proposed to pay for gas. It was proposal to give Limps of o'2 caudle power, while now tho maximum ww 1.5, and very often they did not got 10. That was one s'lvaiitago that would accrue from electric lighting. Another was the purity of the light in regard to lighting public, buildings and for household purposes, and for churches and all sorts of building*. The absence of hoat—the minimum of heat —was Huother advantage that ought to be taken into consideration. If a scheme could ba organised giving them a guarantee for the lighting of the town, they would bo giving tho inhabitants tho benefits of olcctiielighiinir, wh'-reas without the lighting of the town it would not be worth their while to come hero. The argument that would bo put forward would be tho cost of tho plant. That was a matter that might bu got over. lib had a siiort interview with tho maussrer of thu company. Mr Barren, who waa hero on Monday. Ho would have been glad to have mat tho Committee and disiius-md tho matter of lighting, but his stay was short. In? said ho would he b;ie.l: iv tho cm esc of a fortnight or three weeks' time, and he had some further suggestions and imluctments to offer. This matter might bo deferred for ii month, but in the meantime they ought to pause, before committing the town to this scheme without snmo further information, and investigation. Ho would move that consideration of tho clause be deferred for ii month. He wanted tho matter more fully discussed and considered Cγ. Sidey seconded tho amendment. In the first pl.iee they had to look at the position of tho G.ts Company. Tho Gas Company had all tho privilege* of tho mains mid streets, iitnl what was. tho return r They wished to charsro a very largo profit on thu gas supplied. Tho Uα* Company had been paying enormous dividend*, had accumulated a reserve fund, and written I large .sums oi£ their plant. They ought to expect tho Gas Company to gnpulv them with gas at cost price, added to the expense of cleaning, lighting, and extinguishing.

If the Corporation had gasworks the town could bo supplied with g-as for nothing, wliuroas now tho profits went to tho shareholders. The Gas Company were oaly suit-

ing thoir own convenience and trying to make the borough believe they wero doing good. They did not know what might happen in live years' time, aud if they pledged themselves to have fifteen-candle power—twelve-candle power in the past, which on many occasions was only two or thiee—they would make a. mistake, and the Council should think twice before pledging tho Council to live years. The Gas Company would take it up for three years, for that would bo uniting thoir own convenience.

Cr. Cohe.'i was surprised to hear tho twaddle of Cr. Sidey. He (Cr. Cohen) had been in the Council for nine years, and they had the samu fight every time. Tho question WHS whether they had a right, to ropre.-iimt their own opinions or tho rate-

payers'. The ratepayers ha J time after time craved for lights, and the question hud btM.-u d-.-fcred till they could get a scheme.

At present they were paying £ICS for o!> lumps. Tho lias Ciunpau}' hud always mot them in a liberal spirit, und the Council uud the town Wi.TO getting the best of the bar-

gain. The elect! io Jight was going to be a L-i-c power iv tho future, but it was in its infancy. In Wellington the ratepayers were not hiuhlied with what they wero get-

ting for thoir money. In tivo years' time they would only be a little behind, as they had been in other things. Ho was really surprised .'it the concessions m»dt.<, and the Council had never madu a better bargain since he been in the Council if they took the offer made to them. The (>luctrie light would involve th« outlay of X'JOOO, and ho c-juld not see where they were t-> obtain tho money from. Vnv thiit accommodation they would have to pay £139 p,-r annum, nnd th-j £20C0 would menu t; ,"n!j boiW they linishcJ. It would cost .t'i'i'j :i year for lighting, and there was no !tll.)\v.iiic<> iind.i for wear and tear, and they would be at lh..> of ail lireukages, mo it would .£*JuO or £1000 fur thu electric light. If they did not sign tue contract thoy wero not ttndying tho raty-

payers. Or. Smith thought thw was no immediate hurt"/. Th.j auction could ba deferred for another month.

Cr. T/ulsraan considered the Mayor must know that tlio estimate of £600 for muinti:ii»itoo was not reliable, judging l,y the Wt-lliiigtoa experience. Theru it was' more than tho estimated amount When the water was low the lisrht wne low Ho was not a prophet, uor tho son of a prophet, 7ior did ho wish to lie, hut live years would not sue tho olectrio li::ht in Napier, not , h'vo on to that. (Jr. MuVii} , said though a member of rim lighting committee, who unanimously recommended the clause iv the rt-port, lie did not think it would be fair to fnrrn thin quf-ti'ii Helmut a postponement fur a month, lio would no; bo favoriib'o fa C')ii«ck-ri:is.' the question of electric lijrbtinj,' on the basis that tho borough nhi'Sil'd take on it-:i'!f the cost of eunstriiotiou and maintenance, fi' there was mi ofj'ci- to b<; made they must know their actual UMitial liability in connection with the light, >i that it was on tho «am>: principle' ,v: thi» Out! Company. The Gns Compiuiy needed rome ruiiMKriblo tvn.-i to iiimiv the Cum;) my p-.i-itivd loss iv euivrintr iuu/;ji:eh a contract. Or. Xoiil said the eomuiiue.} l,;td tlioronyli'y r.o!i: idered this of t leclrie. Tho bonju.h h:id not the £2l)o'J »'.!!.'j.iMiry for th.i schom.;. If,, bad no objection f" the snat'er bein;,' p>lll d for a n.o-it-h, for :io eketric c. m>..any coiiUl make as f-ivcrablo <iv oft'or as , the Ga'i j Company liitil made.

Thi- -Mayor slid there was v ci-i-iaiu ajiiouiit in thi- loan for lightitiir the t-jwn. Or. ;■,(;;•.] : 1 %yas not aware of it.

The Mayor suvl it was orio of the objoe's oi tlie loan. If the lnoti-i M-tre c :n-ie\l 1.-o was. m h..r je s-. that come w>rt of urr;::i-ement could bj (i-jino to wliereby Ciey would pay on til.- coM of'th-. wi.;.-:- ;i . The nrttter had not been fiiilici.-.-iJly - >-~. j n fo A iiyittor_o£ thi- s--n-t ix-V. >;. Vi-d for, wbiiu this -was ;\ jir.ipo.-.i'.io-.. f -..-„ lh.>n!----fc-elv.-j. It war; tli. :,■ l,ui: U ;::.',:'/■'.. ~j ~ ; { tenders. Thoaw.':Hli..,. : ,f W ns ; , ~...1 tllJ ot.u.r clinic v.-.i-i adop'f 1. i!;;.r;c:; co.ivv.iri".!: , ;.; p.--,.,-,,.-,, 1. Con-, iidati'-li r.M.:;:. ':<n i ';; ~ ..-:■;, t> thy COHV.r-,;i:ri of ill'; £70 /-it;., ~;, , , i( ( . ' ' .•,rti:ii.O)il".'i!<.-f £10'.!,0ro iIT . .-, )( ' r l ' u . \ tin- !') vt-'ars bo .".utliori- ;1. m-i i.!i,-.t "tH" ;;nu!i' " coniiiiitt''-'; b:- ;;!-::■.:■■:■■,' : . ..] ~, ~' ;i!|-.vr- r - i '') liialrc l.'lO '1 "•\-SI"V :;'.T'.l:.^;.. mli! .-,:•'; tli'. , pnvei;: ;*->;. i-h<i,ti. ■■ ■. ,':,,• r i,. coiiT . ■■■■ii, ii-ri 1(j -nil .'i:t i!^' , '!!.- in !•'•;.. -. l;i:id, A-. " " ' : ' •\ ■■: -hp <:-.,!-■ ; ,t ( .:'.; ;i .r ; ,-r.- .-,:, ' sccoji!inond thfit tl>.e reiiuiicd authority bj

asked for from the ratepayers to convert the £70,000 loan into one for £100,000, and that the balance be used for the following purposes : —Drainage and street formation,' extension, of water supply, extension of sowerage, raiaiug streets to permanent levels, new pumping machinery, purchase of waterworks plant, extra lighting of town. Adopted. • : The Council then adjourned.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5915, 21 August 1890, Page 3

Word Count

Borough Council. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5915, 21 August 1890, Page 3

Borough Council. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5915, 21 August 1890, Page 3


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