PHASES OP THE MOON. DECEMBER Day" Ur. in. New moon 4 2 49 a.m. . First, quarter 11 .21 p.m. " Full moon 18 647 a.m. Last quarter'- 25 6 1 p.m. 'MOON. Moon rises to-day. 3.46 a.m.: sets, 6.52 p.m. TIDE. To-day. 4.1 a.m.; 4.22 p.m. To-morrow, 4.45 a.m.; 5.3 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.12 a.m.; sets, 7.9 p.m. ARRiVALS. ■■ . MONDAY. DECEMBER 2. KAPITNI, p.s. (J.ZO. a.m.), 150 tons, Gibson. frntn Pntca. ' ' WAVEULKY. ■ s.B. (5.5 a.m.),- 157 tons, Fisk, from Palea. KAMO, 'a.B. (7.50 p.m.). 1236 tons. Watson, from Orcymouth. . . ~. ,- OPAWA, s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 110 toils,-Nicho-las, from Blenheim. - > KAITOA. s.s. (11.46 a.m.), 305 tons, WildAD DEPARTURES ehipnlns '< DEPARTURES. • .. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2. : MAPOUEIKA. s.a. (3.50 p.m.). 1205 Inns, M'Donald, for Picton' and Nelson. .MONOWAI, 8.6. M.ffl'p.m.). 3433 tons.Willlama, for Lyttelton. WAIB.AU. s.s. (9 p.m.), , 143 lons. Deiley. for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Baden Powell, New Plymouth. Dec. 3. Ripple, Gisborne, December. 3. Kapiti. Wanganui, December 3. Waitomo, Calcutta, Auckland. Dec. 3. Wootton, Lyttelton, December 3. ■ Nikau. Nelson, December 3. ■ ■ . Tainui, Wanganui, December 3. Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 3. Ngakuta, Greymouth, December 4. Nsatoro, Greymouth, December 4. ■ Wairau. Blenheim. December 4. Monowai, Lyttelton, December 4. Mapourika, Nelson, Picton, December 4. Kahu, Napier. December 5. Queen of the South, Foxton, December , 5. Kitlawa, Greymouth, December 5. Waverley, Patca, December 5. * ■ Kaitoa, Nelson, December 5-Waka-tu, ICaikoura. December 6. Hawcra, Patea, December 6. ] Invercargill. Wanganui. December 6. . Kamona, Dnncdin, December 6. Kokiri, Auckland, December 6. Dorset, Sydney, Auckland, Dec. 5. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kakapo, Picton, Onehunga, December i,. Wakatu. Kaikoura,, Lyttelton, Dec. 3. Queen of the South, Foxton, Dec. 3. Invercargill. Wangnnui, December 3. Hawera, Patea, December 3. Kiritona, Gisborne, December 3. Tainui, Lyllelton, December 3.. Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 3. Kaitoa, Nelson, December 3. Opawa, Blenheim, December o, Waverley, Patea, December 3. • Kapiti, Wanejauui, December 3. Kapuni, Patea, December 4. Eipple, Napier, Gisborne, December 4. Monowai. Lyttelton, December 4. Nikau, Nelson, December 4. ■ Wootton. Lyttelton, Decraiber 4. Aryan, San Fra-ncieco| December 5. Wairau, Blenheim, December 5. Mapourika, Picton, Nelson, December 5. Kahu, East Ooast, December 5. Paloona, Sail Francieco, via. Papeete, December $. ' • Blenheim. Havelock. Bays, December 9 Reniuera,. London, December 10. Paparoa, London, December 11. BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. MONDAT, DECEMBER' 2. AUCKLAND. ■Sailed.—Suffolk, for London; •Kauri, for , Melbourne. MANUKAU HEADS. Rarawa passed outwards at 6.30 n.m. ■••■■■ ■ '■■ ONEHUNGA. Sailed—ltarawa. (3.45 p.m.), for New Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailcd.-Badcn Powell (10.10 a.m.). for Wellington. GISBORNE. Arrived.—'irahere (6 a.m. December 1) from Greymouth. .Sailed.—Eipple (2.10 a.m.' December' 1), for Wellington. ' ' : NAPIER. Arrived.—Kahu, (6.25 a.m.), from Wellington. KELSON. Sailed— Kftru (8 a.m. December 1), forWestport. . . Sailed.-Nikau (8 p.m.), for Wellington. : GREYMOUTH. • Arrived—Ngatoro (8.30 p.m. December 1) and Orepuki' (0.30 a.m.). from Lyttelton; Kaiapoi- (5.45 a.m.), from Wellington. . '.. LYTTELTON.' '■ .' Sailad.-Storm (11.10 a.m.). for Wanganui. Sailed—Mararoa (6.30 p.m.), for Wellington. • TBIAEu. Sailed—Pu.tiki (2.45 p.m.). for Dunedin. • TO-DAY'S BERTHAOE LIST. . ( Street Wharf. Waitomo—King's Wharf. Mararoa—Ferry Wugr'f. Kamo—F.ilway Wharf. ' Nikau-No. 10 Queen's Wharf. •Opawa—No. 11' Queen's, Wharf. Ripple—No. 14 Quean's Wharf. Kapiti-Glaagow Wharf. Paloona—King's Wharf. Badcu Ppwoll—No.' 1 Queen's' Wharf. OVERSEAS STEAMERS. ARAWA, from London, left Sydney November 29 for Auckland, due December 3. Auckland cargo only. Loads Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington, where she leaves about Dec. 20 for London,, via Panama. CARPENTARIA, left Auckland November 23, for London. OLUNY CASTLE, left .Wellington.' November 28, for London, via Panama. DEVON, from Egypt, loaves Sydney Dec. 5 for. Waitara, due Dec. 9. No cargo Loads for Egypt ....•• DORSET from Sydney, arrived Auckland Dec. 1, due" Wellington Dec. 9. Leaves Dec, 10 for Port ,Said. Passengers. DURHAM, duo New Zealand January from ■ England. FLORA, leaves Auckland early for Raro-. tonga and Papeete. . . ■ FIONA, arrived Auckland November 25 from Newcastle IHUMATA, left Auckland November 29 for Opua Kaipara, Ihcnq; Sydney. INGA, arrived Wangamii November 30 from Newcastle. Loade Kaipara- for Sydney. ■ ■■ . JOAN CRAIG', left Newcastle Nov. 28 for Lyttelton; duo Dec. 4. KAITANGA'fA, left Auckland Nov. 27 for Kaipara, and Melbourne. KAURI, leaves Auckland December 1, for Melbourne. KENT, from London, left Sydney .November 30, for Auckland; due Dejember 5. Wellington (duo December 12), Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. Loads for London. KAIAPOI, loading at Greymouth for Melbourne. KUROW, arrived Wellington. November 27 from San Francisco and Papeete. MAKUKA, arrived Auckland Dec. 1, from Vancouver; .quarantined for seven days. Sails from Auckland early for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu. MOANA, left Wellington Dec. 1 for San Frnucisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete/ MANUKA, leaves Sydney early lor Wellington. MELBOURNE, left Ncwoastlc November 30 for Lyttelton. . MOKHAKI, leaves Sydney early for Wellington. NAVUA, at, Papeete, from San Francisco, duo Wellington early. NIAGARA, left Auckland November 16 for Vancouver;- due back December 29. ■ OPIHI, left Vancouver November 16 for: Wellington; due December 15; thenco Lyttelton. PALOONA, leaves Wellington December--6 for San Francisco, via Papeete. PAPAROA. leaves Wellington December 11 for London." ' . ' •, . PBUTir. left Greymouth November 29. for Melbourne. ' ' \ POUT ALMA, at Lyttelton. Leaves Decomber 7 for Egypt; returns to . New Zcalaud. ■ ■ I PORT DARWIN, left Port. S<?.id November 15 for Aiißtralia only, via Colombo; PORT HACKING, leaves London, end November for Wellington, vin Melbourne and Auckland: due about February 10. POUT LVTTELTON; left London October 26 for Wellington,'via Australia flJid Auckland:'du6 January 5; loads for Egypt. PORT SYDNEY, leaves Sydney Di'combcr 7 for Wellington; due December 14, thence other porta. REMUUIiA. arrived Wellington Dec. 1 from Porl, Chalmers and Timaru. Kails Dec. 10 for London, via. Panama. H.IVRRINA, leaves Sydney early for Wellington. IIIiAIJING. leaves London first week in December £or New Zealand, via Panama. BALVOB, due "Auckland December 6, Wellington later, from San Francisco. SUFFOLK, arrived Auckland November 26. from Sydney; snils December 3 for Liverpool. ; TALUNE. leaves Auckland December 2 for Fiji. Tongn, and Samoa. TARAWERA, arrived Bluff November 27 from Sydney, Duiiodin Dec. 1; sails Dec. 5 Auckland, and Sydney. TOFUA. due Port Chalmers about December 24. _ TONAWANDA, due Auckland Dec. 12. Wellington later, from New York; left NoWAIHOHO, from Lyttelton. arrived Sydney Novei-iiwr 30. Sails Calcutta to load for Now Zealand. •',.,. , WMTOMO. arrived Auckland November 7.5 from Calcutta; duo Wellington Deceinlmr 3: thence Lyttelton and Dunedin,
WESTEALIA, ■ leave's' Melbourne' early for Wellington and South Island. . • ■ . i.' WHANGAPE, left Auckland N0v..30 for, Port Kombla and Sydney. . ' • • ,:.' SUEVIC, left London November 21 forNew Zealand; due Auckland January 17., TITANIA, is en. routo from New York. , ] to New., Zealand. .-..'■ "■■■' SAILERS. ADMKAL CECII/E. -left New York' Nov. for Auckland and Wellington. : ALBERT MEYEE, arrived New Plymouth l Kov 18- from San Francisco. ALBXA, from Sun Franciaco, at Auckland. Leaves early for Sydney. .. AMY TURNER, left San Francjsco Nov. 25 for Lyttelton. . .... ' ANTIOPE, leavcß Auckland early for San Francisco. " ■ ..' " '~ , . ARATAPU. leaves Dunedin Dec. U for ARYAN,' leavea Wcllineton, Doc. 5. for e c U D a ™BRYANT, arrived Bluff Nov. 26 from San Francisco. Due Wellington later. DANIEL, from Sian Francisco, leaves Wanganui early for ' "■" DARTFORD, due Vancouver towards end Dee. from Wellington. DUQUESNE, left San Francieco Sept.. 12 for Lyttelton. ... ■ GABTHFOBCE, left New York Oct. 19 for Wellington. . , GLADIIROOK, loads Dunedin early for San Francisco.- ' GEORGETTE, left • San Francisco end Sept. for Wellington. • ' ■ • HENRIETTA; left San Francisco Nov; 25 for Wellington. ... . 'HTJIA, arrived. Auckland. Nov. 25 from Melbourne. • . . ' ILMA, .left San Francisco "Nov.. 21 for Auckland;-due early Jan.- ' ' „ JEANETTE, from- San Francisco, at Auckland. • JOHN ENA, at Lyttelton from San Francisco, suits early for Melbourne to load for San Francisco. KATHKIT, left Auckland Noy. 28 for Sydney. LYMAN D. FOSTER, due Auckland Jan. 15 from San Francisco. ' • . • " MANUREWA, left San i Francisco Nov. 21 for Auckland. MINDORO, due Lyttelton from 6an Francisco. ' ••■'.> OAKLAND, leaves uyttclton early for Apia and San Francisco. ■ ' RAUPO, arrived Wellington Nov. 16 from San- Francisco. . RIKA,, leaves Auckland this week for Tonga. ' RONA, arrived San Francisco about Nov. 25 from Wellington. . SENORITA, left San Francisco Sent. 28 for Auckland; : due December 8; thenco Sydney. STAR OF LAPLAND, left San Francisco Oct. 18 for Auckland; due Dec. 7. TAMAR, left New York Oct. 13 for SydWANGANUI, left San Francisco Nov. 27 for Wellington. WHITE PINE, left Melbourne Nov. 30 for Wanganui.YSABBIj, loading San Francisco for AuiiklHiid. : • ■ , . ZINGAEA, now due Sydney from Tauranga; Loads lor Lyttelton. WAR RTSK RATES. Tho following cable message from Lou-, don was received on November 14 by the Sydney Marine Underwriters' and Salvage Association. Ltd., relative to war rates:Out and Home, not .North Holland, and MetliUcranean,- exoludinp -Jilack boa, steamers i per cent., sailers J ner cent. All other voyages, steamers i, ner cent., sailers } per cent. Above reductions nlso apply between Australia and Now Zealand. SUEVIC LEAVES LONDON. The 6haw. KaviU. and Albion Line at Wellington lias.received word (nut tlio fiuovir. left London on November 21 for Now Zealand main ports. She is due at Auckland about .January 17. TITAN rA' FROM NEW' TOEK. Mesers. Dalgety and Co. received cabled advice to the t'U'ect that the 'J'itania- is «t present bound from Ncw-Yark for NewZealand ports. ■ • REIjEASE OF MUCH TONNAGE. . An official wireless message' received by the American Consul-General m Sydney The WaßhiiiEton Shipping Board officials estimate, that the signing of the armistice with Germany will result the release of about 1,500,000 tons of ndditionnl shipping for carrying supplies to 'needy- countries. Of this amount 1,200,001) tons aje represented by' German fihipe tied nn in Germany or neatral ports. , XI 18. believed that Austria bus 250,000 tons, of shippingin her ports. . The United States will soon bo able- to furnish ICO.OCO tone for relief work, while Great Britain mid France nre exuecUid to be able to divert sonic tonnage from their trade In addition many-neutral ships which are lying in ports through' the submarine menace will again be put in action, and Japan may'be asked'to supply whatever of its' touuago it can for the relief trade. •■:-.■ . The Shipping Board has announced that ships are now loading in American ports
and the Argentine with greatly .increased supplies of food for Northern France; and food for ;he peoples of Central Europe and the Near East will go quickly as shipping tonnage is. toade avail-, able. . , ■ MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr. jR, Duckworth has rejoined the Moana as purser. , Jfr. A. Purvis has signed on the Mapourika. as chief officer, Mr. T. Green, third officer, has come ashore. I Mr. V. Potoreon has joined as second engineer. Ml , . E. Gilling, late third iia'j on tho Moana, is ashore at- Wellingion. ' Captain John Bollons; of the Hinemoa, who has undergone'two oiierations .during the past few woeke, has returned to his home on Naughton Terrace. Kilbirnio. It will bo some time yet before he will bo strong enough to resume.duty. Mr; Ilerbert Angell has taken Mr. Walter Hamilton's place as third engineer of the'Putiki. Th\! Tainui is to sail to-day fer Lytteltou. The-Kittawa is to leave Greymouth tonightl for Wellington. Tho-Mapourika' Bailed' for Picton and Nelson at.3.£o p.m. yesterday. She will sail again at noon Thursday. Tho Papnroa. is to sail for .London on Dnreinbe'r 11. , i Tho Tofua is due to arrive at Port Chalmers about December 24.- It is not yet.known whether ehe has any troops oh board. The S.S. and A. liner Mahara. whose arrival ini Australia from Port Said was reported yesterday will not' come to New Zealand, but .will load in Australia for Egypt. She is at present at' Fremantle. On her maiden' voyage from Shields, England, to London, the Kent, which is now between' Sydney and Auckland, had an exciting encounter with a submarine. The submarine opened nre ivith. a declc gun, but several shells • eped harmlessly past the vessel, which was promptly manoeuvred to avoid tho XT-boat. Portion of her Australian cargo consieted of explosives. The submarine \w driven off liy ißritish patrole before the Kent -was damaged. :i ;. The Paloona is now loading for Papeete and San Francisco. She should sail about Friday. With a large general cargo from Liverpool, tho.Bteamer Auetralcrae arrived ai Sydney on November 18. The Sydney scow Zingara. which left Tauranga on October 22 with a cargo of timber for Sydney, put into Kussell on November 8 with her rudder adrift. Repairs wero effected, and the voyage resumed six days later. . After she discharges her inward freight, the Zingara will load hardwood at Sydney for Lyttolton. .
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 58, 3 December 1918, Page 9
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2,010SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 58, 3 December 1918, Page 9
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