- /PHASES OF THE-MOON. ~ ' . OCTOBER. ■ : ■■.-'■ ■" Day. Hr. m; '. - . New moon .'.....' 5 ' 235 p.m. ' First quarter ...... 13 43D p.m. Full moon 20 9 5 a.m. Last quarter 27 5 5 a.m. MOON. . Moon rißee today, 1.64 p.m.;- eete, J,4 a.m. to-morrow. -. TIDE. ■To-day, 0.6 a.m.; 12.34 p.m.. . To-morrow, 0.69 a.m.; 1.28 p.m. :. ■ sytf. '■• ■'• San rises to-day, 6.2 a.m.; seta, 6.12 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 15. . NIKAU, e.e. (10.10 a.m.). Mβ tons, Hay, from Neleon. MARAEOA, fl.s. (10.15 a.m.), 2698 tone, Oameron, from Lyttelton. .•'..- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. ' INVERCARQIJjIJ, s.b. (0.30 a.m.), 234 tons, Waliletrom, from Wanganui. DEPARTURES. TUE'SDAY, OCTOBER 15. ' BIjENHBIM, e.s. (4-a.m.), 129 tons, Wilkinson, for Havelock- and pays. # OAIiM, s.s: (4.15 a.m.), 891 tone. Radford, for Wanganui. ' ,„.,, KAITOA, 8.6. (1.30 p.m.), 505 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. . OY.GNET, 8.8. (1 p.m.), 124 tons, Murray, for Lyttelton. MARAROA, b.s. (4.25 p.m.), 2598 tons, Oameron, for. Lyttelton. • i • WAKATU.-s.s. (5 p.m.), 157 tone, Willb, for Kailtoura. . ' : ' . OPAWA, -s.s. (5 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. '
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kamona, Auckland, October 16. Wootton, Lyttelton, October 16. Waimea, Tarakohe', October 16. Maori; Lyttelton; October 16. NRahere, Urcymouth, October lb. Mapourika, Neleon, Picton. Oct. 16. Wairau, Blenheim, -Odtbber 16. Kapiti, Wanganui,.-October. 16. Koutunui,' Napior,-October 16. ■■ -■ Invercargill Wanganui, October 16. . Kap'uni, Patea,- Ootober 16.- . • Op'nwa Blenheim, October,.l7. .;. Kaitoa,. Kelson,- Ootober .-17.Houto, Dunedin, October 17. ■ Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 17. Haw.ora, Patea, October 18. . Queen of tho South. Foxton, October 18. ■Wavcrley,'Fatoa, October 18. - - Wakatu, Kaikoura. October 18. Blenheim, Havolock, , October 18. Komata,- Weetport, October 18. Kokiri, Waetport, October 18. Tainui,: Wanganui, ■ October Iβ. Nikon, Nelson, October 18. . Mana, , Lyttelton, October'lß. Calm, Tiinaru, October 20.
PROJECTED. DEPARTURES. Karu, New Plymouth, Greymoutb, Oct. 16. Huia, New Plymouth, October 16. . HRwera,. Patea, - October 16. ■ Wavcrley, Patea, October 16. John, Lyttelton, October 16. Queen of the South, Foxton, Oct. 16. Tainui. Wanganui, October 16. . Hinomoa, Cook Strait, October 16. Waimea, Nelson, Coast. October 16. Ripple, Nnpier,.Gißborne, October 16. Echo, Gieborne, October 16. . - Invercarcill, Wapnanui. October 16. Nikftii, Neleon, October 16 . Wootton, Lyttelton, October 16. Kaituna. Weatnort, Ootober 16. .. . -..- Maori. Lyttelton.' Ootober 16. ; . Knpiti,' Wanganui,' October 16.' WalraH,- Blenheim. , October 16. " ' . Kowhai, Greymouthi October 16. . . Karamu. Westport, October 16... ... ■ Kamo, Gr'eymonth,' October 17.Mapourika. Picton, Nelson. Oct. 17; Manuka, Svdnoy, Hobftrt, October 17. Neakuta. Grcymouth, October.: 17. • • Koutunui. East Coast, October 17. Kapuni, Patea. October 17... Ooawa, ; Blenheim, October 17.' Maraton, LyCtelton;:October 17. ■'-. Mnna. P"»ton, W».nßr.ttinl.-October. Iβ. ■ Kaitoa, Nelson, Ont'ober 18. 1 :'. JTonto! Dunedin, Ootober 18. .'.' \ '.'. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton. October 18. Calm, Dunedin, Timaru, Lytteltou, Oct. 21. BT TELEGItAPH. '.. . COASTAL. TUESDAY. OOTOBER. 15. ■: . AUCKLAND. . . Arrived.-Kakapo (7:30 p.m.), from Weet-Sailed'.-Thiimatn (6.15 p.m.), for Whangarei and Kaipara. NEW PLYMOUTH. '■'. . ■ . Bailod.-Rarawa (4.25 p.m.), for Onehunga. PATEA. . ■ . Sailed.-Kapunl (4.40 p.m.),.for Wellington. ■ -NAPIER. ■:•;•. Sailed.-Koutunui (1.30 p.m.), for, Welling' tou. ■ . ■ ■' ■ -- •" : "NELSON: ;. ■ . . • ... ; Arrived.-Jrapotirilia (11.60 : a.m.), frdm'Wellington and Picton. _ ; ' , . To Guil.-Mapourilta. (1.30 a.m. Wednesday), for Wellington, .via Picton. ; . ••■■: BLENHEIM. ■ • To sail.-Wairau (11. p.m.). for Wellinfton. LYTTELTON.' . Sailed.-Wootton (riobn), 'for'.Wellington; , ;. Sailcd.-Maori (7:65 p.m.), for Wellington. TO-DAY'S- BERTHAGE LIST,'- ' . . Maori-Ferry Wharf.' . _ Kamona-Taranaki Street , Wharf. Nirahore-Glasirow.-Wharf. W.'airau'-No. 11 Queen's Wharf;.. 'Kapiti-Kihg'e -.Wharf. ;■ : ■ ■■.. Kapuni-Glaegow Wharf. • Wootton-No;.. 1S 1 Queen'B jniarf; . • WaimeaV-NO,' 14' : Qiieen's- Wharf. - v Wharf. , . .-.■■— Koutunui— 'Eing'.e" Wharf. •..';•.: ■■ . ■ . .... . OVERSEA'' PASSENGERS. •/ .'."■'
Tho Niagara," which' arriv.ed. at Auckland, on Saturday from yanoourer, brought tho followinit- passengers:-First saloon: Elffht Hon. W. P. Massey,..Sir , Joseph .Vard,: Major F. G. , Mawey.-Mr. A. P. Ward. Mr. P D, Thomson,! Mr. N. : Browne, Mrs.-;o. ■Battray, Miee TJ. Battray Mr. H. 8. Crawford, Mr* J. M. Bell _and 2 children, Mr. E. B. Mr, H. M. Speed, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mouldoy. Mrs. 11. ■Loughnan, -Misses 8. , . L .and B. Lourtnan, Maior Wi S. Glenn, MlrL. Marshall. Mr. arid Mre.T..-.Williams6n, , Mrs. fcF.Wardrop Mr. J. A. (hiToll. Ijent.. G P Rich, Captain E.. Mackenzie. MiBS 8.. M'..Neill, Captain E/O:. Burnett, U<mi . Wj A. Humphreys, Qaptain and Msb.>T. Ehodej and-infant, Mr..:L. TvjMoeob, , Mr. J.-.8. Olarkson, Mr.-O, H'.:Pooe. M.P., Mr. E. L. Stewart. Mr. H. \ Euseell Miss P. Heath. Mr. and Mrs. B. H..WaU. Mr. and.Mr.s.o, Christie. .Second' saloon: Mr. W. a. E: B: Amod?o, .Mre. o,.andMiss I;. Trimbee. Mr. ,H. end, Mm...A.Stephens. Jl.r. H. J. Dundas, Mrs. .B, CHnrke,. Mr. M. ; Oiillin, Mr. J'MaU.en. ■Jtiflcß. r Ean : doll,- Mre. K.' Dineß,Mr:-'and Mrfl,J[-._Han-. Bcr. Mr. E. H. Mr.■£.-¥.• Eowllinß'e. Mrs.E..andMiss.E. : -Dickie,. , ! l. Mrs. H. St. Paul. Missif, Touw. Mrs, h. G. TurnbuU, Miss B. J." Block. Mr.-A. T. ■Wnddell, Mr. W. A". Bradshaw,.Mr. T. H. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowen and 2 children, Mr. and at™ H. ,peP.ndl. Mlew. J. and M. M'Connell, Miss M. . Wson. Miss K. Hopkihe," Mr. E/'J.'Tonnit.- Mr. S. G.Clarke, and nine. steeraßO:.., , .■• •■ Tho Matora.. which Bailed .from Aucfc. land on Saturday night for Vancouver. , i took the following passonßerßi-Pirst ea. loon: Mr. K. A; ll,"Ariow'.-Mr.-V. D Aubel. Mrs. Aubol and imanL. Mre. B. Barrow, Miss M. Bishop,. Mr; h. A/ Brookes, Mr. Edmund Cornwall, Mr. T. Davidson. Mrs, S. H. Davies. Captain G: VTerira.on. Mr. Garrick. Mra. Garrick. Dr. M Mre.m Oaptlan A. TV. Halcombe,- Mr.. Prank Hornby, MiBB- G.-Jonkinson, Mr E. li. P. Johnston, Mrs'. Jonee, -Miss Jeeele Maßroiv Miss L. li. MeUiuoind, .M«. Molauo nd, Jtiee B. Melquoind, Marter • li. -Melquotad. , Mr A. W. MIUs, Mr." J. Mo«e. Mr?.. .Mobb. Captain H. Bigby, Mr. L-- Shatx; Mr. P... A. Sindcband. -Mr. .11. S. Stouks.- Mr. A. Sutherland, A. A, Tabutean. Mr. O. •h: Taylor, Mr. P. «-■?"«• J^ , i j Whalov Mrs; J. H. Whaley, Mr. E. J. Sf'Lleu?enant O. Vff'iiJW saloon Mr; A. AnnAn, Mrs. M. Al en Mr. Ld^«:l rB 6. Q ciL B MX;A nd R 2 , Sick. Ml." 11, V. Clack. Mr, 3-?"«*. Miss K Codlin. Mrs. 3...h. Cox. Mr, H. F Mrs 'J™ne Hkwktaß. Miss M. A Hawk ~b, Miss B. F, Hawkins. Master T. A. Ha,y,k n», Master C. «... Hawkme, Mrs.. H. He alley, Mrs. F. St. G. Hewitt, Mr. H. Hoarc MUI G. Hoare, Mrs. Hoare, M ss B. .Hunter, SV^oSiid^g^M: mmvm Auckland on Sunday W ith° the following m™«™ tr T M ' u ° Tolnrirln In saloon; Meedamefl An mu, ffSward ami 2 children. Chamber*, Oa dv Pnwson. Hollinrakc, Hnrter. I«o. mmmm
Tho Westport omee of the Union Comrainy'toloeraphed reeterday that tho Ko. ™ri; fully laden for Wcllin ß ton. was barbound thero.
The Hippie is to sail at noon for Akitio and Napier. . r »« i The Wootton is to sail to-day for liyttoN ton, receiving cargo.till 4 p.m. • To-day tho Waiinea in to sail for Nelson and West Ooaet ports. Till 2 p.m. to-day the will receivo further cargo for New Plymouth ana Greymouth. ■ . ■ ■ Several ships wore delayed in their loading yesterday by the Intermittent showers of rain. Among them ie tho Tainui, which is to sail for Wanganui to-night, cargo boing received till 4 p.m. The liana left for Lyttelton at 4 a.m. to-day, and is to load hero on Friday for Pioton and wanganui. . Captain Robert flprbule, of the liana, nas come ashore owing to a, bad attack_ Of influenza.. Captain J. Connor is ' reheving him. • „ , The application ■by the Northern Coal Company, U&., for loavo to sell the ehip Baden Powell for the amount due for.interest and principal under a mortgage given by W. H. Brewer, shipowner,, of Wellington, came before Mr. Justice Hoeking in tho Auckland Supremo Court on Saturday, says an Auckland exchange. Tie application for 'an adjournment was not granted, and counsel wers then heard. Mr. Justice Hosklng made an order for the mortgagee to take possession of the ship in the meantime, until a further order of .the .Court, an'd adjourned the application for leave to sell until after the aqtion .-which is ponding agflinst the company by the mortgagor hae been hoard. The aueetion of costs was hold, over. ' . ■■'..'
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 18, 16 October 1918, Page 9
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1,270SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 18, 16 October 1918, Page 9
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