Ihe Zealand Loan and Mercantile Co. report:—At the I'ciidiuK cat* , tie fair we yarded 1100 head of mostly Cooa quality cattle. Thcro was, a very largo aUondaucu oi' local tuid. outside buy* • era, and we have, to report a very satisfactory sale. very lew Inies going out unsold. Compared witli reccnt vsaics young cattle showed a dccidcd I'isc, but crown cattio barely held their own. Wo quote:— • Oa account D. 'LVijrg;, M p.a. bullocks, £17; •43 Hereford builouks,. £l 6 155.; 39 3-year ,B.H. bollocks, £15 lSs.; 16 Holstein cross ibijllocks, £15 75.; 16 2i and 3-year Bteers, £14 Ids. On account E. L. Banks, 21 3 and 4-year 8.11. bullooks, £17 5e.; 26 3 and 4-yea.r Hereford bullocks. £16 15?.; 16 croesbrcd bullocks, £16 la.; 8 bullocks,. £15. On account. K. A. M'Kensic. 33 3 and 4year S.H. bullocks, £15. 10s.; 13 tmOocks, £15 10s.; 20 2 and 2&-year UoUtein steers. £12 16b. On account 11. D. .Rogers, Ltd., ;23 3-year bullocks. £14. On account Smith ■Bros., 26 2i and 3-year steers, £13 10s. On account W". J. flnjith, 9 2-year Btoers, £10 Is.; 11 3-yoar heifors, £10 l7e. 6d. On account W. Roid and Son, 21 2«ycar steere. £13 sa. On account • Milnce, Ltd., I? 2* .year Hereford steers, £13 la., and 2 at £10 '10s. On account ft. Ritchie: 7 3 and 4-year •bullooks, £14 155.; 3 fc-year steers, £10 12s, 6d. On account Simon Foster, 24 2i-year .ntcers, £12 ISs.; 21 forward cows, £10 Is.; 18 store cows. £8 155.; 22 21-year heifers, £9 17s. 6d.; 30 yearUn? steers, £9 45.; 9 cull yearling steers, £5 4s. On account Thos, Surrey: 25 18-month heifers, £6 165.; 52 yearling Jersey heifers, £6 65.;'25 yearling heifers; £6 Is. On account .1. T. Williaijjs, 38 2-year steers, £11 55.; I_3 2-vear >Btoers, £ll 2s. 6& On acoount Herbert Bmith, 3 store cows, £9 6h. On account ■Tarious clients, inferior yearling heifers, , to £4 16g.; ; 18-month holfers. £5 3s. 6d.; inferior, 2-yeav steors, £8 7s. 6d.; cull store cows, £6 10s. ' . The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile lAeenoy Co. report:—At Palmerston North on Thursday v/e had a fair entry of both sheep and cattle. All lots met with a .ready sale at lata rates. N Quotations:— i-Agod emptv owes, 16s. 6d.; f.m. *>wce, with ■lambs, 345. 10d,; fat ewes, 345.; fat v,'others, :575;, 38a.; discoloured yc&rliuff steers. £3 75.. j£4 10s.; forward cov/s, £8 9a., £10 8s ; : cood ■ cowb and oalvcß. .-&10 17s. 6d.; cows in calf, '£8 155.; fat cows. £12, £14; Jersey bulls, £6 15a., £8 55.. £8 10s. - Messrs.- Daleety and Co., Ltd., report on i their first annual hull fair* tf&ft&KCted by -the Associated Auctioneers, tX Palmcreton North, on Octobor 10. Over 200 hulls of various breeds weto yarded .anu com- • petition "was fairy keen, there beinj: a .'largo attendance,"buyers from different •Darts of the North Island hoing present. 'Tho bulk of our entry of 60 hulls chanced satisfactory prices. Mr. H. A. Williamfi's yearling'.crado" S.H. realised rttgris.; Mr. S.'R. Lancaster's -yearling Jerseys. 7Jgnß. to 15xns.: 2 Jorseys on aci'counfc of. Mr. A. Guy. P.N., realised lOtens. :Rnd llgns.; a 2-year old bull of Mr.- "W. vl. Lovelock's brought 30?ns.; 5 20-month {grade S.H. bulls, on acoount of Mr. JV Eussell,. of,Gillespie's Line, brought from
lliuns. to l%ns.; 2-ycar grade Jerseys, on account of others vendors, realised from ltteus. to llfans.; 3-year Jerseys, 9gus. to IOjRUB.; 20-mouth Hereford Urosa bulls brought 20tns. Messrs. lJaltrcty and Co., Ltd., report having a small yardinc: of both sheep and cattle at tho Palmerston North yards on Thursday.. Although tho attendance was small, competition was fairly keou. Quotations:— Bheep: Affed ewes and lambs, 32h. to - 38a. fad,; mixed hoecets (medium), 30b.; fat 4-tooth wethers. £2: fat ewes, 35*. 6d. Catilu: Sprincinpr - heifors (late). £6 17s. •3d.: heifers, with calves at foot. £9 55.; "-♦' cur grado Jorspy bulls. £8 15s. to £10; <i-ycar prado Jersey bull. £11 10s. Messrs. Dalnety and Co., Ltd., Palmerston North, report having a yarding of some 800 head of all classes of cattio at tbo Feilding Fair on Friday, mid several lots of sheep were also penned. For all classes of younj? cattle and well-bred cows and heifers the demand waß particularly keen, but grown bullooks, eiceptiuu tlioso in really forward condition, wero neglected. Quotations :~Shoep: Aged ewes and lumbs, 265. 9d.: mixed hoggets, 295. 3d. to 365. sd. Cattle:. Yoa-rllng heifers. £5 Is., £5 75., £5 95., £5 10s., £5 lis., £5'185.. £6 3s„ £6 65,; Shorthorn yearling heifors, £8 •155.; empty 2-year heifers, £7 125.. £8 10s.. £9 25., £9 10s.: empty 3-year Shorthorn heifers, £12 155.; yearling steers, £6 125., £7, £7 6s. 6d., £7 Bb., £7 10s., £9, £9 95.; 2-year steers, £10 10s.. £10 lSs., £11 Bs. £12 12a. 6d., £12 165.; 2i»year steers, £13 55.; 3-ycar rough steers, £14; empty cows. £8 10s., £11 65., £11 Bs.; fat heifers, £13 17s. 6d. A pen of well-bred empty 2-year Hereford heifers, sold on account of E. Bhort and Sons, Ltd., realised £15 Is. Messrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd. report:—At Palmerston North on Ootoher 11, I we had an average yarding of both sheep and cattle. There was good competition 1 for all lines, Rod practically tho whole' yarding chanced. hands, the high prices 1 ruling of late beinc fully maintained. Fullmouth ewes, with lambs, brought 355. 10d. to 375. 7d.; fat aud forward ewes, 355.; forward ewes, 30s. to 325.: mixed hoggets, 335.; forward cows, £10 17s. 6d.; a lino of stoio and forward cows. £9; Btoro cows. £7 55. to £8; sprineing heifers. £fi 2s. 6d. to £12; fiin»ll mixed yearlings, £6 2s. i medium yearling heifers, £4 10s. to £4 lus.; wendy yearling heifers," £2 6s. to £3 65.; 2-year bulls, £11; yearling Jersey bulls (Small), £6 7s. to £7 2s. 6d. At tho Fcilding Cattle Fair on October 12. we lied a fair proportion of tho entry. There was probably a record attendance at thr. sale.- Bidding at the outset was rather slack." but improved considerably a# tho sale progressed, and practically the whole of our ,yardlnß chanced hands before leaving the yards, young stock spiling particularly well. Sheen also sola very well. Four-year store bullocks brought £16 155.; 3 and 4-year-ditto. £16 135.; 3-year ditto. •£ls 10s.; 2j-year steers. £13 to £14 7s. 6d.: forward, cows. £11 10s. to £12 125.; freshconditioned cows, £9 10s. to £10 15sj 2iyear empty heifers, £9 55.; 2-year ditt-o, £8 55.; 15-month mixed, £6 !£s• to £8 12s. ,6d.; Shorthorn yearling steers, £10 75.; 'good yearling steors, £9 3b, to £9 65.; fair ditto. £8 3s. to £8 125.; small ditto, £6 7e. 6d; to £7 155.; good yearling heifers, £6 14s. to £7 2s. 6d.; small ditto, £5 Is. to £5 135.; cull xearttngs. £3 10s. to £4; small yearling bulls,,£7,ss.;.fat ewes 365.; fair mixed hoseets, '365. to' 375. 2,d.:,fair owe hoggets, 365.; medium miicd hoggets, 295. od. to 325.; smal.ditto, 245. to 265. lid. Mr. Newton King reports:—On Octohor 5, at Waiwakaiho. yearling Bteers 'made from £6 Is. to £6 12a. 6d.; yearling heifers, £3 45.-6 d. to £4 19s. 6d.; empty 3-yoar heiferß, £7 3s. to £8 Is.; store cows, £8 2s. to £9 65.; small store cows, £5 Bs. to "£6 12s/ 6d.; dairy cows, £10 10b. to £13; springing"heifers, £8' 10b« to £14; hoggets. 31s. 6d. to 325.; mixed ago wothors. 335.. 3d.* At Douglas, on October 7: ISmpty 2-year heifers brought £7; in oalf heifers, £6 ss. to £7 25.. fid.; forward cows, £11; yearling steers,.£7 16e.; ma'ldon forward heifers. £8 155.; heiferß, £8 to £13 lus.; dairy cows, £10 10s. to £13;, cows and calvos, £9 65.; store cows, from £6 55.; for Bmall, to £9 35.; hoggets (good), 345. to 34b. 5d.: others, 25fc. to 275. da.; rough, empty 2-year heifers £6 6s. At Kaponga bull fair, on October 8, there was a fair entry and, attendance; but vendors' reserves wero in. many cases in exoess of buyers' limitfii consequently a good number were passed. Holsteius mado £17 $nd £17 10b.; Jerßeys. to ltens.; pediffreo Shorthorn Shorthorns, 28JgnB, to 31gns.;.a number of springers were brought forward and sold; heifers made from. £10 ss. to £16; cows. £13 15s. to £16 10s. At Stratford, on October 9, there, was a good entry which sold well under spirited competition. Yearliusr steers, £7 os. 6d. to £7 10g. 6d.; small. ahd .Jersnys £3 ss.- to £3 125.; ohoice heifers, yearlinss and 15 months, £5 14s. to £'6 125.; others, £3 12s. to £4 145.; empty 2-year heifers, from £6 15s. 6d.; for rough sorts/to £8; for good 4-year bullocks, £14 155.; forward cows up to £11 155.; store cowe, good, up to £9 10s.; small. £6 16s. to £7 155.; bulla, £8 to £12 15b. : good shorn hoggets, 295.; fat wetherß, £2 55.; woolly hoggets, 275. to 31s. 2d.; in the dairy pens best heifers sold up to £15 65.; cows to £16 10b. ; smaller springing heifers, £6 15s. to £10 ss. At Inglewood. on October 10, there was a full yarding and a good attendance. Store cattle were keen demand, a choice pen of Holstein 15-month heifers making £7 125.; otherß, £4 to £6 17s. 6d.; small yearling steers, £5 15s. to £6 Bs.; empty 2-year heifers, from £6 ISs.; for small and rough, to £9; . for forward, well-grown heifers; forward-conditioned cows, £H 106. to £12; good stores, £9 6s. to £10 125.; small store COWB, £6 Ba. to £7 12s. 6d.; rough 21year steers, £10 18s.; cows and calves, no to £11; hoggets, 31s. 6d. Eor the bull fair the ' entry was good and I had 6trone competition throughout. Shorthorns were in very keen demand and sold ud to £27: Holsteius made from £9 to £13 10a.; an aged pedigree Holstein 21sns.; a younff pedisree Holstein (llKlit ra condition), 17gns.; grade Jerseys, up to £14; pedigree yearling Jerseys, 61e:ns. to 12lgns. In the dairy pens X had a big yardinp of springers, which sold well. Cows sold from £9 10s. to £16 10s.; best heifers up to £15 10s.; others, good sorts. f£9 10s. to £12; ajna)l £6 10s. to £8 6s. A clearing sale, on behalf of Sr. E. Dougherty, was held at Tataralmaka on October 11.. The cows were a nice dairy line, all in full milk and in great condition. The best price obtained was £24 10s.. the herd of 51 aTeraging £16 103., which must be a record price. The line of Shorthorn calves out of these cows made £3 per head. Good farm horses sold up to £16; empty cows, £9 to £11 10s.; yearling Jersey heifers. £5 2s. 64.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 17, 15 October 1917, Page 8
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1,785LIVE STOCK SALES Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 17, 15 October 1917, Page 8
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