Thorndon Red Cross Day. A meeting of tho Thorndon lied Cross Day Committee was held in the Uymnasium of Iho fa'olcliora . Club in Sydney Street yesterday, to make final arrangements in connection with their day at ihe Wellington Bed Cross Shop. Mrs. W. F. Jlassey presided over n good attendance of members. An awology was received from Mrs. Shirtcliffe. Kesults of various enterprises which have been undertaken of late in connection with the day were handed in. Mrs. Massey stated that she had had donated to her for the day at tho shop two carcasses of lamb, one of mutton, aud one of pork. A communication had been received from Miss Maclean (principal of the Wellington Girls' College) statins thut the college would give a sum of money to the day instead of organising or contributing to stalls. As a result of the garden party, organised by Mrs. Urciuhart and the boarders of College ■House, the sum of ,£4O 10s. will be contributed to the funds. Great appreciation of this effort was expressed by the meeting. With j>2s and some odd shillings realised by Miss Martin from a recent bridge party, J236 15s. liy Miss Eraser's raffle and bridge party, £63 from the making and selling of cakes for soldiers, and promisee of fruit and vegetables from Chinese- firms in Wellington, cases from Kirkpatrick containing no fewer than fifteen varieties of tljeir special lines, to say nothing of the stallholders' individual efforts, a splendid total for the day may be looked for, as there are Etill several amounts of money and contributions of goods yet to be received. A letter had also beenreoeived from the Hon. A. T. Ngata, M.P., in which ho stated that 'h, sports meeting organised by the Maoris of the East Coast, followed by a dance, is to be held on October 6, i and the results are to be handed in to the committee for their day. It was announced that the tea stall had been abandoned through lack of facilities. Yet another enterprise (the proceeds of which are to go to the Thorndon Girls' surprise envelopes' etall), announced at Hie meeting, was the entertainment which the Girls' Committee were to give at Ariki-toa that evening. Altogether, from the foregoing announcements, which 'include only.eome of tho efforts winch I have been made, a splendid day's totnl should result to-morrow.
Y.M.C.A. Street Stall. Tho street stall organised every month by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y.M.C.A., in uui of the association's Trench Comforts Fund, will bo set up again to-mor-iw in tho usual place, at theeorser of Willis and Boulcott Streets. The stall will be in charge this time of Mesdames Eawson and Martin, and friends willing to assist are reminded that gifts for salo may be left for them, or for Mcsdamos Piper and Bray, "at the association rooms, Willis Street. Tho'ladies concerned hro securing a satisfactory supply of useful and attractive wares to offer to the public. Sailors' Friend Society. , Another of tho popular programmes for seafarers was given by Mr, and Mrs. .1. AV. Can- at the Sailors' Friend Society on Tuesday evening, when a most appreciative audience (among whom were members of the Port , Kembk's crew) mot. The demand for encores testified to the pleasure of the guests. Again suitable prizes, donated by hostess and others, gave, much pleasure in the competition. A brief temperance. t*&i\ress was given by Mr. B. C. Warnes. Light refreshments wero handed round by the hostow and performers in an interval. The performers were: Mrs. J. VV. Carr, and the Misses M'Cormack, N. Wilson, 0. Cliisholm. E. M'Cormack, W. Clarke, and Messrs. ,T. W. Cnrr, Clapham, Elder, end Master Noel Wilson. .
! Mrs D. A. Hamilton (Kelburn) has been visiting Auckland and Rotorua. The Wellington Nursing Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Oversoas held their annual inspection last evening by Mr. H. H. Seed, Assistant Commissioner in Charge. A practice in first aid wifs done and there was a good attendance. '' The ladies of the Patriotic Cake- Boom thank the following donors of cakes, subscriptions, etc:-Mesdamcs Sraitton, Heywood, C. Palmer, Mesk, Holmes, bommerville, Hur=t, Cnmpbcll, Oswin, Ci. Fulton, Tsaecs, Williams, J. lindlay and the Misses M'Menarnen, von Dadelszcn, Hannah, Richardson, Didsbury, Kirkcaldie, M'Kellar. Miss Bowen (Napier) and Miss Phyllis Ward (Wellington) are the gufsts of Mrs. Macbean Stewart, Masterlon. Tho election of officers at (he meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Navy League lias as follows: —Mrs. HallThompson, president; Mrs. J. P. Luke, vice-president; committal. Alcsdiimce C. B. Button, Coleridge, J". P. Firth, F. X. B. Fisher, J. R. Gibbons, J. Hannah, Lnrnach, Hope-Lewis, J?. Leckie, Lever, W. Luke, C. G. Richardson, Bradney Williams, Misses Baber, Coble, Edwin, Laurenson, Modloy, aud Speed.
The "Thorudon Day" at (ho Wellington Red Cross Shop to-morrow promises to be- a record one. The stall will be filled with every kind of good and -wholesome- produce, u great deal of which will come from the country. So many promises have been received that the sp"'- 6 in the room will be taxed to its uttermost, and friends of the Red Cross and all buyers aro astal to come early, so I hat cveVyono may he comfortably enrvca. Great interest is bein-; taken in this day, 'and many women havb been busy for weeks preparing for its eucccss. Hie home-made pie scheme has proved a jireat fiuccess, and pies innumerable have hoen made The 'providing of soldiers cakes (o order has been another enterprise which has brought in a> largo sum or money. There have been very many more novel and clever money-making ideas in connection with tho day. Mrs. Masser will be present, and will welcome all those who wish to take this opportunity of helping on the great Red (.ross work.
SPECIAL TEnATJfKNTS AT MRS. ■ KOLLESTON'S. For falling hair, dandruff, or premature grevness. courses of treatment, mcludiiljf hand, vibro, and electrical r,mssagp, clipping and singeing, and shampooing, one guinea. For improving tho colour and lustre of the hair. Henna. Shampooing 7s. Pd. Tor improving the growth and preventin" the hair falling, shampooing with friction. 4s. 6d. . . For thoroughly cleansing the Lair and «rnlp, sliampooinp, 2?. 6d. For etreiißtheniiis (he growth, clipping ami singeing, Is. 6d. . Henna etmning and hair staining, iron) 10=. 6d. For improving the complexion, reraovin* nnd nreveutinß wrinkles, eradicating Uacltheade. courses of face treatment, one guinea. For the permanent removal «f supeiv llhohs hair by electrolysis 10s. per halfnour. . Special preparations for hair and ffco home treatinentfl. '~..,, Combings miidc np, 3». 6d. oz. Swilehes, Ti'imsformntioiie. Toupees, and iyery deeicn in liairwork .at English prices. B MKS. BOLLESTON. 256 Lambton Quay, Wellington.-Advt.
Small Boys' Summer Needs.—Washing Suits in Varsity and Jersey shapes, ju6t opened, Bs. 6d. to 12s. Gd., at George Fowlds, Ltd., Manners Street.—Advt. Wedding Announcements. — Bcantiful rosei and the choicest of flowers only are uwd when designing wedding bouquets, <rhich I maks a speciality of. Picked and forwarded through the Dominion. If m Murray, Vice-Regal Florist, 36 M'il Us Sboot.—Advt.
Various Bazaars. Bazaara were very much in evidence yesterday afternoon, no fewer than, three in different parts of the toivn being opened. Her Excellency tho Countess of Liverpool opened one, which was hsid in fit. Mart's Schoolroom, the vicar (the Kev. Mr. Askew) receiving her and littlo Aliss Gaudiu presenting her with a bouquet. The stalls wore woll supplied with & great variety of goods—produce, plain and faucy work, novelties, llowere, calies, etc.—and very good business appeared to be transacted. In the ovoning a children's entertainment was given under the direction of Miss Holm. At O'Donnell's HaLI, Kilbirnie, a falo of work, organised for the benefit of the building fund of All Saints' Churoh, was opened by Mrs. Coleridgo. The Eev. Mr. Sykes introduced Mrs. Coleridge to the gathering, and said that they needed to gather as much money as possible in order to _ have a good eunr in hand when the Building of tho now church was begun. He had hoped to have the plans with him that afternoon to show the parishioners, but circumstances had cot allowed him to do so. Hβ congratulated the ladies npon the' energy with which, tFey had worked for the cause. Mrs. Ooleridgi) briefly declared the bazaar opo-i. In charge of the stalk, which had been decorated with coloured drapery, were tho following:—Work stall, Mrs. Stoupe and Mrs. Searle; fancy stall, Mrs. Kftto and Mrs. Cavanagh; produce, Mrs. Sykes, Mrs. Todd, and Mrs. Potter ; flowers. Miss Robinson and the Junior Girls' Club; sweets, the Young Ladies' Club; cakes, Mrs. Greenslade, Mts. Clark, and Mrs. Scott; jumble, Mrs. Robinson and Miss Hardie; Christmas treo arid houpla, Boys' Club; ice creams; Mrs. Robinson and helpers; tea-iooms, Mesdames J. Clark, Newman, Gaby, and Brawbridgo; bran tub, Miss Mona I'nylor and Miss Waddell; soft drinks, Mrs. E. Eobinson. Mrs. Newman was secretary.
Mrs. "W. P. Massey opened a very successful ealo of work,, which, was held in tlio Parochial Hall, Karori, >tßterday afternoon. . The Eoy., Mr. AVoodwnrd, vicar of the parish, and Mts. Woodward received lira. Maesey, and their small daughter presented lier with a bouquet. Tac hall had been very effectively decorated with foliage and bright-coloured draperies, and a further decorative effect was added, by tho well-arranged stalls. wTiich enowed an excellent dieplay of goods of all descriptions. The ilower was an important feature of the bazaar, the flowers being very beautiful, and covering a wide variety,. r| he produce, plain and fancy work, >w«ots, and oakes stalls also had heavy di-mauds made upon their supplies. In charge wore tho following:—Guild stall, Mesdames Cook, Woodward, 'J'ustin, and Caldwellj produce, Mrs. Mackenzie. Mis. Waterson, and Mrs. Fieot; sweets. Miss Mackenzie. Mrs. Clabban, Miss Tait; fancy, Miss Henderson. Hiss Davies; cakes, Mre. Bollett, Mrs. Bretherton. Mrs, Sandford; novelty stall, Mrs. Deed, Mis:) Reed, Miss Nowcombe; Cowers, Mrs. S. Kirltcaldie, Miss iackiOM; learoom, lire. Atkin, Mrs. Henderson, and helpers; bran tub, Mies Shalders. Mrs. Andrews wns secretary. The proceeds of tho bazaar are to go to tho fund. Mr. Burn, Mayor of. K.ira'i, uill open the bazaar this<cvoning.
Does your skin become, cracked, dry, nnd rod on cold winter days? If so, apply a little Sydal every evening. Sydal is a sweet-emelling emollient and makes the skin Eoft, white, and attractive. An emollient, mind—not a greasy ' cream. Sydal costs only 2«. for ;i jar, lasting three months. All chemists and stores. —Advt. • .
Thorndon Girls' Committee Entertainment. Testcrdajr evening a bright and enjoyablo entertainment arranged 'by the Thorndon Girls' Committee fpr their surprise envelopes' stall in connection with the "Thorndon Day" at , tho Wellington Red Cross Shop, was held at Ariki-Toa. The drawing-room 'had been turned'into a concert chamber for the occasion, the breakfast-room, adjoining, with tho fold-ing-doors thrown back and a dais erected, making an admirably spacious stage for the performers as well as a decidedly decorative background to tho Concert Chamber. Assisting with tho programme were tho Victoria League Concert Party with eonge and choruses, Miss Haybittle being the soloist. As lisual their items' vere bright and well chosen, and the girls in their white blouses with red tics, red skirts, red stockings, and black ■ shoes looked/ very attractive. Tii addition to the songs contributed by Miss Haybittlo, Mr. Clarke-Johnson sung and was recalled eacli time, as was Mr. A. E. Russell, who gave some of his very amusing recitations. A comedietta, "Sevres China," was tho concluding item upon the programme, and was excellently'enacted by .\liss Massoy, Miss Doris Ball, Miss VVyllie, and Miss Didsbury. The piece, itsolf was-just a slight littlo sketch, which depended altogether upon tho spontaneity with which it was acted, and, possibly, was all the more difficult for thai reason. Their success in the ;parts wrfs undoubted, and was shown by the amusement.which the piece created. Miss Butler had coached the performers, who had profited well by her instruction. Tho singing of the National Anthem ended a very enjoyabfo entertainment, which was not marrod as entertainments sometimes are by undno length. A sale of sweets also added to the proceeds, resulting from the entertainment. Mrs. Massoy received in the entrance hall, and anions those who were present were Her Excellency the Countess of Liverpool, accompanied by Mr. Gavin Hamilton, Mrs. Coleridge. Mrs. Corliss, Mrs. Henry Hall, Mrs. Didsbury, Mr. and Miss Hohnsden, Mrs. C. Earlo, Mrs. \V. Blnndell, Mis. and Miss Seatqn, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Wyllio, Miss Trice, Mrs. Burton, Miss Putnam, Miss Butler, and very many others. The nccompaiiiils of tho evening were Miss Putnam and Miss Ilntli Putnam. Some of (lie prizes in connection wiHi the surprise envelopes were shown upon a table, and purchasers' need not fear that they will ra-rive articles that arr not worth having. As a matter of fact those which were shown are'of much more value than the money asked for the envelopes. Among them were to be soon work-bags, pincushions, small Japanese pictures, foolstools, ornamental blotting-pads, two pairs of boots (ono a man's nnd another a. woman's pair), several babies 'knitted bootees, cliinlz-covered luce nnd handkerchief boxes, a book of travelling labels in a phintz frame, etc.
Brightness and mirth always go with a. gooH complexion, but it is not aln-njie possible to keep your complexion ever good in these strenuous timee, ko you must perforce turn to a good, rremo to aid you and to a good epecialiste to advisoyou. Consult Miss Milsom personally or by letter, and you will soon know what is 'best. Tho two greht skin and facial remedies, Cultene Skin Tood, 35., nnd Cultene Balm, 33. 6d., are both delightful and fracra.nt preparations to 1Ii;e _ono for night and one for day. Full instructions how to usb and information on wrappers. The users of these are ever, increasing, because of their uniformity and efficacy. And, remember, thev positively discourage the -growth of 'hair. The", best pomlres in four ehudes, 2a. fid. All preparations specially made to combat blemishes the skin is prone to. All hair work. Miss Milsom, Parnett's Buildings, ,84 Willis Street. ■Phono BH.—Advt.
Mrs. MTtae returned to Waikanae yesterday from a sliort visit, to Wellington. The' wedding took place in St. Barnabas Church, Fe'ndalton (Christchurch), on Tuesday of Major, Kenneth Gresson, a returned Anzac, aud one of the New Zealanders associated with the Dominion's earliest share in the war, and Miss Athole Bruce, fourth daughter i o f . Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bruce, Burnside Road, Fendalton. Mrs. W. H. Butterworth, widow rf the late Mr. Butterworth, for. many years locomotive engineer at Addington, has l>een appointed matron of the Children's Convalescent Cottage at New Brighton. Nurse W. 13. White, who has received the Royal Red Cross decoration, is a daughter of Mr. E. J. White, "Townelpy," dominion Road, Auckland, r'urse White started her training in the AvckIc.nd Public Hospital, and ■ subsequently she v;ent to Masterton, where she started a private-hospital. As soon as the call for nurses" came she left Iter, hospital in competent hands and volunteered for war service. She went away in the hospital ship Marama on that ship's first trip out, and for about twelve lrontbs was engaged in the Marama. which cruised for some time in the Mediterranean, between- Salonika and Malta, and then ■went on to Britain. The Marama. in the course of: its hospital' work that trip, crossed the British Channel between England and Prance twenty-fonr times, and carried about 50.000 patients. Wlien the Marama returned to Now Zealand Nurse Whits took iid duty as. matron in the Veatherston Military Hospital, but she went back to the hosoital shin when the Marama was recommissioned last jwnth.
. of household work! That is tho real reason '■ of the suooese of the "Daisy' , Vacuum Cleaner. At the depot, Lower Cuba Street, you can have a demonstration of its work. Get one and let it out your housework in two.' Simple, effec- ' tive,' easy, the "Daisy" is the most ferfect Vacuum Cleaner on the market, nquiry is invited by* the N.Z. Agents, 'Oscar Hewett and Co., 56 Cuba. Street (just below Bank TO.Z.).— Advt's ■ '
iWoo'ds' Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails.*
Mrs. Annie Burgoyne, of St. isaph Street, Christchurch,' who died on Saturday morning, at the age of 91 jrars, was a very old colonist.: She emigrated from Bristol to Australia with her first husband, Mr. Appleton, and arrived in New Zealand about 1857. They lived at the Armed Constabulary settlement, Poverty Bay, v.;here her husband was in. the militia. Hβ was "killed in the when the Maoris descended upon the oity Bay settlement, and it is believed that Mrs. Burgoyne was the only white woman who escaped, the chief sparing her life on account of her being able to spealc the Native language.'.- Subsequently she went to Auckland, where fehe married Mr. Ajßurgoyne in 1887. Mr. Burgoyne, who survives his wife, is also a veteran , of Uie Maori war 6, having served with the 57th Piegiment.—"Sun."
AH parents are hereby cordially requested to encourage Stationers and Storekeepers to .. push .the. sale of "Thinker" 'Brand Writing Tablets and "Thinker".School Exercise Books for the nation's good—Bannatyne and Hunter, Ltd;, wholesale agents for the "Thinker," -Advt. ' ■
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 8, 4 October 1917, Page 2
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2,853SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 8, 4 October 1917, Page 2
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